Why don't Democrats give Trump the wall in exchange for something big?

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better

The entire year? What are you talking about?
National security as a bargaining chip for something big? Thank God these idiots weren’t around in 42. What a disgrace.

If there is a real national security crisis at the Southern Border, why is Trump shutting down the government. Shouldn't he keep the government open to deal with it?

sarah honey boo boo tried peddling that terrorists are coming in thru the southern border but chris wallace was having none of that lying crap & shut her down with facts.

ironically those facts included that the terrorists that have gotten into this country were thru the airports. the same airports where TSA who actually are still showing up for work are not getting paid & those workers are dwindling because of sick call outs.

YEA! i sure feel safer.
Can’t believe a good Christian like Sanders is such a racist liar

look who raised her.
A. The "Wall" is stupid and 5 billion ain't getting it done

B. There already ARE obstacles and wall where they make sense

Very likely Dems would give Trump 2.5 billion for border security in exchange for DACA...but DACA would have to come first because Trump can not be trusted
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better

The entire year? What are you talking about?
That year until the 1960’s
If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

The wall would certainly help Trump with his 2020 election campaign, but making gerrymandering illegal and making it much easier to vote would really help the Democrats in 2020 as well. It would also keep on helping the Democrats well beyond 2020 as well.
Easier to vote? Why is it hard now?

Well for instance making the election a public holiday would make it much easier to vote, as would making it illegal to wipe voter registration roles as having to continually re-register to vote would turn a lot of people away.

ALso possibly creating more polling places, or increasing the amount of time people have to submit postal votes.
Do you think that people that pay no income tax should vote? Do you think women should vote?

Our founders had it nailed...only positive contributing real Americans should be entitled to vote.
Anchor babies should never have voting rights as they should never be considered part of the citizenry.
If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

The wall would certainly help Trump with his 2020 election campaign, but making gerrymandering illegal and making it much easier to vote would really help the Democrats in 2020 as well. It would also keep on helping the Democrats well beyond 2020 as well.
Easier to vote? Why is it hard now?

Well for instance making the election a public holiday would make it much easier to vote, as would making it illegal to wipe voter registration roles as having to continually re-register to vote would turn a lot of people away.

ALso possibly creating more polling places, or increasing the amount of time people have to submit postal votes.
Do you think that people that pay no income tax should vote? Do you think women should vote?

Our founders had it nailed...only positive contributing real Americans should be entitled to vote.
Anchor babies should never have voting rights as they should never be considered part of the citizenry.
Get an Amendment passed
If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

The wall would certainly help Trump with his 2020 election campaign, but making gerrymandering illegal and making it much easier to vote would really help the Democrats in 2020 as well. It would also keep on helping the Democrats well beyond 2020 as well.
Easier to vote? Why is it hard now?

Well for instance making the election a public holiday would make it much easier to vote, as would making it illegal to wipe voter registration roles as having to continually re-register to vote would turn a lot of people away.

ALso possibly creating more polling places, or increasing the amount of time people have to submit postal votes.
Do you think that people that pay no income tax should vote? Do you think women should vote?

Our founders had it nailed...only positive contributing real Americans should be entitled to vote.
Anchor babies should never have voting rights as they should never be considered part of the citizenry.

lol....uh, no.
Amendment XV
Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The Voter's Self Defense System

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better

The entire year? What are you talking about?
That year until the 1960’s
Social Security and a host of progressive middle class programs began in the 30s...and they BEGAN as a result of the disastrous effects of the Industrial revolution
I was thinking about this yesterday and apparently the Democrats have introduced a bill in the house that makes gerrymandering illegal, makes it a national holiday on election day, makes it illegal to donate large amounts of money without disclosing who gave the money, makes it illegal to wipe voter registrations and a few other things I have forgotten.

Now I read that there is zero chances of this bill even making it to the Senate but what if the Democrats went to Trump and said "we will give you the wall, all of it, we will give you all the money you need for it, we will even allow you to paint it gold and put your name on it, but in exchange we want this voting bill to get through. You agree to that, and you have a deal"

I mean, making gerrymandering illegal alone would help Democrats a lot, and while the Republicans would hate it, I think they could convince Trump to go for it since they could tell Trump "you know you are not getting elected again without that wall, this is your chance to get it built".

I mean, is there any reason why the Democrats would not do this, would not do something that would potentially help them a lot in the future, even if it does mean having to agree to Trump's wall?
Sounds like a good idea, but it won’t fly. The Ds can’t afford to give Trump anything, as they would face the rath of their rabid, inflamed, and crazed base.

How did the Dems voted on prison reform?
LL now be honest. If the Ds give Trump his wall, you will want to kill them. No?
You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better

The entire year? What are you talking about?
That year until the 1960’s

Give an example where funding was taken away from the poor and the poor were better off for it.

1776 isn’t an answer. What funding was cut off if 1776? What wasthe benefit?

If you refer to the Declaration of Independence, that stopped Britain from taxing America. It had nothing to do with funding for the poor.
I was thinking about this yesterday and apparently the Democrats have introduced a bill in the house that makes gerrymandering illegal, makes it a national holiday on election day, makes it illegal to donate large amounts of money without disclosing who gave the money, makes it illegal to wipe voter registrations and a few other things I have forgotten.

Now I read that there is zero chances of this bill even making it to the Senate but what if the Democrats went to Trump and said "we will give you the wall, all of it, we will give you all the money you need for it, we will even allow you to paint it gold and put your name on it, but in exchange we want this voting bill to get through. You agree to that, and you have a deal"

I mean, making gerrymandering illegal alone would help Democrats a lot, and while the Republicans would hate it, I think they could convince Trump to go for it since they could tell Trump "you know you are not getting elected again without that wall, this is your chance to get it built".

I mean, is there any reason why the Democrats would not do this, would not do something that would potentially help them a lot in the future, even if it does mean having to agree to Trump's wall?
Is it because their leader in the House is a genuine psychopath and the owner of their Party, George Soros, believes he's a diety?
President Trump has outfoxed democrats every way but loose despite the mainstream media. The only thing democrats have left is hatred and anger and it doesn't work anymore.
If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

Because the American people can't afford it. Because there are so many real NEEDS in the country which are not being met to pay for a bloated military. And a penal system which is in the business of jailing young men of color in facilities which basically rent out their labour for cheap, and which these prisoners have no option of declining. This is slavery in modern day America, which everyone ignores.

Then there's the opiod crisis which is was neither started nor fueled by cheap drugs coming across the southern border, but which is being started and fueled by Big Pharma and their push to sell opiod painkillers.

I know of a couple who met in drug rehab - who have both lived clean and sober for 15 years, and who have both had serious pain issues in the past year due to a car accident, who have had to tell their physicians over and over that they will not take opoids because of past drug problems. Despite their past history and their ongoing refusals, their doctors are STILL continue to recommend opoids for this couple.

Nearly 100,000 people died last year because of opoid addiction, and still Big Pharma continues and unfettered push for doctors to prescribe these drugs. And now these Big Pharma vultures have jacked the price on the antidote to their poisons. This is a crime being committed in the open, and yet Trump focuses on drugs coming across the southern border.
How in the wild in flooding poor neighborhoods in America with illiterate foreigners helps Americans get jobs, help with drugs, get a education? These people don’t invest in this country, they hurt the American poor they hurt African American neighborhoods,, so unless you you want to volunteer your neighborhood
Let me know mine was ruined by Latin immigrants


Unless you live in the poorest neighbourhoods in America, it’s not possible that your neighbourhood was ruined by Latin immigrants.
For me, DACA for the wall money seems a fair compromise.

Let's see who caves on what and by how much.

No, actually, it isn't. A wall is an immoral monument to racism and hate.

We can wait a few years for DACA.

The wall around the Obama mansion is a monument to racism and hate.

Good to know

There is no wall around the Obama Mansion. Trump lied.

Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas’ D.C. home. He is wrong.
For me, DACA for the wall money seems a fair compromise.

Let's see who caves on what and by how much.

No, actually, it isn't. A wall is an immoral monument to racism and hate.

We can wait a few years for DACA.

The wall around the Obama mansion is a monument to racism and hate.

Good to know

There is no wall around the Obama Mansion. Trump lied.

Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas’ D.C. home. He is wrong.
Oh...it’s only 8 feet tall.
For me, DACA for the wall money seems a fair compromise.

Let's see who caves on what and by how much.

No, actually, it isn't. A wall is an immoral monument to racism and hate.

We can wait a few years for DACA.

The wall around the Obama mansion is a monument to racism and hate.

Good to know

There is no wall around the Obama Mansion. Trump lied.

Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas’ D.C. home. He is wrong.

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