Why don't Democrats give Trump the wall in exchange for something big?

National security as a bargaining chip for something big? Thank God these idiots weren’t around in 42. What a disgrace.

If there is a real national security crisis at the Southern Border, why is Trump shutting down the government. Shouldn't he keep the government open to deal with it?

sarah honey boo boo tried peddling that terrorists are coming in thru the southern border but chris wallace was having none of that lying crap & shut her down with facts.

ironically those facts included that the terrorists that have gotten into this country were thru the airports. the same airports where TSA who actually are still showing up for work are not getting paid & those workers are dwindling because of sick call outs.

YEA! i sure feel safer.
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
oh holy cow....eisenhower was also pro union. & i'm guessing you are in full support of ben carson & betsy devoes too, aren'tcha basket dweller?
Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
National security as a bargaining chip for something big? Thank God these idiots weren’t around in 42. What a disgrace.

If there is a real national security crisis at the Southern Border, why is Trump shutting down the government. Shouldn't he keep the government open to deal with it?

sarah honey boo boo tried peddling that terrorists are coming in thru the southern border but chris wallace was having none of that lying crap & shut her down with facts.

ironically those facts included that the terrorists that have gotten into this country were thru the airports. the same airports where TSA who actually are still showing up for work are not getting paid & those workers are dwindling because of sick call outs.

YEA! i sure feel safer.
Can’t believe a good Christian like Sanders is such a racist liar
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
Republicans rule from a minority

They will never give it up

Conservative courts will back them
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
Republicans rule from a minority

They will never give it up

Conservative courts will back them
Neither will Democrat’s anyone who thinks otherwise is being partisan naive or both.
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.

While both parties have, in the past gerrymandered, Republicans weaponized it and raised gerrymandering to an art form designed to disenfranchise minority voters. It should never have started and it needs to be ended. As I said to my children "I don't care who started and who did what to whom, I'm ending it. Here and now. And I don't want to hear another word about it." To start saying "well Democrats did it too, is both pointless and stupid. It's wrong, and it should end.

I see no scenario at this point where Trump gets a wall, nor should he. He's done nothing to prove the need for the wall, provided no proof it will work, provided no proper cost estimate, and no estimates for the cost of manning and maintaining the wall.

Not even the President can decide he's going to spend $50 billion of taxpayers' money without providing evidence to the American people, via the House of Representatives of what it will cost to build, what it will cost to maintain, and what the benefit to the American public will be. All Trump has said is "I want to build a wall", but like most things, Trump wants it to happen by magic with no thought or work involved to get him there.

That is the problem with electing a guy with no real business experience. Trump has amply demonstrated this past month that he has no negotiating skills whatsoever, and that there are good and valid reasons why so many of his businesses have failed. Trump is trying to bypass all of the checks and balances put in place precisely to keep someone from doing something massively stupid and wasteful like building a wall.

Prove it's needed. Prove it will work. Provide environmental impacts reports and proper cost estimates, and prove it's worth it. Until you do, it's just whining and posturing.
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
Trump will flip on any deal if the RW media calls him weak. There's no way to get a deal. He's backed out too often for any dem to ask dems to give something up.

My guess is that at some point enough people will get tired of TSA lines or not getting tax refunds or ports of entry will actually shut down, costing jobs .... and public opinion will demand some opening of govt. McConnell has removed himself from being sort of a mediator who could do something to let both sides win ... like letting Trump raid the defense budget for hundreds of millions in construction allocation, and then passing some defense supplemental appropriation to let the military build some bases that it says it absolutely needs.
Are you aware of what welfare has done to the black community and a democrat run public education system? It’s destroyed two generations... just facts
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
Republicans rule from a minority

They will never give it up

Conservative courts will back them
Neither will Democrat’s anyone who thinks otherwise is being partisan naive or both.

It's of no benefit to Democrats to gerrymander, and they don't need to. As it stands, Democrats need to win 57% of the vote to win the House of Representatives, because of gerrymandering. Why wouldn't the Democrats want to do away with it. There is absolutely no advantage to Democrats to gerrymander at this point, and it's the ONLY reason the Republicans won the House the last two elections.
If the wall won’t work why not give him the money and lock up 2020?

Because the American people can't afford it. Because there are so many real NEEDS in the country which are not being met to pay for a bloated military. And a penal system which is in the business of jailing young men of color in facilities which basically rent out their labour for cheap, and which these prisoners have no option of declining. This is slavery in modern day America, which everyone ignores.

Then there's the opiod crisis which is was neither started nor fueled by cheap drugs coming across the southern border, but which is being started and fueled by Big Pharma and their push to sell opiod painkillers.

I know of a couple who met in drug rehab - who have both lived clean and sober for 15 years, and who have both had serious pain issues in the past year due to a car accident, who have had to tell their physicians over and over that they will not take opoids because of past drug problems. Despite their past history and their ongoing refusals, their doctors are STILL continue to recommend opoids for this couple.

Nearly 100,000 people died last year because of opoid addiction, and still Big Pharma continues and unfettered push for doctors to prescribe these drugs. And now these Big Pharma vultures have jacked the price on the antidote to their poisons. This is a crime being committed in the open, and yet Trump focuses on drugs coming across the southern border.
How in the wild in flooding poor neighborhoods in America with illiterate foreigners helps Americans get jobs, help with drugs, get a education? These people don’t invest in this country, they hurt the American poor they hurt African American neighborhoods,, so unless you you want to volunteer your neighborhood
Let me know mine was ruined by Latin immigrants
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
Trump will flip on any deal if the RW media calls him weak. There's no way to get a deal. He's backed out too often for any dem to ask dems to give something up.

My guess is that at some point enough people will get tired of TSA lines or not getting tax refunds or ports of entry will actually shut down, costing jobs .... and public opinion will demand some opening of govt. McConnell has removed himself from being sort of a mediator who could do something to let both sides win ... like letting Trump raid the defense budget for hundreds of millions in construction allocation, and then passing some defense supplemental appropriation to let the military build some bases that it says it absolutely needs.

Trump agreed to a deal last year that would get him $25 billion for the wall and a path to citizenship for the DACA kids. Stephen Miller kiboshed it, and Trump renegged on his promise.

Mitch McConnell brokered a deal before Christmas to keep the government open until February, and the House and Senate passed it after Trump agreed to sign it. Trump didn't like the press he got and he renegged on his promise to sign the bill.

This is bad negotiating. There is no way to know if you make a deal with Trump whether he will go through with it. Whether his advisors will let him go through with it. Whether the right wing media will let him go through with it. This is what incompetence looks like.
You do realize both parties gerrymander so the idea both will give up something that is useful to them is unlikely. The more realistic solution the left wants a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers Trump and the right want the wall pretty simple a deal where both get something they want and claim victory on.
I think Dems are willing to give it up
Why not Repubs
I think Trump would be onboard with it and could get Republicans to go along I’m not sure Schumer and Pelosi could get the Dems to go along with their current resist Trump at all cost mindset I would like to see both sides at least try though.
Trump will flip on any deal if the RW media calls him weak. There's no way to get a deal. He's backed out too often for any dem to ask dems to give something up.

My guess is that at some point enough people will get tired of TSA lines or not getting tax refunds or ports of entry will actually shut down, costing jobs .... and public opinion will demand some opening of govt. McConnell has removed himself from being sort of a mediator who could do something to let both sides win ... like letting Trump raid the defense budget for hundreds of millions in construction allocation, and then passing some defense supplemental appropriation to let the military build some bases that it says it absolutely needs.

Trump agreed to a deal last year that would get him $25 billion for the wall and a path to citizenship for the DACA kids. Stephen Miller kiboshed it, and Trump renegged on his promise.

Mitch McConnell brokered a deal before Christmas to keep the government open until February, and the House and Senate passed it after Trump agreed to sign it. Trump didn't like the press he got and he renegged on his promise to sign the bill.

This is bad negotiating. There is no way to know if you make a deal with Trump whether he will go through with it. Whether his advisors will let him go through with it. Whether the right wing media will let him go through with it. This is what incompetence looks like.
Exactly. Before Trump reneged the first time, I think most people agreed we could legitimately use more fencing or barriers in some areas. But now there's no way the dems can make a deal with him. He reneged on a deal, and Schumer wouldn't pass funding, and the gop hammered the dems about shutting down the gummit over Daca.

And the dems can't deal with McConnell saying he'll pass somethign, because both the Dems and McConnell know Trump is not good to his own word.

And of course the dems would love to break Trump on this "wall of his own making."
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better

America up until the 1960’s
I see with my own eyes

You believe the myth. Helping those who need help does not create poverty

Poor people have never done better with less assistance
That’s a myth
Provide me an example from anywhere in the world where funding was reduced and poor people did better

As a matter of fact America has been in decline snice gov has had its hands in everything lol thanks for making me think haha

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