Why don't Liberals celebrate when a Muslim is dying?

In other words, you're so dumb that you can't see the EDIT to the OP only contains quotes in this thread made by other posters?

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

That's the OP. Everything after that is an appendage to the OP containing the liberal quotes contained herein.

Here's the USMB comparison link. USMB allows you to view the older versions of all edited posts:

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In other words, you're so dumb that you can't see the EDIT to the OP only contains quotes in this thread made by other posters?

In other words I already pointed out that I read your entire post just now. Including the part where it said "EDIT" and commented on Osama anyway because he was brought up in your post. The only one in the thread I read.

Your gotcha is stupid. The fact that you ruined your own lame gotcha is your fault not mine. Putting the word "edit" in the post doesn't mean people won't read it.

WTF is wrong with you? Like seriously.

In other words, you're so dumb that you can't see the EDIT to the OP only contains quotes in this thread made by other posters?

In other words I already pointed out that I read your entire post just now. Including the part where it said "EDIT" and commented on Osama anyway because he was brought up in your post. The only one in the thread I read.

Your gotcha is stupid. The fact that you ruined your own lame gotcha is your fault not mine. Putting the word "edit" in the post doesn't mean people won't read it.

WTF is wrong with you? Like seriously.

The abbreviation OP means "ORIGINAL" post.

You were asked to find where in the ORIGINAL post Osama bin Laden was mentioned (not the first post, which differs and can be edited from the OP). You lied. Double Gotchya

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In other words, you're so dumb that you can't see the EDIT to the OP only contains quotes in this thread made by other posters?

In other words I already pointed out that I read your entire post just now. Including the part where it said "EDIT" and commented on Osama anyway because he was brought up in your post. The only one in the thread I read.

Your gotcha is stupid. The fact that you ruined your own lame gotcha is your fault not mine. Putting the word "edit" in the post doesn't mean people won't read it.

WTF is wrong with you? Like seriously.

The abbreviation OP means "ORIGINAL" post.

You were asked to find where in the ORIGINAL post Osama bin Laden was mentioned (not the first post, which differs and can be edited from the OP). You lied. Double Gotchya


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwrCEX1ElJ8]"Holy Shit" audio clip - YouTube[/ame]

You are the one that used the term OP, I just said post.

Are you deflecting because you have finally realized that this thread has gone horribly wrong or are you honestly just so stupid you think you are winning?
In other words I already pointed out that I read your entire post just now. Including the part where it said "EDIT" and commented on Osama anyway because he was brought up in your post. The only one in the thread I read.

Your gotcha is stupid. The fact that you ruined your own lame gotcha is your fault not mine. Putting the word "edit" in the post doesn't mean people won't read it.

WTF is wrong with you? Like seriously.

The abbreviation OP means "ORIGINAL" post.

You were asked to find where in the ORIGINAL post Osama bin Laden was mentioned (not the first post, which differs and can be edited from the OP). You lied. Double Gotchya


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwrCEX1ElJ8]"Holy Shit" audio clip - YouTube[/ame]

You are the one that used the term OP, I just said post.

Are you deflecting because you have finally realized that this thread has gone horribly wrong or are you honestly just so stupid you think you are winning?

The latter.
The far right is not patriotic. Most Americans think of the far right as they do Pastor Phillips: losers.

The far right, known as neo-cons are most certainly unpatriotic war-mongers, you are correct about that.

And they think of your gang, 2dA, in the same light: losers.

Jake Fakey always claims he' a Republican, now we know which type, a Neo-con.

By the way, Rand Paul is winning the polls. Does that make you made war-monger and Karl Rove neo-con lover?
Do Muslims chant Allah Akbar every-time they slay our soldiers?

I wouldn't know

So Muslims lament and mourn over our dead soldiers?

I just want to know why Progressives embrace Muslims who hate gays, subjugate women and suppress basic liberties, yet relentlessly attack and obsess over Americans who share equally repugnant views.

Liberals think they are masters at playing the 'moral equivalency' game. In fact, they are terrible at it. They try to endorse moral equivalence of their cheering Phelps and wanting him dead because he spoke out on something with mulsims killing gays. They don't just talk about them. They actually kill them. We've all seen the headlines on that one. Yet, as you have stated the left will embrace islam which may result in their own dying day because islam also considers them to be the infidel.

And here is a picture of what they find to be equal in terms of wrongdoing:

Fred Phelps protesting gay funerals = muslims beheading people.

They can try to make those two things moral equivalents, but they do not succeed. They are only equivalent in the rights of the person involved. Here Phelps had the right to do what he does, and in the middle eastern countries muslims have the right to behead gays. Those are the only two things that are equivalent in this picture. Protesting an alternate lifestyle whether it is over or has just blossomed is the right of anyone who disagrees with said alternative lifestyle is not equal to muslims beheading gays. Phelps' right to protest funerals was reviewed by the SCOTUS and they upheld his freedom of expression in the matter. The only thing the did was to establish a distance protestors had to stay from proceedings.

And yet, liberals want him dead, would rejoice if he died of natural causes or murder.

Most of these liberals on here are just like Phelps. Look at my signature. That exact sentiment has been posted on the open forum multiple times by no less than 5 liberals on this forum. I have been ridiculed, called 'Munchausen' and there are 6 pages on here of them doing that. They want a man dead because they believe he inflicted suffering on the families of gay soldiers. Yet there is no end to the suffering they will inflict, and the things they say to me are living proof of it. They have done EXACTLY what Phelps did. And on this forum. Yet, if I said that I would rejoice in the death of any one of them they would all go ballistic over it, because causing emotional pain and torment is wrong for Phelps to do but more than OK for them to do.
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Phelps was a terrorist who murdered thousands of Americans?]

Epic fail, run along.

Ah....MOOOOOOOOVE that goalpost. :D

Move the goalpost? Do you even know what that expression means? They said Phelps was a vile and dangerous a villain as Osama bin Laden, I called them out on it.

Body is one of the main ones on here ridiculing me over my illness. Bear that in mind as you debate with the vile bitch.
We don't live in the Middle East. But you should consider moving there. Seems you would fit right in. They are only doing there what your kind wished they could do here.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

you should live in the Middle East leftard; your left-wing nutjob set has the same animnosity toward Christians as muslim fanatics have oh and you had to be a Democrat to join the KKK put away that tiny race card left-wing loser; the deadliest places in America for a Black man, woman or child are liberal cities true story idiots and hypocrites

Oh, STFU: one had to be a card carrying conservative to join the KKK.

KKK and other similar organizations were democrat organizations:

............ In 1874 and later, however, newly organized and openly active paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and the Red Shirts, started a fresh round of violence aimed at suppressing blacks' voting and running Republicans out of office. These contributed to segregationist white Democrats regaining political power in all the Southern states by 1877.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The far right, known as neo-cons are most certainly unpatriotic war-mongers, you are correct about that.

And they think of your gang, 2dA, in the same light: losers.

Jake Fakey always claims he' a Republican, now we know which type, a Neo-con. By the way, Rand Paul is winning the polls. Does that make you made war-monger and Karl Rove neo-con lover?

I despise your kind and the neo-cons, you are right, 2dA.

Good Republicans will have nothing to do with your kind.

Paul may have a chance for the nomination, yes.
you should live in the Middle East leftard; your left-wing nutjob set has the same animnosity toward Christians as muslim fanatics have oh and you had to be a Democrat to join the KKK put away that tiny race card left-wing loser; the deadliest places in America for a Black man, woman or child are liberal cities true story idiots and hypocrites

Oh, STFU: one had to be a card carrying conservative to join the KKK.

KKK and other similar organizations were democrat organizations:

n of Klan crimes and enforcement of the Force Acts suppressed Klan activity. In 1874 and later, however, newly organized and openly active paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and the Red Shirts, started a fresh round of violence aimed at suppressing blacks' voting and running Republicans out of office. These contributed to segregationist white Democrats regaining political power in all the Southern states by 1877.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They were conservative organizations, whether Democratic or Republican. Do you deny that?
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The dude is a cult leader more than a Christian. I don't know why anyone would celebrate death but I understand hoping that his death could bring about positive change for the members of his cult. Osama was essentially a cult leader as well.

There are bad people in all religions.

All religions and political parties can be considered cults by that definition.

Phelps did not murder thousands of Americans via terrorist attack on US airspace and urban centers.

However, let's add you to the list of Liberals on this thread that have denigrated all Muslims by using Usama Bin Laden as an example of "a Muslim" death they celebrated.

He is guilty of unpopular speech. Just like the liberals on here who have sought to add to my on personal suffering. They are the same. Moral equivalents. And you will note, that I have never wished one of them dead, called them Munchausen when they have posted about their sicknesses, told them to hurry up and die, or said it was a pity they are still alive. Nor would I waste an ounce of energy celebrating their deaths should they occur before my own as they are celebrating the impending death of this man who was guilty of nothing but unpopular speech.
And they think of your gang, 2dA, in the same light: losers.

Jake Fakey always claims he' a Republican, now we know which type, a Neo-con. By the way, Rand Paul is winning the polls. Does that make you made war-monger and Karl Rove neo-con lover?

I despise your kind and the neo-cons, you are right, 2dA.

Good Republicans will have nothing to do with your kind.

Paul may have a chance for the nomination, yes.

But you could at least entertain the discussion he has posted here. Liberals on here DO vociferously defend islam both in this country and the world. We have all seen it.
Oh, STFU: one had to be a card carrying conservative to join the KKK.

KKK and other similar organizations were democrat organizations:

n of Klan crimes and enforcement of the Force Acts suppressed Klan activity. In 1874 and later, however, newly organized and openly active paramilitary organizations, such as the White League and the Red Shirts, started a fresh round of violence aimed at suppressing blacks' voting and running Republicans out of office. These contributed to segregationist white Democrats regaining political power in all the Southern states by 1877.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They were conservative organizations, whether Democratic or Republican. Do you deny that?

You simply can't make it what you want it to be. The KKK was started by democrats as were other such organizations. And saying back then they weren't democrats is merely an effort at revisionist history.

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