Why don't Liberals celebrate when a Muslim is dying?

you missed the point. it isn't about religion. people celebrated when bin laden was killed. so the wingnut o/p is out of his depth as usual.


Did Phelps murder thousands of Americans in a terrorist assault upon our airways and cities?

Talk about out of depth. Since you hate this man so much, as to consider him as equally vile as Bin Laden, one wonders how you tolerate Muslims at all, who despise gays and execute them.

Epic fail, run along. You destroyed your own argument. All you've done is strengthen the premise of this thread.
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Why does anyone celebrate another persons death?

Id also note the cheering is sadly bipartisan.

Bipartisan, yes, but the Democrats/Progressives are also far too blindly inclusive and tolerant towards Muslims, whereas Republicans are not, so the hypocrisy element of missing.

I just want to know why Progressives embrace Muslims who hate gays, subjugate women and suppress basic liberties, yet relentlessly attack and obsess over Americans who share equally repugnant views.

Which Muslims are being embraced?

Can you name some?
Most importantly...WHO'S embracing them?!?

Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

I don't think people are celebrating. we just don't feel badly.

as for muslims? i'm pretty sure we all celebrated when bin laden got off'd.

it's where the person hits on the vile scale and not the religion that counts.


epic fail.

run along.

Sorry Jillian. People are celebrating.
Who Avatar? WHO'S celebrating? Point them out, list them, do something other than conjecture.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

I don't think people are celebrating. we just don't feel badly.

as for muslims? i'm pretty sure we all celebrated when bin laden got off'd.

it's where the person hits on the vile scale and not the religion that counts.


epic fail.

run along.

Phelps was a terrorist who murdered thousands of Americans?]

Epic fail, run along.

Ah....MOOOOOOOOVE that goalpost. :D
I don't think people are celebrating. we just don't feel badly.

as for muslims? i'm pretty sure we all celebrated when bin laden got off'd.

it's where the person hits on the vile scale and not the religion that counts.


epic fail.

run along.

Phelps was a terrorist who murdered thousands of Americans?]

Epic fail, run along.

Ah....MOOOOOOOOVE that goalpost. :D

Move the goalpost? Do you even know what that expression means? They said Phelps was a vile and dangerous a villain as Osama bin Laden, I called them out on it.
Phelps was a terrorist who murdered thousands of Americans?]

Epic fail, run along.

Ah....MOOOOOOOOVE that goalpost. :D

Move the goalpost? Do you even know what that expression means? They said Phelps was a vile and dangerous a villain as Osama bin Laden, I called them out on it.

Actually, you didn't call anybody on it.

I am torn between two options of focus here. I can buy a tour bus and put up a big sign that says, "Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate" on the side. Offer tours for li-bur-uls to hate dance on the graves of the xstian rightwing evil-doers.....and nightly treehugging with options of saving only the cute animals.

Or I can justify purchasing this lace blazer in white and rollup safari pants in tan pink.

I got you down though. You just wanted to post something completely out there so you could eat popcorn. I will no longer enable you and your dastardly popcorn eating habit. Your first step is admitting that you have a problem. You are powerless under Redenbacher.
You just wanted to post something completely out there so you could eat popcorn. I will no longer enable you and your dastardly popcorn eating habit.

The liberals on the thread are the ones who used Osama bin Laden as an example of a typical Muslim, and have thus affronted and insulted the overwhelming majority of Muslims who do not engage in terror activities against the United States.

You're the ones that posted something completely out there.
You just wanted to post something completely out there so you could eat popcorn. I will no longer enable you and your dastardly popcorn eating habit.

The liberals on the thread are the ones who used Osama bin Laden as an example of a typical Muslim, and have thus affronted and insulted the overwhelming majority of Muslims who do not engage in terror activities against the United States.

You're the ones that posted something completely out there.


Link one post that listed Bin Laden as a "Typical Muslim".

You think moving goalposts is going to save your ridiculous thread..do ya?

You just wanted to post something completely out there so you could eat popcorn. I will no longer enable you and your dastardly popcorn eating habit.

The liberals on the thread are the ones who used Osama bin Laden as an example of a typical Muslim, and have thus affronted and insulted the overwhelming majority of Muslims who do not engage in terror activities against the United States.

You're the ones that posted something completely out there.


Link one post that listed Bin Laden as a "Typical Muslim".

You think moving goalposts is going to save your ridiculous thread..do ya?


The claim is that (by the liberals on this thread) that Liberals celebrated when Bin Laden died. Thus, they consider it an example of when liberals celebrated the death of "a Muslim" in the title of the thread.

Post 1:

Post 2:

Post 3:

Post 4:

Post 5:
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You just wanted to post something completely out there so you could eat popcorn. I will no longer enable you and your dastardly popcorn eating habit.

The liberals on the thread are the ones who used Osama bin Laden as an example of a typical Muslim, and have thus affronted and insulted the overwhelming majority of Muslims who do not engage in terror activities against the United States.

You're the ones that posted something completely out there.


Nope. This is between you and your addiction. Get rid of the microwave if necessary.

I think I'm going to go with the navy blue.
The liberals on the thread are the ones who used Osama bin Laden as an example of a typical Muslim, and have thus affronted and insulted the overwhelming majority of Muslims who do not engage in terror activities against the United States.

You're the ones that posted something completely out there.


Link one post that listed Bin Laden as a "Typical Muslim".

You think moving goalposts is going to save your ridiculous thread..do ya?


The claim is that (by the liberals on this thread) that Liberals celebrated when Bin Laden died. Thus, they consider it an example of when liberals celebrated the death of "a Muslim" in the title of the thread.

You posted "Typical".

Link it.

By the way, had I been alive I would have celebrated Hitler's death too.

But he wasn't a Typical Christian.
the overwhelming number of the American population would cheer the subjugation of the NBPP, the KKK, the militia units, the false 'oath keepers', the Tim McVeighs if they rose up and were smashed.

I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?

We don't live in the Middle East. But you should consider moving there. Seems you would fit right in. They are only doing there what your kind wished they could do here.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

TASB simply cannot conceive that LGBT have the same rights, including the right to marry who the want, as he does.
I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?

We don't live in the Middle East. But you should consider moving there. Seems you would fit right in. They are only doing there what your kind wished they could do here.

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas

you should live in the Middle East leftard; your left-wing nutjob set has the same animnosity toward Christians as muslim fanatics have oh and you had to be a Democrat to join the KKK put away that tiny race card left-wing loser; the deadliest places in America for a Black man, woman or child are liberal cities true story idiots and hypocrites

Oh, STFU: one had to be a card carrying conservative to join the KKK.
Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

You are not a patriot, 2dA: most Americans would put think of you like they do Pastor Phelps.

why is it when liberals try to type a sentence, it makes no reasonable sense at all.

the following is a good example....

"You are not a patriot, 2dA: most Americans would put think of you like they do Pastor Phelps" <------------<<<<< explanation please !

do you cheer for pastor Phelps death ?

Wildman corrects my typing once while I have corrected him at least half a dozen times :lol: good on you, W dick

Let me rephrase.

The far right is not patriotic. Most Americans think of the far right as they do Pastor Phillips: losers.
Who's they?

Link it.

Here are the links of Liberals in this thread using Osama Bin Laden as an Example of "a Muslim" death that they celebrated. Apparently they believe that Osama bin Laden constitutes an example of the typical Muslim as a sufficient answer to the title of this thread; thus they have insulted and slandered every Muslim on earth.

Post 1:

Progressives cheered when Osama bin Laden died.

Post 2:
When Bin Laden was killed we celebrated along with other leading terrorist leaders that were snuffed, I celebrated.

Post 3:

Hello?!?!? Did you miss the dancing in the streets over OBL's death?

Post 4:

I did a jig in my office when Bin Laden died. If I was not working? I'd be out in the streets with the rest of the partiers. Call me sick..

Post 5:

as for muslims? i'm pretty sure we all celebrated when bin laden got off'd.

it's where the person hits on the vile scale

You can hide from reality, but reality does not hide from you.

You Libbies own these quotes. Embrace it. This thread succeeded beyond its wildest exceptions: It exposed Progressives as wildly confused and incoherent. You laid your own trap for yourselves when you invoked Bin laden as an example of a "a Muslim" from the thread title.

[MENTION=41356]S.J.[/MENTION] It went as I said in PM, they'd lay this very trap against themselves.
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