Why don't Liberals celebrate when a Muslim is dying?

i was under the impression he was comparing muslim views on homosexuality to American Christian attitudes toward same; not Uganda or Russia

idiots and hypocrites

Fortunately for us..the Liberal/Conservative Theocrat ratio favors Liberals and we still have a Liberal country with Liberal laws.

really? i thought so; what with the failure all over the place and all

Well you may want to try new digs.

I hear Austria is nice this time of year.

Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

I was under the impression that gays in the Middle East are hanged, beheaded or stoned to death. Am I wrong?


Only seven countries have the death penalty for being gay.

Some of them, the South Sudan and Uganda, have substantial CHristian Populations that are equally homophobic.

Actual executions for being gay, though, are relatively rare.

Death Penalty News: Executed for Being Gay
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

Do Muslims protest at military funerals that our fallen soldiers died because we support gay rights? Didn't think so. Stupid thread.

Muslims created the funeral, moron.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
why would anyone who is a human being celebrate the death of anyone ... only a sick-o- would
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
why would anyone who is a human being celebrate the death of anyone ... only a sick-o- would

Some people, yes. But it's a special case. Here libs celebrate the death of anyone they dont like. Look at the outpouring of scorn heaped on Shirley Temple Black by libs when she died because she was a Republican.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
Hello?!?!? Did you miss the dancing in the streets over OBL's death?
Hasty generalization: drawing generalized conclusions from limited information and examples

You are not a patriot, 2dA: most Americans would put think of you like they do Pastor Phelps.

why is it when liberals try to type a sentence, it makes no reasonable sense at all.

the following is a good example....

"You are not a patriot, 2dA: most Americans would put think of you like they do Pastor Phelps" <------------<<<<< explanation please !

do you cheer for pastor Phelps death ?
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
why would anyone who is a human being celebrate the death of anyone ... only a sick-o- would

Some people, yes. But it's a special case. Here libs celebrate the death of anyone they dont like. Look at the outpouring of scorn heaped on Shirley Temple Black by libs when she died because she was a Republican.

When did that happen?
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
why would anyone who is a human being celebrate the death of anyone ... only a sick-o- would

I did a jig in my office when Bin Laden died. If I was not working? I'd be out in the streets with the rest of the partiers.

Call me sick..

Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
why would anyone who is a human being celebrate the death of anyone ... only a sick-o- would

Some people, yes. But it's a special case. Here libs celebrate the death of anyone they dont like. Look at the outpouring of scorn heaped on Shirley Temple Black by libs when she died because she was a Republican.

never saw that ... not saying it didn't happen, and if it did, I would say the same to them ... its wrong ...
I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?

Ask Matthew Sheppard.

Sheppard wasn't killed because he was gay.

he was kill because of the guys he asked in the bar to be with hated gays the thought they would teach him a lesson for being gay and beat the crap out of him for being gay ... this was from their mouths to the press and
unfortunately they went too far and killed him ...he was beat to death because he was gay ... the majority of people back then in Wyoming didn't like gays
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
why would anyone who is a human being celebrate the death of anyone ... only a sick-o- would

I did a jig in my office when Bin Laden died. If I was not working? I'd be out in the streets with the rest of the partiers.

Call me sick..

ok, you're sick... I would of like to seen him in A American prison for the rest of his life ... stuck in a super max with one hour of exercise each day with nothing but 4 walls to look at ... to me, killing him was the easy way out for him ...
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?
Hey putz...post the evidence of liberals celebrating.

Why don't ya?
Ask Matthew Sheppard.

Sheppard wasn't killed because he was gay.

he was kill because of the guys he asked in the bar to be with hated gays the thought they would teach him a lesson for being gay and beat the crap out of him for being gay ... this was from their mouths to the press and
unfortunately they went too far and killed him ...he was beat to death because he was gay ... the majority of people back then in Wyoming didn't like gays

Sorry, the facts don't fit the narrative. He wasn't killed because he was gay. There was no hate crime.
Another liberal icon shot to hell.
Ask Matthew Sheppard.

Sheppard wasn't killed because he was gay.

he was kill because of the guys he asked in the bar to be with hated gays the thought they would teach him a lesson for being gay and beat the crap out of him for being gay ... this was from their mouths to the press and
unfortunately they went too far and killed him ...he was beat to death because he was gay ... the majority of people back then in Wyoming didn't like gays

It was a robbery and a guy got killed that just happened to be gay. It may be true the killers don't like gays but that wasn't why they killed him.

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