Why don't Liberals celebrate when a Muslim is dying?

Most rational people would see celebrating someone’s death as pretty asinine in general.

Interestingly enough – this was a topic all over the place when OBL was killed. I don’t think that Phelps deserved such celebration – why give him the influence that entails. The fact that he is dying or dead means absolutely nothing to me and it should mean nothing to most people.
Most rational people would see celebrating someone’s death as pretty asinine in general.

Interestingly enough – this was a topic all over the place when OBL was killed. I don’t think that Phelps deserved such celebration – why give him the influence that entails. The fact that he is dying or dead means absolutely nothing to me and it should mean nothing to most people.
Don't be so PC. He's a jerk and the world will be well rid of him. I'd love to be there, when he doesn't meet Jesus though.
You seem to have a demonized view of what liberals are. I am not going to celebrate when Phelps dies, I will just be glad that the world is free of his vile hatred. I will not celebrate or picket at his funeral. I am going to pretend that he never happened, because the last thing I’d want is to give that vile human being a legacy.
You seem to have a demonized view of what liberals are. I am not going to celebrate when Phelps dies, I will just be glad that the world is free of his vile hatred. I will not celebrate or picket at his funeral. I am going to pretend that he never happened, because the last thing I’d want is to give that vile human being a legacy.
Use the "quote" function Scott. That way we will know who you are responding to.
yes pretend it didnt happen...ignore it..thats the ticket......been done before without much success....one should not ignore evil...but one should never rejoice in death
the overwhelming number of the American population would cheer the subjugation of the NBPP, the KKK, the militia units, the false 'oath keepers', the Tim McVeighs if they rose up and were smashed.

I will ask you again, KKK Democrat:

Do Muslims hang, behead and stone gays to death or not?

Ask Matthew Sheppard.

Another Lo-Lo poster outs himself. One born every minute they say.
?Uncomfortable truth? in Matthew Shepard?s death | New York Post
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

So you assume any Muslim that was killed by Obama was violent towards homosexuals?
yes pretend it didnt happen...ignore it..thats the ticket......been done before without much success....one should not ignore evil...but one should never rejoice in death
I will be more than happy to toast that SOB's death. If Jesus were still around he'd join me.
I will be more than happy to toast that SOB's death. If Jesus were still around he'd join me.

Because Jesus was a low life nitwit like you?
Because it's important to celebrate the deaths of evil men.

How do you know Fred Phelps is evil, as opposed to merely misguided?
How do you know Jesus wanted to celebrate the deaths of evil men?

Why I'm arguing theology with the town drunk is beyond me. I must be bored.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church Founder, Is 'On The Edge Of Death'

A man named Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church is dying. It is well known that his church hates fags. "God hates fags" is the sign he and his folllowers often parade about at protests.

When the news broke that this man was dying, Progressives and Libbies everywhere were celebrating, even the USMB has it's own thread on the subject in Current Events, that spanned over 25 pages in less than 24 hours.

As these Progressives and Libbies revel in the passing of this man, many of which intend to hold Gay Parades when he finally does die, one wonders why they don't revel in the deaths of tens of thousands of Muslims by Obama's drone strikes.

Muslims are also adamantly opposed to homosexuals, and behead and stone them to death for their orientation.

One would think they would also celebrate and have a parade every time a Muslim dies.

Why aren't they?

You miss the party?

Of course you did.

And you haven't a fucking clue about what you are talking about.

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Nutters sure do get upset when they realize that their views regarding homosexuals are very much like those of extremist Muslims.
.................because many, if not most, liberals are politically-correct cowards and hypocrites
Nutters sure do get upset when they realize that their views regarding homosexuals are very much like those of extremist Muslims.

um; not true leftard.. some Christians think it's a sin; but we dont want to behead them.

most attacks on gays; like most murders and other violent crimes; occur in your oh-so tolerant liberal cities leftard

ok that is a dose of reality; go back to drooling
This discussion is stupid. Progressives cheered when Osama bin Laden died. Progressives cheer whenever any religious fuckwad dies. It makes the world smarter, every single time, no matter what religion they belonged to.

When religious idiots die, the world should rejoice.
This discussion is stupid. Progressives cheered when Osama bin Laden died. Progressives cheer whenever any religious fuckwad dies. It makes the world smarter, every single time, no matter what religion they belonged to.

When religious idiots die, the world should rejoice.

good to see you're a shining example of the "smart" Progressive set you unhinged idiot

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