Why don't people like Mitt Romney?

To anyone willing to admit that they like Mitt Romney, if you were to hang out with the Mittster for a couple of hours what would you want to do during that time?
Basically because he's a schmuck with nice hair. And you can't have a beer with him.
Obama = Romney.

If Romney is elected he'll weasel out of the ObamaCare repeal in some way. Just as Bill Clinton weaseled out of the Middle Class Tax cut promise and Obama weaseled out of the NAFTA renegotiate promise.
Because democrats ask themselves. If the democrats say that republicans don't like Romney often enough maybe some republicans will believe it.

Whether or not someone likes Romney is no longer the issue. The train has left the station. obama has become such a world wide disaster and laughing stock, his policies such a failure, that even if you like him, should he be running the country? There are millions of people with Down's Syndrome that are downright loveable who shouldn't be running the country.
Favorable: 44.5
Unfavorable: 44.8
Spread: -0.3

Favorable: 51.5
Unfavorable: 43.5
Spread: +8

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

A few things:

The Republicans are trying to be the economic adults, explaining that the current method of deficit spending, and always relying on being able to "Tax someone else some more" is unsustainable.

Most of the journalistic profession supports his opponent, and no matter how hard they "try" to be impartial, they will spin any coverage if they can to be critical or negative when it comes to Romeny, this leads to and unfavorable view. Having not met him in person, I really cant say what his personality is like, as it is always filtered through the media. Considering I don't watch TV news anymore, Most of my impresssions are from video clips and transcripts of his speeches.

Right now the Democrats are not running on thier record, but running on "the other guy sucks." True the Republicans are doing the same thing, but as the incumbent they usually like to have a record to run on. Since the democrats have gone negative right off the bat, this will lead to increased unfavorables for the opponent.
Obama = Romney.

If Romney is elected he'll weasel out of the ObamaCare repeal in some way. Just as Bill Clinton weaseled out of the Middle Class Tax cut promise and Obama weaseled out of the NAFTA renegotiate promise.

no obama doesn't equal romney.

obama wouldn't appoint justices to the high court for the sole purpose of outlawing reproductive choice.

obama wouldn't follow the same failed trickle down policies that messed everything up in the first place.

the president's imperfect... but he's definitely NOT the same and if it's the same, you all should stop whining about this president.

unless your agenda is randian in nature...then i suppose the differences are slighter.
Obama = Romney.

If Romney is elected he'll weasel out of the ObamaCare repeal in some way. Just as Bill Clinton weaseled out of the Middle Class Tax cut promise and Obama weaseled out of the NAFTA renegotiate promise.

no obama doesn't equal romney.

obama wouldn't appoint justices to the high court for the sole purpose of outlawing reproductive choice.

obama wouldn't follow the same failed trickle down policies that messed everything up in the first place.

the president's imperfect... but he's definitely NOT the same and if it's the same, you all should stop whining about this president.

unless your agenda is randian in nature...then i suppose the differences are slighter.

To be fair, he would appoint judges that might overturn Roe V. Wade, returning the abortion issue to state and federal legislative control. I dont see any way for them to say abortion is unconstitutional, thus he would not be appointing people who would outlaw abortion rights, merely people that would allow legislative bodies do it if they chose to.
I like him fine. I like him because he can kick Obama's ass five ways from Tuesday when it comes to the successful administration of something.....anything. I don't care to spend time with him. I prefer he spend his time fixing things.
Favorable: 44.5
Unfavorable: 44.8
Spread: -0.3

Favorable: 51.5
Unfavorable: 43.5
Spread: +8

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Mitt comes off as creepy Uncle Willard

The uncle who laughs at the wrong jokes, dresses kinda strange and is the last person in a room to figure out what is going on

Thats funny, you just described alot of Engineers, people I feel comfortable around (as I am one) And you only THINK we are only the last people in the room what is going on. We have already figured out the weak point in your floor joists, which outlet's fuse is about to pop, and the fact that your computer, TV and other electronics are HOPELESSLY out of date.
Favorable: 44.5
Unfavorable: 44.8
Spread: -0.3

Favorable: 51.5
Unfavorable: 43.5
Spread: +8

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Mitt comes off as creepy Uncle Willard

The uncle who laughs at the wrong jokes, dresses kinda strange and is the last person in a room to figure out what is going on

Thats funny, you just described alot of Engineers, people I feel comfortable around (as I am one) And you only THINK we are only the last people in the room what is going on. We have already figured out the weak point in your floor joists, which outlet's fuse is about to pop, and the fact that your computer, TV and other electronics are HOPELESSLY out of date.

AND knows how to fix each issue.
Favorable: 44.5
Unfavorable: 44.8
Spread: -0.3

Favorable: 51.5
Unfavorable: 43.5
Spread: +8

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

Mitt comes off as creepy Uncle Willard

The uncle who laughs at the wrong jokes, dresses kinda strange and is the last person in a room to figure out what is going on

Thats funny, you just described alot of Engineers, people I feel comfortable around (as I am one) And you only THINK we are only the last people in the room what is going on. We have already figured out the weak point in your floor joists, which outlet's fuse is about to pop, and the fact that your computer, TV and other electronics are HOPELESSLY out of date.

If given the chance....Mitt would wear a pocket protector
Mitt comes off as creepy Uncle Willard

The uncle who laughs at the wrong jokes, dresses kinda strange and is the last person in a room to figure out what is going on

Thats funny, you just described alot of Engineers, people I feel comfortable around (as I am one) And you only THINK we are only the last people in the room what is going on. We have already figured out the weak point in your floor joists, which outlet's fuse is about to pop, and the fact that your computer, TV and other electronics are HOPELESSLY out of date.

If given the chance....Mitt would wear a pocket protector

Nerd Pride.
Favorable: 44.5
Unfavorable: 44.8
Spread: -0.3

Favorable: 51.5
Unfavorable: 43.5
Spread: +8

RealClearPolitics - Obama & Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

In 2008, I supported Romney. I was impressed with his turnaround of the Winter Olympics in Utah, and I also was impressed with his healthcare plan in Massachusetts. The problem with Mitt is that he completely lost me when he decided that his healthcare plan was only good for Massachusetts and that we actually need more tax cuts. I had thought Mitt was a bit more intelligent than that, but apparently he is another who believes you can cut tax rates to zero and increase revenue at the same time. Unfortunately, anyone that can comprehend even basic math knows this is not true.

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