Why don’t republicans have real solutions to healthcare?

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

Medicare for all, even illegals, is a moronic idea.
Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”
No solutions is better than bad solutions like Obamacare or Medicare for all.
No solutions is better than bad solutions like Obamacare or Medicare for all.
No solution is what third world countries have. No solution is what led to us consuming a massive amount of GDP on healthcare with little difference in outcomes.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

Medicare for all, even illegals, is a moronic idea.
Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”

Don't worry, the Socialists have an answer for this. They will just cut doctor's pay to be equitable with their local Starbucks coffee maker. That would solve the money problem. They can also lower standards to medical schools, which they will have to do to account for the influx of patients. Of course, that would mean some severely unqualified doctors, but Socialists and Democrats don't typically think that far ahead. One step at a time...right off the cliff.
Typical partisan foolishness.

Ds are just as guilty in continuing this fraud of a HC system. Ears could have easily enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. Instead he pushed a right wing plan designed specifically to enrich his donors in big hospital, pharma, and insurance.

Our corrupt HC system is now so expensive and ineffective, Medicare for all will be cheaper plus it will eliminate all those high paid crooks leading corporations pushing the fraud.

When has giving gubmint more power ever made anything cheaper?...And how will it eliminate all the high paid bureaucrats already fucking up the system?
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol

Hell yeah it was. Big damn mosquitos, alligators in new yourk fucking Indians, all that and France owned property here.
Move out .. 1820 health care

No way. I'm an anchor baby and some one running for presidant said I'm more American then anyone so go blow a goat.
He won’t win

Fact remains.

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed.

Corporate greed is just human greed. And it's not going to go away. You're not going to be able to pass laws that stop people from being greedy. They will charge whatever the market will pay. The problem with the health care market is that we've spent the better part of a century trying to get "someone else" to pay. Almost no one cares what their health care costs, because almost no one is paying for their own health care.

And that's because government is in the way. Ill-conceived tax and regulatory policies have propped up a model of health care delivery (employer-provided, group health care) that simply isn't viable. And now we're, quite literally, paying the price.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
I’m middle class I afford my healthcare, the question is how do you know what middle class pays? You’ve talked to all of them?
Typical partisan foolishness.

Ds are just as guilty in continuing this fraud of a HC system. Ears could have easily enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. Instead he pushed a right wing plan designed specifically to enrich his donors in big hospital, pharma, and insurance.

Our corrupt HC system is now so expensive and ineffective, Medicare for all will be cheaper plus it will eliminate all those high paid crooks leading corporations pushing the fraud.

When has giving gubmint more power ever made anything cheaper?...And how will it eliminate all the high paid bureaucrats already fucking up the system?
This is right wing talking point. Yes it has some validity, but not as applied to HC. Not any longer.

The elites have run the HC system into the ground. It is extraordinarily expensive and has become more and more ineffective over time. It now bankrupts millions of Americans.

Losing ones HC coverage can result in disaster. Thus forcing millions to prostitute themselves to their employers. At the same time employers are forced to pay ever increasing HC costs, driving up their costs.

Medicare is currently a government program that millions of Americans like. Just expand it cover everyone.

The Koch Brother’s study proved eliminating the “for profit system” and replacing it with Medicare for all, WOULD COST LESS THAN THE CURRENT SYSTEM.
Typical partisan foolishness.

Ds are just as guilty in continuing this fraud of a HC system. Ears could have easily enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. Instead he pushed a right wing plan designed specifically to enrich his donors in big hospital, pharma, and insurance.

Our corrupt HC system is now so expensive and ineffective, Medicare for all will be cheaper plus it will eliminate all those high paid crooks leading corporations pushing the fraud.

When has giving gubmint more power ever made anything cheaper?...And how will it eliminate all the high paid bureaucrats already fucking up the system?
This is right wing talking point. Yes it has some validity, but not as applied to HC. Not any longer.

The elites have run the HC system into the ground. It is extraordinarily expensive and has become more and more ineffective over time. It now bankrupts millions of Americans.

Losing ones HC coverage can result in disaster. Thus forcing millions to prostitute themselves to their employers. At the same time employers are forced to pay ever increasing HC costs, driving up their costs.

Medicare is currently a government program that millions of Americans like. Just expand it cover everyone.

The Koch Brother’s study proved eliminating the “for profit system” and replacing it with Medicare for all, WOULD COST LESS THAN THE CURRENT SYSTEM.
The elites have run the HC system into the ground on purpose.

Medicare costs well in excess of 10X what it was projected to when being set forth over 50 years ago....That's a shitty job of containing costs and delivering a superior product.

When gubmint is involved, failure isn't an "unintended consequence", it's the desired outcome.....In their world, their failure is evidence that they need more power and money.

You may now turn in your "libertarian/anarchist" credentials and talismans at the door.
Typical partisan foolishness.

Ds are just as guilty in continuing this fraud of a HC system. Ears could have easily enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. Instead he pushed a right wing plan designed specifically to enrich his donors in big hospital, pharma, and insurance.

Our corrupt HC system is now so expensive and ineffective, Medicare for all will be cheaper plus it will eliminate all those high paid crooks leading corporations pushing the fraud.

When has giving gubmint more power ever made anything cheaper?...And how will it eliminate all the high paid bureaucrats already fucking up the system?
This is right wing talking point. Yes it has some validity, but not as applied to HC. Not any longer.

The elites have run the HC system into the ground. It is extraordinarily expensive and has become more and more ineffective over time. It now bankrupts millions of Americans.

Losing ones HC coverage can result in disaster. Thus forcing millions to prostitute themselves to their employers. At the same time employers are forced to pay ever increasing HC costs, driving up their costs.

Medicare is currently a government program that millions of Americans like. Just expand it cover everyone.

The Koch Brother’s study proved eliminating the “for profit system” and replacing it with Medicare for all, WOULD COST LESS THAN THE CURRENT SYSTEM.
The elites have run the HC system into the ground on purpose.

Medicare costs well in excess of 10X what it was projected to when being set forth over 50 years ago....That's a shitty job of containing costs and delivering a superior product.

When gubmint is involved, failure isn't an "unintended consequence", it's the desired outcome.....In their world, their failure is evidence that they need more power and money.

You may now turn in your "libertarian/anarchist" credentials and talismans at the door.
Agreed. The problem you have is the for profit system is worse than a government run program.

I’m a libertarian, but also a realist. I recognize we aren’t going back to a time of limited government. I recognize the wealthy elite have taken control and they aren’t nice people. We need to eliminate their power. One way is government run HC.
Typical partisan foolishness.

Ds are just as guilty in continuing this fraud of a HC system. Ears could have easily enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. Instead he pushed a right wing plan designed specifically to enrich his donors in big hospital, pharma, and insurance.

Our corrupt HC system is now so expensive and ineffective, Medicare for all will be cheaper plus it will eliminate all those high paid crooks leading corporations pushing the fraud.

When has giving gubmint more power ever made anything cheaper?...And how will it eliminate all the high paid bureaucrats already fucking up the system?
This is right wing talking point. Yes it has some validity, but not as applied to HC. Not any longer.

The elites have run the HC system into the ground. It is extraordinarily expensive and has become more and more ineffective over time. It now bankrupts millions of Americans.

Losing ones HC coverage can result in disaster. Thus forcing millions to prostitute themselves to their employers. At the same time employers are forced to pay ever increasing HC costs, driving up their costs.

Medicare is currently a government program that millions of Americans like. Just expand it cover everyone.

The Koch Brother’s study proved eliminating the “for profit system” and replacing it with Medicare for all, WOULD COST LESS THAN THE CURRENT SYSTEM.
The elites have run the HC system into the ground on purpose.

Medicare costs well in excess of 10X what it was projected to when being set forth over 50 years ago....That's a shitty job of containing costs and delivering a superior product.

When gubmint is involved, failure isn't an "unintended consequence", it's the desired outcome.....In their world, their failure is evidence that they need more power and money.

You may now turn in your "libertarian/anarchist" credentials and talismans at the door.
Agreed. The problem you have is the for profit system is worse than a government run program.

I’m a libertarian, but also a realist. I recognize we aren’t going back to a time of limited government. I recognize the wealthy elite have taken control and they aren’t nice people. We need to eliminate their power. One way is government run HC.
You're no realist -let alone a libertarian- when your solution to a problem that's rife with gubmint meddling is to give over the entire system to them.

Never thought I'd be giving you this award, but you earned it today....

Typical partisan foolishness.

Ds are just as guilty in continuing this fraud of a HC system. Ears could have easily enacted Medicare for all in his first two years. Instead he pushed a right wing plan designed specifically to enrich his donors in big hospital, pharma, and insurance.

Our corrupt HC system is now so expensive and ineffective, Medicare for all will be cheaper plus it will eliminate all those high paid crooks leading corporations pushing the fraud.

When has giving gubmint more power ever made anything cheaper?...And how will it eliminate all the high paid bureaucrats already fucking up the system?
This is right wing talking point. Yes it has some validity, but not as applied to HC. Not any longer.

The elites have run the HC system into the ground. It is extraordinarily expensive and has become more and more ineffective over time. It now bankrupts millions of Americans.

Losing ones HC coverage can result in disaster. Thus forcing millions to prostitute themselves to their employers. At the same time employers are forced to pay ever increasing HC costs, driving up their costs.

Medicare is currently a government program that millions of Americans like. Just expand it cover everyone.

The Koch Brother’s study proved eliminating the “for profit system” and replacing it with Medicare for all, WOULD COST LESS THAN THE CURRENT SYSTEM.
The elites have run the HC system into the ground on purpose.

Medicare costs well in excess of 10X what it was projected to when being set forth over 50 years ago....That's a shitty job of containing costs and delivering a superior product.

When gubmint is involved, failure isn't an "unintended consequence", it's the desired outcome.....In their world, their failure is evidence that they need more power and money.

You may now turn in your "libertarian/anarchist" credentials and talismans at the door.
Agreed. The problem you have is the for profit system is worse than a government run program.

I’m a libertarian, but also a realist. I recognize we aren’t going back to a time of limited government. I recognize the wealthy elite have taken control and they aren’t nice people. We need to eliminate their power. One way is government run HC.
You're no realist -let alone a libertarian- when your solution to a problem that's rife with gubmint meddling is to give over the entire system to them.

Never thought I'd be giving you this award, but you earned it today....

View attachment 307549
You’re not getting this. It’s transparent, but you can’t see it.
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
No, getting government out won’t do shit. That’s just something you believe because it sounds good and coddles your pre-conceived notions. It doesn’t have a basis in reality.
It was cheap in 1776 .. no gov in loved let’s go back
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

Medicare for all, even illegals, is a moronic idea.
Delaney’s Debate Claim That ‘Medicare For All’ Will Shutter Hospitals Goes Overboard
“If you go to every hospital in this country and you ask them one question, which is, ‘How would it have been for you last year if every one of your bills were paid at the Medicare rate?’ Every single hospital administrator said they would close.”

Don't worry, the Socialists have an answer for this. They will just cut doctor's pay to be equitable with their local Starbucks coffee maker. That would solve the money problem. They can also lower standards to medical schools, which they will have to do to account for the influx of patients. Of course, that would mean some severely unqualified doctors, but Socialists and Democrats don't typically think that far ahead. One step at a time...right off the cliff.

LOL cutting doctor's pay is just what Trump is proposing in his budget.
What a live birth cost in 1946....$1,180 and change in today's dollars.....A VERY affordable sum of money to pay out of pocket....This was before gubmint started "helping".

You nuts calling for a total takeover by The State under the guise that it will suddenly be cheaper are out of your fucking minds.

What a live birth cost in 1946....$1,180 and change in today's dollars.....A VERY affordable sum of money to pay out of pocket....This was before gubmint started "helping".

You nuts calling for a total takeover by The State under the guise that it will suddenly be cheaper are out of your fucking minds.

Read the Koch Brothers study. It’s all there.
What a live birth cost in 1946....$1,180 and change in today's dollars.....A VERY affordable sum of money to pay out of pocket....This was before gubmint started "helping".

You nuts calling for a total takeover by The State under the guise that it will suddenly be cheaper are out of your fucking minds.

Read the Koch Brothers study. It’s all there.
Fuck the Koch brothers....They're bigger fake libertarians than the Golfing Gonad.

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