Why don’t republicans have real solutions to healthcare?

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
Why should the REPs bother? After all Bernie and Warren have the health care problem solved right? ASSHOLE!
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

Why do Democrats want to make owning your own negotiated health care plan ILLEGAL so they can FORCE the American people to come crawling to the government and be happy with loss of control over their own lives, less care, imposed health care rationing, etc....

Forget it - that was rhetorical. Self-identified Socialist rulers acquiring / seizing power over everyone else is what they do.

I just can't figure out why snowflakes support the criminal assholes who blatantly lied to their faces (won't coast a dime, will pay for itself, will lower the cost, if you like your plan / doctor you can keep them), rammed their minority ideology/agenda socialist plan down the majority of Americans who did not want it, followed by Jonathon Gruber openly mocking snowflakes as 'STUPID', that Democrats count on how stupid they are to get away with what they do...?!
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class
Another example of the classic "If you don't what I think you should do, it's because you don't care!!!!" fallacy, common to all Democrats and the causes they support.

The very best way to lower health care costs is to do away with third-party pay systems and force everyone to pay for the goods and services they consume.

This will increase competition, lower prices, and improve quality.
Why do Democrats want to make owning your own negotiated health care plan ILLEGAL so they can FORCE the American people to come crawling to the government and be happy with loss of control over their own lives, less care, imposed health care rationing, etc....
Democrats seek to expand the power of the state - and thus, their own partisan political power - as much as possible.
Few things will do this more effectively than state-managed health care - especially after they deliberately make a mess of it 2-3 times.
Get government out of the health insurance business and remove employers from the equation. Allow people to buy whatever coverage they desire, or none at all.

Free markets solutions are ALWAYS superior to government programs.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

Did you know in 1974 Democrats could have fixed all this with the Nixon/Kennedy plan but it was the DEMOCRATS that killed it?

So as you preach about how the GOP does not want to fix a damn thing the bigger question for me is when Obama had the House and Senate why didn't he pass the Nixon/Kennedy plan and end this discussion?


He was owned also by the Health Insurance industry just like Pelosi and Reid but of course you do not care do you?
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
Americans will not vote to terminate their own HC policies. The gop gets away with not having any proposal for two reasons: 1) Bernie's a socialist nutcase who has coopted 1/3 of dem primary voters, and 2) the centrist gop sentators refused to go along with Trump who wanted to end the Obama Medicaid expansion that covers between 17-18 million people.
No, getting government out won’t do shit. That’s just something you believe because it sounds good and coddles your pre-conceived notions. It doesn’t have a basis in reality.
It was cheap in 1776 .. no gov in loved let’s go back
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
The Government owes me money.
Americans will not vote to terminate their own HC policies. The gop gets away with not having any proposal for two reasons: 1) Bernie's a socialist nutcase who has coopted 1/3 of dem primary voters, and 2) the centrist gop sentators refused to go along with Trump who wanted to end the Obama Medicaid expansion that covers between 17-18 million people.

There is a popular sign in many stores:

'You break it, you bought it'.

Barry and the Democrats 'broke' the US health care system in their historic power-grab attempt.

Barry and the Democrats LIED - Harry Reid admitted it. Jonathon Gruber MOCKED Democrats for being so gullible / stupid...'gullible sheep'.

Reid admitted Obamacare was DESIGNED TO FAIL'....just not as fast as it began to. He admitted it was a forced 'stepping-stone' to Socialist Single Payer......

The Democrats and snowflake 'sheep' attempting to blame the GOP for their f*-up and for not cleaning it up is like the Captain of the Exon Valdez blaming the historic Alaskan Oil Spill on the Alaskan Natives / clean-up crew.

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

We lived the republican idea of what health care should be from the Reagan years until Obamacare. Even now, the republicans have sabotaged Obamacare so now it doesn't work the way it was supposed to.

Funny when the bush boy and republicans created the medicare drug program no democrat sabotaged it. Even though it was a horrible bill. All of us are paying much higher drug prices because of it. They made it illegal to import drugs and for the government to negotiate lower prices for drugs. The minute that law went into effect, drug prices for everyone started to skyrocket.

The republican health care policy. is don't get sick. If you do, die quickly.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
Hold on there. Obama and Democrats fixed healthcare 10 years ago. You obviously didn't get the memo.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

We lived the republican idea of what health care should be from the Reagan years until Obamacare. Even now, the republicans have sabotaged Obamacare so now it doesn't work the way it was supposed to.

Funny when the bush boy and republicans created the medicare drug program no democrat sabotaged it. Even though it was a horrible bill. All of us are paying much higher drug prices because of it. They made it illegal to import drugs and for the government to negotiate lower prices for drugs. The minute that law went into effect, drug prices for everyone started to skyrocket.

The republican health care policy. is don't get sick. If you do, die quickly.
Did republicans sabotage the Obamacare web site when it was rolled out? Over half a billion was spent on a web site that didn't work and then hundreds of millions more to get it running halfway decent.
What a live birth cost in 1946....$1,180 and change in today's dollars.....A VERY affordable sum of money to pay out of pocket....This was before gubmint started "helping".

You nuts calling for a total takeover by The State under the guise that it will suddenly be cheaper are out of your fucking minds.

Read the Koch Brothers study. It’s all there.
Fuck the Koch brothers....They're bigger fake libertarians than the Golfing Gonad.
Geeze. Open your mind for just one second. The study was paid for by the Koch brothers. Researchers did the research.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
Hold on there. Obama and Democrats fixed healthcare 10 years ago. You obviously didn't get the memo.

1. Obama said: We were all going to save $2,500 a year. Fact is: it cost us all up to $10,000 in new deductibles
2. Obama said: We would insure the 30 uninsured. Fact is: there are still ~30m uninsured.
3. Obama said: We would get better healthcare Fact is: people can't afford the deductible so healthcare is worse

Medicare is bankrupt in 2026, so Medicare for all will be a disaster, especially if its free for illegals, and especially if hospitals go bankrupt.
Healthcare was better before Obamacare, you had health insurance and the doctors accepted it.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
Too fucking bad. Your taxes help pay for the common defense, for the highway system, for SS, for Medicare/caid, all because it is in the interest of all Americans. Know what else is in our common interest? Bringing down the rise of healthcare inflation and making sure we as a nation are as healthy as we can be.

The OP asked why Repub's don't have a remedy for fixing healthcare. Jitss617 answered the question. They ignorantly only care about themselves and are bankrupting the country in an effort to prove it.
I have a solution PROGS should be happy for. People and employers get a choice.

1. Continue with their current privately run insurance options. These people are not taxed for healthcare.

2. Single-payer govt. system, of which these people are taxed for health care. Those who cannot pay the tax are beneficiaries of this system.

Both systems stand on their own, costs, administration and benefits. We set aside a specified amount for initial implementation, from there the single-payer option must operate in the black.

Boy is option 2 fucked. But it's what PROGS desire, let em have it & share the misery.
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I was once told if I like my current healthcare plan and doctor I would be able to keep them period well I do. Medicare for all would eliminate that and force me on some shit run government plan that I don’t want contrary to what many like to think the solution to every problem is not let the government run it.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
Too fucking bad. Your taxes help pay for the common defense, for the highway system, for SS, for Medicare/caid, all because it is in the interest of all Americans. Know what else is in our common interest? Bringing down the rise of healthcare inflation and making sure we as a nation are as healthy as we can be.

The OP asked why Repub's don't have a remedy for fixing healthcare. Jitss617 answered the question. They ignorantly only care about themselves and are bankrupting the country in an effort to prove it.
My great American ancestors all agreed to pay a tax to have things we need roads police judges etc. the reason why we talk about healthcare every day is because most Americans do not wanna pay for another persons healthcare.. I took an internal poll I talk to 1000 people I asked him a simple question will you write a check to pay for my healthcare yes or no.. they all said NO! Nobody agrees with you you are a troll you want for killing babies you are for infanticide you do not care about peoples health care you know you can control poor illiterate foreigners by telling them you’ll give them free shit.. This is why you’re not going to win elections you’re all in it for the wrong reasons that’s why your cities are all shit holes
Too fucking bad.
Here, we see the typical liberal reaction to being told some people oppose the state forcing them to pay for goods and services they do not consume, because they disagree with state-enforced involuntary servitude.

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