Why don’t republicans have real solutions to healthcare?

No way in FUCK single payer healthcare saves me one dime, I'd go upside down 6K annually. I'm middle class, my health premium is about $55 a month, and I've LITERALLY not spent one dime on medical expenses in probably a decade. I obviously don't see a doctor much. Matter of fact I saw one today. The visit is covered 100%, and even if it wasn't it wouldn't cost me a dime. If I have a heart attack tomorrow I don't spent one penny on the event.

Yeah, the current system is horrible.
Lol that’s a complete load of bullshit.
View attachment 307641
Oh really? You think Trump has improved healthcare? How adorable.
Only thing I know about healthcare is my health care do you want to pay for it send me a check
No way in FUCK single payer healthcare saves me one dime, I'd go upside down 6K annually. I'm middle class, my health premium is about $55 a month, and I've LITERALLY not spent one dime on medical expenses in probably a decade. I obviously don't see a doctor much. Matter of fact I saw one today. The visit is covered 100%, and even if it wasn't it wouldn't cost me a dime. If I have a heart attack tomorrow I don't spent one penny on the event.

Yeah, the current system is horrible.
Lol that’s a complete load of bullshit.

Oh sure right, my credibility is Billy level.

WTF would motivate me to lie?
No way in FUCK single payer healthcare saves me one dime, I'd go upside down 6K annually. I'm middle class, my health premium is about $55 a month, and I've LITERALLY not spent one dime on medical expenses in probably a decade. I obviously don't see a doctor much. Matter of fact I saw one today. The visit is covered 100%, and even if it wasn't it wouldn't cost me a dime. If I have a heart attack tomorrow I don't spent one penny on the event.

Yeah, the current system is horrible.
Lol that’s a complete load of bullshit.

Oh sure right, my credibility is Billy level.

WTF would motivate me to lie?
There is no way in hell you don’t have a high deductible if you’re only paying $55 per month. That is all the more ludicrous if you are actually in the middle class.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
No, getting government out won’t do shit. That’s just something you believe because it sounds good and coddles your pre-conceived notions. It doesn’t have a basis in reality.

The government can't even deliver the fucking mail without pissing red ink all over the place. You're an idiot.
No, getting government out won’t do shit. That’s just something you believe because it sounds good and coddles your pre-conceived notions. It doesn’t have a basis in reality.
It was cheap in 1776 .. no gov in loved let’s go back
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol

Hell yeah it was. Big damn mosquitos, alligators in new yourk fucking Indians, all that and France owned property here.
Move out .. 1820 health care

I'll tell your physician to prepare the leeches. We'll bleed the poisons out of you. The price is two chickens. Also, no anti-biotics, so watch where you dip your wick. Syphylis will kill you without pennicillin. Just ask Al Capone.
It was cheap in 1776 .. no gov in loved let’s go back
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol

Hell yeah it was. Big damn mosquitos, alligators in new yourk fucking Indians, all that and France owned property here.
Move out .. 1820 health care

I'll tell your physician to prepare the leeches. We'll bleed the poisons out of you. The price is two chickens. Also, no anti-biotics, so watch where you dip your wick. Syphylis will kill you without pennicillin. Just ask Al Capone.

If you want to see some scary shit Google the 1800 treatments for STD's.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
No, getting government out won’t do shit. That’s just something you believe because it sounds good and coddles your pre-conceived notions. It doesn’t have a basis in reality.

The government can't even deliver the fucking mail without pissing red ink all over the place. You're an idiot.

That would be the AMERICAN government. If Americans are the smartest and hardest working and just the best and most exceptional, why is it you cannot manage to deliver quality healthcare to ALL of your citizens without bankrupting your country. How come your government is slow, inefficient, and spends more money on fraud prevention and helping the people is was designed to help.

Every other first world nation in the world manages to give health care to ALL of their people while spending half the amount money that Americans spend to give health care to the wealthy, leaving 30 million Americans with no reliable access to quality health care. The only "American exceptionalism" I see is a nation that is great at making the rich people richer, and utterly incapable of ensuring that the low income people have access to adequate income to ensure food, housing and health care for themselves and their families.

When it comes basic needs for the majority of Americans, the only thing exceptional about the USA, is their inability to ensure ALL of the people have equal opportunity, and access to food, housing, education and health care and adequate income to survive. 30,000 people dying each year because they have no insurance is "exceptional" in that it really is "only in America".

Republicans are so afraid of "fraud" they spend $1million in drug testing to save $100,000 on payouts. Talk about picking up of the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants. Americans believe the "most expensive" means "best". Most expensive schools
give you a ranking 34th in math and 38th in science. Most expensive health care gives you a world ranking of 37th.

American need to learn to get VALUE for your money. You throw mountains of money at problems, without doing anything but increasing the size of government.
Last edited:
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
No, getting government out won’t do shit. That’s just something you believe because it sounds good and coddles your pre-conceived notions. It doesn’t have a basis in reality.

The government can't even deliver the fucking mail without pissing red ink all over the place. You're an idiot.

That would be the AMERICAN government. If Americans are the smartest and hardest working and just the best and most exceptional, why is it you cannot manage to deliver quality healthcare to ALL of your citizens without bankrupting your country. How come your government is slow, inefficient, and spends more money on fraud prevention and helping the people is was designed to help.

Republicans are so afraid of "fraud" they spend $1million in drug testing to save $100,000 on payouts. Talk about picking up of the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

"If Americans are the smartest and hardest working and just the best and most exceptional, why is it you cannot manage to deliver quality healthcare to ALL of your citizens without bankrupting your country. How come your government is slow, inefficient, and spends more money on fraud prevention and helping the people is was designed to help."

Because we have 50 million retards that vote for other retards like AOC.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
If you want government to take over health care, one thing is for sure, they will ration YOUR health care and save all kinds of money.

Then you can have fabulous state run free and cheap health care like they have in China right now as bodies pile up in hospitals. In fact, they won't even charge you to bury you.
Republicans don’t have “real plans” on healthcare because we understand that the Government is not the proper entity to be dealing with anyone’s healthcare. Thst is a personal problem thst each individual needs to come up with their own solution to.
That is so stupid. This is a system that makes it impossible for people to get insulin because of the cost. Obviously that is a problem.

And at least part of what you replied to is a lie.

That person most certainly believes the government should be involved with health care. Specifically, women's health care. They want the government to control women's reproductive health care.

The person most certainly doesn't believe that reproductive health care is an personal situation that the individual needs to come up with their own solution.

The reason why insulin is so expensive is because of greed and the bush boy medicare drug law. It's illegal to import drugs and it's illegal for the government to negotiate prices. There are no caps on drug prices or incentives for drug companies to keep prices low. Our very lax regulations and tax laws are huge incentives for the prices of drugs to be astronomically high. The patent laws allows monopolies and prevents competition that helps keep prices low. Private ownership of drugs by drug companies that use mostly tax dollars for research encourage high prices for drugs.

It's a totally rigged system that should be torn apart and rebuilt with much more fairness to the consumers and a lot of incentives and penalties that keep prices low.
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

Your article provides no information on how the savings are realized.
It was cheap in 1776 .. no gov in loved let’s go back
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol

Hell yeah it was. Big damn mosquitos, alligators in new yourk fucking Indians, all that and France owned property here.
Move out .. 1820 health care

I'll tell your physician to prepare the leeches. We'll bleed the poisons out of you. The price is two chickens. Also, no anti-biotics, so watch where you dip your wick. Syphylis will kill you without pennicillin. Just ask Al Capone.
Sounds like Canada lol
It was cheap in 1776 .. no gov in loved let’s go back
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was also shitty like everything else in 1776.
Wow America was shitty!? Lol
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop voting democrat
The Republican Party stopped being the Grand Old Party of Lincoln by the 19-teens and the 1920s...

War profiteering in WWI and the decade that followed put the final nail in the GOP coffin...

The GOP was subverted and control was seized by Corporatists and their Corporate Whore politicians more than a lifetime ago...

It limped into the latter half of the 20th as damaged goods but the infusion of Dixiecrat blood after 1964 prolonged its life...

Today, it's basically The American White People's Party... chock full of White Supremacists, Gun Nuts, Bikers and Rednecks...

Trouble is, today's Democratic Party hasn't given them a suitable alternative to their Corporate Masters...

The American Colored Folks Party also embraces Muzzies, Phaggs, Reparations Crazies and Socialist Idiots...

Neither of them care about your health and neither of them have a viable and sustainable plan for universal healthcare...

Between the two, there really isn't a good choice... ya pays yer money and picks yer poison... :21:
Last edited:
Wow America was shitty!? Lol
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Felony stopping you? Lol
It still is.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

There's a certain breed of Republican, even dumber than usual, who think everyone they disagree with is a Democrat.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

There's a certain breed of Republican, even dumber than usual, who think everyone they disagree with is a Democrat.
Who did you vote for in 2016

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