Why don’t republicans have real solutions to healthcare?

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down

No way in FUCK single payer healthcare saves me one dime, I'd go upside down 6K annually. I'm middle class, my health premium is about $55 a month, and I've LITERALLY not spent one dime on medical expenses in probably a decade. I obviously don't see a doctor much. Matter of fact I saw one today. The visit is covered 100%, and even if it wasn't it wouldn't cost me a dime. If I have a heart attack tomorrow I don't spent one penny on the event.

Yeah, the current system is horrible.

Another false premise by Billy-E-Baloney!

By his op question, he is suggesting that the Democrats DO HAVE a reasonable solution to healthcare. What kind of fantasy is that!

Don't let him lead you down that road! It has already been proven that BERNARDS ideas would bankrupt us, or would raise taxes so high, the economy would virtually collapse.

A better question is------------->which political party has the WORSE ideas!
In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
You most likely don't even have healthcare.
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

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Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

There's a certain breed of Republican, even dumber than usual, who think everyone they disagree with is a Democrat.
Who did you vote for in 2016

Not Trump and not Clinton.

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In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
My health care is none of your business.. i doNt want to pay for you.. everyone has access.. work two jobs.. get government out and the prices will go down
You most likely don't even have healthcare.
It’s none of your business
The OP makes a significant point, albeit one that s/he probably doesn't fully fathom.

If ACA is so bad, why don't Republicans come up with a replacement that is better? Good question.

The answer, however, is too complex to be summarized on a Bumper Sticker, which leaves most Leftists scratching their tiny, little heads.

Here's the thing: ACA has "sold" America on two concepts that are ANTITHETICAL to traditional, rational insurance. It is impossible to create an efficacious overall health insurance programme while retaining those two concepts.

The first concept is: Those with expensive pre-existing conditions must be able to get insurance, and the second concept is, People with a costly medical profile must not be required to pay more for insurance than healthy young people.

It is these two factors that served to dramatically increase insurance premiums in the wake of ACA. But nothing proposed by Republicans that retains those two "mandates" will result in any significant savings to the insurance-buying public.

You hear Republicans mentioning things like "interstate competition among insurance companies," and "tort reform," and "malpractice reform," but with the two mandates, these will have only a marginal impact on rate-payers.

And that is why Republicans seem to have run out of ideas on modifying or replacing ACA (also known as "Obamacare").

It cannot go without saying that Obamacare was intended to FAIL. The inevitable exploding health insurance rates (mainly resulting from the two mandates) were intended to make Americans so angry at their insurance companies that they would DEMAND Single-Payer. And that is why the Democrat Clown Car candidates PRESUME that their various socialized and semi-socialized medicine proposals will be favorably received by the public.
And at least part of what you replied to is a lie.

That person most certainly believes the government should be involved with health care. Specifically, women's health care. They want the government to control women's reproductive health care.

You are correct, to a limited degree. I do have very strong feelings on both contraceptives and abortion; but I dont see this Government as the arbiter of such things. The afterlife will take care of those issues in its own way, in the proper time.

I would suggest women have more to fear from the Souls of their unconceived and unborn children, sitting in Hell than the Government. Upon these women’s eventual death those powerful and ferocious entities will rend their non-mother’s Souls to pieces each day, only to have it reform each morning and endure the torture all over again, like Prometheus and his liver.
It's a totally rigged system that should be torn apart and rebuilt with much more fairness to the consumers and a lot of incentives and penalties that keep prices low.

min which case you’d find many/most of the pharmaceutical companies get out of the business, since the profit margin they expect will no longer be there.
Wow why do you live here?
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

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Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

There's a certain breed of Republican, even dumber than usual, who think everyone they disagree with is a Democrat.
many democrats here think everyone they disagree with is a republican......party people are more alike then they would care to admit....
That would be the AMERICAN government. If Americans are the smartest and hardest working and just the best and most exceptional, why is it you cannot manage to deliver quality healthcare to ALL of your citizens without bankrupting your country.
Because free people do not take kindly to being forced by the state to pay for goods and services they do not receive.
-You- may enjoy involuntary servitude, but don't presume to make that choice for us.
Why don’t republicans have real solutions to healthcare?

Look who's talking, Dems have NO SOLUTION to paying for their pie in the sky FREE SHIT healthcare for all plans. They LIE out their big fat lying filth mouths promising something they can't deliver.

In case you didn’t know, the GOP does not all give a shit about making healthcare more affordable to the middle class and poor. Republican voters for some reason think they do? I’m not really sure. Mitch McConnel just got a 50k payout from Big Pharma for blocking a vote on a bill to lower drug prices.

McConnell gets $50,000 from pharma after blocking bill to lower drug prices

When you ask average Joe republican what solutions they have to skyrocketing healthcare costs, they say “get government out of the way!”

Are you kidding me?

The reason why prescription drug prices are so high is because of corporate greed. Republicans know that right? It’s not like these wealthy executives say to themselves “man if only we got rid of all the government red tape. Then we can make enough money to lower our drug prices! We are noble men like that after all!” These execs have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit and obviously one way to do that is to charge insane prices for their drugs.

Hey guess what? A single payer system would be hella expensive and hard to implement, but it would still save us 450 billion per year on healthcare. It would save 60k people per year. After all, we spend more per capita on healthcare than any country on Earth. This largely goes to fat administrative costs.

Medicare For All would save $450 billion annually while preventing 68,000 deaths, new study shows
If you want government to take over health care, one thing is for sure, they will ration YOUR health care and save all kinds of money.

Then you can have fabulous state run free and cheap health care like they have in China right now as bodies pile up in hospitals. In fact, they won't even charge you to bury you.
For all that, Medicare is immensely popular
he knows there aint a lot of places out there were you can say what he says about the govt and its top guy without being fucked with .....

It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.

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Stop voting democrat

I’ve never voted for a Democrat.

There's a certain breed of Republican, even dumber than usual, who think everyone they disagree with is a Democrat.
many democrats here think everyone they disagree with is a republican......party people are more alike then they would care to admit....

Even in terms of ideology and policy. Both parties are fundamentally statist. Both eager to use government to force their will on others.
Look who's talking, Dems have NO SOLUTION to paying for their pie in the sky FREE SHIT healthcare for all plans.
Democrats support state-run health care because it, almost alone, achieves two of their long-term goals:
- Gives the state almost control over the citizenry
- Takes as much as wealth as possible away from the wealthy
It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.
The government only owes you what it says it owes you, and can change it any time it wants.

I’m still not leaving.

Social Security won’t be my only income, just as my present job is not my only income.

Sorry to disappoint.

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The Democrats don’t have a solution either. But at least they try.

Eventually, we either have to get away from employers being the primary source for health insurance or change the basic transactional nature of healthcare. Neither will happen anytime soon; probably not in our lifetimes.
It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.
The government only owes you what it says it owes you, and can change it any time it wants.
I’m still not leaving.
Social Security won’t be my only income, just as my present job is not my only income.
Sorry to disappoint.
Nothing here changes the fact there's no reason the government cannot say you received all you are owed and shall receive no more.
It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.
The government only owes you what it says it owes you, and can change it any time it wants.
I’m still not leaving.
Social Security won’t be my only income, just as my present job is not my only income.
Sorry to disappoint.
Nothing here changes the fact there's no reason the government cannot say you received all you are owed and shall receive no more.

Nothing but all the information the Department of Social Security sent me about my retirement benefits.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.
The government only owes you what it says it owes you, and can change it any time it wants.
I’m still not leaving.
Social Security won’t be my only income, just as my present job is not my only income.
Sorry to disappoint.
Nothing here changes the fact there's no reason the government cannot say you received all you are owed and shall receive no more.
Nothing but all the information the Department of Social Security sent me about my retirement benefits.
Why do you think Congress cannot tell you you've been paid all you're owed and reduce your future benefits to 0?
It’s called Social Security.
I’ve paid into it for 50 years.
The Government owes me.
The government only owes you what it says it owes you, and can change it any time it wants.
I’m still not leaving.
Social Security won’t be my only income, just as my present job is not my only income.
Sorry to disappoint.
Nothing here changes the fact there's no reason the government cannot say you received all you are owed and shall receive no more.
Nothing but all the information the Department of Social Security sent me about my retirement benefits.
Why do you think Congress cannot tell you you've been paid all you're owed and reduce your future benefits to 0?

They can but they probably won’t.

I’m not paranoid.

If they ultimately didn’t pay me what they owe me, I’m sure I would survive.
Why do you think they would?

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