Zone1 Why don’t USMB Mods sign their work product?

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Whatever thread Litwin was railing about Russia on early on 1/20/23.
I was posting on a branch on August 23rd, 2016 and was wrongfully accused of being a sock, specifically that of of someone named STTAB. I would like posthumous sanctions against the violator and reparations from forum foundry, poste haste.

If a mod asks you to do something, they aren't going to infract you. I'd like to see the examples as well. It'd help us understand what you are saying. You can PM them to me if you'd like.

You know damn well what I am talking about, and so does everyone else reading this thread.

You're not gaining anything by playing dumb.

You're now just trying to bait me into committing what you can construe as a violation, so that you can suspend me again, and you are not fooling anyone here.
I hate to weigh in on this topic. But I will.. I have seen too many posters on here go into total meltdown on this topic. You can't handle it. Management is right on this rule...
Be very careful- all of you accusing other people of this. You could ruin decent people- just because YOU believe it. and you just might be wrong. touche

It is my side's--conservative's--variation of the Moral Panic that gripped the nation during Covid.

Are there a few people who are real groomers trying to get to kids? You bet. Do they start the narratives? Most likely, yes.

But MANY, if not MOST, of those who go along are not actually "groomers". These are the same folks that STILL think abortion is killing a "clump of tissue". Propaganda has worked on them. They think they're supporting gays/trans by teaching teenagers about pronouns. They're wrong, of course, but they're also not trying to groom those kids for their own sexual gratification.



I'm not playing dumb Bob.

If everyone perceived the world the same?

Then we would not have conservatives, and we would not have liberals.

You don't actually believe folks think of themselves as, "evil," and desire to be that way, do you?

My point here, is if we want to constructively address this issue, you will need to point out the area and controversy that you are talking about. If not, we can't get down to the crux of the issue. Folks view the world through a different lenses, your truth, is not other folks truth.


This? Was a brilliant post today, by one of our members who is a conservative and a public school teacher, she faces this issue on the regular it appears;

Not everyone that is gay, or lgbtq, or attempts to teach understanding and compassion, is necessarily a groomer, so you folks should not assume they are. Not at least, unless you have PROOOF, and are willing to post it.

. . . and if you REFUSE to post, or link to conversations about this, claiming we are, "playing dumb," IMO? You are using this issue to shoe horn in your politics, and not posting with integrity. Post up, or shut up please.

You're not fooling anyone.
The difficulty with your argument of course, is that you now accuse LGBTQ of all being pedophiles, along with all schools, all teachers, all Democrats, all coaches. If they have a policy or behavior you disagree with - like thinking its bad to throw gays off a roof, or that public libraries are for everyone, not just fundamentalists - then you immediately scream that they are "groomers" and support pedophilia.

They are not even trying to hide it.

What is any sane person suppose to think when we see these fucked-up freaks having their disgusting perversions “taught” to young children's in public schools?

And what are we suppose to think of subhuman shit such as yourself that defend this?

If a group doesn't want to be accused of being pedophiles or of supporting pedophiles, then it would sure help their cause a lot of they were not seen openly promoting and supporting pedophilia.

There is absolutely no justifiable reason for intentionally exposing minors to any of this fucked-up shit, and in a sane society, anyone who had any willing part in it would either be kept locked up permanently, or better yet, just put to death.
They are not even trying to hide it.

What is any sane person suppose to think when we see these fucked-up freaks having their disgusting perversions “taught” to young children's in public schools?

And what are we suppose to think of subhuman shit such as yourself that defend this?

If a group doesn't want to be accused of being pedophiles or of supporting pedophiles, then it would sure help their cause a lot of they were not seen openly promoting and supporting pedophilia.

There is absolutely no justifiable reason for intentionally exposing minors to any of this fucked-up shit, and in a sane society, anyone who had any willing part in it would either be kept locked up permanently, or better yet, just put to death.

Should every liberal who also put a "stay home, stay safe" filter on their profile be "put to death"?

Bob, there are levels here. But you are just getting a LOT of satisfaction from this Moral Superiority.

And I have spent my entire adult life teaching young children. I mostly agree with you, but your rhetoric is over the top and damaging.
You were usually the worst behaved poster in any thread you entered and accused everybody who opposed pederasty of being a homophobe.

Indeed. How often has StinkWorrier responded to posts directly and clearly condemning the sexual abuse of children (and not even mentioning homosexuality vs heterosexuality) as being bigoted against “Da Gayz”. In a way, it's almost an admission of the very point that he is trying to deny, the obvious correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia, to so consistently jump to the conclusion that any condemnation against pedophilia is automatically a condemnation against homosexuality.
Wow. Strange thread twist. Let’s try this.

I have a former work colleague who happens to have been a lesbian. She got married to another woman. They later adopted a child and raised her. The kid wasn’t “groomed.”

There is absolutely zero reason to believe that either of the kid’s mommies ever did anything even remotely sexual with their daughter.

So, being gay doesn’t make one a pedophile. My position is that regardless of any support group-effort (like an alliance of and for “LGbTq+”) that doesn’t have anything to do with pedophilia.

If a gay person has sexual relations with a kid, that particular gay person is the pedophile. If a hetero person has sexual relations with a kid, that particular hetero person is the pedophile.

Anyone involved in a group like NAMBLA should be deemed a pedophile. Straight, gay, bi or whatever. Kids should be left alone! Keep your hands off them.
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Should every liberal who also put a "stay home, stay safe" filter on their profile be "put to death"?

No, but they certainly deserve all the ridicule and mockery that can be mustered against them.

And possibly death, if they tried to forcibly compel those of us who know better to play along with their cowardice and submission. Certainly whatever force we have to use to defend our own freedom and safety against them, and if that means they die, then so be it.

Bob, there are levels here. But you are just getting a LOT of satisfaction from this Moral Superiority.
And I have spent my entire adult life teaching young children. I mostly agree with you, but your rhetoric is over the top and damaging.

So, wanting children to be protected from depraved sexual perverts that want to sexually brainwash, groom, and abuse them, is “over the top and damaging”?
The point that you keep making isn't what you think it is.
Oh it definitely is. Your "obvious correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia." Thats the same trope you guys used to have about homosexuals, just reskinned to include Transexuals. I am not any of those, but your constant attacks on anyone who disagrees with your unique and interesting views that there is a great cabal of teachers, schools, the Democratic Party, and LGBTs all conspiring to commit pedophilia, is, frankly clinical psychosis.
There's no use in playing dumb on this matter.

You know damned well what I am talking about.

Pedophiles are allowed, here, to openly defend and promote the sexual abuse of children, and yet I, and several others, have been repeatedly infracted and punished and censored for daring to call them out.

That's because you accuse anyone who supports LGBTQ rights as being a "pedophile". You can't even have a civil conversation on it, and frankly, if anything, most forums probably would have permabanned you for such conduct.
Oh it definitely is. Your "obvious correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia." Thats [sic] the same trope you guys used to have about homosexuals, just reskinned to include Transexuals [sic]. I am not any of those, but your constant attacks on anyone who disagrees with your unique and interesting views that there is a great cabal of teachers, schools, the Democratic Party, and LGBTs all conspiring to commit pedophilia, is, frankly clinical psychosis.

It is certainly obvious that your defense and support of each one of these individual fucked-up sexual perversions is tied to you defense of every other such perversions. You condemn me for pointing out, rightfully and obviously, how these perversions are all part of the same underlying mental/moral/spiritual disease, and yet, every time you defend pedophilia by accusing one who condemned it of being against “Da Gayz”, you are admitting that the two perversions are connected. You keep effectively admitting to the truth of the very thing that you mean to refute.
It is certainly obvious that your defense and support of each one of these individual fucked-up sexual perversions is tied to you defense of every other such perversions. You condemn me for pointing out, rightfully and obviously, how these perversions are all part of the same underlying mental/moral/spiritual disease, and yet, every time you defend pedophilia by accusing one who condemned it of being against “Da Gayz”, you are admitting that the two perversions are connected. You keep effectively admitting to the truth of the very thing that you mean to refute.
Except they aren't.
The vast majority of crimes against children and minors is against girls/preteens by "straight" men, usually trusted family members. You refuse to acknowledge that and instead go off on your antiGay Jihad every single time.
Except they aren't.
The vast majority of crimes against children and minors is against girls/preteens by "straight" men, usually trusted family members. You refuse to acknowledge that and instead go off on your antiGay Jihad every single time.
Zinkbungboi is gay? Dang!
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