Zone1 A very questionable Board rule needs reconsideration

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how to contact a moderator if you don't know who has " moderated". Hahahahaha
Not really. Some mods don’t play quite on the level. And other mods either don’t see it or don’t choose to break ranks.

By the way, I acknowledge that this isn’t always true. But it is sometimes. And that’s why it would make sense to get rid of that particular rule.
Sunlight is often a powerful disinfectant.

Therein lies the answer to your question.

Placing that aside, I've read justification for the rule offered in the form of ''well we don't want to embarrass anyone''

I've always found that to be quite laughable, very lazy justification.

Personally I never piss and moan about maude misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance unless I know I'm right. Even then, it's almost always when I see blatant misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance regarding maude interactions with the general usership that I do choose to say something, as it's usually regarding the principle of the matter itself.

Can't say that I really get into much trouble around here myself in terms of breaking the rules. I might catch a very rare contempt of maud charge, but that's about it. What comes around goes around is how I generally choose to deal with that, though. If it pertains to me personally, I'm more prone to note it and move along...circling the parameter...very quietly...waiting for their pride to go into overdrive before casually sniping. Figuratively speaking. The couple of routinely prideful, frequently obtuse and condescending oligarchs really are the gifts that keep on giving in that regard.
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I fail to understand the issue.

1st. If one has an issue to take up with a mod action, then one should/might address it to the respective mod, usually Mods or rather all Administrators take a look at it, and one should refrain from going public with disputes.

2nd. Just as probably any other poster on this Forum also, or has been a member on multiple other Forums.
For my part, I had decided to leave ALL these other Forums (within 3-6 month) due to a single issue; Moderators and Administrators misusing their privilege to enforce opinions or to discredit posters holding a different view of things then them. Even regardless of posts/opinions being backed up by substantiated arguments and sources.

I am very new to this Forum - and so far I am very much enjoying it, due to the simple issue of not having seen or having come across Mods of the above described characters.
If you have an issue with moderator actions take it up privately with the Mod who took the action.

Why? What is the sound administrative purpose served by such a rule?

Why shouldn’t a disputed mod action be aired right here in “feedback?”

For example, let’s say a member has allegedly violated a particular board rule. (We can’t always tell if it’s one of those “never really enforced rules” or one that mods take seriously.) Now, let’s say the mod says s/he is moving it but actually just shuts it and hides it. Why shouldn’t a member be allowed to air his or her complaint about the mod action and seek a restoration of the post or thread? If you complain to a mod, often they don’t even answer.

Why not a little light on the matter? Sunlight is often a powerful disinfectant.
You can DM any mod(s) about any moderator action. I do suggest having more than one mod included in the DM though.
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