Why dont we solve the problem, instead of executing people ?

View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
Having a trial is not what matters as much as having lots of money to hire a lawyer from Harvard. Things are not as fair and democratic in the USA as you assume.

Where in my post did I say anything about fair? I know better. Apparently you can't read.
Unfortunately, some problems cannot just be "solved," especially when it comes to insanity.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).

I don't recall anybody from Wall Street murdering people. Our prisons are not filled with Wall Street executives.
You wrote, in that folksy way, "I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor." You did not specify murderers although many were driven to suicide as a consequence of the actions of Wall Street bankers and financiers, the types recently appointed by Trump to his cabinet.

Take note of the word "most." Most criminals do come from lower income brackets.
Naturally most convicted people come from the lower socio-economic working class since the wealthy represent only 1% of the population.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.

While I am anti death penalty, I can see the need for it in some cases ...
Then you are not anti-death penalty. No country in the European Union permits executions.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
Having a trial is not what matters as much as having lots of money to hire a lawyer from Harvard. Things are not as fair and democratic in the USA as you assume.

Where in my post did I say anything about fair? I know better. Apparently you can't read.
Stop writing to people who cannot read.
So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.

While I am anti death penalty, I can see the need for it in some cases ...
Then you are not anti-death penalty. No country in the European Union permits executions.

Well, maybe not completely, but in most cases I am anti death penalty. I would only be for the death penalty in the most extreme cases and where there is no question as to the guilt.

Let me ask you this, do you think it serves any purpose to keep a person like Jeffrey Dahmer alive? (I know he's dead, but just an example to consider). He cannibalized his victims.

Okay also, I am not anti death penalty when it comes to those adults who harm children. Sexual predators of children are just the most worthless scum on earth. They should be eliminated and separated permanently from any children.
So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.

While I am anti death penalty, I can see the need for it in some cases ...
Then you are not anti-death penalty. No country in the European Union permits executions.

And so what anyways? The "European Union." Big deal. As if anyone cares what the "European union" thinks. Lol! Each nation has to do what is right for it's people and for the society in general.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

Prisoners are in prison and some are facing the death penalty because they had a chance at a better life and they blew it.

The point you are trying to make is more fitting for children who are being aborted.

At last the CONVICTED felon on death row got a trial and a chance to defend themself.

You have to marvel at the mind that can claim to be pro-life and also be so callous of life. The human mind can in fact be turned into a mobius strip.
You just described your mind. Liberals put babies and murderers on the same moral plane.
I really think child predators should be killed. They serve no purpose to society except for menace and terror. Their crimes are usually always premeditated and they are manipulative beings by nature because that is part of what makes them the evil monsters that they are. They cannot be cured of their sick disease either. There is always going to be a risk to children when you release one of these pedophiles into society.

There has been a pedophile posting on another forum that I'm at, advocating for being able to sex up our children without interference by the law. It should be a "choice" of the children he says. That just proves to me that this guy should be killed. That is the logical thing to do, IMO. I wouldn't mind strangling him myself. I don't have any pity for him whatsoever.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.

While I am anti death penalty, I can see the need for it in some cases ...
Then you are not anti-death penalty. No country in the European Union permits executions.

And so what anyways? The "European Union." Big deal. As if anyone cares what the "European union" thinks. Lol! Each nation has to do what is right for it's people and for the society in general.
Maintaining humanitarian standards as we do in the European Union prevents politicians from allowing people to be killed in our name. Killing people brutalizes a society. You have only to read the comments from Americans here.
I really think child predators should be killed. They serve no purpose to society except for menace and terror. Their crimes are usually always premeditated and they are manipulative beings by nature because that is part of what makes them the evil monsters that they are. They cannot be cured of their sick disease either. There is always going to be a risk to children when you release one of these pedophiles into society.

There has been a pedophile posting on another forum that I'm at, advocating for being able to sex up our children without interference by the law. It should be a "choice" of the children he says. That just proves to me that this guy should be killed. That is the logical thing to do, IMO. I wouldn't mind strangling him myself. I don't have any pity for him whatsoever.
The more you write, the more you make my point that brutal people are in favor of killing.
That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.

While I am anti death penalty, I can see the need for it in some cases ...
Then you are not anti-death penalty. No country in the European Union permits executions.

And so what anyways? The "European Union." Big deal. As if anyone cares what the "European union" thinks. Lol! Each nation has to do what is right for it's people and for the society in general.
Maintaining humanitarian standards as we do in the European Union prevents politicians from allowing people to be killed in our name. Killing people brutalizes a society. You have only to read the comments from Americans here.

I agree that some people take their "execution fantasies" to another level. I do feel that there are certain crimes and certain individuals that are a waste of taxpayer dollars and a waste of space. In MOST crimes, I am against the DP though.
I really think child predators should be killed. They serve no purpose to society except for menace and terror. Their crimes are usually always premeditated and they are manipulative beings by nature because that is part of what makes them the evil monsters that they are. They cannot be cured of their sick disease either. There is always going to be a risk to children when you release one of these pedophiles into society.

There has been a pedophile posting on another forum that I'm at, advocating for being able to sex up our children without interference by the law. It should be a "choice" of the children he says. That just proves to me that this guy should be killed. That is the logical thing to do, IMO. I wouldn't mind strangling him myself. I don't have any pity for him whatsoever.
The more you write, the more you make my point that brutal people are in favor of killing.

Killing them is not brutal. It is doing society in general a favor. Anyone who targets children is not worthy of being treated like a human being.
I would also be in favor of chemical castration (perhaps even real castration) though. In fact, I'm thinking about starting a poll about it. Take away their demented sexual urges before allowing them to mingle with society because you can't always keep children separated from them, and all it takes is for them to have a "stressful day" or something, and some innocent child could become their next victim. These people should not be trusted ever.
I really think child predators should be killed. They serve no purpose to society except for menace and terror. Their crimes are usually always premeditated and they are manipulative beings by nature because that is part of what makes them the evil monsters that they are. They cannot be cured of their sick disease either. There is always going to be a risk to children when you release one of these pedophiles into society.

There has been a pedophile posting on another forum that I'm at, advocating for being able to sex up our children without interference by the law. It should be a "choice" of the children he says. That just proves to me that this guy should be killed. That is the logical thing to do, IMO. I wouldn't mind strangling him myself. I don't have any pity for him whatsoever.
The more you write, the more you make my point that brutal people are in favor of killing.

Killing them is not brutal. It is doing society in general a favor. Anyone who targets children is not worthy of being treated like a human being.
You are wrong to dehumanize any person. When you start doing that, to have taken the step in the road to state murder.
I really think child predators should be killed. They serve no purpose to society except for menace and terror. Their crimes are usually always premeditated and they are manipulative beings by nature because that is part of what makes them the evil monsters that they are. They cannot be cured of their sick disease either. There is always going to be a risk to children when you release one of these pedophiles into society.

There has been a pedophile posting on another forum that I'm at, advocating for being able to sex up our children without interference by the law. It should be a "choice" of the children he says. That just proves to me that this guy should be killed. That is the logical thing to do, IMO. I wouldn't mind strangling him myself. I don't have any pity for him whatsoever.
The more you write, the more you make my point that brutal people are in favor of killing.

Killing them is not brutal. It is doing society in general a favor. Anyone who targets children is not worthy of being treated like a human being.
You are wrong to dehumanize any person. When you start doing that, to have taken the step in the road to state murder.

I didn't dehumanize them. They did that all on their own.
I would also be in favor of chemical castration (perhaps even real castration) though. In fact, I'm thinking about starting a poll about it. Take away their demented sexual urges before allowing them to mingle with society because you can't always keep children separated from them, and all it takes is for them to have a "stressful day" or something, and some innocent child could become their next victim. These people should not be trusted ever.
Polls serve no moral purpose. Many Whites in Alabama if poled would probably vote to bring back racial segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever.

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