Why dont we solve the problem, instead of executing people ?

They got themselves on death row. It's not my problem to get them off death row.
No they didn't put themselves on death row.
The Government put them there.
And its time the Government didn't.

No , a jury of there piers put them there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The word is PEERS, Einstein
Why do criminal lovers worry about typos and simple spelling errors. That governor that abolished the DP should be voted out and the DP reinstated.
only beause you are an ignorant uneducated kocksucker.
If you have to be "educated" to want murderers set free then I'll stay the way i am.
Americans have executed many innocent people, especially Blacks. The USA incarcerates more people per capita than any western democracy.

Given the fact there are six times more black murderers than white, you're surprised by that?

Yes, people IN THE PAST have probably been falsely accused of murder and executed. But today, it''s almost impossible to make that mistake with video cameras everywhere and DNA technology.
Black people on death row were sent there before DNA evidence which could have exonerated them was made available. Also, white police have not divulged exculpatory evidence to defense attorneys who were not too drunk or inept to be able to use it, the only sort that are provided free to poor people. I am not referring to rich Blacks like O. J. Simpson who could afford the Jewish lawyer from Harvard.

And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.
We all know this how?
Americans have executed many innocent people, especially Blacks. The USA incarcerates more people per capita than any western democracy.

Given the fact there are six times more black murderers than white, you're surprised by that?

Yes, people IN THE PAST have probably been falsely accused of murder and executed. But today, it''s almost impossible to make that mistake with video cameras everywhere and DNA technology.
Black people on death row were sent there before DNA evidence which could have exonerated them was made available. Also, white police have not divulged exculpatory evidence to defense attorneys who were not too drunk or inept to be able to use it, the only sort that are provided free to poor people. I am not referring to rich Blacks like O. J. Simpson who could afford the Jewish lawyer from Harvard.

And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).
Given the fact there are six times more black murderers than white, you're surprised by that?

Yes, people IN THE PAST have probably been falsely accused of murder and executed. But today, it''s almost impossible to make that mistake with video cameras everywhere and DNA technology.
Black people on death row were sent there before DNA evidence which could have exonerated them was made available. Also, white police have not divulged exculpatory evidence to defense attorneys who were not too drunk or inept to be able to use it, the only sort that are provided free to poor people. I am not referring to rich Blacks like O. J. Simpson who could afford the Jewish lawyer from Harvard.

And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).
Always back to Trump. What is wrong with you people? Everything wrong in the world is not Trumps fault.
Given the fact there are six times more black murderers than white, you're surprised by that?

Yes, people IN THE PAST have probably been falsely accused of murder and executed. But today, it''s almost impossible to make that mistake with video cameras everywhere and DNA technology.
Black people on death row were sent there before DNA evidence which could have exonerated them was made available. Also, white police have not divulged exculpatory evidence to defense attorneys who were not too drunk or inept to be able to use it, the only sort that are provided free to poor people. I am not referring to rich Blacks like O. J. Simpson who could afford the Jewish lawyer from Harvard.

And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).

I don't recall anybody from Wall Street murdering people. Our prisons are not filled with Wall Street executives.
They got themselves on death row. It's not my problem to get them off death row.
No they didn't put themselves on death row.
The Government put them there.
And its time the Government didn't.

Haha...you Loons are so entertaining...you absolutely HATE the idea of self accountability....it's always "the government" or "someone else" who's responsible for your shortcomings....hahahaha. You can't make this shit up.
They got themselves on death row. It's not my problem to get them off death row.
No they didn't put themselves on death row.
The Government put them there.
And its time the Government didn't.

Haha...you Loons are so entertaining...you absolutely HATE the idea of self accountability....it's always "the government" or "someone else" who's responsible for your shortcomings....hahahaha. You can't make this shit up.
One of the convicts was telling me how he ended up locked up one day. He said that he and his ex-wife were having problems and that in the divorce he agreed to let her keep the car but that she had to make the payments on it. He said that she wasn't making the payments and he went to her place and took the car. He then said the police arrested him for theft even though the car was in his name. Pretty bad I thought.

Later I asked the security head about it and he said it was all true except the convict left out the part where he had put his daughter in the back seat when he took the car and his wife had custody. One fact of life in prison, almost 100 percent of all cons lie.
Black people on death row were sent there before DNA evidence which could have exonerated them was made available. Also, white police have not divulged exculpatory evidence to defense attorneys who were not too drunk or inept to be able to use it, the only sort that are provided free to poor people. I am not referring to rich Blacks like O. J. Simpson who could afford the Jewish lawyer from Harvard.

And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).

I don't recall anybody from Wall Street murdering people. Our prisons are not filled with Wall Street executives.
You wrote, in that folksy way, "I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor." You did not specify murderers although many were driven to suicide as a consequence of the actions of Wall Street bankers and financiers, the types recently appointed by Trump to his cabinet.
And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).

I don't recall anybody from Wall Street murdering people. Our prisons are not filled with Wall Street executives.
You wrote, in that folksy way, "I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor." You did not specify murderers although many were driven to suicide as a consequence of the actions of Wall Street bankers and financiers, the types recently appointed by Trump to his cabinet.
What consequences were they? What wall street bankers? name them. Who committed suicide? name them.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
Having a trial is not what matters as much as having lots of money to hire a lawyer from Harvard. Things are not as fair and democratic in the USA as you assume.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

Prisoners are in prison and some are facing the death penalty because they had a chance at a better life and they blew it.

The point you are trying to make is more fitting for children who are being aborted.

At last the CONVICTED felon on death row got a trial and a chance to defend themself.

Somebody with an IQ of 75 or 80 or 85, which is most people on death row, doesn't have a chance at life, just a chance of existence.

Are you saying that people who commit crimes are excused just because they have a low IQ? Nope. These things are determined in a court of law. If they are of an IQ SO low that they could not be able to determine right from wrong, then that is taken into consideration. Of course, they STILL have to be separated from society, and no they shouldn't be living in a country club atmosphere. Jail is supposed to be unpleasant. That is one of the deterrents to committing crime to begin with.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
Having a trial is not what matters as much as having lots of money to hire a lawyer from Harvard. Things are not as fair and democratic in the USA as you assume.
Nothing in life is fair. I learned that when I was a teenager. You do the best you can and many times you succeed. I did ok. You on the other hand want equality given to you and it does not exist anywhere. We are all created equal. What happens from that point forward depends on environment, parents, luck, skill and hard work. No matter how much you want everything handed to you, it does not work that way.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.
And you have zero evidence that police would risk their careers and perhaps freedom by withholding evidence of a stranger they had no beef with in the first place. And this discussion has nothing to do with race, so quit trying to make it a race discussion. We are talking about the death penalty here which affects all races.
Blacks, being poor (unlike Bill Cosby or OJ Simpson was) did not get good representation in southern courts. The death penalty was disproportionately used against them. We all know this.

And there are no poor white criminals? I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor.
Wall Street criminals are not poor; ask any of the people in Trump's cabinet from banking and investment institutions (not miners of course).

I don't recall anybody from Wall Street murdering people. Our prisons are not filled with Wall Street executives.
You wrote, in that folksy way, "I have bad news for ya, most criminals were poor." You did not specify murderers although many were driven to suicide as a consequence of the actions of Wall Street bankers and financiers, the types recently appointed by Trump to his cabinet.

Take note of the word "most." Most criminals do come from lower income brackets.
They got themselves on death row. It's not my problem to get them off death row.
No they didn't put themselves on death row.
The Government put them there.
And its time the Government didn't.

Haha...you Loons are so entertaining...you absolutely HATE the idea of self accountability....it's always "the government" or "someone else" who's responsible for your shortcomings....hahahaha. You can't make this shit up.
One of the convicts was telling me how he ended up locked up one day. He said that he and his ex-wife were having problems and that in the divorce he agreed to let her keep the car but that she had to make the payments on it. He said that she wasn't making the payments and he went to her place and took the car. He then said the police arrested him for theft even though the car was in his name. Pretty bad I thought.

Later I asked the security head about it and he said it was all true except the convict left out the part where he had put his daughter in the back seat when he took the car and his wife had custody. One fact of life in prison, almost 100 percent of all cons lie.

I have an old GF that used to work in prison. She said the most amazing thing about all those people behind bars is none of them did the crimes they were accused of.
View attachment 135176

The fact of the matter is, is that most people on death row, belong in a place shown in the photo...
Starting at around age 15 to 18, for the rest of their lives.... or for a long time.
Based on their mental functioning, their intelligence scores, and their education and their personal background.

Why don't we do that, instead of executing people ?

So you want to lock people away, people who have not necessarily committed a crime, based on their mental functioning, their IQ scores, their education or lack thereof, and their personal background (this last one, we are forced to presume since you offered no elaboration, would include economic, social, genetic, and some other random factors to be determined by the state...). Based on your post, you're advocating locking up the mentally handicapped because they may have low level mental abilities and lower intelligence (and don't say that that's not what you meant, because that's what you typed)...

How very Naziesque of you.

You're an idiot.

Do you even think before you post? At least people who are on death row have had the benefit of a trial.
And an automatic appeal with a new judge and all the trimmings.

That is a good thing. That is for OUR protection so that the lousy government cannot just execute citizens.
Governments that allow and perpetrate executions are lousy, like Saudi Arabia and the USA.

While I am anti death penalty, I can see the need for it in some cases, like serial killers, repeat child sex offenders, etc. I heard a line once that said "some people just need killin'," and that is the truth. Some people cannot be rehabilitated and need to be separated permanently from society because they are a danger to society or a danger to children. If you keep them all alive it will cost a lot of money per inmate and then there is overcrowding to think of. OTOH, the death penalty is also expensive because of the necessary appeals and looking over all the evidence with a fine tooth comb to be sure nothing was missed, omitted, or that there were no errors. There are NO easy answers, and it is more than just a simple case of partisanship. You have to look at the situation without your partisan spectacles.

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