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Why Don't Women Support Cynthia McKinney from the Green Party?

But there are other issues besides "war".

And I'd disagree with the characterization of Obama as "pro-War", though he has it as an option on the table. And, I do think it's a tool that should be in the arsenal.

War is on the very top of my agenda my sister. We are mass-murdering innocent people for profit .. and I have no idea, no conception, no clue how Americans can compartmentalize and ignore such truth. Seriously, I have no clue how good people of conscience can ignore what we are doing.

Need I repeat the plethora of prowar messages Obama has stated since he won the nomination .. including "keeping the nuclear option on the table" regarding Iran?

He has the exact same policy as Bush when it comes to invading nations he chooses, or is told to invade. Do you think he has any opposition to our recent invasion of Syria? .. He articulated the same policy for Pakistan .. which has nukes.

What was all the rancor and anger about Bush and his cowboy foreign policy about? Is war and the mass-murder of innocents supposed to be better when democrats do it? Vietnam sure as hell wasn't.

Respectfully my wise sister, closing ones eyes to the truth doesn't make it go away.
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why do you use the phrase my brother in almost every post?

are you trying to convince yourself or us of your blackness? It's really annoying.

Because I choose to do so .. if that annoys you
a. too bad
b. too bad

I don't vote based on the genitals of the candidates. I vote based on how they adhere to my own values and ideas. Obama is my candidate of choice.

I've never once suggested that voting because of genitals or pigmentation is a good idea. If Obama suits your values, then by all means vote for him.

He doesn't suit mine, so regardless of our shared pigmentation, I won't be voting for him.

The janitor at work said he didn't care Obama was black, didn't know nothing about the man so why should he support him for that.


p.s. I could stare at clint for hours, yum yum.

Am I supposed to assume that the janitor is black?

What happened to your yummy avatar?
Because I choose to do so .. if that annoys you
a. too bad
b. too bad

it probably just bugs me because you use it as a catch all... for male and female alike. and it makes you sound like you think you're some black panther from the 60s. It's ridiculous really. No one talks like that anymore :lol:

I've never once suggested that voting because of genitals or pigmentation is a good idea. If Obama suits your values, then by all means vote for him.

He doesn't suit mine, so regardless of our shared pigmentation, I won't be voting for him.

I would hope you wouldn't vote for Obama due to your shared pigmentation. Does it annoy you that people assume you will? because it annoys me that people assume that women will vote for any woman, regardless of party or platform.
Kiss my ass dummy.

She spoke the truth about Iraq FIRST.

Don't like history, stick your head in a toliet and hide.

Dummies like you are proof positive that intellectually there's no difference between a democrat and republican. Before democrats howl too loudly about how stupid republicans are .. well, there's you.

McKinney stood against the tide against the war from the very beginning and told what history now demonstrates, is the absolute-fucking-truth about the invasion of Iraq. Please don't tell me you were "against the war" or remotely call yourself "antiwar?" That would be the creme' de la creme' to top off your stupid comments.

By the way, McKinney also stood in the forefront to get the VA to recognize the ill-effects of Agent Orange .. and she did the exact same thing for soldiers who suffer from the effects of depleted uranium .. when no one else would even talk about it.

Oh .. and by the way, she also warned Americans that the Patriotic Act was coming as she spoke of its original verson called COINTELPRO

Oh .. and by the way, McKinney was among the first to ask serious questions about the events of 9/11 .. and has held hearings on the Ommissions of the 9/11 Commission Report .. when few would even talk about it.

I could go on but, did it ever cross your Romper Room mind .. why they were so intent on going after Cynthia McKinney? .. of course it didn't.

your tiny little mckinney hardon might just last until the end of this political season when she figures out that green party candidates are the last stop before obscurity. Hell, believe what you want. I get the feeling that you think her shit tastes like fatback and collard greens anyway so... enjoy the diminishing political career of cynthia the wacked out moonbat as long as you can. Hell, when in doubt blame white people and insinuate some illuminati-like conspiracy instead of, you know, holding that crazy bitch accountable for her own actions.. it's no skin off of my white nuts. enjoy!

Insult is the last refuge for a debate loser. :eusa_whistle:

You post mindboggling stupid comments that you can't back up, then feign offense when I call it stupid.

You don't know shit about what black voters know, or knew, then now or ever. I could post lots of articles in and on black media about Obama long before Iowa and easily demonstrate black voters knew who he was before Iowa. If you knew what you were talking about you would have also recognized that many black voters didn't support him until after Iowa because they didn't believe he could win white votes and Iowa proved them wrong ..

.. but you sir don't seem to have the capacity for honest debate as many others on this site do .. so I'll just keep having fun with your comments .. and it's OK if you keep whining.
it probably just bugs me because you use it as a catch all... for male and female alike. and it makes you sound like you think you're some black panther from the 60s. It's ridiculous really. No one talks like that anymore :lol:

Let me get this straight .. you're a liberal, right? .. explains why I'm not a liberal.

Perhaps no one talks like me in the circles you travel in .. probably never did .. but that doesn't mean shit to me because they talk like me in the circles I travel in .. and more importantly, I talk like this. Please come down off your throne of self-importance that makes you believe that I have to tailor my speech to impress you. What in the fuck are you talking about.

In the circles I travel in it's used as a sign of respect and humility and I use it even when I'm talking to someone I disagree with. By the way, I'm bilingual .. I speak fluent ebonics and the Queen's english just as well or better than you can.

I would hope you wouldn't vote for Obama due to your shared pigmentation. Does it annoy you that people assume you will? because it annoys me that people assume that women will vote for any woman, regardless of party or platform.

Black people assume I'm voting for Obama. Two of my friends won't talk to me because of what I say about Obama .. but no, it doesn't bother me when people assume .. people have been assuming things about me all my life.

I'm thinking that you and I could have much better conversations .. but you shouldn't assume that I need to be anybody but who I am.
your tiny little mckinney hardon might just last until the end of this political season when she figures out that green party candidates are the last stop before obscurity. Hell, believe what you want. I get the feeling that you think her shit tastes like fatback and collard greens anyway so... enjoy the diminishing political career of cynthia the wacked out moonbat as long as you can. Hell, when in doubt blame white people and insinuate some illuminati-like conspiracy instead of, you know, holding that crazy bitch accountable for her own actions.. it's no skin off of my white nuts. enjoy!


:lol: Thanks for proving my point .. you're an idiot and you proved it .. thank you.

As an idiot, you didn't touch the points I made about her .. just came back with rambling idiocy an 8th grader could have written .. proving my point that there isn't much difference in a democrat or a republican. Thank you.

"no skin off your white nuts" .. are you like 12 years old? :eusa_angel:
Let me get this straight .. you're a liberal, right? .. explains why I'm not a liberal.

Perhaps no one talks like me in the circles you travel in .. probably never did .. but that doesn't mean shit to me because they talk like me in the circles I travel in .. and more importantly, I talk like this. Please come down off your throne of self-importance that makes you believe that I have to tailor my speech to impress you. What in the fuck are you talking about

In the circles I travel in it's used as a sign of respect and humility and I use it even when I'm talking to someone I disagree with. By the way, I'm bilingual .. I speak fluent ebonics and the Queen's english just as well or better than you can.

so you and your friends run around saying "my brother" all the time? :lol: that just gives me a giggle. ebonics? OMG fer realz?

I love me some boondocks but never actually thought those carciatures existed in real life.. good to know... bet you're the uncle Rukus type ain't ya? do you only believe in white jesus too? :eusa_whistle:

Black people assume I'm voting for Obama. Two of my friends won't talk to me because of what I say about Obama .. but no, it doesn't bother me when people assume .. people have been assuming things about me all my life.

that sucks that your friends don't value your opinion and your right to express it. Those aren't really friends IMO.

I'm thinking that you and I could have much better conversations .. but you shouldn't assume that I need to be anybody but who I am.

sorry, I didn't say you should talk the way I deem appropriate. I just find your continued and (over) use of the phrase "my brother" to be annoying. I find it somewhat condescending as well. Like because we're not all black we can't possibly sympathize with the struggles and pain that blacks have felt. Personally, I can't say I know directly but I can imagine and it's what makes me fight that much harder against prejudice when I see it.
so you and your friends run around saying "my brother" all the time? :lol: that just gives me a giggle. ebonics? OMG fer realz?

I love me some boondocks but never actually thought those carciatures existed in real life.. good to know... bet you're the uncle Rukus type ain't ya? do you only believe in white jesus too? :eusa_whistle:

that sucks that your friends don't value your opinion and your right to express it. Those aren't really friends IMO.

sorry, I didn't say you should talk the way I deem appropriate. I just find your continued and (over) use of the phrase "my brother" to be annoying. I find it somewhat condescending as well. Like because we're not all black we can't possibly sympathize with the struggles and pain that blacks have felt. Personally, I can't say I know directly but I can imagine and it's what makes me fight that much harder against prejudice when I see it.

On second thought, perhaps this is as good as it gets in conversations with you. Not too far below the surface you've got some ugly shit in you.

My friends are allowed to disagree, even vehemently disagree and not talk to me .. that's ok, they're still my friends .. doesn't appear you know much about friendship .. either.

But let me ask .. was there some conference you attended with all the posters here who all confirmed my speech was "annoying" and they made you the spokesperson to tell me .. or is this just you and cartoon characters feeling all supreme and empowered to speak for everyone because you, as the spokeman for all white people, believe that all white people should be "annoyed" by listening to black people speak?

I'm bettin' it's the latter.

grow the fuck up
:lol: Thanks for proving my point .. you're an idiot and you proved it .. thank you.

As an idiot, you didn't touch the points I made about her .. just came back with rambling idiocy an 8th grader could have written .. proving my point that there isn't much difference in a democrat or a republican. Thank you.

"no skin off your white nuts" .. are you like 12 years old? :eusa_angel:

hey, who needs to refute the batshit conniption of a political has been and, truthfully, never was. You and those cats who think Ralph Nader has a double digit presidential chance can go sit in your mutually shared kool aid corner. Trust me, acting all pretentious about my reply while resorting to calling me a childish idiot ranks high on the irony scale. If you think it was a rambling response then perhaps you need to discover politics outside of a common skin color.

You post mindboggling stupid comments that you can't back up, then feign offense when I call it stupid.

You don't know shit about what black voters know, or knew, then now or ever. I could post lots of articles in and on black media about Obama long before Iowa and easily demonstrate black voters knew who he was before Iowa. If you knew what you were talking about you would have also recognized that many black voters didn't support him until after Iowa because they didn't believe he could win white votes and Iowa proved them wrong ..

.. but you sir don't seem to have the capacity for honest debate as many others on this site do .. so I'll just keep having fun with your comments .. and it's OK if you keep whining.
You're the one who turned to insult when you couldn't respond to my post with a valid point, yet you claim that I don't have the capacity for honest debate. :lol:

I'm sure you can link to articles about Obama before Iowa, but that doesn't prove that the average voter even heard of him. Most didn't even know he was a senator, he did so little and was there for so short a time.

So why couldn't I "know shit about what black voters know, or knew, then now or ever". Are their minds different than white folk? :oops:
You're the one who turned to insult when you couldn't respond to my post with a valid point, yet you claim that I don't have the capacity for honest debate. :lol:

I'm sure you can link to articles about Obama before Iowa, but that doesn't prove that the average voter even heard of him. Most didn't even know he was a senator, he did so little and was there for so short a time.

So why couldn't I "know shit about what black voters know, or knew, then now or ever". Are their minds different than white folk? :oops:

Without question, their minds are different than YOURS. You aren't "white folk"

I've challenged you on several things you've said and you've yet to back any of it up. It ain't just black people you don't know shit about.

If Obama is so little known and he's done so little in his time in office .. how is it that he's beating the hell out of McCain .. who has been in office forever?

How is it that he's going to be your next POTUS?

I don't support him .. but it's pretty clear that America isn't going to elect McCain/MILF.
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hey, who needs to refute the batshit conniption of a political has been and, truthfully, never was. You and those cats who think Ralph Nader has a double digit presidential chance can go sit in your mutually shared kool aid corner. Trust me, acting all pretentious about my reply while resorting to calling me a childish idiot ranks high on the irony scale. If you think it was a rambling response then perhaps you need to discover politics outside of a common skin color.



In other words, you're the idiot I said youi were .. incapable of anything outside of the 8th grade.

"politics outside of skin color" .. you mean like not voting for someone LIKE OBAMA .. whom I share the same skin color with?


To the McKinney is ugly posts .. depends on your perception of beauty ...

Without question, their minds are different than YOURS. You aren't "white folk"

I've challenged you on several things you've said and you've yet to back any of it up. It ain't just black people you don't know shit about.

If Obama is so little known and he's done so little in his time in office .. how is it that he's beating the hell out of McCain .. who has been in office forever?

How is it that he's going to be your next POTUS?

I don't support him .. but it's pretty clear that America isn't going to elect McCain/MILF.
Your opinions are obviously shaped by race. It is you who are out of touch with reality. Lots of white folk think just like me, as do many black folk, as represented by guys like this:

Walter Williams Home Page


Liberty for America

National Black Republican Association - National Black Republican Association NBRA

You've challenged me, I've hit it back fast and high, and you ducked with insults. These are undeniable facts.

Obama is up in the polls because he's liberal, and the big liberal media is in the tank for him, and minions in America can't think for themselves any more. If he wins I'm prepared for Carter II.
Your opinions are obviously shaped by race. It is you who are out of touch with reality. Lots of white folk think just like me, as do many black folk, as represented by guys like this:

Walter Williams Home Page


Liberty for America

National Black Republican Association - National Black Republican Association NBRA

You've challenged me, I've hit it back fast and high, and you ducked with insults. These are undeniable facts.

Obama is up in the polls because he's liberal, and the big liberal media is in the tank for him, and minions in America can't think for themselves any more. If he wins I'm prepared for Carter II.


Alan Keyes


Walter Williams


No need to even elaborate any further.

I haven't ducked a single coherent thing you've said because I like proving you wrong. Post the things you think I've ducked so I can prove you wrong again .. PLEASE.

Our differences are based on our different perspectives my brother. Of course my opinions are shaped by race, and of course, so are yours. To suggest anything else is bullshit. We are products of our environment.

But if my opinons were solely shaped by race, wouldn't I be voting for Obama? Wasn't it you who suggested that blacks are only voting for Obama because he's black .. thus proclaiming all blacks stupid and incapable of deciding what is in their best interest. I know more black people who aren't voting for Obama than all the black people you probably know. If find it absolutely astounding that a person like you, decidedly on the right, has the gall to pretend you know what black people think. That shit is amazing to me.

I've never professed to know what white people think .. because that would be mindless.

Neither Alan Keyes, who Obama beat the fuck out of .. by the largest margin in Illinois election history in the race for Senate he won .. nor Walter Williams share the political or social perspectives of perhaps 90% of African-Americans. You might as well be talking to Newt Gingrich talking to them.

The undeniable fact here is that you post preformed bumper-sticker slogans as if they were fact and when I challenge you on them you run. That's the undeniable fact sir .. but it's ok .. I don't expect anything any different from you.

Your problem is that there are 8 years of total failure behind every post you make. You're just having difficulty trying to avoid that.
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