Why don't you dumbass liberals WAIT until Trump actually takes office before you say he's reneging

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!

You know, I have sat here and watched you and other liberals rant and rave without providing a single example, or basis for your whining. Frankly, it's childish and boring. So, now we'll challenge you.

I challenge you to show a single example - SINGLE EXAMPLE - where Trump's statements/actions since the election have not been in accordance with campaign claims. I don't want to hear about what you think you heard, or where the MSM claimed he said something. Give us something concrete. Show me a single example where he has gone back on his proposed policy.

It's simple --- put up or shut up.

Well, there's the whole "repeal Obamacare" promise, which now is turning into "we'll just scale it back a bit and see what happens."

See? The prime example of being duped by the Democrat propaganda machine.

Trump has consistently said, as early as last February, that there were elements of ACA that made sense and would be carried forward. He specifically mentioned the "pre-existing conditions" area and the "children at home until 26" area. Repealing the ACA and incorporating some of its characteristics into a new healthcare approach has been a staple of his proposals from the beginning.

But, because it was "inconvenient" to detail Trump's approach, the Dem propaganda machine tried to portray his approach as a "slash and burn" exercise, when nothing was further from the truth. So, they told you he was going to repeal Obamacare (he is), but failed to tell you that some elements would be incorporated into his new proposal. You've been duped.

Next time, do your research.

What's your next SINGLE EXAMPLE?

Well you do have a point that his campaign promises themselves were often inconsistent, contradictory, and all over the place. That doesn't help his case any, though.

Inconsistency of message isn't the problem ... the problem was the biased press coverage, and the Dem propaganda machine failing to give voters ALL the information.

The first time Trump said he was going to keep the "good parts" of Obamacare, and repeal the rest, was in February 2016. However, because this didn't fit the liberal agenda, the statement was twisted, and now, he supposedly is changing his approach. In fact, he isn't.

However, let's be clear --- evolving policy positions, based on new information, would seem to me to be a logical approach, and hardly unique to Trump. As we've seen with the "withdrawal" of troops from Iraq, times change, things change, and conditions change.
And that's not true. It's repeal and replace while two items might be kept.

That's not "repeal and replace." We've seen this time and again with Trump. He starts off saying something very specific, he slides around to rephrase it in softer terms, then ends up saying something 100% flagrantly in contradiction of his original stance. But you drumpfodder guzzle his semen like it's sugar water.

He said he would repeal the whole entire thing. Every last shred. Now he's saying "except a few things." Before long he'll say "repeal half of it." By this time next year, the only thing he's going to repeal and replace will be the title "Obamacare" in favor of the title "Trumpcare." And you morons will eat it up with a spoon.

I'm sorry .... your one note song is getting tiresome. It's been disproven so may times it's getting boring.

Try to have an original thought ... it would be unique.
And that's not true. It's repeal and replace while two items might be kept.

That's not "repeal and replace." We've seen this time and again with Trump. He starts off saying something very specific, he slides around to rephrase it in softer terms, then ends up saying something 100% flagrantly in contradiction of his original stance. But you drumpfodder guzzle his semen like it's sugar water.

He said he would repeal the whole entire thing. Every last shred. Now he's saying "except a few things." Before long he'll say "repeal half of it." By this time next year, the only thing he's going to repeal and replace will be the title "Obamacare" in favor of the title "Trumpcare." And you morons will eat it up with a spoon.

I'm sorry .... your one note song is getting tiresome. It's been disproven so may times it's getting boring.

Try to have an original thought ... it would be unique.

You know, they have medications that may help with your delusions.
And that's not true. It's repeal and replace while two items might be kept.

That's not "repeal and replace." We've seen this time and again with Trump. He starts off saying something very specific, he slides around to rephrase it in softer terms, then ends up saying something 100% flagrantly in contradiction of his original stance. But you drumpfodder guzzle his semen like it's sugar water.

He said he would repeal the whole entire thing. Every last shred. Now he's saying "except a few things." Before long he'll say "repeal half of it." By this time next year, the only thing he's going to repeal and replace will be the title "Obamacare" in favor of the title "Trumpcare." And you morons will eat it up with a spoon.

I'm sorry .... your one note song is getting tiresome. It's been disproven so may times it's getting boring.

Try to have an original thought ... it would be unique.

You know, they have medications that may help with your delusions.

Unfortunately, they don't have pills for your stupidity.
Inconsistency of message isn't the problem ... the problem was the biased press coverage, and the Dem propaganda machine failing to give voters ALL the information.

Yeah. That's it. It was the media's fault Trump is a liar. :slap:

Actually, I blame the Dem propaganda machine who has a long and storied history of perverting the truth to further their political aims. When you couple that with the innate naivete of their incredibly gullible sycophants, it's not hard to see how it happens. You believe because you WANT to believe - not because you approach it with healthy skepticism.

Just keep drinking that stuff ......
I have heard him say on several occasions that he would consider keeping parts of it that were good for Americans.

And I have heard him say on several occasions that he would get rid of the whole damn thing. EVERY. LAST. FUCKING. SHRED.

You do have a point somewhere in that stupid statement right?


Now you're just being intentionally stupid.

I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.
I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

If Trump says the same thing 2 out of 100 times, that does not mean that his position has remained constant. That's the closest you've come to showing any consistency on Trump.
I have heard him say on several occasions that he would consider keeping parts of it that were good for Americans.

And I have heard him say on several occasions that he would get rid of the whole damn thing. EVERY. LAST. FUCKING. SHRED.

You do have a point somewhere in that stupid statement right?


Now you're just being intentionally stupid.

I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

Pay no attention, Grampa .... it's called Kool-Aid addiction.

Suppose there's a KAA treatment center near him?
I have heard him say on several occasions that he would consider keeping parts of it that were good for Americans.

And I have heard him say on several occasions that he would get rid of the whole damn thing. EVERY. LAST. FUCKING. SHRED.

You do have a point somewhere in that stupid statement right?


Now you're just being intentionally stupid.

I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

Pay no attention, Grampa .... it's called Kool-Aid addiction.

Suppose there's a KAA treatment center near him?

And I have heard him say on several occasions that he would get rid of the whole damn thing. EVERY. LAST. FUCKING. SHRED.

You do have a point somewhere in that stupid statement right?


Now you're just being intentionally stupid.

I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

Pay no attention, Grampa .... it's called Kool-Aid addiction.

Suppose there's a KAA treatment center near him?


Good stuff, huh?
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

It's only retarded to racists such as yourself. I don't give a fuck whether he's taken office yet or not. I don't want a racist and misogynist bully like Trump to be president. You have no moral decency, so it obviously doesn't matter to you.
You know what else demonstrates a lack of moral integrity? When that portion of the electorate that objected to an absolutely unqualified community organizer of questionable pedigree was elected POTUS solely on the basis of his skin color (twice)was shouted down, and told to suck it up. Did that portion of the electorate whose preferred candidate lost those elections take to the streets, destroying their own cities, bullying their fellow citizens, threatening assassination of the winning candidate, and his family? No. After clearly expressing their opinions, they went back to work and moved on with their lives, hoping for a future change. Real HOPE and real CHANGE. Too bad the Kenyan's double-speak duped so many who .only saw the color of his skin.
The animals rampaging and rioting about their cities should get over themselves and move on.
I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

If Trump says the same thing 2 out of 100 times, that does not mean that his position has remained constant. That's the closest you've come to showing any consistency on Trump.
Who said 2 out of 100?

Rachael Madcow?

You're clueless
I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

If Trump says the same thing 2 out of 100 times, that does not mean that his position has remained constant. That's the closest you've come to showing any consistency on Trump.
Who said 2 out of 100?

Rachael Madcow?

You're clueless

You're trying hard, gramps. But you know full well that Trump has broken your heart more than once before. He'll do it again. Every single time you give him the chance.
I demonstrated that his position has been the same ALL ALONG. He stated that some would go & some would stay MONTHS ago. So it's no damn different than what he's saying now. The only damn difference is the interpretation of it by retarded crybaby liberals.

If Trump says the same thing 2 out of 100 times, that does not mean that his position has remained constant. That's the closest you've come to showing any consistency on Trump.
Who said 2 out of 100?

Rachael Madcow?

You're clueless

You're trying hard, gramps. But you know full well that Trump has broken your heart more than once before. He'll do it again. Every single time you give him the chance.

We thank you for your concern ... now, will you just go over and stand on the curb so we can get this parade under way?

Unless, of course, you want to follow the elephants ....

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