Why don't you dumbass liberals WAIT until Trump actually takes office before you say he's reneging

You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

This isn't protesting. Calling it protesting is an insult to actual protestors.

This is a mass temper tantrum.
Well, if Trump would actually wait until he takes office to flip his flapjacks, then maybe the naysayers would wait to call him out on it.
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

Exactly. We already judged trumps words in the election. We get another chance in 4 years.

But it does suck hillary got 2 million more votes. At least after all the votes in California and Washington are counted.

Sorry, it still hurts but I'm coming to grips

Yeah...and the saddest thing is that the goddam lying Republicans are saying they have a mandate. I guess they think they got a mandate in 2000 when the Bushes stole the election from Al Gore.
He was elected based on his proposals so what are you expecting? Elections have consequences no?

He was elected because every redneck in the southern U S voted for his dumb ass.


Election day 2008...Barack Obama won Michigan by a double-digit margin of 16%
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

Exactly. We already judged trumps words in the election. We get another chance in 4 years.

But it does suck hillary got 2 million more votes. At least after all the votes in California and Washington are counted.

Sorry, it still hurts but I'm coming to grips

Yeah...and the saddest thing is that the goddam lying Republicans are saying they have a mandate. I guess they think they got a mandate in 2000 when the Bushes stole the election from Al Gore.
He was elected based on his proposals so what are you expecting? Elections have consequences no?

He was elected because every redneck in the southern U S voted for his dumb ass.

Boy, you're right ....

That's why he got all those southern US states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Montana, and that most southern of all states, Alaska.

Let me guess ---- you're just ranting because you like to see your name in print.
Well, if Trump would actually wait until he takes office to flip his flapjacks, then maybe the naysayers would wait to call him out on it.
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.


What do you think about Trump potentially putting Wall Street hedge fund managers and corporations raiders into his cabinet? Would you consider that to be reneging given that he railed against Wall Street during his campaign?
I would have to wait to see what proposed legislation came from it. Wouldn't you?
When you need guidelines to cover the Dental industry you don't consult with a roofing expert to come up with them.

Fair point.

But you don't need Wall Streeters to run the Treasury.

Also, one of the guys - Carl Icahn - was a corporate raider who led hostile takeovers in the 80s, and threw thousands of people out of work and loaded companies up with lots of junk bonds to make himself rich. Do you think that goes against the ethos of Trump's campaign?
I don't have any idea who he is or what he did or why so you'll get no judgment out of me either way
Well, if Trump would actually wait until he takes office to flip his flapjacks, then maybe the naysayers would wait to call him out on it.
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!

You know, I have sat here and watched you and other liberals rant and rave without providing a single example, or basis for your whining. Frankly, it's childish and boring. So, now we'll challenge you.

I challenge you to show a single example - SINGLE EXAMPLE - where Trump's statements/actions since the election have not been in accordance with campaign claims. I don't want to hear about what you think you heard, or where the MSM claimed he said something. Give us something concrete. Show me a single example where he has gone back on his proposed policy.

It's simple --- put up or shut up.
Well, if Trump would actually wait until he takes office to flip his flapjacks, then maybe the naysayers would wait to call him out on it.
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!

You know, I have sat here and watched you and other liberals rant and rave without providing a single example, or basis for your whining. Frankly, it's childish and boring. So, now we'll challenge you.

I challenge you to show a single example - SINGLE EXAMPLE - where Trump's statements/actions since the election have not been in accordance with campaign claims. I don't want to hear about what you think you heard, or where the MSM claimed he said something. Give us something concrete. Show me a single example where he has gone back on his proposed policy.

It's simple --- put up or shut up.

Well, there's the whole "repeal Obamacare" promise, which now is turning into "we'll just scale it back a bit and see what happens."
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!

You know, I have sat here and watched you and other liberals rant and rave without providing a single example, or basis for your whining. Frankly, it's childish and boring. So, now we'll challenge you.

I challenge you to show a single example - SINGLE EXAMPLE - where Trump's statements/actions since the election have not been in accordance with campaign claims. I don't want to hear about what you think you heard, or where the MSM claimed he said something. Give us something concrete. Show me a single example where he has gone back on his proposed policy.

It's simple --- put up or shut up.

Well, there's the whole "repeal Obamacare" promise, which now is turning into "we'll just scale it back a bit and see what happens."
I have heard him say on several occasions that he would consider keeping parts of it that were good for Americans. When someone makes the same summation over & over & over during a one year period there are bout to be positions that can be nitpicked or dissected. And just as I said in the op everyone should just stop until he actually has the power to enact what he wants and then if he goes back on his word call him on it.
You and I both know that campaign rhetoric is never fulfilled without some type 9f compromise with all the parties involved.
Bottom line is if the mandate is repealed the law is effectively dead.

But by all means keep playing small ball. It is what losers & whiners do best.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

It's only retarded to racists such as yourself. I don't give a fuck whether he's taken office yet or not. I don't want a racist and misogynist bully like Trump to be president. You have no moral decency, so it obviously doesn't matter to you.
What you want doesn't mean squat. Your moral decency is pulling down her pants and shitting in the street. Which might be better than the moral decency last time when a guy shit on a police car.

You have become an absurd parody of yourself.
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!

You know, I have sat here and watched you and other liberals rant and rave without providing a single example, or basis for your whining. Frankly, it's childish and boring. So, now we'll challenge you.

I challenge you to show a single example - SINGLE EXAMPLE - where Trump's statements/actions since the election have not been in accordance with campaign claims. I don't want to hear about what you think you heard, or where the MSM claimed he said something. Give us something concrete. Show me a single example where he has gone back on his proposed policy.

It's simple --- put up or shut up.

Well, there's the whole "repeal Obamacare" promise, which now is turning into "we'll just scale it back a bit and see what happens."
And that's not true. It's repeal and replace while two items might be kept.
So what you're saying is you're so shallow that you're easily triggered by words?


Gramps, the only one here "so shallow that you're easily triggered by words" is you. Trump is being criticized for his policy proposals (post election) against his promises (before election). You might have missed the memo, but that's pretty much the most common form of political discussion. Why you're so sensitive about it, I really can't understand. Perhaps you'd like someone to reserve you a safe space?

To try to create a supposed difference between pre-election and post-election rhetoric simply illustrates how little you listened to Trump's proposal prior to the election. Instead, you relied on twisted and perverted summations of what the MSM thought would upset you.

You been had.

Right. Because who needs to think about whether politicians keep their promises after they get elected. That's just crazy talk!

You know, I have sat here and watched you and other liberals rant and rave without providing a single example, or basis for your whining. Frankly, it's childish and boring. So, now we'll challenge you.

I challenge you to show a single example - SINGLE EXAMPLE - where Trump's statements/actions since the election have not been in accordance with campaign claims. I don't want to hear about what you think you heard, or where the MSM claimed he said something. Give us something concrete. Show me a single example where he has gone back on his proposed policy.

It's simple --- put up or shut up.

Well, there's the whole "repeal Obamacare" promise, which now is turning into "we'll just scale it back a bit and see what happens."

See? The prime example of being duped by the Democrat propaganda machine.

Trump has consistently said, as early as last February, that there were elements of ACA that made sense and would be carried forward. He specifically mentioned the "pre-existing conditions" area and the "children at home until 26" area. Repealing the ACA and incorporating some of its characteristics into a new healthcare approach has been a staple of his proposals from the beginning.

But, because it was "inconvenient" to detail Trump's approach, the Dem propaganda machine tried to portray his approach as a "slash and burn" exercise, when nothing was further from the truth. So, they told you he was going to repeal Obamacare (he is), but failed to tell you that some elements would be incorporated into his new proposal. You've been duped.

Next time, do your research.

What's your next SINGLE EXAMPLE?
And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

Probably because they are observing his prospective cabinet choices for when he does assume office. He might as well of invited the circus to serve in his administration.

Those lists are often floated by people trying to drive their own agenda.

I find it funny Turtle Man Senator Mitch tried to tell Trump he should have Reince Pubis as his Chief of Staff. -- I can picture Trump thinking: No fucking way-- Why doesn't Trump just allow the Senate to bug his office while he's at it.
You protest
You vandalize businesses
You destroy private property
You call for chaos
You call for assassination
You block traffic
You make innocent people scared

And now you're claiming that Trump has reneged BEFORE he's even assumed the office officially.

It is all FUCKING RETARDED, ALL OF IT. I understand your assholes are sore and the buttcream isn't working but get a damn grip on yourselves.

Exactly. We already judged trumps words in the election. We get another chance in 4 years.

But it does suck hillary got 2 million more votes. At least after all the votes in California and Washington are counted.

Sorry, it still hurts but I'm coming to grips

Yeah...and the saddest thing is that the goddam lying Republicans are saying they have a mandate. I guess they think they got a mandate in 2000 when the Bushes stole the election from Al Gore.
He was elected based on his proposals so what are you expecting? Elections have consequences no?

He was elected because every redneck in the southern U S voted for his dumb ass.


Election day 2008...Barack Obama won Michigan by a double-digit margin of 16%

And, contrary to what the liars in the media are saying....he won the national popular vote, as well.
Exactly. We already judged trumps words in the election. We get another chance in 4 years.

But it does suck hillary got 2 million more votes. At least after all the votes in California and Washington are counted.

Sorry, it still hurts but I'm coming to grips

Yeah...and the saddest thing is that the goddam lying Republicans are saying they have a mandate. I guess they think they got a mandate in 2000 when the Bushes stole the election from Al Gore.
He was elected based on his proposals so what are you expecting? Elections have consequences no?

He was elected because every redneck in the southern U S voted for his dumb ass.


Election day 2008...Barack Obama won Michigan by a double-digit margin of 16%

And, contrary to what the liars in the media are saying....he won the national popular vote, as well.
You mean he is reneging on the things you didn't want anyway and that has you upset? Do you know how funny that sounds?
He is reneging on things the alt and far right right wanted, and he will keep on doing so. Yes, what you talk, you sound funny to the Board.
So you are upset because he reneged on things you didn't want.
Yeah...and the saddest thing is that the goddam lying Republicans are saying they have a mandate. I guess they think they got a mandate in 2000 when the Bushes stole the election from Al Gore.
He was elected based on his proposals so what are you expecting? Elections have consequences no?

He was elected because every redneck in the southern U S voted for his dumb ass.


Election day 2008...Barack Obama won Michigan by a double-digit margin of 16%

And, contrary to what the liars in the media are saying....he won the national popular vote, as well.

She lost by every metric.

She was squashed by a huge foot labelled "JUSTICE!"

Let's take a look at the facts:

1. "She had 59,755,284 votes, according to CNN's tally, with 92% of the expected vote counted. Trump had 59,535,522. That difference of 219,762 is razor-thin considering the nearly 120 million votes counted so far."
Hillary Clinton lost the election but is winning the popular vote - CNNPolitics.com

2. Obama told illegal aliens to go out and vote....and there would be no recriminations!!!!!

From the horse's mouth:

Criminal President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote – Promises No Repercussions (VIDEO)

Obama: 'When you vote, you're a citizen...."

3. There were over 120 million votes cast......and there are maybe 30 million illegals....
Logic and experience evince that way more than 200,000 votes were cast by illegals.
Hillary lost......face it.

4. Don't forget....the very same dunces who are trying to retain some semblance of victory for the loser...and the loser's loser voters....
...are the very same fools who try to grace Gorbachev with ending the Cold War so they don't have to admit that all kudos go to Reagan.

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