Why dos this president continue lying and lying about lying?


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
Asked whether there's more racial division now than when he took office in 2009, Obama replied, "No," NPR reports.

"I actually think that it's probably, in its day-to-day interactions, less racially divided," he declared.

The full interview will be made available Monday, NPR said.

The president's assertion, however, appears to contradict what recent polls have found.

Fifty-three percent of Americans think race relations have worsened under Obama, compared with 36 percent who say they have stayed the same and 9 percent who say they have improved, a Bloomberg Politics poll found earlier this month.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama Contradicts Polls Says Racial Divisions Reduced

i believe if that son-of-a-bitch (and she was !) ever told the truth his fucking mulatto face would fall off !! :up:
i need a memory check.., has Obola ever said anything resembling truth ?

seasons greetings Mr. Liar-In-Chief :fu: ...................... :asshole:
Say you are walking down the street and you see on one side a group of blacks and on the other a group of white kids. If you are white which side do you walk down? If black which side? Granted you might get your ass kicked on either side. But, weighting the odds and being white I would say I would be weary of the "knock out" game and blacks taking revenge for whatever gripe they have today. Maybe that is an over reaction but I have driven a whole long time without the need of a seat belt but I wear it every time I drive. So I am thinking I would be safe on both sides but common sense tells me to take the path of least risk.

And that is where Obama's world has taken us. Not to a place where we can trust each other but a place where we don't. Obama said himself that he fundamentally wants to change America, I don't, I think it is fine. I love America, he obviously does not.

What makes me wonder is this: When people watch and listen to a professional politician speak, are they really thinking that they're getting honesty, the whole story? Do they not realize that virtually every word - especially when that politician reaches a national level - is (usually) measured and computed and carefully picked for maximum positive political impact? That they are doing nothing more than politicking and trying to attract campaign funds and/or political advantage with each syllable?

Or do folks only understand this when someone from the other "side" is speaking?

The thought processes and behaviors of partisan ideologues, always fascinating to me.

Obama has to lie. His extreme far Left policies are so indefensible that he can't defened them with the truth so he has to tell lies. For instance, "Obamacare will lower the cost of health care for the average American family $2500 a year". If he had told the truth that not only would the premiums go up but also deductions and co payments who would have supported it?

The Left has always used lies to promote their agenda because it doesn't sell with the truth.
Asked whether there's more racial division now than when he took office in 2009, Obama replied, "No," NPR reports.

"I actually think that it's probably, in its day-to-day interactions, less racially divided," he declared.

The full interview will be made available Monday, NPR said.

The president's assertion, however, appears to contradict what recent polls have found.

Fifty-three percent of Americans think race relations have worsened under Obama, compared with 36 percent who say they have stayed the same and 9 percent who say they have improved, a Bloomberg Politics poll found earlier this month.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Obama Contradicts Polls Says Racial Divisions Reduced

i believe if that son-of-a-bitch (and she was !) ever told the truth his fucking mulatto face would fall off !! :up:
i need a memory check.., has Obola ever said anything resembling truth ?

seasons greetings Mr. Liar-In-Chief :fu: ...................... :asshole:
This HAS to be a lie, because he CAN'T believe that. He just can't.
Of course he lies all the time. Everyone knows the progressive politicians have to lie to get into office or to stay in office. They can never reveal what their true intentions are or they'd get thrown out.

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