Why “Equity” is unfair and will bring the country down further


Who gets to decide what's fair?
It means lowering standards. It has been going on for decades with work rules changing where the costs are incredible for much less production.
It’s gotten so bad now that employees feel put upon if they actually have to show up at the office and put in a full day’s work. I know someone - works for the government - who has to go in one day a week and has requisitioned to get that day at home too on the grounds that it “was an effort to take Metro in every single week.” Last I heard, her request is under review.

The Dems have turned people Into entitled, lazy sloths. Last thing we need is for them to learn that they will be guaranteed an equal outcome no matter how little effort they put in.
I really doubt any family on government assistance is getting rich.
Please show me where I intimated that they were getting rich. I made very clear my position that assistance is not working. If it was, SNAP and welfare recipients would be using that money for its intended purpose instead of selling it off for drugs and expecting the schools to pick up their slack. Accountability and responsibility are lacking and claiming you are looking out for the child is a cop out when you should be holding the parents accountable.
You are presumptuous since you don't speak for me. Do I think every American child deserves adequate food, education, housing, and healthcare? Guilty as charged. Do they deserve their own room with a computer and a color TV? Nope.
And you are ignorant if you feel this is just about the children.
Please show me where I intimated that they were getting rich. I made very clear my position that assistance is not working. If it was, SNAP and welfare recipients would be using that money for its intended purpose instead of selling it off for drugs and expecting the schools to pick up their slack. Accountability and responsibility are lacking and claiming you are looking out for the child is a cop out when you should be holding the parents accountable.
I have no problem holding parents accountable for misusing assistance programs, there are laws that should be enforced. What I don't know is how common are the abuses and I wouldn't want to throw out the baby with the bath water.
Equality...did those guys each have to pay for that box?

So what it says is the one who bought his box had to give it to the short guy. Not necessarily because he wanted to, but because he HAD to.
they asked college 'kids' about equity....to give part of their grade to the ones that didn't have the best grades to make it ...equitable. they didn't want to do it. They said they worked for their grade and they weren't going to share it so someone else could look better. Most college 'kids' are democrats.

You help the ones who need the most help
You don’t provide help to those who don’t need it.
And you are cold and heartless if you don't feel this is about the children and they come first. Your desire for a pound of flesh is secondary in my view.
you're a democrat you say? and you care about the children? then why are you a democrat when your party supports the killing of the unborn (CHILDREN) up to actual birth.
Not when you have a tax paying populace that you can rob at will to cover for the criminals that you refuse to hold accountable.
I feel badly you don't think we live in a democracy, maybe America is not where you belong? I pay plenty of taxes and not all of it goes where I would choose but I think I do live in a democracy and I'm willing to accept not everyone shares my values.

There are no lawbreakers that I refuse to hold accountable. Can you say the same?
You help the ones who need the most help
You don’t provide help to those who don’t need it.
who gets to decide that again?

People needing an abortion get our help...we pay for it?
people needing their college education paid for? We pay for it?
people wanting to get into this country.....we pay for them to?
The left wants to let criminals back into society..and we pay for that with our lives.
I feel badly you don't think we live in a democracy, maybe America is not where you belong? I pay plenty of taxes and not all of it goes where I would choose but I think I do live in a democracy and I'm willing to accept not everyone shares my values.

There are no lawbreakers that I refuse to hold accountable. Can you say the same?
well that's a damn shame because our strength in the early days was that we shared values. THAT was our strength. You came here because you wanted to be an AMERICAN..
well that's a damn shame because our strength in the early days was that we shared values. THAT was our strength. You came here because you wanted to be an AMERICAN..
I have no clue what country's history you're talking about. Certainly not the same country that fought a Civil War. BTW, I was born here.

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