Why “Equity” is unfair and will bring the country down further

Really? I'm paying for one son's way thru Law school, while another is doing a combined major in Flight school and Computer engineering. All paid for in cash.

Everybody has those opportunities, right?
So do Barack Obama's kids--so yeah, they do. I went through school as well. I didn't have a daddy deep pockets like your kids do. I did it on my own. I paid for it on my own through hard work and perserverence. I had opportunities that are provided to everyone. The opportunity to get off of my butt, get a job, study, and excel. I have NEVER taken one thin dime of public assistance. After over seven decades with severe health conditions, I GUARANTEE that I could go out today and have a job before end of business today. Quit enabling people who are too lazy to get off of their asses.
except society isn't doing it. Government is doing it. And gov't has no money and no way to get money unless it confiscates it from US.

The Government has revenue
That revenue is derived from We the People, for the people
who gets to decide that again?

People needing an abortion get our help...we pay for it?
people needing their college education paid for? We pay for it?
people wanting to get into this country.....we pay for them to?
The left wants to let criminals back into society..and we pay for that with our lives.

Read the Constitution

There is stuff in there about elected Representatives of We the People

Interesting stuff
So do Barack Obama's kids--so yeah, they do. I went through school as well. I didn't have a daddy deep pockets like your kids do. I did it on my own. I paid for it on my own through hard work and perserverence. I had opportunities that are provided to everyone. The opportunity to get off of my butt, get a job, study, and excel. I have NEVER taken one thin dime of public assistance. After over seven decades with severe health conditions, I GUARANTEE that I could go out today and have a job before end of business today. Quit enabling people who are too lazy to get off of their asses.

Insuring that people have equal opportunity isn't 'enabling people who are too lazy to get off of their asses.' It's enabling people that are willing to work and achieve.
Insuring that people have equal opportunity isn't 'enabling people who are too lazy to get off of their asses.' It's enabling people that are willing to work and achieve.
People who are willing to work and achieve do so. Those who are too lazy are the ones who do not. I suppose your kids are a couple of the ones who would whine they didn't have opportunity if daddy deep pockets didn't pay their way for them. More moronic democrat projection on your part.
So do Barack Obama's kids--so yeah, they do. I went through school as well. I didn't have a daddy deep pockets like your kids do. I did it on my own. I paid for it on my own through hard work and perserverence. I had opportunities that are provided to everyone. The opportunity to get off of my butt, get a job, study, and excel. I have NEVER taken one thin dime of public assistance. After over seven decades with severe health conditions, I GUARANTEE that I could go out today and have a job before end of business today. Quit enabling people who are too lazy to get off of their asses.
alot of people with severe health conditions do need public assistance due to the type of health condition.
Examples of Equity in our Society

Americans with Disabilities Act
Programs to help Children with learning disabilities
Scholarship programs for the poor
Programs to help the elderly
Affirmative Action
Who are 'they'? Some little green men living between your ears?

The people you are worrying about, and paying them to not try.

The Welfare State allows progressives to feel like they are helping when all they are doing is spending money on keeping people firmly rooted in poverty.
The people you are worrying about, and paying them to not try.

The Welfare State allows progressives to feel like they are helping when all they are doing is spending money on keeping people firmly rooted in poverty.
Like feeding the bears in Yellowstone NP.
Read the Constitution

There is stuff in there about elected Representatives of We the People

Interesting stuff

im sure the left reads a lot into the constitution to spend more of our money. Do you know what the feds spend on the one disabled person in a given year?
im sure the left reads a lot into the constitution to spend more of our money. Do you know what the feds spend on the one disabled person in a given year?
Our elected representatives represent the will of We the People

If people dont demand those programs, they vote them out
Do rich people get charity?
Why should they?

That would be Equality
Equality is everybody having the same stuff, enjoying the same blessings, achieving the same goals in the same length of time as everybody else. It has never existed and never will unless we so dumb down the population with such low expectations that it is impossible for anybody to struggle or fail and nobody will have any incentive to do more than the lowest common denominator.

That has zero to do with charity which is taking out of our own pockets and giving to another, or the Robin Hood syndrome or government taking away property or achievements from one person or group and giving it to another.
i'm TALKING about the founding and early days of this country. And YES...the same country that fought the civil war.
We never shared values but we did manage to compromise them to build a country. Today 'compromise' is a dirty word.

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