Why “Equity” is unfair and will bring the country down further

It's not the "Illiterate Liberal Language Lords" who misused the term, it's the Reviled Recreant Rigid Republicans who are taking the term and twisting into something it never was nor was it intended - "Equality of outcomes".

That's because Republicans don't want poor people to have equity in anything.
Preppylovers Are Born in the Dugout and Believe They Must Have Been Benched

Democrat leaders are richkids. Without the equity in their trust funds, they'd be nobodies. They feed the Ding Dongs of the Bell Curve with all these misused words and phrases, which are taken from the Preppy Progressives' own peculiar self-centered lifestyle.

"Entitlement"? American HeirHeads are guillotine-fodder nobility without titles, which makes no difference in judging their tyranny. In fact, the Constitution that they themselves wrote for us bans titles, to get the lie across that they aren't the same kind of nobility that America was built to get away from.

Nobody is born with equity except this obsolete and destructive class. That's why they want their pet groups to feel they are owed it without earning it. Equity in a house is what the homeowner has paid against the principal. The feral races are in default, as they were with sub-prime loans.
You think “equal opportunity” means giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry a free education - paid for by other people? They all have the opportunity for college, and if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half. The other half they can borrow or have jobs.

If they’re really bright, they can also win paid academic scholarships.

But forcing everyone to finance the college education of all kids means:

1) at least half will drop out, since they were not college material to start with, and we’ve had to pay a year or two for them to party

2) the caliber of a college education will drop even further

News flash: the answer to all problems is NOT to make other people hand over their earnings
Any Nation That Pays for Talent Up-Front Will Lead This Century's World Economy

Who told you the taxpayer has to pay for it? Instead of feeling outrage against these people, you should stand up to your precious plutocrats who invented this scam to give their spoiled brats an overwhelming educational advantage. The corporations get the most benefit, even from the inferior graduates their system produces, so they should cover the loans of their employees.

In fact, the plutocrats should quit being parasites and instead recruit the most talented high-school graduates and pay them tuition and a high salary, just as baseball does with those it signs up. No one else should go to college. Like college football, it is not a choice; you have to be chosen. The people who oppose highly paid professional education are jealous mediocrities who would not have been chosen. They pretend that sacrifice has merit, but it is nothing but brown-nosing.

The Yankees paid Derek Jeter a million dollars and got a return of $250 million over and above his signing bonus and salary for 20 years.
Kamala Harris, among others, has stated that “equity” - equal outcomes - rather than equal opportunity is a desired goal. The problem is that in order to achieve equity, one must treat people unfairly.

Let‘s look at two people. The first one…..oh, let’s call her Lisa….worked hard in high school, won two academic scholarships to college, and paid for the remainder with part-time work during semesters and full-time in summers. Upon graduation, she chose an employer with a tuition-reimbursement plan (for B and above) and spent five years at night getting her grad degree. She then continued her professional career for another 35 years, and was able to buy a nice home in an upscale community and lives well.

Then we have Linda. Linda was a party girl in high school with no intention to go in to college, but even so, she got preggers in 11th grade and dropped out, eventually earning a GED. She’s had a series of jobs, mostly clerical and retail, and never earned even $50,000 a year.

Equity would dictate that other people GIVE Linda the same nice lifestyle that Lisa worked for, and earned. So what happens? Pretty soon, the Lisas of the country see no sense in sacrificing for their future and putting in all that hard work if all the Lindas are just going to be given the fruits of other people’s labor and end uo just as well off. Conversely, the Linda’s won’t even attempt to put forth the effort to better themselves because they are guaranteed equity with the Lisas!

The pursuit of “equity” guarantees a race to the bottom. The linked article explains it better.

Equity is communism.
Any Nation That Pays for Talent Up-Front Will Lead This Century's World Economy

Who told you the taxpayer has to pay for it? Instead of feeling outrage against these people, you should stand up to your precious plutocrats who invented this scam to give their spoiled brats an overwhelming educational advantage. The corporations get the most benefit, even from the inferior graduates their system produces, so they should cover the loans of their employees.

In fact, the plutocrats should quit being parasites and instead recruit the most talented high-school graduates and pay them tuition and a high salary, just as baseball does with those it signs up. No one else should go to college. Like college football, it is not a choice; you have to be chosen. The people who oppose highly paid professional education are jealous mediocrities who would not have been chosen. They pretend that sacrifice has merit, but it is nothing but brown-nosing.

The Yankees paid Derek Jeter a million dollars and got a return of $250 million over and above his signing bonus and salary for 20 years.
Who says they’re plutocrats? In my family, one generation up (parents and their siblings) were all dirt poor, and ALL won tuition-free college educations.

Bright, motivated, and capable young people will find a way - especially when they know the reward is a ticket out of poverty.

But I do agree that most people should not be going to college. Apprenticeships are the way to go for average Americans.
Just like a Leftist - claim someone said something and then use what they never said to make them sound awful.

And I’m done with your nasty way of arguing.
"I Have a Dream That Nobody Will Ever Question My Dishonest Logic"

No one ever said he dislikes Blacks only because of the color of their skin, either. So why is everybody afraid to call out that Commie goon MLK on his strawman?
I truly wish the mods would delete those posts. It happens to me all the time. I attempt to report it as violating the rules of the forum, but nothing ever happens.
I wish they would delete the ones with the “middle finger” emoji also.
Who says they’re plutocrats? In my family, one generation up (parents and their siblings) were all dirt poor, and ALL won tuition-free college educations.

Bright, motivated, and capable young people will find a way - especially when they know the reward is a ticket out of poverty.
Scholarship or Not, College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up

It's not about tuition; it's about work without pay, a four-year unpaid internship. I dare the plutocrats who impose this unmanly mandate to just pay their brats' tuition and give them nothing to live on.
Scholarship or Not, College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up

It's not about tuition; it's about work without pay, a four-year unpaid internship. I dare the plutocrats who impose this unmanly mandate to just pay their brats' tuition and give them nothing to live on.
Are you suggesting kids are forced to college?
Kamala Harris, among others, has stated that “equity” - equal outcomes - rather than equal opportunity is a desired goal. The problem is that in order to achieve equity, one must treat people unfairly.

Let‘s look at two people. The first one…..oh, let’s call her Lisa….worked hard in high school, won two academic scholarships to college, and paid for the remainder with part-time work during semesters and full-time in summers. Upon graduation, she chose an employer with a tuition-reimbursement plan (for B and above) and spent five years at night getting her grad degree. She then continued her professional career for another 35 years, and was able to buy a nice home in an upscale community and lives well.

Then we have Linda. Linda was a party girl in high school with no intention to go in to college, but even so, she got preggers in 11th grade and dropped out, eventually earning a GED. She’s had a series of jobs, mostly clerical and retail, and never earned even $50,000 a year.

Equity would dictate that other people GIVE Linda the same nice lifestyle that Lisa worked for, and earned. So what happens? Pretty soon, the Lisas of the country see no sense in sacrificing for their future and putting in all that hard work if all the Lindas are just going to be given the fruits of other people’s labor and end uo just as well off. Conversely, the Linda’s won’t even attempt to put forth the effort to better themselves because they are guaranteed equity with the Lisas!

The pursuit of “equity” guarantees a race to the bottom. The linked article explains it better.

Socialism makes everyone equally miserable.
Scholarship or Not, College Is for Teenagers Who Are Afraid to Grow Up

It's not about tuition; it's about work without pay, a four-year unpaid internship. I dare the plutocrats who impose this unmanly mandate to just pay their brats' tuition and give them nothing to live on.
That’s because they’ve dumbed it down to it being a 4-year-party with some classes (and useless majors) thrown in.

If we could get back to the way college was - designed for bright, above-average intelligence students to develop the knowledge and skills required for a demanding professional career, and learn discipline, and time-management as well, college is an excellent pursuit.
Equity means helping those who need help, not necessarily everyone gets the same

It is not a difficult concept

I agree. It isn't.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - Karl Marx

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