Why “Equity” is unfair and will bring the country down further

We never shared values but we did manage to compromise them to build a country. Today 'compromise' is a dirty word.
you don't compromise with evil.

“Happy are those who obey his decrees and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths” (Psalm 119:2-3 New Living Translation).
So, you'd rather have the less productive people starving and dying in the streets?

How about those that would be productive if given the chance, but can't find a job?
We have tons of people on all sorts of government assistance, and tons of jobs going unfilled - $18 an hour for an unskilled job - because we’ve given people the choice to either get a job and be productive or to just take OPM.
Not at all

Equity relates to how society should allocate its resources.
Society helps those who need the help the most

You help the handicapped more than you help the healthy
You help those who are struggling more than you help those who are well off
You provide educational assistance to those who are poor vs those who are wealthy
You can’t keep changing the meaning of words, which is what Dems do all the time. (Biden even tried to change the meaning of “recession.”

Harris has repeatedly said equity will be equal outcomes. The problem is you can’t just hand out money until outcomes are equal without correcting for any factors that led to the unequal outcomes: hard work, responsible choices, innate intelligence, innate abilities, well-homed skills, levels of discipline and motivation, etc.
Really? I'm paying for one son's way thru Law school, while another is doing a combined major in Flight school and Computer engineering. All paid for in cash.

Everybody has those opportunities, right?
No, but too bad. There are other ways to get an education if Daddy isn’t rich: if you’re poor, Pell Grants; if middle class, academic scholarships; work your way through; find an employee with tuition assistance; start at community college to reduce your expenses; etc..

There is no way we can afford to GIVE everyone a free college education, in case that’s what you’re driving at. We’ve already spent our way into $30T in debt, and increased spending will drive the inflation rate even higher.

Dems‘ solution to everything is to redistribute OPM. And they say the new Democrats aren’t Marxists! ha.
Our republic is a form of democracy. You would say I don't drive a car because I drive a Subaru?

Do you not pay attention to your posts--go back and review them.
I think you are confusing words with actions.
You can’t keep changing the meaning of words, which is what Dems do all the time. (Biden even tried to change the meaning of “recession.”
Ignorant and Unstructured Grammar Leads to Ignorant and Unstructured Thought

Then challenge this misuse of "equity." It is a financial term and is in no way related to "equality." It comes from the Latin word for "knight," because the Romans who were rich enough to field war horses were businessmen, much like the fact that only the rich today can buy and train racehorses. The adaptation into meaning "ownership of stock" is similar to the adaptation of "royalties." Originally, the King owned all the resources under the land.

The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords stole this word because they had given "equality" a bad name, "hatred and jealousy of talent and hard work," just as they stole "Progressives" from the early-20th Century Republicans because the very word "Liberals" had deservedly disgusted so many people.
Our republic is a form of democracy. You would say I don't drive a car because I drive a Subaru?
America is a republic and not a pure democracy. The contemporary efforts to weaken our republican customs and institutions in the name of greater equality thus run against the efforts by America’s Founders to defend our country from the potential excesses of democratic majorities.
I think you are confusing words with actions.
Support is an action. I am not confused. You need to remember what you post.
No, but too bad. There are other ways to get an education if Daddy isn’t rich: if you’re poor, Pell Grants; if middle class, academic scholarships; work your way through; find an employee with tuition assistance; start at community college to reduce your expenses; etc..

There is no way we can afford to GIVE everyone a free college education, in case that’s what you’re driving at. We’ve already spent our way into $30T in debt, and increased spending will drive the inflation rate even higher.

Dems‘ solution to everything is to redistribute OPM. And they say the new Democrats aren’t Marxists! ha.
No Matter Who Pays for It, College Education Means the Fraud of Buying a Job
Kamala Harris, among others, has stated that “equity” - equal outcomes - rather than equal opportunity is a desired goal. The problem is that in order to achieve equity, one must treat people unfairly.

Let‘s look at two people. The first one…..oh, let’s call her Lisa….worked hard in high school, won two academic scholarships to college, and paid for the remainder with part-time work during semesters and full-time in summers. Upon graduation, she chose an employer with a tuition-reimbursement plan (for B and above) and spent five years at night getting her grad degree. She then continued her professional career for another 35 years, and was able to buy a nice home in an upscale community and lives well.

Then we have Linda. Linda was a party girl in high school with no intention to go in to college, but even so, she got preggers in 11th grade and dropped out, eventually earning a GED. She’s had a series of jobs, mostly clerical and retail, and never earned even $50,000 a year.

Equity would dictate that other people GIVE Linda the same nice lifestyle that Lisa worked for, and earned. So what happens? Pretty soon, the Lisas of the country see no sense in sacrificing for their future and putting in all that hard work if all the Lindas are just going to be given the fruits of other people’s labor and end uo just as well off. Conversely, the Linda’s won’t even attempt to put forth the effort to better themselves because they are guaranteed equity with the Lisas!

The pursuit of “equity” guarantees a race to the bottom. The linked article explains it better.

"Equity" is not "equal outcomes" so your entire post is based on a false premise. "Equity" is

Definition of equity

1 a: justice according to natural law or right, specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism

b: something that is equitable.

When Harris talks about "equity" she means that all of the resources don't go to rebuilding the rich communities first and foremost. She means that the resources should be split amongst all of the people who have suffered losses, equitably - without bias or favouritism.

After Katrina, the wealthy neighbourhoods were quickly rebuilt, and what was left over, went to the poor districts, and many of the homes were never rebuilt. The poorest people lost everything, and received almost nothing to help them.
Ignorant and Unstructured Grammar Leads to Ignorant and Unstructured Thought

Then challenge this misuse of "equity." It is a financial term and is in no way related to "equality." It comes from the Latin word for "knight," because the Romans who were rich enough to field war horses were businessmen, much like the fact that only the rich today can buy and train racehorses. The adaptation into meaning "ownership of stock" is similar to the adaptation of "royalties." Originally, the King owned all the resources under the land.

The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords stole this word because they had given "equality" a bad name, "hatred and jealousy of talent and hard work," just as they stole "Progressives" from the early-20th Century Republicans because the very word "Liberals" had deservedly disgusted so many people.

It's not the "Illiterate Liberal Language Lords" who misused the term, it's the Reviled Recreant Rigid Republicans who are taking the term and twisting into something it never was nor was it intended - "Equality of outcomes".

That's because Republicans don't want poor people to have equity in anything.
We have tons of people on all sorts of government assistance, and tons of jobs going unfilled - $18 an hour for an unskilled job - because we’ve given people the choice to either get a job and be productive or to just take OPM.

Do you always blather about topics that you know nothing about?

Do you seriously believe that anyone can just get for government assistance by saying "I don't wanna work so give me money".

That's not how it works, dumbo.

To receive government assistance, a person has to be UNABLE to work OR they have to be working and get paid less than the cost of their rent. Homeless people can get temporary assistance while they are placed in a shelter and a job is found for them.

The major cause for the need for government assistance is that working people are paid so poorly that they cannot survive on their wages. Government assistance is welfare for the business owners that refuse to pay a living wage and for the landlords that overcharge for rent.

Do you always blather about topics that you know nothing about?

Do you seriously believe that anyone can just get for government assistance by saying "I don't wanna work so give me money".

That's not how it works, dumbo.

To receive government assistance, a person has to be UNABLE to work OR they have to be working and get paid less than the cost of their rent. Homeless people can get temporary assistance while they are placed in a shelter and a job is found for them.

The major cause for the need for government assistance is that working people are paid so poorly that they cannot survive on their wages. Government assistance is welfare for the business owners that refuse to pay a living wage and for the landlords that overcharge for rent.

That’s not true, dumbo. I know a fully-able man who doesn’t work and gets rental relief, and I know another family with four adults in the same house - none work - who get food stamps, Medicaid for the kids, free lunches ans breakfasts at school, etc., etc. They don’t work because all the free stuff appeals to than more than having the hassle of a job.

The problem, as you’ve revealed with your comment, is that there is more contempt for motivated, hard-working business owners than lazy people who won’t accept a job because they can plenty of Other People’s Money for rent, food, medical, cash, etc.
No, but too bad. There are other ways to get an education if Daddy isn’t rich: if you’re poor, Pell Grants; if middle class, academic scholarships; work your way through; find an employee with tuition assistance; start at community college to reduce your expenses; etc..

There is no way we can afford to GIVE everyone a free college education, in case that’s what you’re driving at. We’ve already spent our way into $30T in debt, and increased spending will drive the inflation rate even higher.

Dems‘ solution to everything is to redistribute OPM. And they say the new Democrats aren’t Marxists! ha.

So you admit that we do not have equal opportunity! Thanks for agreeing with me on that!

You say that "There is no way we can afford to GIVE everyone a free college education".

Yet we're the wealthiest country in the world.

In the Soviet Union, despite having a relatively poor economy, everyone DID get free education to whatever level they wanted to take it (provided that they maintained good grades). My wife got a master's degree in Physics while growing up in the Soviet Union. What's more is that students were paid by the government while they were in school.

Why is it that the Soviet Union could afford to provide free high quality education, but the United States can not?

Could it be because we allow the wealthiest 1% to steal all our money? Is it because we prefer Elon Musk to send automobiles into space, rather than send our children to school?
So you admit that we do not have equal opportunity! Thanks for agreeing with me on that!

You say that "There is no way we can afford to GIVE everyone a free college education".

Yet we're the wealthiest country in the world.

In the Soviet Union, despite having a relatively poor economy, everyone DID get free education to whatever level they wanted to take it (provided that they maintained good grades). My wife got a master's degree in Physics while growing up in the Soviet Union. What's more is that students were paid by the government while they were in school.

Why is it that the Soviet Union could afford to provide free high quality education, but the United States can not?

Could it be because we allow the wealthiest 1% to steal all our money? Is it because we prefer Elon Musk to send automobiles into space, rather than send our children to school?
You think “equal opportunity” means giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry a free education - paid for by other people? They all have the opportunity for college, and if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half. The other half they can borrow or have jobs.

If they’re really bright, they can also win paid academic scholarships.

But forcing everyone to finance the college education of all kids means:

1) at least half will drop out, since they were not college material to start with, and we’ve had to pay a year or two for them to party

2) the caliber of a college education will drop even further

News flash: the answer to all problems is NOT to make other people hand over their earnings
That’s not true, dumbo. I know a fully-able man who doesn’t work and gets rental relief, and I know another family with four adults in the same house - none work - who get food stamps, Medicaid for the kids, free lunches ans breakfasts at school, etc., etc. They don’t work because all the free stuff appeals to than more than having the hassle of a job.

The problem, as you’ve revealed with your comment, is that there is more contempt for motivated, hard-working business owners than lazy people who won’t accept a job because they can plenty of Other People’s Money for rent, food, medical, cash, etc.

The only way those people could possibly get the benefits that you claim is if the local government workers are totally corrupt.

No state or federal assistance programs allow able bodied people to get money unless they are grossly under paid.

I'd like to know exactly how you became an expert on the finances of these people that you say are fully capable yet receive government assistance. I'd bet you know nothing about their finances and everything you said is a product of your warped imagination. (Have you seen the "Able-bodied man's medical records? No? Then STFU!)
The only way those people could possibly get the benefits that you claim is if the local government workers are totally corrupt.

No state or federal assistance programs allow able bodied people to get money unless they are grossly under paid.

I'd like to know exactly how you became an expert on the finances of these people that you say are fully capable yet receive government assistance. I'd bet you know nothing about their finances and everything you said is a product of your warped imagination. (Have you seen the "Able-bodied man's medical records? No? Then STFU!)
Because they’ve told me. He told me he doesn’t want to take an $18/hr job because it is beneath him, and he’d just rather be on government programs until he finds a job that will be “rewarding”. He should not be given that choice. This has gone on for more than six months.

As far as the other family - the one with four adults - ALL of them are able-bodied and have all had jobs previously. But they’ve found that the generous welfare enables them to just “hang out” and do little side gigs for $100 here and $50 there for some spending money. They have NO food expenses, they get cash TANF for the kiddies, and they get Medicaid for them.

These are just two families. There are millions more. We need to have work requirements for people to get benefits, unless honestly disabled or caring for pre-school children.

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