Why “Equity” is unfair and will bring the country down further

You think “equal opportunity” means giving every Tom, Dick, and Harry a free education - paid for by other people? They all have the opportunity for college, and if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half. The other half they can borrow or have jobs.

If they’re really bright, they can also win paid academic scholarships.

But forcing everyone to finance the college education of all kids means:

1) at least half will drop out, since they were not college material to start with, and we’ve had to pay a year or two for them to party

2) the caliber of a college education will drop even further

News flash: the answer to all problems is NOT to make other people hand over their earnings

It's amazing how you just blather about things you know nothing about!

You say that "if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half" :auiqs.jpg:

What do you think Pell Grants are? They are the government paying for people's education, idiot!

In the Soviet Union, most people did not choose to go to college because they did not want to, or they could not maintain good grades.

Of course, everyone in the Soviet Union had a job, a place to live and all their basic needs taken care of. Education standards were very high because the educational system didn't have to cater to legions of rich spoiled idiots as they do in the U.S.

The answer to all problems is to distribute wealth to the people that do actual productive work, and not to the legions of professional thieves that get all the money in the U.S.
Because they’ve told me. He told me he doesn’t want to take an $18/hr job because it is beneath him, and he’d just rather be on government programs until he finds a job that will be “rewarding”. He should not be given that choice. This has gone on for more than six months.

As far as the other family - the one with four adults - ALL of them are able-bodied and have all had jobs previously. But they’ve found that the generous welfare enables them to just “hang out” and do little side gigs for $100 here and $50 there for some spending money. They have NO food expenses, they get cash TANF for the kiddies, and they get Medicaid for them.

These are just two families. There are millions more. We need to have work requirements for people to get benefits, unless honestly disabled or caring for pre-school children.
"he doesn’t want to take an $18/hr job because it is beneath him"

Or perhaps his medical condition is none of your business.

Please post a link to ANY government assistance programs that provide assistance to people that are capable of working and get paid enough to cover their rent.

Otherwise STFU!
Because they’ve told me. He told me he doesn’t want to take an $18/hr job because it is beneath him, and he’d just rather be on government programs until he finds a job that will be “rewarding”. He should not be given that choice. This has gone on for more than six months.

As far as the other family - the one with four adults - ALL of them are able-bodied and have all had jobs previously. But they’ve found that the generous welfare enables them to just “hang out” and do little side gigs for $100 here and $50 there for some spending money. They have NO food expenses, they get cash TANF for the kiddies, and they get Medicaid for them.

These are just two families. There are millions more. We need to have work requirements for people to get benefits, unless honestly disabled or caring for pre-school children.

BTW - We have work requirements dumbo!
"he doesn’t want to take an $18/hr job because it is beneath him"

Or perhaps his medical condition is none of your business.

Please post a link to ANY government assistance programs that provide assistance to people that are capable of working and get paid enough to cover their rent.

Otherwise STFU!
wuhan relief. You haven't been alive very long I see.
It's amazing how you just blather about things you know nothing about!

You say that "if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half" :auiqs.jpg:

What do you think Pell Grants are? They are the government paying for people's education, idiot!

In the Soviet Union, most people did not choose to go to college because they did not want to, or they could not maintain good grades.

Of course, everyone in the Soviet Union had a job, a place to live and all their basic needs taken care of. Education standards were very high because the educational system didn't have to cater to legions of rich spoiled idiots as they do in the U.S.

The answer to all problems is to distribute wealth to the people that do actual productive work, and not to the legions of professional thieves that get all the money in the U.S.
Except we are distributing wealth to the people who do NO work and are content to live off OPM. In fact, thanks to the leftist narrative, they feel entitled to it.

And if you think socialism and the old Soviet Union was so superior to America, how about instead of bringing Marxism here and destroying our great nation, you move THERE?
BTW - We have work requirements dumbo!
Dumbo….idiot….you sure can’t post a post without the name-calling,

And we do NOT have work requirements. How is that family of four getting food stamps and other benefits. Not a single one is willing to take a regular, full-time job. If we didn’t say “that’s fine….here’s some more money from people who ARE working so you won’t have to” they’d be willing to “lower” themselves to a job,

I can‘t WAIT to throw you lefitsts with your destructive policies out on your keister come November. I am counting the days.
Except we are distributing wealth to the people who do NO work and are content to live off OPM. In fact, thanks to the leftist narrative, they feel entitled to it.

And if you think socialism and the old Soviet Union was so superior to America, how about instead of bringing Marxism here and destroying our great nation, you move THERE?

The Soviet Union does not exist anymore, idiot.

If it did, I'm sure that my wife would want to move back there. According to her, the quality of life was far superior.

Why are you so upset about the idea of a little money being given to extremely poor people?

Why aren't you upset about the massive amounts of money that go to extremely wealthy people who do nothing productive whatsoever?

If we increased taxes on the super-wealthy, we could afford to pay for college for everyone who wants it AND continue to give some small amount of money to extremely poor people - the vast majority of which cannot work or afford to pay rent.

Is it because you're an ass kissing sycophant that worships wealthy people? Is it because you dream of being super wealthy and doing no actual productive work? Is it because you're a bully that likes to pick on the most unfortunate people?
Dumbo….idiot….you sure can’t post a post without the name-calling,

And we do NOT have work requirements. How is that family of four getting food stamps and other benefits. Not a single one is willing to take a regular, full-time job. If we didn’t say “that’s fine….here’s some more money from people who ARE working so you won’t have to” they’d be willing to “lower” themselves to a job,

I can‘t WAIT to throw you lefitsts with your destructive policies out on your keister come November. I am counting the days.

Let's see that link to government assistance programs that allow these able-bodied people to collect government assistance programs!


Otherwise, it's obvious that you're a lying bag of shit that's making up the whole story.

"you sure can’t post a post without the name-calling"

I calls 'em as I sees 'em!
The Soviet Union does not exist anymore, idiot.

If it did, I'm sure that my wife would want to move back there. According to her, the quality of life was far superior.

Why are you so upset about the idea of a little money being given to extremely poor people?

Why aren't you upset about the massive amounts of money that go to extremely wealthy people who do nothing productive whatsoever?

If we increased taxes on the super-wealthy, we could afford to pay for college for everyone who wants it AND continue to give some small amount of money to extremely poor people - the vast majority of which cannot work or afford to pay rent.

Is it because you're an ass kissing sycophant that worships wealthy people? Is it because you dream of being super wealthy and doing no actual productive work? Is it because you're a bully that likes to pick on the most unfortunate people?
When did I object to giving money to extremly poor people, idiot? Just like a Leftist - claum someone said something and then use what they never said to make them sound awful.

I said….able-bodied adults who refuse to work should not get welfare.

And I’m done with your nasty way of arguing. YOU are an example of the people we hope to go away once we win the mid-terms.
Let's see that link to government assistance programs that allow these able-bodied people to collect government assistance programs!


Otherwise, it's obvious that you're a lying bag of shit that's making up the whole story.

"you sure can’t post a post without the name-calling"

I calls 'em as I sees 'em!
So you admit that we do not have equal opportunity!
You, sir, are a bald-faced LIAR. I have read this thread and NOWHERE did she intimate that she agreed with any of your communist-inspired bullshit. Keep running around inside your own head--maybe one day you'll catch up, dumb fuck.
You, sir, are a bald-faced LIAR. I have read this thread and NOWHERE did she intimate that she agreed with any of your communist-inspired bullshit. Keep running around inside your own head--maybe one day you'll catch up, dumb fuck.
Thank you. It’s what these Communist-type Marxists do all the time. They claim their opponent said something, and then use that to make it sound as if the opponent is an uncaring person.

Honestly, their entire tirade is getting so old - and it’s gotten worse in recent weeks. I can only attribute it to the panic they feel as midterms approach - much like a cornered animal gets vicious.
State governments forced businesses to close during the pandemic. It was not workers choosing not to work, idiot.
now they are being compensated and not going back. sorry friend. been out dining? That field hit the hardest. Can't get cooks or waiting staff.
now they are being compensated and not going back. sorry friend. been out dining? That field hit the hardest. Can't get cooks or waiting staff.
Concerned American , went to dinner Saturday at a local grill, the waitress hands us the menu, the title of the menu states: since we are understaffed Menu. Seriously. We ask the gal, so what's this about, she says, people just up and quit on them and not coming back, therefore had to limit the items on the menu for faster cook times. Ouch!!!! Couldn't even order a hamburger. Could get a sub, not a burger. seemed odd. but it is what it is thanks to demofks.
It's amazing how you just blather about things you know nothing about!

You say that "if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half" :auiqs.jpg:

What do you think Pell Grants are? They are the government paying for people's education, idiot!

In the Soviet Union, most people did not choose to go to college because they did not want to, or they could not maintain good grades.

Of course, everyone in the Soviet Union had a job, a place to live and all their basic needs taken care of. Education standards were very high because the educational system didn't have to cater to legions of rich spoiled idiots as they do in the U.S.

The answer to all problems is to distribute wealth to the people that do actual productive work, and not to the legions of professional thieves that get all the money in the U.S.
Here we have corrupted unions in the way of educating the masses. And the education is propaganda.
It's amazing how you just blather about things you know nothing about!

You say that "if they’re poor, Pell Grants can pay for half" :auiqs.jpg:

What do you think Pell Grants are? They are the government paying for people's education, idiot!

In the Soviet Union, most people did not choose to go to college because they did not want to, or they could not maintain good grades.

Of course, everyone in the Soviet Union had a job, a place to live and all their basic needs taken care of. Education standards were very high because the educational system didn't have to cater to legions of rich spoiled idiots as they do in the U.S.

The answer to all problems is to distribute wealth to the people that do actual productive work, and not to the legions of professional thieves that get all the money in the U.S.
I'm surprised you haven't moved to your cherished russia home.
Thank you. It’s what these Communist-type Marxists do all the time. They claim their opponent said something, and then use that to make it sound as if the opponent is an uncaring person.

Honestly, their entire tirade is getting so old - and it’s gotten worse in recent weeks. I can only attribute it to the panic they feel as midterms approach - much like a cornered animal gets vicious.
I truly wish the mods would delete those posts. It happens to me all the time. I attempt to report it as violating the rules of the forum, but nothing ever happens.
State governments forced businesses to close during the pandemic. It was not workers choosing not to work, idiot.
We saw how people can be manipulated. We saw how people got in peoples faces over Covid. Well a few feet away. And how those who did not take the shot were shunned and destroyed. I now know how concentration camps opened in Germany during the 1930's. We will not forget this for what that was worth.

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