Why exactly are you unwilling to pay for other people's medical care?

Presumes facts not on evidence.

Here's what your posts in this thread have revealed:

Loki said:
Loki said:
Loki said:
Loki said:
Loki said:
Loki said:
Loki said:
You’ve answered the question in the OP, then taken us on an interesting little sidebar that has clearly run its course, and you seem to have an overriding obsession with princesses. Which one is your favorite?


Right now, you're my favorite princess, Princess.

So all of your posts in this thread have been flirtations?

So I'm not your favorite? Make up your mind.
You're presumptuous and stupid. There's no contradiction. Just because I'm not flirting with you, it doesn't follow you're not currently my favorite princess, Princess.

Then you've just wasted a great deal of time.
I would wager you're also a tremendous waste space too.

Yet you said I was your favorite. Make up your mind.
There's no contradiction. You can be a waste of both space and time, and still be my favorite... that's the nature of follies, Princess.
Here's what your posts in this thread have revealed:

You’ve answered the question in the OP, then taken us on an interesting little sidebar that has clearly run its course, and you seem to have an overriding obsession with princesses. Which one is your favorite?


Right now, you're my favorite princess, Princess.

So all of your posts in this thread have been flirtations?

So I'm not your favorite? Make up your mind.
You're presumptuous and stupid. There's no contradiction. Just because I'm not flirting with you, it doesn't follow you're not currently my favorite princess, Princess.

Then you've just wasted a great deal of time.
I would wager you're also a tremendous waste space too.

Yet you said I was your favorite. Make up your mind.
There's no contradiction. You can be a waste of both space and time, and still be my favorite... that's the nature of follies, Princess.
If that's all you've got to contribute, I think I'll discuss the topic.
... I think it's far better we use those dollars for healthcare for the poor than blow up hospitals killing women and children.

Oh I totally agree with that. Dismantling the welfare state is low on my list of priorities. But it IS part of the problem, especially in the way it encourages people to accept corporatist government.

I don't think it's possible to dismantle the welfare state, not when half the country is receiving benefits. I think at the root of the problem is globalization and that's not going away.

Better trained workers abroad, increased foreign worker productivity, and increased investments abroad, a more stable international climate, and international free trade has put US workers in direct competition with foreign workers who command much lower wages and benefits. This means less jobs at lower pay, particularly for low skilled workers. This trend began years ago and it's not likely to reverse until foreign workers wages and benefits approach that of US workers.

Cutting benefits for the unemployed and low income workers will only drive more people into the workplace pushing wages lower. The result would be more poverty and more demand for government assistance.

The answer is of course creating more jobs for low skilled workers and increasing the productive of the American worker so he is better able to compete with workers abroad.

That last bit is exactly what I'm talking about when I say that the welfare state encourages people to accept corporatist government.

We can dismantle the welfare state, and the warfare state - and pretty much any other corrosive institution of government - if we decide it's worth doing.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by globalism. In my view it's nationalism that's feeding our move to corporatism, not globalism. The view that each country is in competition with the rest tempts us to view our people as resources to apply toward that goal, rather than individuals with rights to protect.
You say we can dismantle the welfare state. How? Half of this country receives benefits from the welfare state. Do you think beneficiaries of Medicare, Medicaid, AFDC, SNAP, SSD, SSDI, Veterans Benefits, Student Aid, Obamacare subsidies, Head Start, and 50 other programs are just going to say hey take away my benefits so government can reduce taxes on those that have plenty? I don't think so.

I'm sure there are some programs that could be reduced and some eliminated but that's not going happen in the current political climate because the control of government swings back and forth between the Right and Left.

Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on what kind of consensus forms among voters. Not everyone is short-sighted and solely self-interested.

What's your opinion? Do you think it's a good idea to merge economic and state power?
Cut social security, disability, raise medicare premiums, reduce SNAP benefits, cut welfare payments,etc.
I don't think there would be any doubt about the consensus.
Cut social security, disability, raise medicare premiums, reduce SNAP benefits, cut welfare payments,etc.
I don't think there would be any doubt about the consensus.

Maybe. Do you think it's a good idea to merge economic and state power?
No. I know about the Waltons. I've presented no argument or assertion regarding my willingness to give the Waltons ANYTHING.

You don't have to present an argument. You just have to keep doing what you're doing without ever questioning it - chipping in to compensate for the $6 billion a year that they don't pay. And paying for the SNAP benefits their employees get because the Waltons are the only employer in the area and they pay minimum wage.

Double penetration...into your income. But you're fine with that.

I've already proposed how to handle the latter. Stop giving someone who, because of their low level skills, can't support themselves.
No. I know about the Waltons. I've presented no argument or assertion regarding my willingness to give the Waltons ANYTHING.

You don't have to present an argument. You just have to keep doing what you're doing without ever questioning it - chipping in to compensate for the $6 billion a year that they don't pay. And paying for the SNAP benefits their employees get because the Waltons are the only employer in the area and they pay minimum wage.

Double penetration...into your income. But you're fine with that.

I've already proposed how to handle the latter. Stop giving someone who, because of their low level skills, can't support themselves.

And then what happens? "I don't care" is about what I'd expect you to say. Surprise me.
No. I know about the Waltons. I've presented no argument or assertion regarding my willingness to give the Waltons ANYTHING.

You don't have to present an argument. You just have to keep doing what you're doing without ever questioning it - chipping in to compensate for the $6 billion a year that they don't pay. And paying for the SNAP benefits their employees get because the Waltons are the only employer in the area and they pay minimum wage.

Double penetration...into your income. But you're fine with that.

I've already proposed how to handle the latter. Stop giving someone who, because of their low level skills, can't support themselves.

And then what happens? "I don't care" is about what I'd expect you to say. Surprise me.

We'll see just how many of you self proclaimed compassionate bleeding hearts are willing to back up with your own money what you say they deserve.

What would surprise me is if you actually would. I know you won't because if you would, you would have already done it. Government social welfare programs aren't necessary if those who say something should be done would actually do it themselves instead of demanding everyone else do it.

If you know of a situation where someone can't pay their power bill, pay it for them instead of supporting the government take from the rest of us.
No. I know about the Waltons. I've presented no argument or assertion regarding my willingness to give the Waltons ANYTHING.

You don't have to present an argument. You just have to keep doing what you're doing without ever questioning it - chipping in to compensate for the $6 billion a year that they don't pay. And paying for the SNAP benefits their employees get because the Waltons are the only employer in the area and they pay minimum wage.

Double penetration...into your income. But you're fine with that.

I've already proposed how to handle the latter. Stop giving someone who, because of their low level skills, can't support themselves.

And then what happens? "I don't care" is about what I'd expect you to say. Surprise me.

We'll see just how many of you self proclaimed compassionate bleeding hearts are willing to back up with your own money what you say they deserve.

And that's been the agenda behind the 50+ failed attempts to kill the PPACA - you people recreate the conditions of the 19th century and then walk away because it's "not my problem." The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.
No. I know about the Waltons. I've presented no argument or assertion regarding my willingness to give the Waltons ANYTHING.

You don't have to present an argument. You just have to keep doing what you're doing without ever questioning it - chipping in to compensate for the $6 billion a year that they don't pay. And paying for the SNAP benefits their employees get because the Waltons are the only employer in the area and they pay minimum wage.

Double penetration...into your income. But you're fine with that.

I've already proposed how to handle the latter. Stop giving someone who, because of their low level skills, can't support themselves.

And then what happens? "I don't care" is about what I'd expect you to say. Surprise me.

We'll see just how many of you self proclaimed compassionate bleeding hearts are willing to back up with your own money what you say they deserve.

And that's been the agenda behind the 50+ failed attempts to kill the PPACA - you people recreate the conditions of the 19th century and then walk away because it's "not my problem." The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

Typical blame the other guy mentality of Liberals. I didn't expect you to prove your claimed compassion.
No. I know about the Waltons. I've presented no argument or assertion regarding my willingness to give the Waltons ANYTHING.

You don't have to present an argument. You just have to keep doing what you're doing without ever questioning it - chipping in to compensate for the $6 billion a year that they don't pay. And paying for the SNAP benefits their employees get because the Waltons are the only employer in the area and they pay minimum wage.

Double penetration...into your income. But you're fine with that.

I've already proposed how to handle the latter. Stop giving someone who, because of their low level skills, can't support themselves.

And then what happens? "I don't care" is about what I'd expect you to say. Surprise me.

We'll see just how many of you self proclaimed compassionate bleeding hearts are willing to back up with your own money what you say they deserve.

And that's been the agenda behind the 50+ failed attempts to kill the PPACA - you people recreate the conditions of the 19th century and then walk away because it's "not my problem." The Party of Personal Responsibility strikes again.

In the 19th century, if you didn't work you didn't eat.
Cut social security, disability, raise medicare premiums, reduce SNAP benefits, cut welfare payments,etc.
I don't think there would be any doubt about the consensus.

Maybe. Do you think it's a good idea to merge economic and state power?
No, but I don't see what that has to do with providing social services for the poor.
Typical blame the other guy mentality.

I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.
Right now there is someone who requires immediate medical care. That care will only be provided for payment. That someone has no money to pay it. You do. Are you not morally obligated to ensure that they receive the care they need?
Not if they don't belong here in the first place.
Typical blame the other guy mentality.

I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.
Typical blame the other guy mentality.

I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty and now want to blame someone else for the results or expect someone else to pay for it. Are you saying everyone that quit high school went to a bad school?

I don't need to examine it more closely. The parent made the choice to commit the crime that sent them to prison and you expect the rest of us to pay for their choice. In doing so, it takes away what I'VE earned that goes to my kids. Why should mine do with less because I am expected to pay more taxes because of what some other parent did? What you're saying is that when people make bad choices the rest of us should be willing and overjoyed to pay for it.
Typical blame the other guy mentality.

I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty...

Children choose to be born into poverty?
Typical blame the other guy mentality.

I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty...

Children choose to be born into poverty?

Many of their parents made choices that produced the result. Now, bleeding hearts like you think someone such as myself that made better choices which produced much better results should be willing to pay more taxes to offset the bad results of bad choices by those parents. Every time I pay more in taxes to fund one of your feel good programs, it takes away from MY children. My children didn't make the choices that produced the results yet you don't have a problem with them having less.

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