Why exactly are you unwilling to pay for other people's medical care?

You know,...

Just because folks are against the government providing goods and services to those in need, it simply does not follow that those same folks are against providing goods and services to those in need.

Just saying.

Some of you do. Some of you don't. Just as those of us who understand the purpose of safety nets do as well.

Then there's the concept of the so-called "entitlements." Why shouldn't people who have contributed to FICA all their working lives, for example, get Social Security benefits when they retire?
This is circular reasoning. OF COURSE they should benefit from the program(s) they were forced to contribute to. We should demand this.

But this coerced socially engineered dependency is intellectually and morally repugnant.

We should also demand that such forced servitude be ended. I don't know what the mechanics of that look like, but I think forcing one set of folks to subsidized the lives of other folks is inherently wrong.
OF COURSE they should benefit from the program(s) they were forced to contribute to. We should demand this.

Fair enough. Because Grandma might move in with you if she didn't get that check every month. So, some "entitlements" Good, others Bad.

But this coerced socially engineered dependency is intellectually and morally repugnant.

That's not what "social engineering" means.

We should also demand that such forced servitude be ended. I don't know what the mechanics of that look like, but I think forcing one set of folks to subsidized the lives of other folks is inherently wrong.

"Servitude"? No. Servitude is something like being drafted into the military when you're 18, but you can't vote until you're 21.

Paying taxes is equivalent to a club membership. You're a member of Club America? You pay dues. If you consider taxation = servitude, maybe you'd be happier somewhere where you wouldn't be subjected to such "servitude."
I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty and now want to blame someone else for the results or expect someone else to pay for it. Are you saying everyone that quit high school went to a bad school?

I don't need to examine it more closely. The parent made the choice to commit the crime that sent them to prison and you expect the rest of us to pay for their choice. In doing so, it takes away what I'VE earned that goes to my kids. Why should mine do with less because I am expected to pay more taxes because of what some other parent did? What you're saying is that when people make bad choices the rest of us should be willing and overjoyed to pay for it.
You're going to pay in one way or the other. Poverty is the mother of crime, disease, and insurrection. Social services that help people get out of poverty are a good investment.

Poverty and bad laws. We have spent well over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty". How has that worked out for us? What has been the net effect on the amount of people still in poverty since the war was started?
What's the bible verse, You will always have the poor with you, or something like that. The War on Poverty actually did reduce poverty in US from 26 percent in 1967 to 16 percent today according to a study done in 2013 at Columbia University.

Social problems are the most difficult problems we face. The general public might look at the War on poverty as a failure because after spending 5 trillion dollars we still have 16% of the people below the poverty line. However, social scientist see it as successful by comparison to other programs.

Although poverty has been shown to be a major factor in most of the nations social problems, it is certainly not the only factor. Even if we could eliminate all poverty, there would certainly be crime, racism, alcohol and drug addition, dysfunctional behavior, etc. but there would be less of it.

https://courseworks.columbia.edu/ac...Papers for website/Anchored SPM.December7.pdf
OF COURSE they should benefit from the program(s) they were forced to contribute to. We should demand this.

Fair enough. Because Grandma might move in with you if she didn't get that check every month. So, some "entitlements" Good, others Bad.
There's certainly something to be said for the benefits of multi-generation households.

But this coerced socially engineered dependency is intellectually and morally repugnant.

That's not what "social engineering" means.
Well.... you're wrong.

We should also demand that such forced servitude be ended. I don't know what the mechanics of that look like, but I think forcing one set of folks to subsidized the lives of other folks is inherently wrong.

"Servitude"? No. Servitude is something like being drafted into the military when you're 18, but you can't vote until you're 21.
That is certainly servitude.

So is involuntarily covering another's medical bills, grocery bills, housing bills, retirement, etc...

This is different than service. You're as much a servant when paying for all that, as you would be actually doing it... and just to be clear, Princess... I'm not against being of voluntary service to other people. (I'm certain you've already forgotten.)

I object to servitude.

Paying taxes is equivalent to a club membership. You're a member of Club America? You pay dues.

"Dues" is paying your bills, not someone else's.

If you consider taxation = servitude, maybe you'd be happier somewhere where you wouldn't be subjected to such "servitude."
I didn't equate taxes to servitude, but I understand where you're coming from, and you make an excellent point.

Why don't you address the point I actually made?
OF COURSE they should benefit from the program(s) they were forced to contribute to. We should demand this.

Fair enough. Because Grandma might move in with you if she didn't get that check every month. So, some "entitlements" Good, others Bad.
There's certainly something to be said for the benefits of multi-generation households.

If they're voluntary. If they're forced because of poverty, not so much.

But this coerced socially engineered dependency is intellectually and morally repugnant.

That's not what "social engineering" means.
Well.... you're wrong.

Nope. It means what LBJ called "winning hearts and minds."

We should also demand that such forced servitude be ended. I don't know what the mechanics of that look like, but I think forcing one set of folks to subsidized the lives of other folks is inherently wrong.

"Servitude"? No. Servitude is something like being drafted into the military when you're 18, but you can't vote until you're 21.
That is certainly servitude.

So is involuntarily covering another's medical bills, grocery bills, housing bills, retirement, etc...

That's what you'd be doing if Grandma came to live with you. You're not doing that now. Even if you were, comparing it to, say, a tour in Nam, is indicative of just how childish the argument really is. Maybe we should bring back the draft so you can have a first-hand experience of "servitude."

Paying taxes is equivalent to a club membership. You're a member of Club America? You pay dues.

"Dues" is paying your bills, not someone else's.

Did you object to your taxes going for the invasion of Iraq? Or does your objection hinge on who's in the Oval Office?

If you consider taxation = servitude, maybe you'd be happier somewhere where you wouldn't be subjected to such "servitude."
I didn't equate taxes to servitude, but I understand where you're coming from, and you make an excellent point.

Why don't you address the point I actually made?

I have addressed your posts in detail. What do you feel I've neglected?
You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty and now want to blame someone else for the results or expect someone else to pay for it. Are you saying everyone that quit high school went to a bad school?

I don't need to examine it more closely. The parent made the choice to commit the crime that sent them to prison and you expect the rest of us to pay for their choice. In doing so, it takes away what I'VE earned that goes to my kids. Why should mine do with less because I am expected to pay more taxes because of what some other parent did? What you're saying is that when people make bad choices the rest of us should be willing and overjoyed to pay for it.
You're going to pay in one way or the other. Poverty is the mother of crime, disease, and insurrection. Social services that help people get out of poverty are a good investment.

Poverty and bad laws. We have spent well over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty". How has that worked out for us? What has been the net effect on the amount of people still in poverty since the war was started?
What's the bible verse, You will always have the poor with you, or something like that. The War on Poverty actually did reduce poverty in US from 26 percent in 1967 to 16 percent today according to a study done in 2013 at Columbia University.

Social problems are the most difficult problems we face. The general public might look at the War on poverty as a failure because after spending 5 trillion dollars we still have 16% of the people below the poverty line. However, social scientist see it as successful by comparison to other programs.

Although poverty has been shown to be a major factor in most of the nations social problems, it is certainly not the only factor. Even if we could eliminate all poverty, there would certainly be crime, racism, alcohol and drug addition, dysfunctional behavior, etc. but there would be less of it.

https://courseworks.columbia.edu/access/content/group/c5a1ef92-c03c-4d88-0018-ea43dd3cc5db/Working Papers for website/Anchored SPM.December7.pdf

I'm not religious so I have never read the Bible so can't help you there. However, I do know that merely giving people money without teaching them HOW to earn money only serves to make them dependent on you who have given them the money. That is a lesson that has been learned repeatedly over the millennia. How do you deal with people who CHOOSE to remain in poverty? Must the rest of society be forced to care for them?

I actually DO agree with some aspect of that to be honest. If someone wants to check out of society I am quite happy to give them a two room apartment, feed them, give them a nice TV and a game system and let them play away till they die. The trade off is they don't get to vote, or have children. They become wards of the State and as such they have no right to procreate.

Now, should they decide that they no longer wish to live that way and decide to become productive members of society then that door is always open for them too. Nothing is permanent.

How does that work for you?
You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty and now want to blame someone else for the results or expect someone else to pay for it. Are you saying everyone that quit high school went to a bad school?

I don't need to examine it more closely. The parent made the choice to commit the crime that sent them to prison and you expect the rest of us to pay for their choice. In doing so, it takes away what I'VE earned that goes to my kids. Why should mine do with less because I am expected to pay more taxes because of what some other parent did? What you're saying is that when people make bad choices the rest of us should be willing and overjoyed to pay for it.
You're going to pay in one way or the other. Poverty is the mother of crime, disease, and insurrection. Social services that help people get out of poverty are a good investment.

Poverty and bad laws. We have spent well over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty". How has that worked out for us? What has been the net effect on the amount of people still in poverty since the war was started?
What's the bible verse, You will always have the poor with you, or something like that. The War on Poverty actually did reduce poverty in US from 26 percent in 1967 to 16 percent today according to a study done in 2013 at Columbia University.

Social problems are the most difficult problems we face. The general public might look at the War on poverty as a failure because after spending 5 trillion dollars we still have 16% of the people below the poverty line. However, social scientist see it as successful by comparison to other programs.

Although poverty has been shown to be a major factor in most of the nations social problems, it is certainly not the only factor. Even if we could eliminate all poverty, there would certainly be crime, racism, alcohol and drug addition, dysfunctional behavior, etc. but there would be less of it.

https://courseworks.columbia.edu/access/content/group/c5a1ef92-c03c-4d88-0018-ea43dd3cc5db/Working Papers for website/Anchored SPM.December7.pdf
We've spent $22 trillion and the poverty level today is the same as it was just before the war on poverty began.

The poverty rate couldn't have been 26% in 1967 since the highest poverty rate on record was just over 22% in 1959.


Here's a chart from the Census Bureau showing poverty by the percentages and numbers. I'm not seeing that 26% you claim

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty and now want to blame someone else for the results or expect someone else to pay for it. Are you saying everyone that quit high school went to a bad school?

I don't need to examine it more closely. The parent made the choice to commit the crime that sent them to prison and you expect the rest of us to pay for their choice. In doing so, it takes away what I'VE earned that goes to my kids. Why should mine do with less because I am expected to pay more taxes because of what some other parent did? What you're saying is that when people make bad choices the rest of us should be willing and overjoyed to pay for it.
You're going to pay in one way or the other. Poverty is the mother of crime, disease, and insurrection. Social services that help people get out of poverty are a good investment.

Poverty and bad laws. We have spent well over 5 trillion dollars on the "war on poverty". How has that worked out for us? What has been the net effect on the amount of people still in poverty since the war was started?
What's the bible verse, You will always have the poor with you, or something like that. The War on Poverty actually did reduce poverty in US from 26 percent in 1967 to 16 percent today according to a study done in 2013 at Columbia University.

Social problems are the most difficult problems we face. The general public might look at the War on poverty as a failure because after spending 5 trillion dollars we still have 16% of the people below the poverty line. However, social scientist see it as successful by comparison to other programs.

Although poverty has been shown to be a major factor in most of the nations social problems, it is certainly not the only factor. Even if we could eliminate all poverty, there would certainly be crime, racism, alcohol and drug addition, dysfunctional behavior, etc. but there would be less of it.

https://courseworks.columbia.edu/access/content/group/c5a1ef92-c03c-4d88-0018-ea43dd3cc5db/Working Papers for website/Anchored SPM.December7.pdf

I'm not religious so I have never read the Bible so can't help you there. However, I do know that merely giving people money without teaching them HOW to earn money only serves to make them dependent on you who have given them the money. That is a lesson that has been learned repeatedly over the millennia. How do you deal with people who CHOOSE to remain in poverty? Must the rest of society be forced to care for them?

I actually DO agree with some aspect of that to be honest. If someone wants to check out of society I am quite happy to give them a two room apartment, feed them, give them a nice TV and a game system and let them play away till they die. The trade off is they don't get to vote, or have children. They become wards of the State and as such they have no right to procreate.

Now, should they decide that they no longer wish to live that way and decide to become productive members of society then that door is always open for them too. Nothing is permanent.

How does that work for you?

While the Bible teaches that we should help our fellow man, nowhere does it say that the government is the one to make the determination who is on that list. Jesus' teachings, in Matthew 25:35, says "for I was hungry and YOU gave me something to eat, I was thirty and YOU gave me something to drink, . . . ". It doesn't say and the government forced someone they thought had too much to do it.

It works for me. One of concerns I have with those who stay in poverty is they get to vote for tose that allow them to continue to be taken care of.
Typical blame the other guy mentality.

I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty...

Children choose to be born into poverty?
Children can choose to work their way out of poverty too..
I'm not blaming "the other guy." I'm blaming the guy responsible. Right now that would be you, Marie Antoinette.

You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty...

Children choose to be born into poverty?
Children can choose to work their way out of poverty too..

In China and India, true. Nice that you want the U.S. to devolve to that level.
You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty...

Children choose to be born into poverty?
Children can choose to work their way out of poverty too..

In China and India, true. Nice that you want the U.S. to devolve to that level.
Making piss-poor excuses isn't a solution. ...
You're going to pay in one way or the other. Poverty is the mother of crime, disease, and insurrection. Social services that help people get out of poverty are a good investment.
It's amusing how many self-styled "conservatives" have no sense of anything other than "Me, me, me...today, now, what I want." Until they're trying to prove that "Obozocare is full of fail...or will be in 2016 or 2020 or..."

They're so funny...

What's equally funny is the number of progressives who seem to still be infants and incapable of fending for themselves. Tell me. When do you people grow up and become adults?


Evidence, please? Or is this just Trolling by Staff?

Evidence of what? The fact that all of you behave like little birds in the nest squawking "me, me, me, me"

You're confusing me with Conservative65. I'm not the one dismissing anyone else's needs but my own.

Or is this the part where you misuse the word "progressive" to fit Conservative65's definition of "leeches"? Because you'd be mistaken there, too.

I dismiss it because it's not your place to make the determination who I should consider needy.
You blamed what happened in the past as to why things are the way they are today. MOST people are where they are due to choices they made not because someone took advantage of them or caused their situation. Put the blame where it belongs on those that made bad choices.

Because people choose to be born into poverty, attend bad schools, live in areas where the jobs either don't exist or were sent to China. Numbers 14:18, huh?

If you're a convicted criminal and now can't find a job, that's no one's fault but your own. If you quit high school and now can't find a job making more than minimum wage, that's no one's fault but your own. As long as you dumbasses are willing to give excuses to people for the bad results of choices they made, don't be shocked if they don't improve themselves. They have no need to do so because you'll find an excuse for them.

And if you're a child whose parent is serving time, don't be shocked if smug people who have no such experience dismiss you as trash. They don't have time to examine your situation more closely - they're on their way to church. Luke 18:11.

No people made choices that caused them to be in poverty...

Children choose to be born into poverty?
Children can choose to work their way out of poverty too..

In China and India, true. Nice that you want the U.S. to devolve to that level.

That you think it's someone else's place to do for another person's kids because they won't proves we're already sinking.
Making piss-poor excuses isn't a solution. ...

Then maybe you should stop.

I dismiss it because it's not your place to make the determination who I should consider needy.

Didn't realize you worked for Social Services. Now that would be ironic...

I don't. Since I'm one of those funding what you think I should be forced to fund, by supporting that forced taxation, you're telling me that you can determine who I should give a shit about.
Making piss-poor excuses isn't a solution. ...

Then maybe you should stop.

I dismiss it because it's not your place to make the determination who I should consider needy.

Didn't realize you worked for Social Services. Now that would be ironic...

I don't. Since I'm one of those funding what you think I should be forced to fund, by supporting that forced taxation, you're telling me that you can determine who I should give a shit about.
Let me ask you: Did you agree to fund the Iraq War?
Making piss-poor excuses isn't a solution. ...

Then maybe you should stop.

I dismiss it because it's not your place to make the determination who I should consider needy.

Didn't realize you worked for Social Services. Now that would be ironic...

I don't. Since I'm one of those funding what you think I should be forced to fund, by supporting that forced taxation, you're telling me that you can determine who I should give a shit about.
Let me ask you: Did you agree to fund the Iraq War?

Is funding war and the military a delegated power in the Constitution? The answer is yes. Does the word food stamps, government subsidized healthcare, etc. exist in the Constitution? The answer is no. I go by what the Constitution says. You go by what you want it to say.
Making piss-poor excuses isn't a solution. ...

Then maybe you should stop.

I dismiss it because it's not your place to make the determination who I should consider needy.

Didn't realize you worked for Social Services. Now that would be ironic...

I don't. Since I'm one of those funding what you think I should be forced to fund, by supporting that forced taxation, you're telling me that you can determine who I should give a shit about.
Let me ask you: Did you agree to fund the Iraq War?

Is funding war and the military a delegated power in the Constitution? The answer is yes. Does the word food stamps, government subsidized healthcare, etc. exist in the Constitution? The answer is no. I go by what the Constitution says. You go by what you want it to say.

So you're happy to donate to invading other sovereign nations. Got it.
OF COURSE they should benefit from the program(s) they were forced to contribute to. We should demand this.

Fair enough. Because Grandma might move in with you if she didn't get that check every month. So, some "entitlements" Good, others Bad.
There's certainly something to be said for the benefits of multi-generation households.

If they're voluntary. If they're forced because of poverty, not so much.
Charmingly anthropomorphic--but ultimately meaningless.

But this coerced socially engineered dependency is intellectually and morally repugnant.

That's not what "social engineering" means.
Well.... you're wrong.

Nope. It means what LBJ called "winning hearts and minds."

We should also demand that such forced servitude be ended. I don't know what the mechanics of that look like, but I think forcing one set of folks to subsidized the lives of other folks is inherently wrong.

"Servitude"? No. Servitude is something like being drafted into the military when you're 18, but you can't vote until you're 21.
That is certainly servitude.

So is involuntarily covering another's medical bills, grocery bills, housing bills, retirement, etc...

That's what you'd be doing if Grandma came to live with you.
Wrong for OBVIOUS reasons.

You're not doing that now. Even if you were, comparing it to, say, a tour in Nam, is indicative of just how childish the argument really is.
I made no comparison, Princess.

Maybe we should bring back the draft so you can have a first-hand experience of "servitude."
Perhaps you're not the one to accuse others of being " childish".

Paying taxes is equivalent to a club membership. You're a member of Club America? You pay dues.

"Dues" is paying your bills, not someone else's.

Did you object to your taxes going for the invasion of Iraq?

Or does your objection hinge on who's in the Oval Office?
You need to disabuse yourself of your childishly presumptive paradigm, Princess.

If you consider taxation = servitude, maybe you'd be happier somewhere where you wouldn't be subjected to such "servitude."
I didn't equate taxes to servitude, but I understand where you're coming from, and you make an excellent point.

Why don't you address the point I actually made?

I have addressed your posts in detail. What do you feel I've neglected?
No. You've addressed the strawman caricatures you've created.

Per your predictable, and retarded idiom.
Making piss-poor excuses isn't a solution. ...

Then maybe you should stop.

I dismiss it because it's not your place to make the determination who I should consider needy.

Didn't realize you worked for Social Services. Now that would be ironic...

I don't. Since I'm one of those funding what you think I should be forced to fund, by supporting that forced taxation, you're telling me that you can determine who I should give a shit about.
Let me ask you: Did you agree to fund the Iraq War?

Is funding war and the military a delegated power in the Constitution? The answer is yes. Does the word food stamps, government subsidized healthcare, etc. exist in the Constitution? The answer is no. I go by what the Constitution says. You go by what you want it to say.

So you're happy to donate to invading other sovereign nations. Got it.

I'm happy to abide by the Constitution. You aren't.

By the way, many of the Democrat leaders who now say Bush lied said exactly the same thing as Bush did.

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