Why Exactly Does Romney Want Fewer Firefighters, Police and Teachers?

Does the OP ever have an original thought, or does the OP merely make up a partisan title, then provide nothing but links to other people's partisan intellectual property? I've not seen one instance of yet when this has not been the case with this OP.

don't expect anything more, except some whining when people call them on it.
Municipalities must balance revenue and services rendered.

The problem with adding more public servants to bolster the economy is that soon, there is nobody out there to pay the taxes that pays the salaries.

Exactly. Takers will outweigh producers.

Wait that requires math, and logic, democrats are still trying to figures those two things out.
Mitt Romney said:

The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen

That is just completely untrue. Consider for example the federal SAFER grants program. It awards grants of money that can be spent only on salary and benefits for firefighters (http://www.fema.gov/firegrants/docs/pdf/FY2011_SAFER_QuickGuide.pdf). It is difficult to imagine the tortured logic under which Romney could explain that the federal government is not paying for firefighters in the SAFER program. What is it paying for?

If the logic associated with payment through federal grants obscures the issue, consider also that the federal government employs (and pays) plenty of policemen (and women) firefighters and teachers. The armed forces alone employ plenty.

lady, that just shows the government is waaaaaay too big. MOST of those kinds of employees are local.

They are hired by LOCAL people and paid by LOCAL tax dollars. In fact I bet if you add up all the firefighters in the US And those kinds of grants would amount to less than 5% of the salary, so in essence they have nothing to do with the federal government.

To sneak in crap bills like this is to ignore the fact that they are local employees, I doubt they're in the federal union? I doubt they get federal benefits, or do they? Do tell!

But Romney didn't say either

"The federal government doesn't pay for most teachers, firefighters or policemen."

Nor did he say

"The federal government shouldn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen."

What he did say was untrue.

I don't know what exactly you mean by "the federal union" or "federal benefits". Given that the firefighters supported through the SAFER program get their salary, employment benefits, and/or training through a federal grant, I would say that they received federal benefits. Local firefighters supported by federal grants are still local employees, so they wouldn't be represented by a union that was for federal employees. There does seem to be at least one union devoted entirely to representing firefighters employed directly by the federal government (AFGE Firefighter's Council Site).
Mitt Romney said:

That is just completely untrue. Consider for example the federal SAFER grants program. It awards grants of money that can be spent only on salary and benefits for firefighters (http://www.fema.gov/firegrants/docs/pdf/FY2011_SAFER_QuickGuide.pdf). It is difficult to imagine the tortured logic under which Romney could explain that the federal government is not paying for firefighters in the SAFER program. What is it paying for?

If the logic associated with payment through federal grants obscures the issue, consider also that the federal government employs (and pays) plenty of policemen (and women) firefighters and teachers. The armed forces alone employ plenty.

lady, that just shows the government is waaaaaay too big. MOST of those kinds of employees are local.

They are hired by LOCAL people and paid by LOCAL tax dollars. In fact I bet if you add up all the firefighters in the US And those kinds of grants would amount to less than 5% of the salary, so in essence they have nothing to do with the federal government.

To sneak in crap bills like this is to ignore the fact that they are local employees, I doubt they're in the federal union? I doubt they get federal benefits, or do they? Do tell!

But Romney didn't say either

"The federal government doesn't pay for most teachers, firefighters or policemen."

Nor did he say

"The federal government shouldn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen."

What he did say was untrue.

I don't know what exactly you mean by "the federal union" or "federal benefits". Given that the firefighters supported through the SAFER program get their salary, employment benefits, and/or training through a federal grant, I would say that they received federal benefits. Local firefighters supported by federal grants are still local employees, so they wouldn't be represented by a union that was for federal employees. There does seem to be at least one union devoted entirely to representing firefighters employed directly by the federal government (AFGE Firefighter's Council Site).

Federal union? Federal benefits?

Why did he even have to elude to it? Public unions are sucking the taxpayers DRY. He knows the taxpayers KNOW it.

WHY should he have to mention squat?
Mess with the firefighters and well you have no right to complain about them taking too long to get to your house. Some losers would chose to think they make too much money. Well then cut their wages and get the lower performers. Grab alot of marshmallows for the fire. Americans are the only people in the world to want more and more for less and less.
A real compelling question to me is.......who is the most naive board member? Lakota or Chris? Both have similar political IQ's = that of a handball.

These exercises of posting up these trivial things on a POLITICS forum is like somebody standing naked on a January day in Siberia and yelling "FIRE!!"

At the same time however, I do get a kick out of these threads, so Im torn?

These miserable fuckkers though.......best be thinking of getting a good supply of chin straps this November and start clearing out all disposable razors that might be hanging around in the bathroom.:2up: Oh.......and no plans to take trips to the mountains in the late fall. Cliff diving due to a stupid election result is gay.
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Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.

Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.


Si modo.............we crack ourselves up on here. Thats what I love about this forum...............and all the while, the k00ks are busting a nut in a perpetual state of angst over their plight!!! I must admit......Im only in here to see the epic displays of misery.:D

Hey Modo.....did you catch this gem??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The expression on that sorry fucks face!!! Its PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.


They were too busy like Obama's excuse for not showing in Wisconsin.
Here are the facts:

1. Mitt Romney said, "The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen. So obviously that is completely absurd."

2. The federal government does pay for cops. In fact, it is called the COPS program. Ask any policeman about it. It's in the federal budget, and here is their web site: COPS Office: Grants and Resources for Community Policing

Take a look at this page.

The COPS Office is pleased to announce the award of 238 FY 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) grants for approximately $240 million. CHP grants are designed to advance public safety through community policing by addressing the full-time sworn officer needs of state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies nationwide. CHP provides funds directly to law enforcement agencies to hire new and/or rehire career law enforcement officers, and to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts.

3. The federal government does pay for teachers.

Improving Teacher Quality State Grants
The Improving Teacher Quality State Grant program is the largest federal program devoted to K-12 teachers. The program provides states with grants to implement activities that increase the number of highly qualified teachers, principals, and assistant principals in high-need classrooms and schools. Grants are also used to improve the effectiveness of teachers and principals by holding local education agencies (LEAs) and schools accountable for improving student academic achievement. The program is authorized under Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. In fiscal year 2012, Congress appropriated $2.5 billion for Improving Teacher Quality State Grants. In 2011, grants to states ranged from $11 million to $263 million and the average state award was $46 million. The 2013 President’s Budget Request would fund the program at 2012 levels -- $2.5 billion -- and would establish a separate teacher effectiveness programs under proposed program consolidations.

4. The federal government does pay for firefighters. Here is the federal web site for the USFA program: USFA Grants and Funding

Here are some examples of local fire departments receiving federal funds:

Rural Information Center: Rural Fire Department Resources for Local Officials

Larson Announces Federal Funding to Local Fire Departments | Congressman John Larson

Today, U.S. Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01) announced that two local fire departments were awarded federal funding from the Assistance to Firefighters program. The West Hartford Fire Department and the Windsor Fire Department will receive $134,400 and $18,900 respectfully in funding. All of the grants were awarded under the operations and safety program area.

Local fire departments to share in federal grant : Portage News

Warrior had his butt seriously hurt on this subject in another topic. I guess he wanted more butt-hurt. I am always happy to oblige.

The fact is that Romney was dead wrong when he said, "The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen. So obviously that is completely absurd."
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Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.


Si modo.............we crack ourselves up on here. Thats what I love about this forum...............and all the while, the k00ks are busting a nut in a perpetual state of angst over their plight!!! I must admit......Im only in here to see the epic displays of misery.:D

Hey Modo.....did you catch this gem??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEwXa197uBU]The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube[/ame]

The expression on that sorry fucks face!!! Its PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that sorry little whiner should be GLAD Democracy IS dying. We are a Republic. He was lied to.
I would just like to point out something that the people claiming to be "conservatives" have yet to learn on this board.

This debate should have been about whether or not it is a good idea to cut federal spending on cops, firemen, and teachers. Instead, you planted your flags on a false premise and made complete asses of yourselves.

I see this time and time and time again. Granted, "conservatives" are not the only ones who do that, but in my younger days we conservatives were always the smartest people in the room. Nowadays, you are looking as stupid as the liberals. And just because I continually point that out does not mean I am a liberal. Liberals aren't as smart as me. :lol:

Wise up. Wake up. Stop drinking the bongwater being poured out for you by demagogues.
Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.


That's funny. Fortunately, your fire and EMS service (and mine while at work) is among the best trained and equipped agency in the world.
Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.


That's funny. Fortunately, your fire and EMS service (and mine while at work) is among the best trained and equipped agency in the world.

And GOD bless them as aren't they all the best trained?

Firefighting is serious business. I work with these guys in the communications world.
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Just the other day I called the federal fire department so that the federal EMTs would come to our house. We had a bit of an emergency.

No one showed up. Hell, I couldn't even find contact info for them.


That's funny. Fortunately, your fire and EMS service (and mine while at work) is among the best trained and equipped agency in the world.
Yup...Fairfax County firefighters and EMTs rock.
Romney said he doesn't want to talk about firefighters, police and teachers anymore. I guess we've been given our "orders".
Romney said he doesn't want to talk about firefighters, police and teachers anymore. I guess we've been given our "orders".

He said so huh? Have a link or just talking out of your ASS again deany?
You're welcome.

Anyone who'd even suggest the possibility that the numbers of paid Firefighters come anywhere near to those of volunteers needs to have their head examined... I wouldn't have gone to that much trouble providing a link for people that stupid.

That's the way we do things here, no matter how 'common' a piece of information is it does need to be sourced. If you refuse to do so then you are simply going to be written off. Just because you know it as an iron clad fact does not mean that the rest of us do. I, myself, was unaware of the magnitude of volunteer fire fighters. Most just do not think of things like that. If I actually researched every claim that was made here I would never actually get around to posting.
Romney said he doesn't want to talk about firefighters, police and teachers anymore. I guess we've been given our "orders".

well Since the media takes order from Obama, we never get to question him, EVER!
Ok being a liberal you have to understand relativity, correct?
You realize that not everyone can be rich?
You also realize some jobs are worth more than others, correct?
So why this fallacy that a union line worker deserves as much as an engineer or an architect?
As for jobs going to China, yeah they do it cheaper and that's what "poor" people need and can afford, cheap things.
So what sells, Cheaper products. So blame poor people for not buying expensive, union produced crap.

I understand "relativity" just fine.

I know that back in 1980, CEO's only made 44 times what a line worker made. Today they make 475 times what a line worker makes. I know that CEO wages have increased 600% in the last 30 years adjusted for inflation while line worker wages have remained flat.

The notion that we are really saving that much by making shit in China is a fallacy. It's just as much about breaking the middle class as it is making a profit. Too bad you are too dumb to see that or go along with it.

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