Why Exactly Does Romney Want Fewer Firefighters, Police and Teachers?

Right wingers want to get rid of the police and say I'm anti police.

Right wingers want to get rid of firefighters and say "volunteers" are fine. If my house caught fire, I would want the fire put out by "professionals" who are on the job, ready, willing and most of all "able".

Right wingers say there are too many teachers. Fine, let them home-school and grow up prepared for nothing. Only with an education can you compete. Right wingers will end up in government trailers. I suspect that many already are.

Who are all these "right wingers" you're talking about, asswipe.

And since when does a polesmoking Liberal faggot like you appreciate police officers?

What's next? Your love for the military?

Get fucking bent asswipe....
Right wingers want to get rid of the police and say I'm anti police.

Right wingers want to get rid of firefighters and say "volunteers" are fine. If my house caught fire, I would want the fire put out by "professionals" who are on the job, ready, willing and most of all "able".

Right wingers say there are too many teachers. Fine, let them home-school and grow up prepared for nothing. Only with an education can you compete. Right wingers will end up in government trailers. I suspect that many already are.

I don't usually respond to rdean and hardly ever read his rants due to his mental deficiencies but I will this time. The volunteers manning the station are all professionally trained and many work as paid firefighters as well. By the time they get there, your house will be burned to the ground so just call the insurance company. Nobody wants to get rid of police. How would we watch "COPS" if that happened? Too many teachers? My system hires teachers every year and we have 5 pages of vacancies right now. If Ms. Smif in Peducka gets RIF'd, she should look for employment elsewhere.

And, the trailer park is in my roots but I worked my way out.
Right wingers want to get rid of the police and say I'm anti police.

Right wingers want to get rid of firefighters and say "volunteers" are fine. If my house caught fire, I would want the fire put out by "professionals" who are on the job, ready, willing and most of all "able".

Right wingers say there are too many teachers. Fine, let them home-school and grow up prepared for nothing. Only with an education can you compete. Right wingers will end up in government trailers. I suspect that many already are.

Who are all these "right wingers" you're talking about, asswipe.

And since when does a polesmoking Liberal faggot like you appreciate police officers?

What's next? Your love for the military?

Get fucking bent asswipe....

And again, warrior expresses his strange obesssion with oral sex....
The majority of fire department shifts around the country are manned by volunteers.

Link to support your claim?

I don't like to use wiki as a source but this looks legit. I'll try to find others.

Volunteer fire department - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States
A volunteer firefighter stands to the edge of a road.According to the National Fire Protection Association, 71 percent of firefighters in the United States are volunteers.[1] The National Volunteer Fire Council represents the fire and emergency services on a national level, providing advocacy, information, resources, and programs to support volunteer first responders. The Firemen's Association of the State of New York (FASNY) provides information, education and training for the volunteer fire and emergency medical services throughout New York State.
The majority of fire department shifts around the country are manned by volunteers.

Link to support your claim?

I don't like to use wiki as a source but this looks legit. I'll try to find others.

Volunteer fire department - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States
A volunteer firefighter stands to the edge of a road.According to the National Fire Protection Association, 71 percent of firefighters in the United States are volunteers.[1] The National Volunteer Fire Council represents the fire and emergency services on a national level, providing advocacy, information, resources, and programs to support volunteer first responders. The Firemen's Association of the State of New York (FASNY) provides information, education and training for the volunteer fire and emergency medical services throughout New York State.

Unnecessary. Thank you.
Does the OP ever have an original thought, or does the OP merely make up a partisan title, then provide nothing but links to other people's partisan intellectual property? I've not seen one instance of yet when this has not been the case with this OP.
You're welcome.

Anyone who'd even suggest the possibility that the numbers of paid Firefighters come anywhere near to those of volunteers needs to have their head examined... I wouldn't have gone to that much trouble providing a link for people that stupid.
You're welcome.

Anyone who'd even suggest the possibility that the numbers of paid Firefighters come anywhere near to those of volunteers needs to have their head examined... I wouldn't have gone to that much trouble providing a link for people that stupid.

A lot of people don't realize that. I'm amazed at the number of paid firefighters who also volunteer at the same station they are assigned to. They are truly into it and spend copious hours on the job. A group that has impressed me for decades is the Virginia Beach volunteer rescue squad. Amazing people.
Typical left wing B.S. gotcha questions. A republican vows to cut the size of the federal government's gigantic out of control bureaucracy with thousands of redundant committies and do-nothing commissions and the left tries to twist the logic like a pretzel.
Yeah we know, we need MORE government..

Again, because of people like Romney we do.

The ideal would be that everyone works a good paying job, and the government is just their to take care of the elderly and infirm beyond what their families can provide.

I personally find the thought of able-bodied people living on the dole to be abhorent.

But when you have a Mitt Romney who gets rid of good paying union jobs at GS Steel or AmPad and replaces them with crappy McJobs at Staples with no benefits, you create more government dependency, not less.

When you close down a factory in the US because those Chinese folks will work cheaper, and you can use the profits to buy yourself an elevator for your car, you create more government dependency, not less.

You see, funny thing about the working poor. They just refuse to die off in a Darwinian manner.

If they can't get what they need from their job, they go to the government for it. They get food stamps to put food on the table, they get section 8 housing to put a roof over their heads and they get Medicaid to see a doctor.

And when the government does more for them than their employer, they are totally going to vote for more of that stuff.

That you all seem unwilling or unable to see this amazes me.

Ok being a liberal you have to understand relativity, correct?
You realize that not everyone can be rich?
You also realize some jobs are worth more than others, correct?
So why this fallacy that a union line worker deserves as much as an engineer or an architect?
As for jobs going to China, yeah they do it cheaper and that's what "poor" people need and can afford, cheap things.
So what sells, Cheaper products. So blame poor people for not buying expensive, union produced crap.
What a dishonest thread and a dishonest story. But what do you expect from huffinglue Post and the Red-Skinned Communist!

First, the Federal government does and always has provided financial aid to the states and most of the time earmarks it. However, the STATES make the decisions on what to do with it. For example say the Fed give CA money for it's education system. It's earmarked for education, but the State and local officials assign where it goes, what it will be used for and how it will be used! The Fed has nothing to do with that. If the State wants to use the money to hire teachers its their choose NOT the Fed! Romney is FACTUALLY ACCURATE!

Same thing with firefighters and police. All hiring, firing, pension contributions, healthcare, programs, earmarking, assignment of money, budgeting ALL COMES FROM THE STATES

You failed once against douche bag!

By Michael McAuliff

Mitt Romney was only off by billions of dollars when he said Tuesday that the federal government doesn't pay for police officers, firefighters and teachers.

Trying to counter criticism from the White House, Romney argued that it was "completely absurd" to say he would cut the hiring of such civil servants because the federal government plays no part in those decisions.

"That's a very strange accusation," Romney said on "Fox & Friends." "Of course, teachers and firemen and policemen are hired at the local level and also by states. The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen. So obviously that is completely absurd."

In fact, the federal government spends huge amounts of money to support all those professions.

More: Mitt Romney's 'Absurd' Claim Misses Billions In Federal Funds For Cops, Teachers, Firefighters

Mitt Romney On Charge He'd Cut Jobs For Teachers, Firemen, Cops: 'Completely Absurd'

Romney Doesn’t Want to Argue Against Hiring Cops
Firefighters, police, EMS, etc. - all hired at LOCAL, not Federal, levels.

Neither Romney, Obama, the Man in the Moon have a say-so on the issue.

Case fucking closed.

Next...... !!!!!

SSSSSHHHHH facts and logic hurt Joe an Lakota's minute brains!
Mitt Romney said:

The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen

That is just completely untrue. Consider for example the federal SAFER grants program. It awards grants of money that can be spent only on salary and benefits for firefighters (http://www.fema.gov/firegrants/docs/pdf/FY2011_SAFER_QuickGuide.pdf). It is difficult to imagine the tortured logic under which Romney could explain that the federal government is not paying for firefighters in the SAFER program. What is it paying for?

If the logic associated with payment through federal grants obscures the issue, consider also that the federal government employs (and pays) plenty of policemen (and women) firefighters and teachers. The armed forces alone employ plenty.
Mitt Romney said:

The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen

That is just completely untrue. Consider for example the federal SAFER grants program. It awards grants of money that can be spent only on salary and benefits for firefighters (http://www.fema.gov/firegrants/docs/pdf/FY2011_SAFER_QuickGuide.pdf). It is difficult to imagine the tortured logic under which Romney could explain that the federal government is not paying for firefighters in the SAFER program. What is it paying for?

If the logic associated with payment through federal grants obscures the issue, consider also that the federal government employs (and pays) plenty of policemen (and women) firefighters and teachers. The armed forces alone employ plenty.

lady, that just shows the government is waaaaaay too big. MOST of those kinds of employees are local.

They are hired by LOCAL people and paid by LOCAL tax dollars. In fact I bet if you add up all the firefighters in the US And those kinds of grants would amount to less than 5% of the salary, so in essence they have nothing to do with the federal government.

To sneak in crap bills like this is to ignore the fact that they are local employees, I doubt they're in the federal union? I doubt they get federal benefits, or do they? Do tell!
By Michael McAuliff

Mitt Romney was only off by billions of dollars when he said Tuesday that the federal government doesn't pay for police officers, firefighters and teachers.

Trying to counter criticism from the White House, Romney argued that it was "completely absurd" to say he would cut the hiring of such civil servants because the federal government plays no part in those decisions.

"That's a very strange accusation," Romney said on "Fox & Friends." "Of course, teachers and firemen and policemen are hired at the local level and also by states. The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, firefighters or policemen. So obviously that is completely absurd."

In fact, the federal government spends huge amounts of money to support all those professions.

More: Mitt Romney's 'Absurd' Claim Misses Billions In Federal Funds For Cops, Teachers, Firefighters

Mitt Romney On Charge He'd Cut Jobs For Teachers, Firemen, Cops: 'Completely Absurd'

Romney Doesn’t Want to Argue Against Hiring Cops

You fail to acknowledge that after these grants expire, these cops and firefighters are let go because the communities cannot afford them.

It's all a ruse.
Municipalities must balance revenue and services rendered.

The problem with adding more public servants to bolster the economy is that soon, there is nobody out there to pay the taxes that pays the salaries.
Municipalities must balance revenue and services rendered.

The problem with adding more public servants to bolster the economy is that soon, there is nobody out there to pay the taxes that pays the salaries.

Exactly. Takers will outweigh producers.

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