Why "Fast and Furious" will become another Republican Debacle

Guess the left has no problem with a dead Border Patrol Agent and who cares about all those dead Mexicans. Hell. The're Mexicans after all.

If a Rep AG and DOJ had done this the left would be screaming bloody murder. Hell. They's be hanging bush in effigy.

Holder and his DOJ are responsible but they are Dems so what the hey.

One would think that any honest person would like to know that someone is held responsible for the death of a Border Patrol Agent.

Guess it ain't that important to the left.

Some 4000 Americans and over 100K Iraqis died in the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Not one of you folks gave 2 shits about that.

Except to hate on Arabs.

Deflect much there S?

Just what the hell does Iraq have to do with Holder, his DOJ, Fast & Furious and a dead American Border Patrol Agent?

As for the illegal invasion of Iraq?? Think you need to bone up on your history there S. Congressional approval all the way.

As for not giving 2 shits sounds like thats all you give for that dead Border Agent.

Results of Iraq war resolution vote:

House passed, 297-133

Senate passed, 77-23 (Including yes votes from Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Biden, Bayh, and Daschle [hmmm...notice any presidential contenders there?]).
Some 4000 Americans and over 100K Iraqis died in the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Not one of you folks gave 2 shits about that.

Except to hate on Arabs.

Deflect much there S?

Just what the hell does Iraq have to do with Holder, his DOJ, Fast & Furious and a dead American Border Patrol Agent?

As for the illegal invasion of Iraq?? Think you need to bone up on your history there S. Congressional approval all the way.

As for not giving 2 shits sounds like thats all you give for that dead Border Agent.

Results of Iraq war resolution vote:

House passed, 297-133

Senate passed, 77-23 (Including yes votes from Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, Biden, Bayh, and Daschle [hmmm...notice any presidential contenders there?]).


The Intel presented to them by the White House was never challenged. Possibly because the White House was using brute force methods like that old chestnut "You are with us or you are with the terrorists". The private sector was helping by booting people, like Bill Maher, who "dared" speak up against Bush.

It should have been challenged. And I wish more Democrats had the spine to do so..instead of worrying about their jobs.
Democrats are going to rely on obama's blackness and holder's blackness to absolve them of any wrongdoing. It's impossible for blacks to be guilty of anything. In reality, obama and holder are proving themselves no different than Tyrone from South Central. They are playing right into the hands of every racist that ever lived. Not because they are black, but because they are democrats.
Well there is that.

There is also the fact that they are Democrats.

Republicans are using very serious and extreme measures to further partisan politics.

And this is not the first time. They also seem to be doing it on a regular basis.

The committee has documents that prove that Holder has lied to them twice. Even the Dem's were upset about this last year. Now that it is an election year they have changed their tune.
Holder has retracted his statements twice, he is protecting someone over this mess.

No they don't.

What they have are "gotchas" and out of context messaging in communications.

He's been called to testify 9 times. That's some kind of record.

The 9/11 commission...which wrapped up in under a year, called people from Clinton's and Bush's administration, even though 9/11 occurred 8 months after Clinton was out of office. Add in that Cheney was allowed to testify in private and didn't swear to anything. Same with Bush.

Add in..the Bush administration was allowed to check the report before it went out to the public and edited it. Notably parts that implicated the Saudis.

THAT represented the BIGGEST security debacle in American history..and it wasn't nearly as "intensive".

And by "intensive", I mean extremely partisan.

Yes they do.
It wasn't partisan at all last year.
Read the e-mails yourself.
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com
Democrats are going to rely on obama's blackness and holder's blackness to absolve them of any wrongdoing. It's impossible for blacks to be guilty of anything. In reality, obama and holder are proving themselves no different than Tyrone from South Central. They are playing right into the hands of every racist that ever lived. Not because they are black, but because they are democrats.

You might have a point. Maybe it is because they are Democrats. And as Democrats they respect government institutions enough not to abuse the power over partisan nonsense.

But..what the heck..I'll give you a crack at it.

Who was the last Republican President that was impeached?

Who was the last Republican Cabinet member that was held in contempt?

When was the last time the Democrats, "Shut down government"?
The administration has been caught with their pants down on a program designed to sway public opinion on the availability of guns in the US, the loose sales practices of those bad gun dealers, and thus, the rights afforded in the 2nd Amendment.

It was a program started by George W. Bush. Why weren't any Bushies called in by Issa, eh?

Barack Milhouse Obama is on record as being a gun hater and feels that citizens should not be allowed to own firearms; legally of course. His hometown leads the world in firearms death and apparently nothing can be done about it.

Then it should be easy for you to go over all the legislation put up by the Obama administration to restrict or curtail gun "rights".


Complete with links.

The Bush program had different objectives than the Obama program. F&F, Wide Receiver, whatever, they are two different programs and the Obama team took it down a different road.

Obama has not been able to get legislation passed concerning gun control for a few reasons. One, he spent his first two years paying back bundlers and passing the fiasco known as the PPACA. Two, whenever he, Holder, Biden, and company spoke of re-instating or implementing restrictive gun laws, they met massive pushback from both sides of the aisle and had to drop it. If the electorate gives him another term, the taxes on guns and ammo and rules put out by the various agencies will satisfy some of his desires to restict freedom. Unfortunately, this will apply to many issues other than firearms.

His comments through the years concerning his anti-gun views are well known, well documented and are all over the Internet.
The committee has documents that prove that Holder has lied to them twice. Even the Dem's were upset about this last year. Now that it is an election year they have changed their tune.
Holder has retracted his statements twice, he is protecting someone over this mess.

No they don't.

What they have are "gotchas" and out of context messaging in communications.

He's been called to testify 9 times. That's some kind of record.

The 9/11 commission...which wrapped up in under a year, called people from Clinton's and Bush's administration, even though 9/11 occurred 8 months after Clinton was out of office. Add in that Cheney was allowed to testify in private and didn't swear to anything. Same with Bush.

Add in..the Bush administration was allowed to check the report before it went out to the public and edited it. Notably parts that implicated the Saudis.

THAT represented the BIGGEST security debacle in American history..and it wasn't nearly as "intensive".

And by "intensive", I mean extremely partisan.

Yes they do.
It wasn't partisan at all last year.
Read the e-mails yourself.
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com


Conservative website.

In any case..the whole thing is essentially bullshit.

The program was stopped. And the "investigation" has stopped on the door of Democrats.

It's a farce.
It was a program started by George W. Bush. Why weren't any Bushies called in by Issa, eh?
No, it wasn't. F & F started in 2009. Stop repeating the lie, none of us is going to believe it.

No lie at all.

It was called something different, "Wide Receiver".

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want to play exact word games?


Can you be any more ridiculous, Sallow? Wide Receiver was stopped in 2007 when the Mexican government, who were in on it, informed the DOJ that they couldn't track the guns. Fast & Furious, OTOH, was started by Holder's DOJ in 2009 WITHOUT the knowledge or cooperation of the Mexican government, and wasn't stopped until 3 ATF agents blew the whistle on it.
The administration has been caught with their pants down on a program designed to sway public opinion on the availability of guns in the US, the loose sales practices of those bad gun dealers, and thus, the rights afforded in the 2nd Amendment.

It was a program started by George W. Bush. Why weren't any Bushies called in by Issa, eh?

Barack Milhouse Obama is on record as being a gun hater and feels that citizens should not be allowed to own firearms; legally of course. His hometown leads the world in firearms death and apparently nothing can be done about it.

Then it should be easy for you to go over all the legislation put up by the Obama administration to restrict or curtail gun "rights".


Complete with links.

The Bush program had different objectives than the Obama program. F&F, Wide Receiver, whatever, they are two different programs and the Obama team took it down a different road.

Obama has not been able to get legislation passed concerning gun control for a few reasons. One, he spent his first two years paying back bundlers and passing the fiasco known as the PPACA. Two, whenever he, Holder, Biden, and company spoke of re-instating or implementing restrictive gun laws, they met massive pushback from both sides of the aisle and had to drop it. If the electorate gives him another term, the taxes on guns and ammo and rules put out by the various agencies will satisfy some of his desires to restict freedom. Unfortunately, this will apply to many issues other than firearms.

His comments through the years concerning his anti-gun views are well known, well documented and are all over the Internet.

Again..back up your quotes.

With links.

Obama's done absolutely nothing...

I will repeat that.

Absolutely nothing to curtail the "rights" of citizens to own guns.

If you have something that disputes that..feel free.
Issa is going for a trophy. That's all this is. He knows that what he is demanding is above his pay grade and therefor, legal to refuse. BUT, rw's will ignore that, just as they have ignore other facts, such as, that AG Holder gave him even more than the subpoena stipulated. If Issa wanted facts, why did he refuse to privately view some of the documents?

For more than three years, the Rs have tried to dig up some kind of dirt on President Obama. From the asssinine birther nonsense to this latest witch hunt, they have failed every inch of the way. They've got a lot riding on this bogus "investigation" and the "disinformation" is piled high.
The Republican Party has become the party of "Ah Ha". They think they have a new scheme. A new way to attack the president. To avoid responsibility. The problem with this current debacle is they struck "too soon".

If this had happened, say two weeks before the election, it might have had a chance to actually cause damage to the first African American Attorney General and the first African American President, but with this much time, people will learn the truth. And truth has proven to be the deadly enemy to this current Republican Party.

So forget the fact that Bush used Executive Privilege 6 times while Obama has used it this once. And what did Bush use it for? Things like protecting whoever outed a covert CIA agent, something people other than Republicans think of as "treason".

Forget the fact this program was "officially started" in 2006.

Forget the fact the agent killed wasn't killed with one of these guns.

Forget the fact Holder ordered this program stopped when he found out about it.

Just this simple one thing, when pointed out to thinking Americans, will prove this to be the scheme it is.

When an operation, such as this is put into effect, it takes years of planning. It's no accident is was started in 2006. You know something like this was going on for years. Because it takes years to train people. To make contacts. To put the operation in place. To acquire materials and knowledge. To gather intel. This entire operation began in an area of the country hostile to Obama with people who are Republicans to the core.

Holder didn't enter office with this huge operation already planned out and put in place on day one. It's ludicrous.

Look at the operation that took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him. And it was a very small operation involving a limited number of people. And how long did they plan before the operation went into effect? How much training was involved? How much intel was acquired?

When the size and scope of "Operation Fast and Furious" is revealed and when it started and when Eric Holder took office, it will become apparent this is another attack on Obama by way of Holder. Now for these right wingers, it doesn't matter. They just don't care about truth. I believe my all time favorite post here was when some right winger said Iraq was Obama's fault. That we never should have invaded. This is the same kind of thing.


I have nothing else, it will do no good. Obama and Holder are black, therefore they are special. :cuckoo:

Well there is that.

There is also the fact that they are Democrats.

Republicans are using very serious and extreme measures to further partisan politics.

And this is not the first time. They also seem to be doing it on a regular basis.

And how about Obama. Putting 800,000 Illegals ahead of legal Americans trying to find a job. Sounds pretty partisan to me don't yah think.
Issa is going for a trophy. That's all this is. He knows that what he is demanding is above his pay grade and therefor, legal to refuse. BUT, rw's will ignore that, just as they have ignore other facts, such as, that AG Holder gave him even more than the subpoena stipulated. If Issa wanted facts, why did he refuse to privately view some of the documents?

For more than three years, the Rs have tried to dig up some kind of dirt on President Obama. From the asssinine birther nonsense to this latest witch hunt, they have failed every inch of the way. They've got a lot riding on this bogus "investigation" and the "disinformation" is piled high.

So the American people don't deserve to know the truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth. The Dems said so, that's good enough for the left.

You need to realize Issa has viewed documents that Holder refuses to release. He knows what in them, he knows who was involved. He's holding Holder to the fire, trying to get him to tell the truth. The Whistleblowers didn't just say, something's rotten here, they had to provide proof.
obama is proving himself no different a leader than Charles Taylor, Robert Mugabe, Kweisi Mifume,or Marion Barry.
Yeah, who cares about Brian Terry and his Family? 'Party before Country.' Always Party before Country with you Democrats. To Hell with Obama and Holder.
This will turn out like the GOP's Clinton witchhunt. Luckily Republicans are too stupid to learn from their past mistakes.
The fact that the Republicans are actively working to get this story to dominate the news is seriously amusing in light of the GOP's constant ranting about how it's Obama and the Democrats who don't want to talk about the economy.

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