Why female athletes should not drop out due to shemales in their sports

I dont think former males should be able to compete in womans sports. Obvious advantage. But I don't get the hate filled rhetoric from the right. Guess it is just a habit by now.
I dont think former males should be able to compete in womans sports. Obvious advantage. But I don't get the hate filled rhetoric from the right. Guess it is just a habit by now.
Conservatives oppose any Transexual appearing in public
Just like they oppose Homosexuals
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Trannies in women’s sports is a temporary distraction
The governing bodies will eventually ban them

The swimmer from Penn is a poster child for why former men shouldn’t be allowed to compete in women’s sports
And I can’t believe they let that tranny compete against the women.
The problem with this type of thinking is it doesn't prevent guys from faking trans identities to do the same for a free education. It seems the only requirement is suppressing testosterone levels, which is easily reversed. There's nothing about estrogen levels which wouldn't be so easy to reverse.
If the boy is a teen then becomes a girl it’s too late. He will now have a testosterone advantage over real women even if he starts suppressing his testosterone to become more like a girl, he will already have too much more than a real woman to be fair.
and the sicko is proud of his ''wins''. HE doesn't realize they are worthless - like a lot of positions and awards blacks get for skin color
If you want a medal so bad you’ll cut your dick off for it, you deserve a medal.
Meh, that's glass half empty thinking.....They will just have to try harder in the meantime till the tranny thing sorts itself out.....That and the ones rejected will remember why in the future and hopefully lean right.....I see the law of unintended consequences coming back and biting the dems in the ass big time. ;)
I wonder what will happen when women begin to use steroids, grow mustaches and large muscles and beat these trans? They will be stripped of their trophies and mocked for doing what trans are doing. If a man wants to dress up like a woman and call himself by a female name, that's his problem. I'm getting tired of even conservative talk show hosts calling a trans man a woman (she). The more society bends over for these mental cases, the more we will see this sort of thing being allowed. Women have made great strides with sports by now having shots at professional careers in many sports. But, we will see as more money pours into women's sports, more men looking for the money by claiming womanhood on the field and in the business world. Once again, women are being told to go back into the kitchen and be happy there.

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