Why females should recoil from voting for hiLIARy (D)

Women the largest voting block in this country and they will be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton.

The only one that appears to have repelled them is Donald Trump: But of course he has repelled about every voting block.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Women the largest voting block in this country and they will be voting heavily for Hillary Clinton.

The only one that appears to have repelled them is Donald Trump: But of course he has repelled about every voting block.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump


LOL , The GOP could run Jesus Christ himself and you would have Democrat women claiming he was evil and Hillary was the only hope for the world. Let's just recognize that.

Then there is another block of voters, I call them the total dumb shits. Have you seen these people? Not all females either, but dumb shits who are absolutely giddy to vote for Hillary claiming they love her policy positions and think she'll do wonderful things for womens' rights in this country, but when pushed they don't actually know any of her policy positions and they can't name one thing Hillary has done in her career that has actually helped women. Proving that they in fact are voting based SOLELY on her gender.

I get it, there are lots of people who believe we need to have a female POTUS. But shouldn't the quality of the candidate be at least as important as the gender? NO ONE in their right mind actually believes Hillary has done anything to suggest she deserves the honor of being President.
I'd be happy if women could just give one example of a policy Hillary was involved in that helped women specifically.

Her screaming that Trump would make abortions illegal is as stupid as claims that Hillary will confiscate everyone's guns.

If the Progs get another gun grabber on SCOTUS Hillary will be the one enforcing the eradication of the 2nd Amend
I'd be happy if women could just give one example of a policy Hillary was involved in that helped women specifically.

Her screaming that Trump would make abortions illegal is as stupid as claims that Hillary will confiscate everyone's guns.

If the Progs get another gun grabber on SCOTUS Hillary will be the one enforcing the eradication of the 2nd Amend

That's a scare tactic and nothing more. the 2nd Amendment isnt going anywhere.
You do realize that Trump is going to complete the control of our government to the tea party.
What does this mean?
No more abortion
No more birth control within healthcare or free give aways of it.
No more fighting for woman that got raped
No more science and education programs to help woman's issues such as breast cancer, ovary cancer, etc. No more special programs in colleges to help woman advance.
No more infrastructure so woman don't have to drive on shitty roads.
No more infrastructure so the cop is much slower to get to the womans home to stop the rapist or attacker.

Yep, go ahead vote against Hillary.
Wow, it's sad to realize that there are people out there who actually believe that. Really sad. I blame government schools.
Theres a special place reserved for those who vote solely based on gender ;)

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Yup. Hillary won't Make America Great Again.
so you are dismissing those poor women that hiLIARy attacked because they spoke out about her predator hubby?
Hillary is always being honest and anyoje who says something bad about her is lying and unamerican. Also a misogynist
And wears white after Labor Day.
And eats puppies for breakfast.
And won't participate in ritual self-flogging for holding wrong opinions.
You do realize that Trump is going to complete the control of our government to the tea party.
What does this mean?
No more abortion
No more birth control within healthcare or free give aways of it.
No more fighting for woman that got raped
No more science and education programs to help woman's issues such as breast cancer, ovary cancer, etc. No more special programs in colleges to help woman advance.
No more infrastructure so woman don't have to drive on shitty roads.
No more infrastructure so the cop is much slower to get to the womans home to stop the rapist or attacker.

Yep, go ahead vote against Hillary.

Trump has no plans to do any of that you fucking moron

How do you know? He's flipped on every position. And now, all of his positions are just "suggestions".

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues
It's so sweet watching a politician learning to take his first steps. Hillary's an old pro at it.
Valerie & candycorn HAVE to be getting paid to support that transparent criminal hiLIARy

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Theres a special place reserved for those who vote solely based on gender ;)

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I wonder how many Progressives besides Starkey voted for Barack solely because he was the first candidate that was a vagina

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