Why former Democrat Senator HATES Obamacare!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”
He said the employer mandate “will accelerate an already breaking-down employer-based system.” That portion of the law should be repealed, he said.
Of course, this is a feature, not a bug of ObamaCare. Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market and into highly-regulated government-run health insurance exchanges is an important step towards a single payer health care system.

Winning: Top Senate Dem Recruit Slams ObamaCare

Several "operative" points here but specifically..
"Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market "
How many times have we heard the uninformed, uneducated comment FROM OBAMA no less!
Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Where does he think the over $100 billion in Federal/State/Local and property taxes will come from ?
Where does he think the 400,000 people employed by the 1,300 health insurance companies Kerrey describes will go?
How much will these 400,000 add to the payments of unemployment insurance?

For example NOT ONE person favoring the destruction of private health insurance has ANY understanding of how it works!
NOT ONE of them believe that under penalty of imprisonment.. people responsible for financial statements of these companies
state on average 80% of every premium dollar goes OUT to pay claims!
YET NOT ONE of the ignorant people in favor of supposedly the European model single payer systems (that are financially crushing)
seems to comprehend what the Institute of Medicine
Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business | Examiner.com

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Do ANY of you know how much the 1996 HIPAA Clinton mandate has added to ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS?? Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.


AND Medicare is OK with that.. Insurance companies just pay the claims and charge higher premiums!
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So WHERE are all you Obamacare supporters NOW???

What seems to be the problem when a decorated war hero like Kerrey criticizes Obamacare?

The truth is NONE of you understand MUCH less can read what Kerrey's criticism is because YOU have NO IDEA what he is saying!
YOU idiots hear "national health system" and get wet and glossy! AND don't now sh..t what it means!
READ for once what Kerrey who understands we were ALL sold a bill of goods!
Socialized medicine will NEVER be a good answer.

Well it is in special situations for example:
1) Homogeneous population
2) Less then 30 million in total
3) proximity to other nations that provide superior health services.
4) proximity to countries with drug companies that develop medicine like the USA
which has 10 of the top 20 drug companies headquarter that spend billions in development!
Socialized medicine will NEVER be a good answer.

Well it is in special situations for example:
1) Homogeneous population
2) Less then 30 million in total
3) proximity to other nations that provide superior health services.
4) proximity to countries with drug companies that develop medicine like the USA
which has 10 of the top 20 drug companies headquarter that spend billions in development!

The people are still going to be paying 40% or more in taxes to pay for it, and the gov't will still be in control. I can't believe people want to give up their freedom and are willing to pay for the 'pleasure'. You also give up quality in the form of clinicians - the best will go to the money every time.

You end up with second rate clinicians, paying minimum 15% more in taxes, and lose the choice in the matter.

Government run ANYTHING is second rate. No gov't program has ever been as good as similar services provided in the private sector. NOT ONE!!!
Socialized medicine will NEVER be a good answer.

Well it is in special situations for example:
1) Homogeneous population
2) Less then 30 million in total
3) proximity to other nations that provide superior health services.
4) proximity to countries with drug companies that develop medicine like the USA
which has 10 of the top 20 drug companies headquarter that spend billions in development!

The people are still going to be paying 40% or more in taxes to pay for it, and the gov't will still be in control. I can't believe people want to give up their freedom and are willing to pay for the 'pleasure'. You also give up quality in the form of clinicians - the best will go to the money every time.

You end up with second rate clinicians, paying minimum 15% more in taxes, and lose the choice in the matter.

Government run ANYTHING is second rate. No gov't program has ever been as good as similar services provided in the private sector. NOT ONE!!!

So more people on private insurance = government run. Wow, who knew?
Socialized medicine will NEVER be a good answer.

I guess it's good we have nothing close to Socialized medicine in this country. You must love the ACA, right?

Obama lies to you and tells you half truths and you just keep drinking his kool-aid. The government is taking control of health care. If not socialism then what is it?

Do you understand what socialism is? How is putting more people on private insurance socialism? :confused:
Well it is in special situations for example:
1) Homogeneous population
2) Less then 30 million in total
3) proximity to other nations that provide superior health services.
4) proximity to countries with drug companies that develop medicine like the USA
which has 10 of the top 20 drug companies headquarter that spend billions in development!

The people are still going to be paying 40% or more in taxes to pay for it, and the gov't will still be in control. I can't believe people want to give up their freedom and are willing to pay for the 'pleasure'. You also give up quality in the form of clinicians - the best will go to the money every time.

You end up with second rate clinicians, paying minimum 15% more in taxes, and lose the choice in the matter.

Government run ANYTHING is second rate. No gov't program has ever been as good as similar services provided in the private sector. NOT ONE!!!

So more people on private insurance = government run. Wow, who knew?

No, gov't making decisions about healthcare = gov't run

gov't deciding what reimbursement for procedures will be = gov't run

gov't deciding ANYTHING about healthcare is justa way to get their foot in the door for full
gov't takeover.

And the next step will be single provider - 100% subsidized by the gov't --- guess what??


If you like the idea of the gov't forcing young/healthy people to be taxed/or made to purchase EXPENSIVE insurance to pay for those who aren't so healthy --- drive on, you too can pay 45% of your income to the gov't for the pleasure of screwing you!
The people are still going to be paying 40% or more in taxes to pay for it, and the gov't will still be in control. I can't believe people want to give up their freedom and are willing to pay for the 'pleasure'. You also give up quality in the form of clinicians - the best will go to the money every time.

You end up with second rate clinicians, paying minimum 15% more in taxes, and lose the choice in the matter.

Government run ANYTHING is second rate. No gov't program has ever been as good as similar services provided in the private sector. NOT ONE!!!

So more people on private insurance = government run. Wow, who knew?

No, gov't making decisions about healthcare = gov't run

gov't deciding what reimbursement for procedures will be = gov't run

gov't deciding ANYTHING about healthcare is justa way to get their foot in the door for full
gov't takeover.

And the next step will be single provider - 100% subsidized by the gov't --- guess what??

So government had no say in healthcare before the ACA was signed?

If you like the idea of the gov't forcing young/healthy people to be taxed/or made to purchase EXPENSIVE insurance to pay for those who aren't so healthy --- drive on, you too can pay 45% of your income to the gov't for the pleasure of screwing you!

Do you understand how insurance works? Just the concept itself?

I'll tell you what. Why don't you tell us what the ideal healthcare system would look like to you, without all that "socialism". How would it work?
So WHERE are all you Obamacare supporters NOW???

What seems to be the problem when a decorated war hero like Kerrey criticizes Obamacare?

The truth is NONE of you understand MUCH less can read what Kerrey's criticism is because YOU have NO IDEA what he is saying!
YOU idiots hear "national health system" and get wet and glossy! AND don't now sh..t what it means!
READ for once what Kerrey who understands we were ALL sold a bill of goods!

If this Kerrey is the one running for the Senate seat in Nebraska, be careful what he says. If he wins, he will vote the Dem party line, just like all of the rest of them. He will say anything to get elected.
So more people on private insurance = government run. Wow, who knew?

No, gov't making decisions about healthcare = gov't run

gov't deciding what reimbursement for procedures will be = gov't run

gov't deciding ANYTHING about healthcare is justa way to get their foot in the door for full
gov't takeover.

And the next step will be single provider - 100% subsidized by the gov't --- guess what??

So government had no say in healthcare before the ACA was signed?

If you like the idea of the gov't forcing young/healthy people to be taxed/or made to purchase EXPENSIVE insurance to pay for those who aren't so healthy --- drive on, you too can pay 45% of your income to the gov't for the pleasure of screwing you!

Do you understand how insurance works? Just the concept itself?

I'll tell you what. Why don't you tell us what the ideal healthcare system would look like to you, without all that "socialism". How would it work?

Do you?? I have working in the medical field for 22 years.

I'll tell you this - the whole "at least we have a plan" angle is a joke. You plan is to convert America into Western Europe. How is that going for them???

Moron. I do know how to improve health-care - and it doesn't start and end with Obama... I will share more with you in a while, but right now I have to go see a patient.
“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”
He said the employer mandate “will accelerate an already breaking-down employer-based system.” That portion of the law should be repealed, he said.
Of course, this is a feature, not a bug of ObamaCare. Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market and into highly-regulated government-run health insurance exchanges is an important step towards a single payer health care system.

Winning: Top Senate Dem Recruit Slams ObamaCare

Several "operative" points here but specifically..
"Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market "
How many times have we heard the uninformed, uneducated comment FROM OBAMA no less!
Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Where does he think the over $100 billion in Federal/State/Local and property taxes will come from ?
Where does he think the 400,000 people employed by the 1,300 health insurance companies Kerrey describes will go?
How much will these 400,000 add to the payments of unemployment insurance?

For example NOT ONE person favoring the destruction of private health insurance has ANY understanding of how it works!
NOT ONE of them believe that under penalty of imprisonment.. people responsible for financial statements of these companies
state on average 80% of every premium dollar goes OUT to pay claims!
YET NOT ONE of the ignorant people in favor of supposedly the European model single payer systems (that are financially crushing)
seems to comprehend what the Institute of Medicine
Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business | Examiner.com

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Do ANY of you know how much the 1996 HIPAA Clinton mandate has added to ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS?? Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.


AND Medicare is OK with that.. Insurance companies just pay the claims and charge higher premiums!

As usual myth maker, your math skills are flawed. And so is your awareness. So I will start with an excerpt from a 1994 paper authored by Robert E. Moffit, PhD. Director of the Center for Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

In another context, Reinhardt proposes perhaps the best single reform idea to date. He suggests a simple financial disclosure on the part of the nation’s employers, requiring every employer to put periodically on the pay stub of every worker in America something like the following: “We have paid you X thousand dollars in health benefits. This has reduced your wages by X thousand dollars.” We would add: “Have a nice day!„5


“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”

$5,000 is the RAISE each employee has a right to demand.
“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”
He said the employer mandate “will accelerate an already breaking-down employer-based system.” That portion of the law should be repealed, he said.
Of course, this is a feature, not a bug of ObamaCare. Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market and into highly-regulated government-run health insurance exchanges is an important step towards a single payer health care system.

Winning: Top Senate Dem Recruit Slams ObamaCare

Several "operative" points here but specifically..
"Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market "
How many times have we heard the uninformed, uneducated comment FROM OBAMA no less!
Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Where does he think the over $100 billion in Federal/State/Local and property taxes will come from ?
Where does he think the 400,000 people employed by the 1,300 health insurance companies Kerrey describes will go?
How much will these 400,000 add to the payments of unemployment insurance?

For example NOT ONE person favoring the destruction of private health insurance has ANY understanding of how it works!
NOT ONE of them believe that under penalty of imprisonment.. people responsible for financial statements of these companies
state on average 80% of every premium dollar goes OUT to pay claims!
YET NOT ONE of the ignorant people in favor of supposedly the European model single payer systems (that are financially crushing)
seems to comprehend what the Institute of Medicine
Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business | Examiner.com

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Do ANY of you know how much the 1996 HIPAA Clinton mandate has added to ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS?? Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.


AND Medicare is OK with that.. Insurance companies just pay the claims and charge higher premiums!

As usual myth maker, your math skills are flawed. And so is your awareness. So I will start with an excerpt from a 1994 paper authored by Robert E. Moffit, PhD. Director of the Center for Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

In another context, Reinhardt proposes perhaps the best single reform idea to date. He suggests a simple financial disclosure on the part of the nation’s employers, requiring every employer to put periodically on the pay stub of every worker in America something like the following: “We have paid you X thousand dollars in health benefits. This has reduced your wages by X thousand dollars.” We would add: “Have a nice day!„5


“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”

$5,000 is the RAISE each employee has a right to demand.

Has a right to demand? lol
...or what they will quit? please... As an employee you have a right to demand you will start looking for work elsewhere.
“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”
He said the employer mandate “will accelerate an already breaking-down employer-based system.” That portion of the law should be repealed, he said.
Of course, this is a feature, not a bug of ObamaCare. Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market and into highly-regulated government-run health insurance exchanges is an important step towards a single payer health care system.

Winning: Top Senate Dem Recruit Slams ObamaCare

Several "operative" points here but specifically..
"Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market "
How many times have we heard the uninformed, uneducated comment FROM OBAMA no less!
Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Where does he think the over $100 billion in Federal/State/Local and property taxes will come from ?
Where does he think the 400,000 people employed by the 1,300 health insurance companies Kerrey describes will go?
How much will these 400,000 add to the payments of unemployment insurance?

For example NOT ONE person favoring the destruction of private health insurance has ANY understanding of how it works!
NOT ONE of them believe that under penalty of imprisonment.. people responsible for financial statements of these companies
state on average 80% of every premium dollar goes OUT to pay claims!
YET NOT ONE of the ignorant people in favor of supposedly the European model single payer systems (that are financially crushing)
seems to comprehend what the Institute of Medicine
Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business | Examiner.com

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Do ANY of you know how much the 1996 HIPAA Clinton mandate has added to ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS?? Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.


AND Medicare is OK with that.. Insurance companies just pay the claims and charge higher premiums!

As usual myth maker, your math skills are flawed. And so is your awareness. So I will start with an excerpt from a 1994 paper authored by Robert E. Moffit, PhD. Director of the Center for Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

In another context, Reinhardt proposes perhaps the best single reform idea to date. He suggests a simple financial disclosure on the part of the nation’s employers, requiring every employer to put periodically on the pay stub of every worker in America something like the following: “We have paid you X thousand dollars in health benefits. This has reduced your wages by X thousand dollars.” We would add: “Have a nice day!„5


“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”

$5,000 is the RAISE each employee has a right to demand.

Has a right to demand? lol
...or what they will quit? please... As an employee you have a right to demand you will start looking for work elsewhere.

Yes, you have a right to demand. Otherwise, it is a pay cut. Why are you right wingers such Monica Lewinsky's for the opulent?
“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”
He said the employer mandate “will accelerate an already breaking-down employer-based system.” That portion of the law should be repealed, he said.
Of course, this is a feature, not a bug of ObamaCare. Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market and into highly-regulated government-run health insurance exchanges is an important step towards a single payer health care system.

Winning: Top Senate Dem Recruit Slams ObamaCare

Several "operative" points here but specifically..
"Getting more employees out of the private health insurance market "
How many times have we heard the uninformed, uneducated comment FROM OBAMA no less!
Obama has said: "I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."
Where does he think the over $100 billion in Federal/State/Local and property taxes will come from ?
Where does he think the 400,000 people employed by the 1,300 health insurance companies Kerrey describes will go?
How much will these 400,000 add to the payments of unemployment insurance?

For example NOT ONE person favoring the destruction of private health insurance has ANY understanding of how it works!
NOT ONE of them believe that under penalty of imprisonment.. people responsible for financial statements of these companies
state on average 80% of every premium dollar goes OUT to pay claims!
YET NOT ONE of the ignorant people in favor of supposedly the European model single payer systems (that are financially crushing)
seems to comprehend what the Institute of Medicine
Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business | Examiner.com

Here's yet another great reason to reform healthcare: According to a recent report by the Institute of Medicine, the U.S. health care system squanders $750 billion a year — roughly 30 cents of every medical dollar — through unneeded care, byzantine paperwork, fraud and other waste, the influential Institute of Medicine said Thursday in a report that ties directly into the presidential campaign.
More than 18 months in the making, the report identified six major areas of waste:

unnecessary services ($210 billion annually); (Defensive Medicine out of FEAR of LAWSUITS!!!)
inefficient delivery of care ($130 billion);
excess administrative costs ($190 billion); Do ANY of you know how much the 1996 HIPAA Clinton mandate has added to ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS?? Research firm Gartner Group has estimated that HIPAA is expected to
cost the healthcare industry at least $3.8 billion between 2003 and 2008,
and potentially even 10 times that
inflated prices ($105 billion); (EMTALA a govt. mandate forces hospitals to "pad" sometimes by 6,000% their costs!!!)
prevention failures ($55 billion), and
fraud ($75 billion).
Adjusting for some overlap among the categories, the panel settled on an estimate of $750 billion.


AND Medicare is OK with that.. Insurance companies just pay the claims and charge higher premiums!

As usual myth maker, your math skills are flawed. And so is your awareness. So I will start with an excerpt from a 1994 paper authored by Robert E. Moffit, PhD. Director of the Center for Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

In another context, Reinhardt proposes perhaps the best single reform idea to date. He suggests a simple financial disclosure on the part of the nation’s employers, requiring every employer to put periodically on the pay stub of every worker in America something like the following: “We have paid you X thousand dollars in health benefits. This has reduced your wages by X thousand dollars.” We would add: “Have a nice day!„5


“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”

$5,000 is the RAISE each employee has a right to demand.

No, you stupid spams**ting lemming.

That 5000 is going to come from somewhere.

That was the point of the entire OP. It's going to push more of it into a general tax based system.

Can you, for once, in your rush to post your stupid assed talking points, just read and comprehend.....for once ?
As usual myth maker, your math skills are flawed. And so is your awareness. So I will start with an excerpt from a 1994 paper authored by Robert E. Moffit, PhD. Director of the Center for Health Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation.

In another context, Reinhardt proposes perhaps the best single reform idea to date. He suggests a simple financial disclosure on the part of the nation’s employers, requiring every employer to put periodically on the pay stub of every worker in America something like the following: “We have paid you X thousand dollars in health benefits. This has reduced your wages by X thousand dollars.” We would add: “Have a nice day!„5


“I hate the employer mandate,” Kerrey said. “I think it’s going to have a counterproductive impact. We don’t have any (insured employee) that costs us less than $7,000 (a year), and the fine’s $2,000. We’ll dump ’em off. We won’t call it dumping, we’ll say ... ‘Go get it from the exchange.’”

$5,000 is the RAISE each employee has a right to demand.

Has a right to demand? lol
...or what they will quit? please... As an employee you have a right to demand you will start looking for work elsewhere.

Yes, you have a right to demand. Otherwise, it is a pay cut. Why are you right wingers such Monica Lewinsky's for the opulent?

That's not a pay cut, and even if it were, an employer has every right to tell people that they have to cut their pay or let them go....

...a right to demand... LMAO!!!
No such Pub horrors have happened with Romneycare, cost rises are sharply cut already. Hell, Obamacare has already lowered cost rises from 15% to 4%/year.

You are brainwashed and full of Pubcrappe fear mongering. And Kerry knows he was wrong. Pfffft!! Idiot dupes of the greedy rich unite lol
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