Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

Bush was, and is, basically a good person who loves his country. He was not a great president but an adequate one.

He was 1000% better than the clown who currently occupies the whitehouse.

Why are you perpetuating the MSM myths, lies, etc.about Bush? What PERSONAL knowledge do you have that TOTALLY refutes the FACTS that NO other President
IN MY lifetime had to face these events??

PLEASE TELL ME what president had :
1) Recession started before President?
2) HAD a $5 trillion dot.com bust that cost 300,000 jobs.. trillions in losses WHEN did that happen along with a RECESSION??
3) WHAT President had the Attack on Wall Street (remember closed for 10 days after 9/11) and the Pentagon on do you remember 9/11? WHAT other President
had a predecessor put up a wall known as the "Gorelick" Memo that did NOT allow CIA to tell FBI about the 9/11 bombers?
4) NO OTHER president in history EVERY had the WORST hurricane SEASONS.. SEASONS... do you understand?? again all while having to deal with the destructions
of thousands of businesses,etc... that paid taxes employed people and thousands of deaths...
WHAT is the comparable events that occurred like these???
5) Finally you don't seem to be aware of what happened on 9/18/08 are you when if it hadn't been for Bush's decisiveness the world economy would collapse!
Look it up in less then 2 hours a half trillion dollars were withdrawn from USA economy.. an economic attack that obviously many of you never heard from the MSM!

Finally the MSM... What the hell kind of impression do you have from them of Bush when:

Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

Do you totally comprehend that the MSM so hated Bush constantly wanting economic failures, constantly BASHING him as above said...
YET in spite of his not countering this crap... BUSH was President first.. totally took seriously the job.

OH and that MSM crap about "vacations by Bush"??? 90% of his "vacations" were back at HIS RANCH. HE owned! So all the Secret Service had considerably lower
costs of operating then squandering expensive world wide trips by Obama and his royal family!

So again... PLEASE before you follow the totally fabricated MEME by MSM... THINK their bias their hatred for Bush..
I'm sorry but the FACTS really support what exactly I've written!!!

:confused: I am agreeing with you, why are you attacking me? :confused:
I agree with line one. Not line two.

Was Bush II great? Hell no.. Would I consider him better than Obamalama?? Certainly... Kinda like how dried shit on the floor in your house is better than fresh shit on the floor in your house because it stinks less

I believe they were each better at different aspects of the Presidency, and i dont think that either are corrupt or evil. Liars - sure, politically.

Just what, pray tell is obama better at?
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.


Bush II was no great Prez.. but spending is a problem, not the amount taken in by taxation (and note also that the tax cuts were more beneficial to people in the middle class than anyone else)

Katrina was not a Bush responsibility.. plenty of blame to go around there

War causes casualties

Iraq should have paid for its own rebuilding... you don't get arguments from conservatives there

We get the picture completely... you are indeed one of the worst parrot trolls on this board

holy shit. SO you don't think that DECREASING the amount of income going IN to the US Treasury while at the same time INCREASING the amount of funds going OUT of the Treasury, YOU don't think that might be a problem eh? You don't think that might cause an increase in the countries debt.

Not an accountant are ya?
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.


Bush II was no great Prez.. but spending is a problem, not the amount taken in by taxation (and note also that the tax cuts were more beneficial to people in the middle class than anyone else)

Katrina was not a Bush responsibility.. plenty of blame to go around there

War causes casualties

Iraq should have paid for its own rebuilding... you don't get arguments from conservatives there

We get the picture completely... you are indeed one of the worst parrot trolls on this board

holy shit. SO you don't think that DECREASING the amount of income going IN to the US Treasury while at the same time INCREASING the amount of funds going OUT of the Treasury, YOU don't think that might be a problem eh? You don't think that might cause an increase in the countries debt.

Not an accountant are ya?

net govt revenue increased after the Bush tax cuts went into effect. Thats why obama continued them.

But none of that changes the FACT that obama has added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.
name two things that obama is responsible for that will hellp american citizens in general.

If not a lie, what is this "if you like your health insurance you can keep it, period" ?

Keeping Republicans out of the WH, TWICE!

Uhhhhh, Ok :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

It has the added benefit of keeping conservative ideologues from being appointed to federal agencies where they gum of the works or screw up their jobs ala "Brownie, yer doin' a heckova job."

That includes appointing federal judges who actually care about the law instead of trying to push a conservative Christian agenda.

See, it's about more than just one man.

But all I can say is thank god we didn't end up saddled with a former private equity money manager as president who made his living mostly by dismantling or destroying businesses and passing them off on someone else saddled with debt as he and his partners cleaned it out.

And let's not forget McCain who I get the impression was just chompin' at the bit to attack Iran at the earliest convenience. Then there was that intellectual lightweight he chose as his VP running mate. That was scary given McCain's age and history of cancer.
Excessive deficit spending causes a rise in debt; not tax cuts. Tax cuts resulted in the largest increas in net revenue to the Treasury in 2005. If you want to legitimately criticize Bush, criticize him for egregious deficit spending. "Tax cuts for the rich" is a misnomer mantra among liberals who feel entitited to an individual's annual income to feed their spending habits. An individual who has a "good year" as the result of hard work is not necessarily riich or wealthy. A rich person can only have $30K in income in a given year yet still be wealthy as a result of their assets which cannot be touched.

Would you mind sharing where GWB had " egregious deficit spending. "
Again... I need some refuting data of these tables OK???
  • Year Outlays Revenues Surplus/(deficit) more going out then coming in..
  • 2001 1.991 1.862 126.6
  • 2002 1.853 2.010 (157.8 billion deficit) WHAT happened in 2001???
    Plus OuTLAYS were down from 2001!!
    $5 trillion dot.com busts
    $66 billion in reduced revenue -
    300,000 mostly high paying jobs gone
    Recession started 3/01 ended 11/01.
    300,000 high paying jobs MEANS loss of income taxes PLUS SS/Medicare Double payments from employee and employer!!
    Assume average was $40,000 job that meant...$1.8 billion alone in lost tax revenue...
  • 2003 1.782 2.159 (377.6 billion deficit) $2 trillion 9/11 losses - $33 billion LOST TAX revenue PLUS loans , plus 146,000 jobs GONE
  • 2004 1.880 2.252 (412.7 billion deficit) $600 billion in Homeland startup costs
  • 2005 2.153 2.472 (318.3 billion deficit) $1 trillion from worst hurricane SEASONS in history $12 billion lost revenue
  • 2006 2.406 2.655 (248.2 billion deficit)
  • 2007 2.568 2.728 (160.7 billion deficit)
  • 2008 2.524 2.982 (458.6 billion deficit)

So please tell me how much "deficit spending" occurred? Where are your facts???

where do you get yours leaving out q1 2009? weirdo.

May I remind you Obama was president-elect after the election in Nov 2008... budgets are made by President elects before they take office...
Would you mind sharing where GWB had " egregious deficit spending. "
Again... I need some refuting data of these tables OK???
  • Year Outlays Revenues Surplus/(deficit) more going out then coming in..
  • 2001 1.991 1.862 126.6
  • 2002 1.853 2.010 (157.8 billion deficit) WHAT happened in 2001???
    Plus OuTLAYS were down from 2001!!
    $5 trillion dot.com busts
    $66 billion in reduced revenue -
    300,000 mostly high paying jobs gone
    Recession started 3/01 ended 11/01.
    300,000 high paying jobs MEANS loss of income taxes PLUS SS/Medicare Double payments from employee and employer!!
    Assume average was $40,000 job that meant...$1.8 billion alone in lost tax revenue...
  • 2003 1.782 2.159 (377.6 billion deficit) $2 trillion 9/11 losses - $33 billion LOST TAX revenue PLUS loans , plus 146,000 jobs GONE
  • 2004 1.880 2.252 (412.7 billion deficit) $600 billion in Homeland startup costs
  • 2005 2.153 2.472 (318.3 billion deficit) $1 trillion from worst hurricane SEASONS in history $12 billion lost revenue
  • 2006 2.406 2.655 (248.2 billion deficit)
  • 2007 2.568 2.728 (160.7 billion deficit)
  • 2008 2.524 2.982 (458.6 billion deficit)

So please tell me how much "deficit spending" occurred? Where are your facts???

where do you get yours leaving out q1 2009? weirdo.

May I remind you Obama was president-elect after the election in Nov 2008... budgets are made by President elects before they take office...

The new fiscal year starts on Oct 1st. That means that the 2009 fiscal year spending was set by Congress before the election even took place.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.


Bush II was no great Prez.. but spending is a problem, not the amount taken in by taxation (and note also that the tax cuts were more beneficial to people in the middle class than anyone else)

Katrina was not a Bush responsibility.. plenty of blame to go around there

War causes casualties

Iraq should have paid for its own rebuilding... you don't get arguments from conservatives there

We get the picture completely... you are indeed one of the worst parrot trolls on this board

holy shit. SO you don't think that DECREASING the amount of income going IN to the US Treasury while at the same time INCREASING the amount of funds going OUT of the Treasury, YOU don't think that might be a problem eh? You don't think that might cause an increase in the countries debt.

Not an accountant are ya?


We don't have a taxation or income problem.. we have a problem with a government that spends too much, expands to much, grabs power too much, and tried to control too much
Welp, mojos a loon i can dismiss ever conversing with in the future. :lol: i <3 when the shills make themselves quite known.

I respect your decision to take a parting shot before disengaging.


Bush II was no great Prez.. but spending is a problem, not the amount taken in by taxation (and note also that the tax cuts were more beneficial to people in the middle class than anyone else)

Katrina was not a Bush responsibility.. plenty of blame to go around there

War causes casualties

Iraq should have paid for its own rebuilding... you don't get arguments from conservatives there

We get the picture completely... you are indeed one of the worst parrot trolls on this board

holy shit. SO you don't think that DECREASING the amount of income going IN to the US Treasury while at the same time INCREASING the amount of funds going OUT of the Treasury, YOU don't think that might be a problem eh? You don't think that might cause an increase in the countries debt.

Not an accountant are ya?

net govt revenue increased after the Bush tax cuts went into effect. Thats why obama continued them.

But none of that changes the FACT that obama has added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.

You mean if my income goes down that it actually went up?

Do you have any idea how the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq were financed? Any?
Look up "supplemental appropriation." Those aren't in the normal budget. But they do appear in Pentagon spending. As "emergency spending" many times.

Can you remember when Obama came out and said they he was going to put the cost of the wars into the actual budget? And he did.

Not hide the numbers like Bush did.

Like you are now. Apply real debts to actual income numbers for the time frame you all like to use, and see what that looks like.

With the cost of war included in the debt side.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.


Bush II was no great Prez.. but spending is a problem, not the amount taken in by taxation (and note also that the tax cuts were more beneficial to people in the middle class than anyone else)

Katrina was not a Bush responsibility.. plenty of blame to go around there

War causes casualties

Iraq should have paid for its own rebuilding... you don't get arguments from conservatives there

We get the picture completely... you are indeed one of the worst parrot trolls on this board

And you are a fucking moron. Two unfunded wars is a lot of "spending". Cutting taxes without any offset is "spending". Dumbass.

War causes casualties? Is that what you call the tens of thousands of young Americans maimed in Iraq for no good reason?

President Bush was responsible for what happened after Katrina as Obama is for what happened after Sandy. It goes with being president.

We invaded Iraq. They had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn't invite us to invade their country. I think you would burn down your neighbor's house and them tell them it's their house, they should pay for rebuilding it.

I'm a "parrot" and you are drooling idiot moron. What is it, the inbreeding? Turd.
holy shit. SO you don't think that DECREASING the amount of income going IN to the US Treasury while at the same time INCREASING the amount of funds going OUT of the Treasury, YOU don't think that might be a problem eh? You don't think that might cause an increase in the countries debt.

Not an accountant are ya?

net govt revenue increased after the Bush tax cuts went into effect. Thats why obama continued them.

But none of that changes the FACT that obama has added more to the national debt than all previous presidents combined.

You mean if my income goes down that it actually went up?

Do you have any idea how the wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq were financed? Any?
Look up "supplemental appropriation." Those aren't in the normal budget. But they do appear in Pentagon spending. As "emergency spending" many times.

Can you remember when Obama came out and said they he was going to put the cost of the wars into the actual budget? And he did.

Not hide the numbers like Bush did.

Like you are now. Apply real debts to actual income numbers for the time frame you all like to use, and see what that looks like.

With the cost of war included in the debt side.

You mean if my income goes down that it actually went up?

No, up means up.

Look up "supplemental appropriation." Those aren't in the normal budget. But they do appear in Pentagon spending.

The also appear in the budget deficit and the debt.

Not hide the numbers like Bush did.

A billion spent as a supplemental bill adds the same to spending as it would in the normal budget.
Adds the same amount to the deficit.
Adds the same amount to the debt.
When did Obama pass "normal budgets"?
Then we have G.W.Bush..
His unemployment rates:
2001 4.74
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.54
2005 5.08
2006 4.61
2007 4.62
2008 5.80

By the way here is Obama's unemployment record...
2009 9.28
2010 9.63
2011 8.95
2012 8.08
Absolutely agree. When G.W. Bush was President, I recall may businesses and companies advertised "Now Hiring". He provided jobs for lots of Americans. What I especially liked was the nice check I received in the mail as a result of his tax cuts. He was a great President.
Then we have G.W.Bush..
His unemployment rates:
2001 4.74
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.54
2005 5.08
2006 4.61
2007 4.62
2008 5.80

By the way here is Obama's unemployment record...
2009 9.28
2010 9.63
2011 8.95
2012 8.08
Absolutely agree. When G.W. Bush was President, I recall may businesses and companies advertised "Now Hiring". He provided jobs for lots of Americans. What I especially liked was the nice check I received in the mail as a result of his tax cuts. He was a great President.

The whole point of the thread was IN spite of all the damaging efforts to bash Bush and IN SPITE of ALL the events that NO other President in history had ever
had happen Bush NEVER forgot he was the servant of the people! He NEVER thought himself SMARTER or a better speaker but the one thing he did know is
he loved this country! He served in the military. His Dad was a hero. And all through the CRAP the MSM put out Bush almost NEVER acted like our current juvenile in chief.. knocking America! He was proud unlike Obama of America. He was POSITIVE about America and at the darkest hours after 9/11 90% of Americans appreciated this defender of America!

NEVER... NEVER in GWB's thoughts were to blame America! Unlike the traitor Obama who said our military air-raiding villages killing civilians"!
NOT ONE time had Bush ever said such terrible things about America and our military.
Healthmyths is seriously ill/sick in the head. Not because of his views, but because he has like a five thread repertoire that he keeps repeating over and over and over. Disgusting.

kinda sounds like a poster here named Dean....
Bush was, and is, basically a good person who loves his country. He was not a great president but an adequate one.

He was 1000% better than the clown who currently occupies the whitehouse.

both are pretty piss poor leaders....the Country was pretty split after Bush and it has gotten worse under Obama.....this Country hasnt had a leader for quit a while now....and we need one...
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.


Bush II was no great Prez.. but spending is a problem, not the amount taken in by taxation (and note also that the tax cuts were more beneficial to people in the middle class than anyone else)

Katrina was not a Bush responsibility.. plenty of blame to go around there

War causes casualties

Iraq should have paid for its own rebuilding... you don't get arguments from conservatives there

We get the picture completely... you are indeed one of the worst parrot trolls on this board

And you are a fucking moron. Two unfunded wars is a lot of "spending". Cutting taxes without any offset is "spending". Dumbass.

War causes casualties? Is that what you call the tens of thousands of young Americans maimed in Iraq for no good reason?

President Bush was responsible for what happened after Katrina as Obama is for what happened after Sandy. It goes with being president.

We invaded Iraq. They had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn't invite us to invade their country. I think you would burn down your neighbor's house and them tell them it's their house, they should pay for rebuilding it.

I'm a "parrot" and you are drooling idiot moron. What is it, the inbreeding? Turd.

So you obviously don't know what the term "CEASE FIRE" means do you?
A) these 32 democrat quotes ASKED for The "1991 Cease Fire" Agreement to be upheld.. which it wasn't!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

"Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million pounds of bombs in response to purported violations of the no-fly zones and anti-aircraft fire from Saddam Hussein.

A sweeping attack, conducted in January of 1999, rained down 25 missiles on Iraqi soil, killing civilians. Clinton said the attack was in response to four planes violating the no-fly zones.

Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair authorized air strikes on more than 100 days in 1999, sometimes several times per day. The bombings were ostensibly in response to Husseins refusal to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country, though critics alleged the move was aimed at deflecting attention from impeachment.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

B) Did you love Saddam so much you wanted to see him stay in power and in doing so help him starve..

"Ali would then draw out a pair of pliers and a sharp knife. Gripping the tongue with pliers, he would slice it up with the knife, tossing severed pieces into the street. "'Those punished were too terrified to move, even though they knew I was about to chop off their tongue,' said Ali in his matter-of-fact voice. 'They would just stand there, often praying and calling out for Saddam and Allah to spare them. By then it was too late.

"'I would read them out the verdict and cut off their tongue without any form of anaesthetic. There was always a lot of blood. Some offenders passed out. Others screamed in pain. They would then be given basic medical assistance in an ambulance which would always come with us on such punishment runs. Then they would be thrown in jail.'"

-- Fedayeen Saddam member interviewed in The Sunday Times (London), April 20, 2003
Saddam has reduced his people to abject poverty.
He wiped out families, villages, cities and cultures, and drove four million people into exile.
He killed between 100,000 and 200,000 Kurds. He killed as many as 300,000 Shiites in the uprising after the Persian Gulf war.
He killed or displaced 200,000 of the 250,000 marsh Arabs who had created a unique, centuries-old culture in the south. He drained the marshes, an environmental treasure, and turned them into a desert.

In a recent Frontline documentary, a woman who fled Iraq recounted how she and others had been forced
to witness the public beheadings of 15 women who had been rounded up for prostitution and other crimes against the state. One of the women was a doctor who had been misreported as speaking against the regime.
"They put her head in a trash can," she said.

AND YOU dumb f..ks totally FORGET THIS!
1 million kids would have starved to death by now BECAUSE of Saddam AND YOU wouldn't CARE!
28 million people are FREE today... BUT YOU SADDAM butt kissers loved that!
BUTCHERS that you are!!!

I absolutely can not believe IDIOTS like you would survive for ONE minute in Iraq with your stupidity!
Thank GWB for now having 28 million people free... 1 million kids NOT STARVED... But again... IDIOTS like you never heard about this!
Was Bush II great? Hell no.. Would I consider him better than Obamalama?? Certainly... Kinda like how dried shit on the floor in your house is better than fresh shit on the floor in your house because it stinks less

I believe they were each better at different aspects of the Presidency, and i dont think that either are corrupt or evil. Liars - sure, politically.

name two things that obama is responsible for that will hellp american citizens in general.

If not a lie, what is this "if you like your health insurance you can keep it, period" ?

he said they both lie....

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