Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

George Bush created the largest asset bubble in American.


Watch this
Home Ownership and President Bush - YouTube

He was begged to pressure Greenspan to increase rates before the bubble was too large.

He did the opposite.

He destroyed the country long term.

This is to say nothing of the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security, both of which have shredded the constitution and left the USA with a Soviet Style Surveillance State.

George Bush was the worst president in American history by any standard of measurement. He literally ended the American Moment in history.

Bull Shit...

Clinton started the Housing Bubble with FHA DPA, Sub Prime was also under Clinton...

I would not defend Graham over Glass Stegall, bad decision...

Currently US Taxpayers support Zero Down USDA Loans with low MI, bad product...

This is the best article to date on the Mortgage Meltdown, CRA was the seed that started this mentality and by 2008 it had manifested into a disaster after 10 years of madness...

RealClearMarkets - How Did Paul Krugman Get It So Wrong?

This cycle has happened twice in my adult life and it will happen again in the not too distant future...

This time it will be MUCH MORE WORSE.. with the phony stock market being pumped by
The Federal Reserve has injected $2.5 trillion into the U.S. economy since 2008, mainly through these purchases, in an effort to keep interest rates low and spur economic growth.
Fed sets road map for end of stimulus - Jun. 19, 2013

Quantitative Easing Worked For The Weimar Republic For A Little While Too
Quantitative Easing

"The market is backward because bad news is understood to mean that the Federal Reserve will continue pumping money into the economy through its Quantitative Easing program. Good news is bad for the market because it makes people worry that QE3 may come to an end. In simple terms, what matters to the stock market is the easy money from the Fed, not the performance of the companies whose stocks they are buying and selling.
The Stock Market Is Telling Everyone The Fed Has It Wrong - Forbes
President George W. Bush will be remembered by me as the President who loved the American people, plus he gave incentives to industries to clean up pollution, and they got rid of almost all the brownfields in America that were caused by industrial pollution. And did I say that he loved the American people every day? It's true, and he worked just as hard as he could for every person to be able to earn a decent living if they wanted to.

Unfortunately, the press never acknowledged President Bush's many accomplishments, one of my favorites of which was to improve and protect 3 million acres of wetlands and called on Ducks Unlimited to make suggestions for this task:
Ducks Unlimited Reacts to President Bush’s Earth Day Commitment to Wetlands MEMPHIS, April 22–Officials from Ducks Unlimited are calling President George W. Bush’s proposed new wetlands initiatives “good news” for North America’s waterfowl, other wildlife, and people. The president outlined new strategies and policies for conserving wetlands in a speech during Earth Day celebrations today in Wells, Maine.

Bush’s new wetlands initiative includes an ambitious shift in policy from “no net loss” to a policy of “overall increase” of wetlands in America each year. To help achieve this goal, the president committed to restore, improve, and protect 3 million acres of wetlands over the next 5 years. He also plans to improve tracking and data gathering on wetlands and conservation programs, and to enhance collaborative efforts with landowners to conserve wetlands. The president’s remarks also included the announcement of a streamlined process that will make it much easier for landowners to protect wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of the U.S. The prairie potholes represent some of the most critically important habitats in the world for breeding waterfowl and other wildlife. Beyond its vital natural habitat, this region is also a key conservation delivery location for programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program.

“Today, President Bush outlined some very positive steps for our wetlands, which have suffered from continuing loss and degradation for centuries,” said Don Young, Executive Vice President of Ducks Unlimited. “Wetlands were the central theme of the president’s remarks. Clearly, he understands the critical benefits wetlands provide as habitat for hundreds of wildlife species as well as their environmental benefits for people. We’re very pleased with his plans to commit more federal funding toward wetlands conservation and improved wetlands monitoring.”

Ducks Unlimited Reacts to President Bush?s Earth Day Commitment to Wetlands

Given your above appreciation THEN YOU REALLY should become aware of this ecological disaster that the USA helped restore AFTER Saddam!
CBS Scott Pelley :
"It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now: after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
Resurrecting Eden - 60 Minutes Videos - CBS News

And a more recent story..
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

You dumbass! the Iraq war was caused by Clinton's ineptness as CIC! The housing bubble and tech bubbles burst because of Clinton's incompetence.

The Republicans in the late 90s contributed partially to our economic woes as they went along with democrat spending.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

You dumbass! the Iraq war was caused by Clinton's ineptness as CIC! The housing bubble and tech bubbles burst because of Clinton's incompetence.

The Republicans in the late 90s contributed partially to our economic woes as they went along with democrat spending.

Well read what the Democrats wanted to be done to Saddam BEFORE GWB!!!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

"Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million pounds of bombs in response to purported violations of the no-fly zones and anti-aircraft fire from Saddam Hussein.

A sweeping attack, conducted in January of 1999, rained down 25 missiles on Iraqi soil, killing civilians. Clinton said the attack was in response to four planes violating the no-fly zones.

Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair authorized air strikes on more than 100 days in 1999, sometimes several times per day. The bombings were ostensibly in response to Husseins refusal to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country, though critics alleged the move was aimed at deflecting attention from impeachment.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

It took a former military experience President to understand what it meant to free 28 million people and keep 1 million kids from starving as they would have
under Saddam...
You know GWB was human. He made mistakes.. "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" certainly ranks there!

But when historians look at statements like these:

"MSM job is to Bash the President"...
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."

But what about Obama ... any bashing here???

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

And then these historians LOOKING at ALL the gigantic events that NO president ever endured... the minor gaffes like "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job", and definitely some of
GWB's human failings are going to have to say.." GWB in spite of such BAD BIASED press helped USA through 4 major crisis the likes no other president endured!
They would have to say he was a GREAT President !
Last edited:
Clinton did not do much with the problems he noted, and blaming it on a R congress would be a lie!

Clinton did bomb an aspirin factory, but he did refuse Bin Laden at least a couple of times when offered to him!
When I first became aware of "presidents" was Eisenhower.
With the Presidents that followed only two will be to me the "greatest" Presidents.
NOW dealing strictly WITH HISTORICAL FACTS!!!

Faced with:
The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's.

It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate.

The misery index under President Jimmy Carter averaged 16.26, with a high of 20.76 in 1980.
At one time under Carter,

Then President Ronald Reagan took over the index was 17.97, his highest.
If any president had an excuse to blame the previous administration, Reagan did.
Instead the misery index declined to 9.57 at the end of 1988.... a 9.61 points reduction or 53% reduction!!!

So looking at the inflation rate for the highest in history:
1980 annual inflation rate was 13.58% with March 1980 it reach 14.76% .

So the unemployment rate was in 1982 9.71% BUT using the Obama standard blame the previous President Carter...

From the highest it declined under Reagan to in 1988 5.49% again a nearly 43% drop in unemployment.

So At this point The greatest President was Reagan! Dropped inflation by 50% and unemployment dropped by 40%!
Two simplest measures of "greatness" in the Presidents in my life time.

BUT in my lifetime NO president had these 4 monumental cataclysmic events and historians will verify these FACTS as idiots seem to forget
what happened from 2001 to 2008!

Then we have G.W.Bush..
His unemployment rates:
2001 4.74
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.54
2005 5.08
2006 4.61
2007 4.62
2008 5.80


1) Recession that started under Clinton ended 11/01.
Specifically, 50.8 million jobs were lost through the first six quarters of the ‘01 recession .
Heritage Employment Report: February Continues Winter Blues
The 2001 recession officially started 03/2001... BUT the steps leading up to it started under Clinton!

1) Dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value..
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies.
More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 -
and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion ? Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

2) Hard to believe but people forget that 9/11 occurred!
It cost $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets.

Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York!!
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone.

Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina,made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed. Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing. The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.

When Bush started 131,785,000 people employed.
At the end of 2008 136,790,000 people employed or

5,000,000 more employed then when he took office.

Oh and did I mention along the way when "Mission Accomplished" occurred after less then six weeks of combat in May 2003.. 10 years ago..
that over 1 million Iraq people were saved from starving?
50,000 people a year were starving under Saddam and when he was removed, (by the way at the request of Kerry,Pelosi, and 90% of the 28 million Iraqis)
the UN mandated embargo was removed.

Researcher Richard Garfield estimated that "a minimum of 100,000 and a more likely estimate of 227,000 excess deaths among young children from August 1991 through March 1998" from all causes including sanctions. Human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given the above EVENTS that GWB FACED that IN MY LIFETIME NO other president had to face GWB will be known as one of the GREATEST Presidents"

SO all you people that boo,bash Bush.. and will want to trash this for once use your brains!
A) GWB Faced a recession meaning slower businesses lost jobs, lost taxes!
B) A MAJOR ATTACK on the soil of the USA not only our economic center WTC but our military center the Pentagon! No president EVER had that tremendous blow
to the American psyche! If none of you were around then or conveniently forget REMEMBER the anthrax attacks right afterwards and how with the terrorists
destructions wow... where were idiots that forget this?
C) Worst hurricane SEASONS (PLURAL) most destructive and most hurricanes from 2003 to 2008! You can believe the relatives of the 3,000 lost lives, the employees
and homeowners will never forget... WHY do you idiots forget!!

By the way here is Obama's unemployment record...
2009 9.28 Obama
2010 9.63
2011 8.95
2012 8.08

Your diatribe is full of lies, omissions, and fuzzy math.

For example, you cite the misery index dropping under Reagan 53% from 17.97 to 9.57. A 9.61 point drop you claimed. Well, no, it's actually an 8.4 point drop equally 47%. Still impressive though, no question. But typical fuzzy Conservative math.

Your mathematical challenges aside, if we look at the misery index under Bush, going from 7.93 to 7.83 represents only a 1% drop. Something to yawn at, not gloat about. Even comparing Bush with Obama after 57 months in office, we find the misery index increasing under Bush from 7.93 to 9.35 (an 18% increase) while it increased under Obama from 7.83 to 8.26 (a 5% increase)

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

Then you point to the drop in the unemployment rate under Reagan, which you claim was a 43% drop from it's peak to when he left office. But you ignore the fact that the unemployment rate increased 86% under Bush, going from 4.2% to 7.8%. And if we look at the unemployment rate from when Reagan became president to his 58th month, we find a drop from 7.5% to 7.0% (a 7% drop). Looking at Bush's first 58 months, unemployment increased from 4.2% to 5.0% (a 19% increase). Under Obama, we find a drop in unemployment from 7.8% to 7.0% (a 10% drop)

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

Then you claim, the "recession that started under Clinton ended 11/01." Well that's just an outright lie. The NBER, which dates recessions, shows the recession started under Bush, not Clinton.

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

Then you claim the 2001 recession lost 50.8 million jobs. That's a lie by omission since you leave out the fact that there were 47.6 million jobs gained over that same period. The total number of jobs lost was a net 3.2 million; but even that's using the Heritage Foundations numbers and they have a notorious reputation for lying. According to the BLS, the number of jobs lost during the 2001 recession was actually, 1.9 million, not 3.2 million. Which pales in comparison to the 7.5 million jobs lost during Bush's Great Recession.

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

You point out, the "Dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value.." But you ignore how Bush's Great Recession lost some $13 trillion

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

You point out how 146,100 jobs were lost "JUST in New York!!" but ignore the 8 million jobs lost nationally due to Bush's Great Recession.

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

You claim, "Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%." That's a lie since you're ignorantly comparing nominal figures, which is completely meaningless. Using real figures, Clinton's best was 4.8% compared to Bush, which was 3.8%. Even worse, you look at only one year for each president. Looking at their entire presidencies, we find GDP grew under Bush by 18%, compared to Clinton where it grew 36%,

Leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

next ...

You falsely claim:

When Bush started 131,785,000 people employed.
At the end of 2008 136,790,000 people employed or

5,000,000 more employed then when he took office.​

Who knows where you get your numbers from (Heritage Foundation would be my guess) but the actual numbers from the BLS are:

132,548,000 when Bush started
133,631,000 when he finished

A paltry gain of just 1 million

Compared to Clinton who went from 109,750,000 to 132,548,000. A gain of 23 million.

Hell, in just under 5 years and starting with Bush's Great Recession, even Obama is doing better than Bush, who went from 133,631,000 to 136,765,000. A gain of 3 million. Even just looking at Bush's first 58 months in office shows a gain of just 2 million.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Again, leaves one wondering how you view Bush as one of the greatest presidents in your lifetime?

The only logical conclusion is that you believe the bullshit you are spouting.
When I first became aware of "presidents" was Eisenhower.
With the Presidents that followed only two will be to me the "greatest" Presidents.
NOW dealing strictly WITH HISTORICAL FACTS!!!

Faced with:
The misery index was initiated by economist Arthur Okun, an adviser to President Lyndon Johnson in the 1960's.

It is simply the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate.

The misery index under President Jimmy Carter averaged 16.26, with a high of 20.76 in 1980.
At one time under Carter,

Then President Ronald Reagan took over the index was 17.97, his highest.
If any president had an excuse to blame the previous administration, Reagan did.
Instead the misery index declined to 9.57 at the end of 1988.... a 9.61 points reduction or 53% reduction!!!

So looking at the inflation rate for the highest in history:
1980 annual inflation rate was 13.58% with March 1980 it reach 14.76% .

So the unemployment rate was in 1982 9.71% BUT using the Obama standard blame the previous President Carter...

From the highest it declined under Reagan to in 1988 5.49% again a nearly 43% drop in unemployment.

So At this point The greatest President was Reagan! Dropped inflation by 50% and unemployment dropped by 40%!
Two simplest measures of "greatness" in the Presidents in my life time.

BUT in my lifetime NO president had these 4 monumental cataclysmic events and historians will verify these FACTS as idiots seem to forget
what happened from 2001 to 2008!

Then we have G.W.Bush..
His unemployment rates:
2001 4.74
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.54
2005 5.08
2006 4.61
2007 4.62
2008 5.80


1) Recession that started under Clinton ended 11/01.
Specifically, 50.8 million jobs were lost through the first six quarters of the ‘01 recession .
Heritage Employment Report: February Continues Winter Blues
The 2001 recession officially started 03/2001... BUT the steps leading up to it started under Clinton!

1) Dot.com bust cost $5 trillion in lost market value..
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies.
More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 -
and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
The dot-com bubble: How to lose $5 trillion ? Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

2) Hard to believe but people forget that 9/11 occurred!
It cost $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets.
Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York!!
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone.

Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

3) $1 trillion in written off losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history!
The worst Katrina,made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages.
Hurricane Katrina ALONE! Year 2005: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
On August 25, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the U.S. as a strong Category 3 or low Category 4 storm. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.
Hurricane Rita quickly followed Katrina only to make matters worse. Between the two, more than $200 billion in damage was done. 400,000 jobs were lost and 275,000 homes were destroyed. Many of the jobs and homes were never to be recovered. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced and over 1,000 were killed and more are missing. The effect on oil and gasoline prices was long-lasting.

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.

Bush growth of the GDP was greater then Clinton in 2005 GDP grew at 6.5% Clinton's best:6.4%
Measuring Worth - GDP result.

When Bush started 131,785,000 people employed.
At the end of 2008 136,790,000 people employed or

5,000,000 more employed then when he took office.

Oh and did I mention along the way when "Mission Accomplished" occurred after less then six weeks of combat in May 2003.. 10 years ago..
that over 1 million Iraq people were saved from starving?
50,000 people a year were starving under Saddam and when he was removed, (by the way at the request of Kerry,Pelosi, and 90% of the 28 million Iraqis)
the UN mandated embargo was removed.

Researcher Richard Garfield estimated that "a minimum of 100,000 and a more likely estimate of 227,000 excess deaths among young children from August 1991 through March 1998" from all causes including sanctions. Human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given the above EVENTS that GWB FACED that IN MY LIFETIME NO other president had to face GWB will be known as one of the GREATEST Presidents"

SO all you people that boo,bash Bush.. and will want to trash this for once use your brains!
A) GWB Faced a recession meaning slower businesses lost jobs, lost taxes!
B) A MAJOR ATTACK on the soil of the USA not only our economic center WTC but our military center the Pentagon! No president EVER had that tremendous blow
to the American psyche! If none of you were around then or conveniently forget REMEMBER the anthrax attacks right afterwards and how with the terrorists
destructions wow... where were idiots that forget this?
C) Worst hurricane SEASONS (PLURAL) most destructive and most hurricanes from 2003 to 2008! You can believe the relatives of the 3,000 lost lives, the employees
and homeowners will never forget... WHY do you idiots forget!!

By the way here is Obama's unemployment record...
2009 9.28 Obama
2010 9.63
2011 8.95
2012 8.08
What a piece of bullshit. gwb will be lucky if he does not end up a member of the bottom five presidents. You will deny it but he is directly responsible for the deaths of approximately 10,000 Americans (3000 on 9/11, a war based on lies that killed 4500 Americans, and the appointment of an incompetent to head FEMA which led to 1800 dying thanks to the response to Katrina). If gwb received justice he deserves he would be tried for war crimes.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

You dumbass! the Iraq war was caused by Clinton's ineptness as CIC! The housing bubble and tech bubbles burst because of Clinton's incompetence.

The Republicans in the late 90s contributed partially to our economic woes as they went along with democrat spending.

Well read what the Democrats wanted to be done to Saddam BEFORE GWB!!!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use force..to disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

"Between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped 1.3 million pounds of bombs in response to purported violations of the no-fly zones and anti-aircraft fire from Saddam Hussein.

A sweeping attack, conducted in January of 1999, rained down 25 missiles on Iraqi soil, killing civilians. Clinton said the attack was in response to four planes violating the no-fly zones.

Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair authorized air strikes on more than 100 days in 1999, sometimes several times per day. The bombings were ostensibly in response to Husseins refusal to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country, though critics alleged the move was aimed at deflecting attention from impeachment.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned

It took a former military experience President to understand what it meant to free 28 million people and keep 1 million kids from starving as they would have
under Saddam...
"... a former military experience President . . . "
I am curious, how do you give credit to bush for being a "former military experience President?" We are speaking of a person who did not complete his National Guard obligations. How in the hell does that make him a "former military experience President?" The closest bush came to combat were his fights in the officiers clubs. HE NEVER LEFT THE US!!!!!!!
When people like a health myth start with "Bush was a great.........." you knew this thread was gonna be fun.
Bull shit but fun. A fictional accounting of the worst President in my lifetime actions and accomplishments.
Only if one was born after 2001 and passed away before Dec. 2016 could a sentient being make this statement. Not that there is a marginal, much less significant, difference between Obozo and Uncurious George.

Unless, unless one is orgasmically cheered by the exponential growth in an intrusive and abusive national government. Then maybe...no wait I already excluded sentient beings, so never mind this last consideration.
Keep omitting the 2009 budget that was still signed by Pres Bush, not the Pres. elect, and also those 2009 UE #'s.

That is complete and utter dishonesty. It's a lie, by omission.

We need a mulligan on the last 2 Presidents, and both are decent men.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

You dumbass! the Iraq war was caused by Clinton's ineptness as CIC! The housing bubble and tech bubbles burst because of Clinton's incompetence.

The Republicans in the late 90s contributed partially to our economic woes as they went along with democrat spending.

Any one else you want to blame for the mess we are in? Maybe you could go WAY WAY back to find some Democrat to blame for some thing you didn't like.

In your case, I blame the Republican school teacher you evidently had who wouldn't teach you to accept responsibility for your (or your parties) actions. Or was it your Republican parents who told you to never ever accept responsibility for something that you did wrong.

They did a great fucking job. You wouldn't know "responsibility" if it bit you in the ass birddog.

But I swear to you dog, it was Bush who sold the war in Iraq on television. Not Clinton. To bad you had your head buried so far up your ass that you missed it.
It depends entirely on who is writing the history books.

Had the Germans won WWII, I suspect that history would be taking a different view of FDR's legacy than we currently do.

Had the Soviets won the Cold War, I suspect that modern history books would have a different view on JFK than we do.

You see, the winner is ALWAYS right. Always, always, always.


The winners write the history books. The winners are always right.
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

You dumbass! the Iraq war was caused by Clinton's ineptness as CIC! The housing bubble and tech bubbles burst because of Clinton's incompetence.

The Republicans in the late 90s contributed partially to our economic woes as they went along with democrat spending.

Any one else you want to blame for the mess we are in? Maybe you could go WAY WAY back to find some Democrat to blame for some thing you didn't like.

In your case, I blame the Republican school teacher you evidently had who wouldn't teach you to accept responsibility for your (or your parties) actions. Or was it your Republican parents who told you to never ever accept responsibility for something that you did wrong.

They did a great fucking job. You wouldn't know "responsibility" if it bit you in the ass birddog.

But I swear to you dog, it was Bush who sold the war in Iraq on television. Not Clinton. To bad you had your head buried so far up your ass that you missed it.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth.

ALL of them.

AND NOT ONE of the above trolls DISPROVED these events HAPPENED!!!

1) The recession DOES NOT START the day the NBER states: determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001
BUT obviously YOU think oil tankers turn in 100 feet... naively you think the economy one day had increase NEXT day stops goes down!
It takes months for a declining economy to reach the point to stop Peak business activity! The economy growth rate declined for several months during

NOTE this chart..Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

$Screen Shot 2013-12-12 at 8.02.05 AM.jpg
THE FACT is GDP Growth Rate declined... again it takes time for a recession to start!

1) NOT ONE of you trolls mentioned the bogus phony dot.com BUBBLE STARTED under Clinton and BURST under it's phoniness :
As the Dot Com bubble occurred in the mid and late 1990s, assorted predictions that eventually the bubble would burst emerged frequently. Because of the October 27, 1997 mini-crash in the wake of the Asian crisis, the predictions about a future burst increased, causing an uncertain climate on economy during the first months of 1998, while the Federal Reserve raised interest rates six times between June 1999 and May 2000 in an effort to cool the economy to a soft landing. The actual burst of the stock market bubble occurred in the form of the NASDAQ crash in March 2000. Growth in gross domestic product slowed considerably in the third quarter of 2000 to the lowest rate since a contraction in the first quarter of 1991.[3]
The Labor Department estimates that a net 1.761 million jobs were shed in 2001, with an additional net 545,000 lost during 2002. 2003 saw a small gain of a mere 62,000 jobs. Unemployment rose from 4.2% in February 2001 to 5.5% in November 2001, but did not peak until June 2003 at 6.3%, after which it declined to 5% by mid-2005.

2) NOT one of you trolls disproved 9/11 occurred... NOT ONE Mention!
The Cost of September 11
Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion.
Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.

Among the big-ticket items:
The loss of four civilian aircraft valued at $385 million.
The destruction of major buildings in the World Trade Center with a replacement cost of from $3 billion to $4.5 billion.
Damage to a portion of the Pentagon: up to $1 billion.
Cleanup costs: $1.3 billion.
Property and infrastructure damage: $10 billion to $13 billion.
Federal emergency funds (heightened airport security, sky marshals, government takeover of airport security, retrofitting aircraft with anti-terrorist devices, cost of operations in Afghanistan): $40 billion.
Direct job losses amounted to 83,000, with $17 billion in lost wages.
The amount of damaged or unrecoverable property hit $21.8 billion.
Losses to the city of New York (lost jobs, lost taxes, damage to infrastructure, cleaning): $95 billion.
Losses to the insurance industry: $40 billion.
Loss of air traffic revenue: $10 billion.

NOW you f...king idiots DID THOSE LOSSES OCCUR? WHERE WERE YOU idiots!!!

3) WORST HURRICANE SEASONS!! Idiots you never mentioned THAT! NOT one mention of the costs of these hurricanes or loss of life!
Of course YOU idiots BLAME Bush for nature... YeT you idiots think Obama is a God!!!

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

List of costliest Atlantic hurricanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7 of the top ten hurricanes happened under GWB!
A Loss of $252 billion under GWB...
  1. Katrina $125.00 1,833 2005 Category*5 Bush
  2. Sandy $68.00 286 2012 Category*3 Obama
  3. Ike $37.50 195 2008 Category*4 GWB
  4. Wilma $29.30 23 2005 Category*5 GWB
  5. Andrew $26.50 65 1992 Category*5 Clinton
  6. Ivan $23.30 124 2004 Category*5 GWB
  7. Irene $16.60 56 2011 Category*3 Obama
  8. Charley $15.10 40 2004 Category*4 Bush
  9. Rita $12.00 62 2005 Category*5 Bush
  10. Frances $9.85 49 2004 Category*4 Bush

DID those events occur? WERE they the FAULT of BUSH???

Recession started when the decline in GDP growth started in 2000!
Dot.com bust as the above show STARTED in Clinton's presidency AND BUSH had to clean it up!

NOW as far as jobs???



At the total people
end of working
2000...... 131,785,000 2,792,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.

So Starting with 131,785,000 and ending with 136,790,000 what is the difference????? 5,005,000 more people then in 2000
AND NOT ONE of the above trolls DISPROVED these events HAPPENED!!!

1) The recession DOES NOT START the day the NBER states: determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001
BUT obviously YOU think oil tankers turn in 100 feet... naively you think the economy one day had increase NEXT day stops goes down!
It takes months for a declining economy to reach the point to stop Peak business activity! The economy growth rate declined for several months during

NOTE this chart..Early 2000s recession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

View attachment 28692
THE FACT is GDP Growth Rate declined... again it takes time for a recession to start!

1) NOT ONE of you trolls mentioned the bogus phony dot.com BUBBLE STARTED under Clinton and BURST under it's phoniness :
As the Dot Com bubble occurred in the mid and late 1990s, assorted predictions that eventually the bubble would burst emerged frequently. Because of the October 27, 1997 mini-crash in the wake of the Asian crisis, the predictions about a future burst increased, causing an uncertain climate on economy during the first months of 1998, while the Federal Reserve raised interest rates six times between June 1999 and May 2000 in an effort to cool the economy to a soft landing. The actual burst of the stock market bubble occurred in the form of the NASDAQ crash in March 2000. Growth in gross domestic product slowed considerably in the third quarter of 2000 to the lowest rate since a contraction in the first quarter of 1991.[3]
The Labor Department estimates that a net 1.761 million jobs were shed in 2001, with an additional net 545,000 lost during 2002. 2003 saw a small gain of a mere 62,000 jobs. Unemployment rose from 4.2% in February 2001 to 5.5% in November 2001, but did not peak until June 2003 at 6.3%, after which it declined to 5% by mid-2005.

2) NOT one of you trolls disproved 9/11 occurred... NOT ONE Mention!
The Cost of September 11
Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion.
Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.

Among the big-ticket items:
The loss of four civilian aircraft valued at $385 million.
The destruction of major buildings in the World Trade Center with a replacement cost of from $3 billion to $4.5 billion.
Damage to a portion of the Pentagon: up to $1 billion.
Cleanup costs: $1.3 billion.
Property and infrastructure damage: $10 billion to $13 billion.
Federal emergency funds (heightened airport security, sky marshals, government takeover of airport security, retrofitting aircraft with anti-terrorist devices, cost of operations in Afghanistan): $40 billion.
Direct job losses amounted to 83,000, with $17 billion in lost wages.
The amount of damaged or unrecoverable property hit $21.8 billion.
Losses to the city of New York (lost jobs, lost taxes, damage to infrastructure, cleaning): $95 billion.
Losses to the insurance industry: $40 billion.
Loss of air traffic revenue: $10 billion.

NOW you f...king idiots DID THOSE LOSSES OCCUR? WHERE WERE YOU idiots!!!

3) WORST HURRICANE SEASONS!! Idiots you never mentioned THAT! NOT one mention of the costs of these hurricanes or loss of life!
Of course YOU idiots BLAME Bush for nature... YeT you idiots think Obama is a God!!!

COLOR="Blue"]I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." [/COLOR]
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

List of costliest Atlantic hurricanes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
7 of the top ten hurricanes happened under GWB!
A Loss of $252 billion under GWB...
  1. Katrina $125.00 1,833 2005 Category*5 Bush
  2. Sandy $68.00 286 2012 Category*3 Obama
  3. Ike $37.50 195 2008 Category*4 GWB
  4. Wilma $29.30 23 2005 Category*5 GWB
  5. Andrew $26.50 65 1992 Category*5 Clinton
  6. Ivan $23.30 124 2004 Category*5 GWB
  7. Irene $16.60 56 2011 Category*3 Obama
  8. Charley $15.10 40 2004 Category*4 Bush
  9. Rita $12.00 62 2005 Category*5 Bush
  10. Frances $9.85 49 2004 Category*4 Bush

DID those events occur? WERE they the FAULT of BUSH???

Recession started when the decline in GDP growth started in 2000!
Dot.com bust as the above show STARTED in Clinton's presidency AND BUSH had to clean it up!

NOW as far as jobs???



At the total people
end of working
2000...... 131,785,000 2,792,000 dot.com and recession starting!!!
2001...... 131,826,000 41,000 dot com Recession that started 3/01 ended 11/11 /9/11
2002...... 130,341,000 -1,485,000 effect off 9/11
2003...... 129,999,000 -342,000
2004...... 131,435,000 1,436,000
2005...... 133,703,000 2,268,000
2006...... 136,086,000 2,383,000
2007...... 137,598,000 1,512,000
2008...... 136,790,000 -808,000 Sep 18,2008 $500 billion withdrew almost collapsing world economies!
5 million net more people working then at the end of 2000.

So Starting with 131,785,000 and ending with 136,790,000 what is the difference????? 5,005,000 more people then in 2000

don't expect any more dem lib posters on this thread. They are incapable of dealing with facts.
He forgot 2009. He is being dishonest in doing so, that is a fact.
He forgot 2009. He is being dishonest in doing so, that is a fact.
Obama was President-Elect after election in November 2008 were you aware of that?
He then became President on 1/20/2009...
So how can I be dishonest?? Explain???

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