Why GWB will be one of the greatest Presidents in MY LIFETIME...

Here's a fun contest.

Let's all name all the liberals who have criticized the ObamaCare law and its implantation and the the President's unilateral (and unauthorized) grantings of "exceptions" to the law.

Although i am not, your arrogance would force you to classify me as liberal and i have 2-3 threads that ive made personally which are against the aca.

No, kid. It is your basic willingness to try to deceive that shows you for what you are.

In any event, even if you are "not" a liberal, then there is no particular reason to take note of your willingness to criticize ObumblerCare. The challenge, you hapless dork, was to name the alleged liberals who have criticized ObumblerCare or its implementation or expressed any concern with Obumbler's lawless and unauthorized grantings of "exceptions" to his dopey law.
It doesn't matter how many jobs were created if the sum total of his presidency resulted in a loss of almost 7 million over the period of a year starting in his last few months.
He let the bird out of the cage, Obama hasn't done much to stop the damage, and so here we are.
Here's a fun contest.

Let's all name all the liberals who have criticized the ObamaCare law and its implantation and the the President's unilateral (and unauthorized) grantings of "exceptions" to the law.

Although i am not, your arrogance would force you to classify me as liberal and i have 2-3 threads that ive made personally which are against the aca.

No, kid. It is your basic willingness to try to deceive that shows you for what you are.

In any event, even if you are "not" a liberal, then there is no particular reason to take note of your willingness to criticize ObumblerCare. The challenge, you hapless dork, was to name the alleged liberals who have criticized ObumblerCare or its implementation or expressed any concern with Obumbler's lawless and unauthorized grantings of "exceptions" to his dopey law.

you wreak of small penis syndrome
What about the trillions in debt from stupid tax cuts for the rich?

The couple of thousand dead from neglect after Katrina?

The tens of thousands dead and maimed in Iraq?

The trillions lost rebuilding Iraq.

The.......well, you get the picture.

Once again tax cut for the rich BS

Bet you can't or won't admit that the lions share of the Bush cuts went to the middle class and lower. Look the numbers up they are easily retrieved by a honest person,but you get the picture.

Bush didn't neglect anyone the problems were all local,complain to the Governor and the mayor.

The Iraqi's themselves are responsible for the the vast majority of casualties in Iraq.

You should be including every democrat that vote for Iraq,but you won't,getting back to that honest person thing again.

You're kidding, right…???
Then we have G.W.Bush..
His unemployment rates:
2001 4.74
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.54
2005 5.08
2006 4.61
2007 4.62
2008 5.80

By the way here is Obama's unemployment record...
2009 9.28
2010 9.63
2011 8.95
2012 8.08
Absolutely agree. When G.W. Bush was President, I recall may businesses and companies advertised "Now Hiring". He provided jobs for lots of Americans. What I especially liked was the nice check I received in the mail as a result of his tax cuts. He was a great President.

The whole point of the thread was IN spite of all the damaging efforts to bash Bush and IN SPITE of ALL the events that NO other President in history had ever
had happen Bush NEVER forgot he was the servant of the people! He NEVER thought himself SMARTER or a better speaker but the one thing he did know is
he loved this country! He served in the military. His Dad was a hero. And all through the CRAP the MSM put out Bush almost NEVER acted like our current juvenile in chief.. knocking America! He was proud unlike Obama of America. He was POSITIVE about America and at the darkest hours after 9/11 90% of Americans appreciated this defender of America!

NEVER... NEVER in GWB's thoughts were to blame America! Unlike the traitor Obama who said our military air-raiding villages killing civilians"!
NOT ONE time had Bush ever said such terrible things about America and our military.
Another trait that I admired about President Bush is that unlike some of the other Presidents, he was not a womanizer.
Absolutely agree. When G.W. Bush was President, I recall may businesses and companies advertised "Now Hiring". He provided jobs for lots of Americans. What I especially liked was the nice check I received in the mail as a result of his tax cuts. He was a great President.

The whole point of the thread was IN spite of all the damaging efforts to bash Bush and IN SPITE of ALL the events that NO other President in history had ever
had happen Bush NEVER forgot he was the servant of the people! He NEVER thought himself SMARTER or a better speaker but the one thing he did know is
he loved this country! He served in the military. His Dad was a hero. And all through the CRAP the MSM put out Bush almost NEVER acted like our current juvenile in chief.. knocking America! He was proud unlike Obama of America. He was POSITIVE about America and at the darkest hours after 9/11 90% of Americans appreciated this defender of America!

NEVER... NEVER in GWB's thoughts were to blame America! Unlike the traitor Obama who said our military air-raiding villages killing civilians"!
NOT ONE time had Bush ever said such terrible things about America and our military.
Another trait that I admired about President Bush is that unlike some of the other Presidents, he was not a womanizer.

Bush for sure wasn't a womanizer. Bush was into guys. Former Mayor of Knoxville, Jeff gannon, saudi princes. Anyway women don't go for guys that look like chimps.
Absolutely agree. When G.W. Bush was President, I recall may businesses and companies advertised "Now Hiring". He provided jobs for lots of Americans. What I especially liked was the nice check I received in the mail as a result of his tax cuts. He was a great President.

The whole point of the thread was IN spite of all the damaging efforts to bash Bush and IN SPITE of ALL the events that NO other President in history had ever
had happen Bush NEVER forgot he was the servant of the people! He NEVER thought himself SMARTER or a better speaker but the one thing he did know is
he loved this country! He served in the military. His Dad was a hero. And all through the CRAP the MSM put out Bush almost NEVER acted like our current juvenile in chief.. knocking America! He was proud unlike Obama of America. He was POSITIVE about America and at the darkest hours after 9/11 90% of Americans appreciated this defender of America!

NEVER... NEVER in GWB's thoughts were to blame America! Unlike the traitor Obama who said our military air-raiding villages killing civilians"!
NOT ONE time had Bush ever said such terrible things about America and our military.
Another trait that I admired about President Bush is that unlike some of the other Presidents, he was not a womanizer.

The absence of a particular trait you consider to be a negative quality in others does not by itself translate into an admirable trait.

That would be like saying that you admire someone because he's not an alcoholic. Or that you admire someone because she's not a smoker.

It would be different if a person overcame a shortcoming. So, in the case of Bush, it would be true to say that it's admirable that he overcame a drinking problem around the age of 40. See what I mean?
He forgot 2009. He is being dishonest in doing so, that is a fact.
Obama was President-Elect after election in November 2008 were you aware of that?
He then became President on 1/20/2009...
So how can I be dishonest?? Explain???

Prs. Bush signed the budget that ended Oct. 2009 genius.

The Pres elect dos not have his hand in the budget signed in Oct 2008, before he's even ELECTED.

You are dishonest.

2009 until Oct 1's budget debt / deficit / unemployment should be calculated within your numbers, and they make them much much worse, so you're an abject liar and leave them out.

Prs. Bush signed the budget that ended Oct. 2009 genius.

When did he sign it? Link?
None of you people have been alive long enough to see a real president. GWB is a cancer on humanity. He and his entire family should be put on trial for the things they've done.
Move along, folks. Every month or so, healthmyths starts this same topic. With the same font size and color. I think it is just a copy and paste from the last time he posted this.

He ignores the economic crash at the end of Bush's term which completely dwarfed the 2001 recession.

We were bleeding 600,000 jobs a month the day Bush left office. Over $20 trillion of wealth was wiped out. Unemployment reached double digits. 8 million people lost their jobs. That's all on Bush.

No comparison, no matter how big or how red you try to make your fonts, healthmyths.

And Reagan did blame his predecessor. Rightfully so. It is why he won.

The only way someone could possibly think Bush was the greatest president of their lifetime is if they were born during his Administration. Because the only President Bush beats out, by just a hair, is Obama.

You have to go all the way back to Buchanan to find a bigger fuckup than this pair.

I thought Bush's folksy schtick was just an act. Until he demobilized the Iraqi Army. Then I realized he actually is an idiot. A real bonafide idiot of the first caliber. That move is going to go down as the biggest American military blunder in history.

And creating a cabinet level Department of Homeland Security? A police state? That's not American greatness. No sir. Not by a long shot.

Oh, yeah. He also doubled the national debt, and created a massive new trillion dollar entitlement program. This is greatness? :lol:

And unlike previous presidents he's been completely and totally invisible in the public arena since leaving office. Why? Because he doesn't have The Dick in his ear telling him what to do.
Obama was President-Elect after election in November 2008 were you aware of that?
He then became President on 1/20/2009...
So how can I be dishonest?? Explain???

Prs. Bush signed the budget that ended Oct. 2009 genius.

The Pres elect dos not have his hand in the budget signed in Oct 2008, before he's even ELECTED.

You are dishonest.

2009 until Oct 1's budget debt / deficit / unemployment should be calculated within your numbers, and they make them much much worse, so you're an abject liar and leave them out.


"Obama is partly right in claiming that he inherited a mess (though Obama actually deserves a small share of the blame for Bush’s last deficit since earlier this year he pushed through both an “omnibus”
spending bill and the so-called stimulus bill that increased FY2009 spending).
Don't Blame Obama for Bush's 2009 Deficit | Cato @ Liberty

AND YOU are even more of a f...king idiot!
Did you know what happened on 9/18/08 when an economic terrorist attack OCCURRED???
The near economic collapse on Thursday (Sept 18,2008), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two. The Treasury opened up its window to help and pumped a $105 billion in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation, close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn’t be further panic out there. If they had not done that, their estimation is that by 2pm that afternoon, $5.5 trillion would have been drawn out of the money market system of the U.S., would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed.
It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.

Zero Hedge: How The World Almost Came To An End At 2PM On September 18

THAT was what caused the deficit jumped from about $450 billion in 2008 to $1.4 trillion in 2009.
If Obama had not voted for the bill that bailed out the BANKS... the world economy would have collapsed!

But of course ALL YOU idiots knew was what the MSM pumped out!!

Zero Hedge: How The World Almost Came To An End At 2PM On September 18

Wow, tons of errors in that silly article.

On Thursday (Sept 18), at 11am the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous draw-down of money market accounts in the U.S., to the tune of $550 billion was being drawn out in the matter of an hour or two.

How'd they notice that?

The Treasury opened up its window to help and pumped a $105 billion in the system and quickly realized that they could not stem the tide. We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close the operation

The Treasury has a "window"? What "operation" did they close? Who closed it? Under what authority?

close down the money accounts and announce a guarantee of $250,000 per account so there wouldn't be further panic out there.

The Fed announced a guarantee? In hours? Under what authority?

Like I said, tons of errors.
The whole point of the thread was IN spite of all the damaging efforts to bash Bush and IN SPITE of ALL the events that NO other President in history had ever
had happen Bush NEVER forgot he was the servant of the people! He NEVER thought himself SMARTER or a better speaker but the one thing he did know is
he loved this country! He served in the military. His Dad was a hero. And all through the CRAP the MSM put out Bush almost NEVER acted like our current juvenile in chief.. knocking America! He was proud unlike Obama of America. He was POSITIVE about America and at the darkest hours after 9/11 90% of Americans appreciated this defender of America!

NEVER... NEVER in GWB's thoughts were to blame America! Unlike the traitor Obama who said our military air-raiding villages killing civilians"!
NOT ONE time had Bush ever said such terrible things about America and our military.
Another trait that I admired about President Bush is that unlike some of the other Presidents, he was not a womanizer.

Bush for sure wasn't a womanizer. Bush was into guys. Former Mayor of Knoxville, Jeff gannon, saudi princes. Anyway women don't go for guys that look like chimps.

LMAO. It doesn't look good, does it? I know first-hand that there's a lot of gay goin' on in Texas state politics, so I'm sure GWB took some of it to D.C. with him. Poor Laura.

None of you people have been alive long enough to see a real president. GWB is a cancer on humanity. He and his entire family should be put on trial for the things they've done.

Well, coming from an imbecilic, irrelevant nobody prone to psychotic episodes like you, that...that, uh...really means something. Something..........

Coming from a high school janitor masquerading as a 4th history teacher your hate doesn't mean much to me. How is your dog?
The funny part of your post is that I pointed out many of the incorrect claims in his diatribe and yet my post remains unchallenged.

Here's but one shining example ...

First of all, the employment numbers he offers are not factual. Here are the actual numbers reported by the BLS.

1/2001: 132,548,000
1/2009: 133,631,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

So his claim that 5 million more people had jobs while Bush was president is complete bullshit. The real number was 1.1 million

Even worse for his claims is comparing Bush to all of the other presidents during his lifetime using the same set of data he referenced. With the actual numbers, of course, not his made up bullshit numbers...

01/1953: 50,145,000
01/1961: 53,683,000
11/1963: 57,255,000
01/1969: 69,438,000
08/1974: 78,619,000
01/1977: 80,692,000
01/1981: 91,031,000
01/1989: 107,133,000
01/1993: 109,750,000
01/2001: 132,548,000
01/2009: 133,631,000
11/2013: 136,765,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And those numbers do not factor in the growth of the U.S. population. Now if you sort those out by employment growth, we see ...

President ............. total
Clinton ........ 22,798,000
Reagan ....... 16,102,000
Johnson ...... 12,183,000
Carter ........ 10,339,000
Nixon ........... 9,181,000
Kennedy ....... 3,572,000
Eisenhower ... 3,538,000
Obama ......... 3,134,000
Bush41 ......... 2,617,000
Ford ..............2,073,000
Bush43 ....... 1,083,000

400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita
145,000 jobs in NYC alone due to 9/11
300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts.

In reality, Bush finishes dead last in job growth according to nonfarm payroll data ... dead last. It's not even close. Makes you realize why healthmyths lied and claimed Bush added 5 million when it was actually 1 million.

Hell, even Jimmy Carter, who most would agree sucked big time, added 10 times Bush and in half the time!

Bush was far worse than even Jimmy Carter! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Leading us to the only possible logical conclusion that healthmyths admiration of Bush as one of the greatest presidents during is lifetime is a perception not founded in reality, but created from whole cloth based on lies, deception, and delusions.

I am first and foremost a FACT MONGER... meaning I deal in FACTS !
Then deal with what I said ... the numbers you posted were NOT FACTUAL...

You said ...

When Bush started 131,785,000 people employed.
At the end of 2008 136,790,000 people employed or

5,000,000 more employed then when he took office.

I posted the FACTUAL numbers along with a link to the BLS.

I also went to the trouble of calculating job growth for each president and came up with ...

President ............. total
Clinton ........ 22,798,000
Reagan ....... 16,102,000
Johnson ...... 12,183,000
Carter ........ 10,339,000
Nixon ........... 9,181,000
Kennedy ....... 3,572,000
Eisenhower ... 3,538,000
Obama ......... 3,134,000
Bush41 ......... 2,617,000
Ford ..............2,073,000
Bush43 ....... 1,083,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Bush was dead last in employment growth despite your lie that 5 million jobs were added during his watch.

Deal with that ...

How do you determine the president with the worst job performance in your lifetime in terms of job growth ... is among the best???

Just how demented are you??

Still no response about this from healthmyths. How tragic his stats are so flawed, he can't even attempt to defend them.

It doesn't matter how many jobs were created if the sum total of his presidency resulted in a loss of almost 7 million over the period of a year starting in his last few months.
He let the bird out of the cage, Obama hasn't done much to stop the damage, and so here we are.

I don't understand? Are you saying it doesn't matter that Bush ranks worst among every single president in healthmyths' life, over the last 60 years because most of the damage occurred in the last few months of his presidency??

Besides, that's not even true. There were about 3 million jobs lost during his last few months in office according the BLS's non-farm payroll data.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Another trait that I admired about President Bush is that unlike some of the other Presidents, he was not a womanizer.

Bush for sure wasn't a womanizer. Bush was into guys. Former Mayor of Knoxville, Jeff gannon, saudi princes. Anyway women don't go for guys that look like chimps.

LMAO. It doesn't look good, does it? I know first-hand that there's a lot of gay goin' on in Texas state politics, so I'm sure GWB took some of it to D.C. with him. Poor Laura.


you and Jason sound just as stupid as the righties saying how gay Obama is....

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