Why has Cuomo killed so many people in NY, and De Santis saved so many in FLA?


Thats KillerCuomos death order that sentenced so many to a grisly death

Do you have a link for that letter??
They do not.

I do not think they have a link for the fake letter!! Now you wonder why we do not believe these trampers.
I do. It's extremely easy to box them in a corner, and they already know that. But why do they keep trolling with these failed Kamikaze missions in defense of the indefensible? I don't get that? Why would anyone run into burning building in defense of Trump? Makes no sense?

I think they all hauled ass to go lie on another thread. Getting beat up on this one is a bad investment of their time.
Why should Trump be re-elected since he killed 80,000 and growing because of his negligent handling of the Covid-19 crisis? Two can use the OPs insipid logic.

Moron Trumpist can’t seem to get through their thick skulls that the buck stops with the nut job in the Oval Office.
President Trump instituted the China travel ban in JANUARY. Medical "experts" in MARCH were telling us all to go about our daily routines, nothing to worry about.

And Just so there is no confusion, this means Donald Trump was taking action BEFORE the so called experts starting warning us.
Yet he didn't stop travel from Europe till the end of March, and then the UK was not included. NY City came mostly from Europe.
These Trump supporters just don't seem to have the good horse sense, cognitive thinking skills the rest of us have. They still haven't figured out, after all this time, that a person or persons traveling to China from Europe, can come back to Europe infected, then infect others going to the US. How hard is that to figure out? Obviously too hard for them.
The thread correctly identifies Cuomo's DIRECT ORDER to send infected COVID patients INTO the nursing homes. You blow smoke about people traveling from Europe to China back to Europe and then over the US and ignore the most obvious cause for nursing home deaths. What part of a SIGNED LETTER FROM CUOMO do you not understand?

Do you have the letter??
You've seen it on TV and so has BWK.
Why should Trump be re-elected since he killed 80,000 and growing because of his negligent handling of the Covid-19 crisis? Two can use the OPs insipid logic.

Moron Trumpist can’t seem to get through their thick skulls that the buck stops with the nut job in the Oval Office.
President Trump instituted the China travel ban in JANUARY. Medical "experts" in MARCH were telling us all to go about our daily routines, nothing to worry about.

And Just so there is no confusion, this means Donald Trump was taking action BEFORE the so called experts starting warning us.
Yet he didn't stop travel from Europe till the end of March, and then the UK was not included. NY City came mostly from Europe.
These Trump supporters just don't seem to have the good horse sense, cognitive thinking skills the rest of us have. They still haven't figured out, after all this time, that a person or persons traveling to China from Europe, can come back to Europe infected, then infect others going to the US. How hard is that to figure out? Obviously too hard for them.
The thread correctly identifies Cuomo's DIRECT ORDER to send infected COVID patients INTO the nursing homes. You blow smoke about people traveling from Europe to China back to Europe and then over the US and ignore the most obvious cause for nursing home deaths. What part of a SIGNED LETTER FROM CUOMO do you not understand?

Do you have the letter??
You've seen it on TV and so has BWK.
Seen what on TV? Man, make some sense here.
Lots more people in FLA AND they had to content with a bunch of infected Cuomoites coming there(i dont mean infected with liberalism). I think the biggest reason is Cuomo ignored all the dying people in long term care facilities while the sainted DeSantis took care of them. Even liberals here will agree Cuomo has alot of blood on his hands. All of florida should thank god Cuomo isnt the FLA gov. Many more would be dead if he was.
Lack of knowledge.

The Chinese and the WHO provided false data. DeSantis smartly realized that like with any disease you protect the elderly and the sick first and foremost. Fla also has warmer weather so people ventured outside more and studies now show that the virus lives longer indoors, it is a pesky little beast but outdoors it dies quickly, especially in UV lighting.

I honestly give Cuomo a pass on this because of the disparate data we were all receiving. The lockdown should have lasted 30 days and we should now be getting back to normalcy. We know the risks and those who want to cower under their beds have that option. Resume MLB, NBA and NHL with stadiums and arenas at capacity. Enough of this nonsense.

The World Health Organization Draws Flak for Coronavirus Response - WSJ
Why should Trump be re-elected since he killed 80,000 and growing because of his negligent handling of the Covid-19 crisis? Two can use the OPs insipid logic.

Moron Trumpist can’t seem to get through their thick skulls that the buck stops with the nut job in the Oval Office.
President Trump instituted the China travel ban in JANUARY. Medical "experts" in MARCH were telling us all to go about our daily routines, nothing to worry about.

And Just so there is no confusion, this means Donald Trump was taking action BEFORE the so called experts starting warning us.
Yet he didn't stop travel from Europe till the end of March, and then the UK was not included. NY City came mostly from Europe.
Why didn’t you warn him? You have blood on your hands!

No, that would be tramp with blood on his hands.
No, it’s you! You’re the one who knew so much so early on.
A nursing home does not need to take patients if they are not equipped for covid 19, and a hosp can't release a person who tests positive for covid 19, they have to test neg.

Regardless, Gov. Cuomo ordered nursing homes to accept patients who tested positive for COVID-19. What they need or can do is irrelevant, this is what happened. That is not up for debate. Please do your research.
Why should Trump be re-elected since he killed nearly 80,000 because of negligent handling of the Civid-19 crisis? Two can use the OPs insipid logic.

Moron Trumpist can;t seem to get through their thick skulls that the buck stops with the nutjob in the Oval Office>
Trump will be re elected because of people saying he killed 80,000 people...no one wants freaks that think like that to win.....

Well my post flew right over your head. Read again.
You said a disgusting idiotic thing...Trump didn't kill 80,000 people...and for you to say that shows me you are not worth responding to....
You’re so stupid you could not comprehend that I was mocking the OP’s logic. That was my point. But hey I keep forgetting that I am talking to dim witted Trumpers.

I also note that you did not object to the OP who wrote that Cuomo “killed“ many people. Yeah so save me your moronic moralizing.
Hey asshat, Cuomo the Asshole MURDERED thousands of nursing home residents with HIS order that those facilities HAD to take infected people. So save us your idiocy and just STFU.
Wrong! Hospitals in New York were already full. You are a liar.

Sure. That’s why the hospital ship left and those field hospitals Cuomo the Asshole “needed” sat there empty. Try agIn liar.

Thats KillerCuomos death order that sentenced so many to a grisly death

Do you have a link for that letter??
They do not.

I do not think they have a link for the fake letter!! Now you wonder why we do not believe these trampers.
I do. It's extremely easy to box them in a corner, and they already know that. But why do they keep trolling with these failed Kamikaze missions in defense of the indefensible? I don't get that? Why would anyone run into burning building in defense of Trump? Makes no sense?

I think they all hauled ass to go lie on another thread. Getting beat up on this one is a bad investment of their time.
Your country caused this

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