Why has Obama not done anything about Baltimore riots

The guy would probably come out and support this destruction. Obama really fucking sucks on issues of race.
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

One of my son's friends is a prominent Utah GOP leader who tells me that the far right reactionaries here and nationally are jeopardizing the party's chances statewide (in opposing the compromise legislation to diminish the minority far right's over dominance in candidate selection) and nationally with its loony tunes approach of 'all or nothing.'
Sure Jake, we believe you. :)
Nobody believes the far right reactionaries.
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
when obama butts in, it is not needed, when he doesnt it is. This is not Ferguson, this is Baltimore.
What do you have, a few broken windows and a burned car?

And another dead negro.
you are not watching the news I guess.
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

One of my son's friends is a prominent Utah GOP leader who tells me that the far right reactionaries here and nationally are jeopardizing the party's chances statewide (in opposing the compromise legislation to diminish the minority far right's over dominance in candidate selection) and nationally with its loony tunes approach of 'all or nothing.'

well, tell your son I disagree ... the RWs have totally crushed Obama. Crushed him to the point he won't run for POTUS in 2016. Good job, dupes !!!
The mainstream GOP did a great job in the 2014 election by reaching out to women and minorities, not by following crazy TP policies. America hates the TP. They will county for little next year.
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
when obama butts in, it is not needed, when he doesnt it is. This is not Ferguson, this is Baltimore.
What do you have, a few broken windows and a burned car?

And another dead negro.
you are not watching the news I guess.
I guess not. Someone just said it was like Katrina there!
the dimocrap party is behind this. Believe it.

It is part and parcel of how they operate..... How they have ALWAYS operated

BREAKING: More Riots Break Out In Baltimore, Protesters Pelted Police With Bricks, At Least 7 Officers Injured, 1 “Unresponsive”
And we’re off…


The family asked specifically to stop the protests for today because of the funeral. Great respect they’re showing for the man for whom they say they’re ‘protesting’.



They are now looting a CVS.

The social media went out to high school kids to “purge”, to riot and attack the police.

Noah Rothman‏@NoahCRothman
Noah Rothman retweeted Reuters Live

Amazing shot. The 21st Century Rioter: Fed, clothed, hair dyed; brick in one hand, cell phone in another.

Noah Rothman added,


Reuters Live @ReutersLive
Seven officers injured in #Baltimore clashes. LIVE video and updates: U.S. News Reuters.com

Read all »

24 47 22

dimocraps are scum
Because that's what he's been pushing for all this time. by POKING his nose into and speaking up into STATE matters. ONLY when a black person is injured or killed by the police. NOT ONCE has he spoke out on behalf of any other race or color in this country

we tried to warn You before you put him in office...now you get to live with it

I feel a little for ya
Last edited:
Cops killing blacks. That's been the regular theme in the media ALL OVER THE COUNTRY for quite a while now. I bet they even heard about this shit in Baltimore. It's been in all the papers.

So what do the geniuses with a black man in their custody begging for medical attention decide would be a good idea? Hey, let's not buckle him in a seat belt and for fuck's sake let's not get this man a doctor. Nobody will give a shit if he dies.

Just how fucking RETARDED are these assholes? Serious question. Do you really want mental midgets like these carrying guns?
the dimocrap party is behind this. Believe it.

It is part and parcel of how they operate..... How they have ALWAYS operated

BREAKING: More Riots Break Out In Baltimore, Protesters Pelted Police With Bricks, At Least 7 Officers Injured, 1 “Unresponsive”
And we’re off…


The family asked specifically to stop the protests for today because of the funeral. Great respect they’re showing for the man for whom they say they’re ‘protesting’.



They are now looting a CVS.

The social media went out to high school kids to “purge”, to riot and attack the police.

Noah Rothman‏@NoahCRothman
Noah Rothman retweeted Reuters Live

Amazing shot. The 21st Century Rioter: Fed, clothed, hair dyed; brick in one hand, cell phone in another.

Noah Rothman added,


Reuters Live @ReutersLive
Seven officers injured in #Baltimore clashes. LIVE video and updates: U.S. News Reuters.com

Read all »

24 47 22
dimocraps are scum
Typical far right hast generalization and mischaracterization. They do it to mainstream GOP as well.
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
when obama butts in, it is not needed, when he doesnt it is. This is not Ferguson, this is Baltimore.
What do you have, a few broken windows and a burned car?

And another dead negro.
you are not watching the news I guess.
I guess not. Someone just said it was like Katrina there!
dude, watch the news, this is way bigger than Ferguson. This could be like the LA riots, you think that is funny? All the innocent peoples property being torched? cops getting hurt or killed? This is a major american city.
reply to original question , --- supposed to follow the chain of command , first the mayor then the governor and finally if needed the President should step in NLT !!
City cops call County cops for assistance

County calls State Cops for further assistance

State cops call the Governor for further assistance.

Governor calls the National Guard.

the OP calls the State Mental Hospital for a lobotomy appointment.
You don't just send in federal troops without some sort of local request. Is OP really that stupid?
Baltimore cops refused medical aid to a dying man. What's it going to take for these retards to get the message?

So the negroes start throwing bricks.

reply to original question , --- supposed to follow the chain of command , first the mayor then the governor and finally if needed the President should step in !!

posse comitatus

look it up
Cops killing blacks. That's been the regular theme in the media ALL OVER THE COUNTRY for quite a while now. I bet they even heard about this shit in Baltimore. It's been in all the papers.

So what do the geniuses with a black man in their custody begging for medical attention decide would be a good idea? Hey, let's not buckle him in a seat belt and for fuck's sake let's not get this man a doctor. Nobody will give a shit if he dies.

Just how fucking RETARDED are these assholes? Serious question. Do you really want mental midgets like these carrying guns?
I agree, but that does not condone the rioting. You think these thugs give a shit about the black man who is dead? No, they want to play GTA in real life.

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