Why has Obama not done anything about Baltimore riots

Cops killing blacks. That's been the regular theme in the media ALL OVER THE COUNTRY for quite a while now. I bet they even heard about this shit in Baltimore. It's been in all the papers.

So what do the geniuses with a black man in their custody begging for medical attention decide would be a good idea? Hey, let's not buckle him in a seat belt and for fuck's sake let's not get this man a doctor. Nobody will give a shit if he dies.

Just how fucking RETARDED are these assholes? Serious question. Do you really want mental midgets like these carrying guns?
I agree, but that does not condone the rioting. You think these thugs give a shit about the black man who is dead? No, they want to play GTA in real life.
Me too...
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
They sure had a different attitude about federal help with Katrina..
I was not aware the outburst in Baltimore was on the same level of death and destruction of Hurricane Katrina!
It is from a conservative perspective...
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
They sure had a different attitude about federal help with Katrina..
Shut up MG, you are an idiot that just wants to up his post count.
Sorry your so slow you can't compete...
you know MG if you ever posted something of substance you might get my respect. You just post empty crap. I dont agree with G5000 on everything, but at least he posts something of substance, you just spam.
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
They sure had a different attitude about federal help with Katrina..
Shut up MG, you are an idiot that just wants to up his post count.
Sorry your so slow you can't compete...
you know MG if you ever posted something of substance you might get my respect. You just post empty crap. I dont agree with G5000 on everything, but at least he posts something of substance, you just spam.

being too dumb to understand protocol is something of substance, or pure partisan hack is something of substance ?

which one is it?
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
You WANT the federal government to intervene?

Will you guys please make up your minds?
They sure had a different attitude about federal help with Katrina..
Shut up MG, you are an idiot that just wants to up his post count.
Sorry your so slow you can't compete...
you know MG if you ever posted something of substance you might get my respect. You just post empty crap. I dont agree with G5000 on everything, but at least he posts something of substance, you just spam.
the dimocrap party is behind this. Believe it.

It is part and parcel of how they operate..... How they have ALWAYS operated

BREAKING: More Riots Break Out In Baltimore, Protesters Pelted Police With Bricks, At Least 7 Officers Injured, 1 “Unresponsive”
And we’re off…


The family asked specifically to stop the protests for today because of the funeral. Great respect they’re showing for the man for whom they say they’re ‘protesting’.



They are now looting a CVS.

The social media went out to high school kids to “purge”, to riot and attack the police.

Noah Rothman‏@NoahCRothman
Noah Rothman retweeted Reuters Live

Amazing shot. The 21st Century Rioter: Fed, clothed, hair dyed; brick in one hand, cell phone in another.

Noah Rothman added,


Reuters Live @ReutersLive
Seven officers injured in #Baltimore clashes. LIVE video and updates: U.S. News Reuters.com

Read all »

24 47 22

dimocraps are scum
Baltimore Police Beat Up Photographer Arrest Another During Freddie Gray Protests - PINAC
Wen Freddie Gray briefly locked eyes with police at 8:39 a.m. on a corner of an impoverished West Baltimore neighborhood two weeks ago, they seemed to recognize each other immediately. As three officers approached on bicycles along West North Avenue, the 25-year-old Gray was on the east corner of North Mount Street chatting with a friend, according to Shawn Washington, who frequents the block.

"Ay, yo, here comes Time Out," a young man on the opposite corner yelled, using a neighborhood term for police.

Gray swore, taking off on foot as the officers began hot-stepping on their pedals to catch up. One officer jumped off his bike to chase Gray on foot, police said.

"That was the last time I seen that man moving," said Washington, 48.

The 45-minute mystery of Freddie Gray's death - Baltimore Sun
He can find time to speak out on everything else that isn't his business. why can't he get LAPdogs in the media to get out and tell them to KNOCK IT OFF

why? because this is what he, Holder and Sharpton has been stirring up since Ferguson

now you people who are living in it....thank him for it
How about we shoot the cops who killed Freddie Gray? That will put a stop to the indiscriminate killing of blacks in police custody.

No dead blacks, no riots. Problem solved.

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