Why has Obama not done anything about Baltimore riots

i'm sure the president will come out eventually once the dust settles..with an official assessment that American citizens rioting violently in the streets constitutes acting STUPIDLY.
He has before, but the rabid right has deaf ears....
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
He is , He is sitting and watching them from his couch eating popcorn and saying Its all going to plan..
If he were to butt into the affairs of a state without their request, that would become more of a controversy.

I disagree. It all depends on how he approaches it. I was waiting for him to come out and plead for the violence in the streets to stop in the Ferguson riots. Instead, we got Al Sharpton inciting more violence without anyone challenging his rhetoric. Obama could have a positive impact if he choose to do so, but he would need to speak out early. Waiting until things reach a fever pitch is nothing but disingenuous lip service.

As the violence escalates yet again, there are no positive voices influencing the mobs. We have a total absence of real leadership for both Baltimore and the inner city minorities. All they have is race baiter, Al Sharpton, who is nothing more than a match looking for dynamite. And I don't believe for one second that most of them give a damn about what started it.

The mobs rule these days. Police can't stop them all and how long before they stop trying? What would happen if police took the attitude of the Baltimore mayor and just allowed people to have space to destroy? The innocent people best beware. Get the hell out of the area if you're not going to join the violence. No one in their right mind would want to go anywhere near these animals. If you worked with an ambulance service, would you want to enter that area to help injured people? I'd fear for my life and would refuse to go anywhere near there.

No one knows for sure what happened to the man. Video showed that he wasn't able to walk when police hauled him to the car. Was he already critically injured? Did they just think he was drunk or uncooperative? Did something happen that we didn't see after they took him into custody? No one knows the whole story, but that has yet to stop the ignorant members of society from using the situation to riot, loot and otherwise harm people and property.

They claim they are protesting the actions of police, but how can they without knowing what exactly those actions were? That alone tells me they aren't in this for justice and are just taking advantage of another situation that promotes lawlessness.

And they protest by doing even worse things than they accuse police of doing. No logic here. I believe these people are prone to violence to begin with and this just provides an outlet. When these riots break out, it's a free for all and everyone knows they are likely to get away with just about anything because police are overwhelmed.

It's shocking that there are so many really young kids out there. Are their parents home and not concerned about where their children are or are the parents in on the looting? It's disgusting.

The real tragedy isn't just another pointless destruction of a city. The city was already destroyed because of the dangerous mindset of so many residents. This is about the complete breakdown of families and lack of respect for society that was already present before they went with the new fad of causing all hell to break loose at the drop of a hat. Sad thing is that there are other cities where people are just waiting for a reason to riot. And Al Sharpton will be there to cheer on the destruction. These cities look like something you'd see in Egypt or other country dealing with radicals. It's sad that it's become 'normal' in America for citizens to burn their our neighborhoods and attack people on the street for no reason. I am sick of them claiming it's all about justice. From what I can see, they are showing us that they are the biggest reason their neighborhoods are horrible.

Once it's all over, these people have to live there. Some Ferguson rioters actually demanded that the businesses rebuild. Maybe they should get off their sorry asses and do what they need to do to start their own business. Maybe someday they'll be on the other end of the same shit they are dishing out now.
Baltimore was a mess well before Obama, and even well before Bush Jr. Crime rates there are pretty much the highest in Maryland, and have been for a long while.

What has changed is the way they are quick to riot, loot, burn and assault people on a large scale. They don't care that cops are around and they attack them and burn their cars. This seems to be a really popular thing and I believe Sharpton gets some credit for his uncanny ability to incite violence.

There is no reasoning with the rioters at this point. I've seen videos all day of the way these scum are terrorizing the city. Buildings on fire and they are cutting holes in the hoses from the fire trucks to delay them getting the fires out. There have been people attacked on the street, including a woman in a wheel chair. A lot of people seem more interested in just looting stores and there is footage of them carrying out their goodies. It's a disgrace and the city should call in more help and start coming down on the ones committing the violence.

No one else needs to get hurt. What point do they think they are making by harming people?
No, actually the only thing that needs doing here is to repeatedly remind you of how dishonest and simple minded you are.

Yet, you have failed to demonstrate how. Good luck. All you do is hurl insults.
Your earlier statement regarding the President's racist motives for inciting civil unrest. You have to be either completely stupid or totally dishonest to express false opinions like that. There is no third choice. So which are you?
We have a total absence of real leadership for both Baltimore and the inner city minorities. All they have is race baiter, Al Sharpton, who is nothing more than a match looking for dynamite.

Okay, stop right there. You don't know what you are talking about. The leadership in Baltimore has been at the forefront on this. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake went on national television earlier tonight and minced no words, stating that these people causing chaos are a bunch of thugs. Bernard Young, President of the Baltimore City Council echoed her sentiments. The mayor requested the Gov. send in the National Guard, which is now on the way.
We have a total absence of real leadership for both Baltimore and the inner city minorities. All they have is race baiter, Al Sharpton, who is nothing more than a match looking for dynamite.

Okay, stop right there. You don't know what you are talking about. The leadership in Baltimore has been at the forefront on this. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake went on national television earlier tonight and minced no words, stating that these people causing chaos are a bunch of thugs. Bernard Young, President of the Baltimore City Council echoed her sentiments. The mayor requested the Gov. send in the National Guard, which is now on the way.

I'm not talking about the response to the thugs rioting and it's sad that it's so bad they needed to call in more help. I am talking about the leadership that should be there every day for people, especially the people responsible for the high crime rate in Baltimore. Crime has been a problem there for many years, as has been pointed out in this thread.

When I think of the poor, especially minorities in inner cities, I ask who they listen to for guidance. We know Sharpton has their ear as well as a few other race baiters. It's sad that there isn't someone they could respect who has a more positive message. I see many people analyzing the problem, but no one has dared to discuss it openly and honestly nor has any politician or other leaders talked about getting to the root of the problem. It's more than poverty. It's why they are either poor or just disrespectful of society.
He had no problem sending his lapdog AG to Fergusen. A hick town.

Wonder why his AG isn't in Baltimore right now??
Why is ok for the Mayor and police chief in Baltimore to call protestors thugs, but when a white person says thug its racist?

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