Why has Obama not done anything about Baltimore riots

Oh I see, the theory here being that the President is deliberately fomenting racism and civil unrest because of his own racist hypocrisy. Does that sound about right professor?

Yep, and isn't a theory, it's a pattern.

And I gather you will say Obama is doing no such thing, and that he is only showing his sympathy for those who died. He has no sympathy for the police officers who put their lives on the line. President Obama has been the biggest source of racial tension this country has ever seen. Just reference what he said after Trayvon Martin was shot.

So yes, his effort is deliberate.
Obama has no reason to intercede in the Baltimore riot.

Right now, there is "wealth re-distribution" going on--through the looting, so far, of liquor stores and pharmacys.

Sharing the Wealth.

Black kids are getting whiskey and prescription drugs that the capitalist society has previously denied them.

And the cops are cowed, lest they ruff up one of these poor Blacks kids who just want their fair share of whiskey and drugs.

Bolsheviks everywhere are pleased...including that fair sum of them in the White House. Al Sharpton is at hand.

The game is on. The Race Game is on.
Baltimore is a Democrat controlled city and Maryland is a Democrat controlled state.

The Black Democrat Mayor wanted to give the looters space to do their destruction.

I love to see the Blacks riot and loot. It is a great example of the failure of Liberalism. We are never disappointed.
Remember how the left got all bent over the Tea Party being angry at town halls, rallies, etc

but you see them now taking the side of the Rioters and looters saying they have A REASON to be angry. but the rest of us in the country gets beat down for it

if the left/libs didn't have double standards they'd have NONE at all
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

One of my son's friends is a prominent Utah GOP leader who tells me that the far right reactionaries here and nationally are jeopardizing the party's chances statewide (in opposing the compromise legislation to diminish the minority far right's over dominance in candidate selection) and nationally with its loony tunes approach of 'all or nothing.'
I forgot just how pathetic you were. Back to ignore
Baltimore is a Democrat controlled city and Maryland is a Democrat controlled state.

The Black Democrat Mayor wanted to give the looters space to do their destruction.

I love to see the Blacks riot and loot. It is a great example of the failure of Liberalism. We are never disappointed.
Remember how the left got all bent over the Tea Party being angry at town halls, rallies, etc

but you see them now taking the side of the Rioters and looters saying they have A REASON to be angry. but the rest of us in the country gets beat down for it

if the left/libs didn't have double standards they'd have NONE at all
Thanks Bundy fan club member...
Oh I see, the theory here being that the President is deliberately fomenting racism and civil unrest because of his own racist hypocrisy. Does that sound about right professor?

Yep, and isn't a theory, it's a pattern.

And I gather you will say Obama is doing no such thing, and that he is only showing his sympathy for those who died. He has no sympathy for the police officers who put their lives on the line. President Obama has been the biggest source of racial tension this country has ever seen. Just reference what he said after Trayvon Martin was shot.

So yes, his effort is deliberate.
No, you are simply lying, you don't believe any part of it, and neither does anyone else. You just like the way it sounds.
It's cheap entertainment, sort of like making fun of kids who attend special ed classes.

Eh? You're being made fun of because you fill this thread with stupid.

I personally, am making fun of you for defending Obama and for not condemning this riot in Baltimore.

Care to do that now?
No, actually the only thing that needs doing here is to repeatedly remind you of how dishonest and simple minded you are.
Oh I see, the theory here being that the President is deliberately fomenting racism and civil unrest because of his own racist hypocrisy. Does that sound about right professor?

Obama fomenting racism and civil unrest?

Why that is as absurd as claiming that rain is made of water falling from the sky....
Why do you ask incredibly stupid questions as though they had actual meaning?
Baltimore is a Democrat controlled city and Maryland is a Democrat controlled state.

The Black Democrat Mayor wanted to give the looters space to do their destruction.

I love to see the Blacks riot and loot. It is a great example of the failure of Liberalism. We are never disappointed.
I just heard the fucking mayor actually say she wanted to give them room for the destruction.

Begs the question: Why are you guys all so fucking stupid and dishonest all the time?
Because they are from the low IQ far right and libertarian wings.
Holy shit! Why aren't there any smart ones? I've been doing this internet forum thing for a few months now and haven't run across any? Where are they hiding?

I've been posting in forums for five years. So it seems to me that smart people don't want to associate with trolls. I seem to be making that mistake, simply because I lack any other form of entertainment.
It's cheap entertainment, sort of like making fun of kids who attend special ed classes.
look at limturd and fakey jakey jerking each other off......
Not much to you, is there.
Because they are from the low IQ far right and libertarian wings.
Holy shit! Why aren't there any smart ones? I've been doing this internet forum thing for a few months now and haven't run across any? Where are they hiding?

I've been posting in forums for five years. So it seems to me that smart people don't want to associate with trolls. I seem to be making that mistake, simply because I lack any other form of entertainment.
It's cheap entertainment, sort of like making fun of kids who attend special ed classes.
look at limturd and fakey jakey jerking each other off......
Not much to you, is there.
who is this limturd and why is fakey jakey sucking his dick?
Holy shit! Why aren't there any smart ones? I've been doing this internet forum thing for a few months now and haven't run across any? Where are they hiding?

I've been posting in forums for five years. So it seems to me that smart people don't want to associate with trolls. I seem to be making that mistake, simply because I lack any other form of entertainment.
It's cheap entertainment, sort of like making fun of kids who attend special ed classes.
look at limturd and fakey jakey jerking each other off......
Not much to you, is there.
who is this limturd and why is fakey jakey sucking his dick?
Wow, you really are an insignificant little nothing, aren't you. Not one smart idea coming from that tiny little head of yours, is there.
I've been posting in forums for five years. So it seems to me that smart people don't want to associate with trolls. I seem to be making that mistake, simply because I lack any other form of entertainment.
It's cheap entertainment, sort of like making fun of kids who attend special ed classes.
look at limturd and fakey jakey jerking each other off......
Not much to you, is there.
who is this limturd and why is fakey jakey sucking his dick?
Wow, you really are an insignificant little nothing, aren't you. Not one smart idea coming from that tiny little head of yours, is there.
All I see coming from your mouth is fakey jakey spooge
Maybe Obama should speak out and tell all parents to go grab their little thugs by the collar and take their asses home.

Baltimore police asked parents to, well, act like fucking parents and keep their children home. There are a lot of underage kids out there joining the violence. There is video of one mom grabbing a kid. It makes me wonder where the other parents are. In past riots, we've seen grown ups right along side of the younger thugs.

This is becoming too common of a response to virtually every perceived wrong. This needs to be condemned because it's just an excuse for looting and violence, neither of which has ever helped a community. I hope those freebies and the thrill of destroying property and burning police cars is worth it when they wind up living in a dilapidated neighborhood. Then they will bitch about the lack of businesses, the way the Ferguson pukes did.

Check out link of a woman grabbing a young rioter, presumably her son. This is what Obama, Sharpton and the other race baiters should be encouraging. Responsible people needed desperately in some neighborhoods across the country. Of course, they won't do anything to abate the anger or make people ashamed of acting like violent thugs. Instead, the new mayor is more worried about giving the rioters the space to carry out their anger and destruction.

Woman Caught on Camera Pulling Baltimore Rioter Off of Streets Called Mom of the Year
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It's cheap entertainment, sort of like making fun of kids who attend special ed classes.
look at limturd and fakey jakey jerking each other off......
Not much to you, is there.
who is this limturd and why is fakey jakey sucking his dick?
Wow, you really are an insignificant little nothing, aren't you. Not one smart idea coming from that tiny little head of yours, is there.
All I see coming from your mouth is fakey jakey spooge
Sounds like subject you think about a lot. Maybe you're cruising the wrong website.
If he were to butt into the affairs of a state without their request, that would become more of a controversy.
i'm sure the president will come out eventually once the dust settles..with an official assessment that American citizens rioting violently in the streets constitutes acting STUPIDLY.

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