Why has the right abandoned small government?

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Platinum Member
Mar 30, 2013
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.
Government solves all problems for the right wing.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better
Well, the party needs to get to it. It just had the House, Senate and White House and just never got around to it.

Let's see them cut spending first, before cutting taxes.
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

Because people vote on social issues, not fiscal ones. This is why we have not had a Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

To get votes on the "Conservative" side one has to be pro-life...everything is secondary to that.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Has the 10% thing started or was that just a photo-Op that will never come true?
It has been clear to me for years the right has abandoned small government. As someone who still believes in the teachings of Milton Friedman I find this disturbing. But after 2 years of Republican control and deficits increasing drastically it is obvious small government has been abandoned. Now they are probably slightly less big government than the democrats, but there is no doubt they are big government. Small government economists do not support tariffs or deficits. And they certainly don't support the kinds of special tax deals like Foxconn that the right now champions.

What we have now is two big government parties who support different social issues. Will a small government party emerge or will we become socialists? I'm curious if there are any other real small government people out there.

You were advocating for big government last night,

Why have you abandoned small government?

BTW, who on the right is championing tax breaks for FoxConn? There are NO federal tax breaks involved, so don't start lying about Trump. Wisconsin has offered a $3 billion dollar plan of tax credits over 10 years. But let me ask you, will Wisconsin garner greater or lesser revenue from taxes after the FoxConn plant is built? The idea of not imposing confiscatory taxation on everyone clearly offends you, but it looks like a sound financial move for the state.

Foxconn breaking ground on Wisconsin plant it received $4 billion to build
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Has the 10% thing started or was that just a photo-Op that will never come true?

No he was serious, they have to come up with the cuts. We know they can find it....it might requiring firing a few people that do nothing. But the left will Squeeeeeeal once they come out with it, but fuck them
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

What does the FoxConn plant have to do with spending or taxes? The state of Wisconsin has offered tax deferment to offset the cost of moving the plant. With the deferment the state still will generate FAR more tax revenue than it does presently.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.

The problem is they've tried and failed. Sp we have to cut the edges and I think Trump is working on that. Cutting departmenta by 10% is a good start, eventually we will have to deal with entitlements, the sooner the better

Has the 10% thing started or was that just a photo-Op that will never come true?

No he was serious, they have to come up with the cuts. We know they can find it....it might requiring firing a few people that do nothing. But the left will Squeeeeeeal once they come out with it, but fuck them

I hope you are correct, but I have not seen a peep about it since the day he announced it.

I am a bit skeptical.
Conservative voters get suckered by rhetoric and platitudes and slogans and plans that never come to fruition. Look at what Trump has done to the deficit.

Simple fix: The GOP has to cut spending first, before it cuts taxes. Let it run on cutting Social Security and Medicare and Welfare and various departments and see if it gets elected. Then make the cuts. THEN cut taxes.

Let's see the party of fiscal responsibility be fiscally responsible.
If they tried to do that they would be GONE.

Which is why they don't do it. The fact is they don't actually care about spending. It' just something to "say"

Because people vote on social issues, not fiscal ones. This is why we have not had a Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

To get votes on the "Conservative" side one has to be pro-life...everything is secondary to that.

Yeah, that whole supply side economics thing never happened under Reagan. You sure are smart...

Say, do you think the infanticide you Marxists have gone all in on will help you a lot in 2020?

New, Improve DNC Abortion, now killing born babies!
Yeah, that whole supply side economics thing never happened under Reagan. You sure are smart...

Say, do you think the infanticide you Marxists have gone all in on will help you a lot in 2020?

New, Improve DNC Abortion, now killing born babies!

Reagan increased the size and scope of government and added a higher percent to the debt than anyone in history, nobody has come close.

I am anti-abortion, always have been.

But basing your vote on that issue has not really worked in lessening the number of abortions in this country.
Because people vote on social issues, not fiscal ones. This is why we have not had a Conservative POTUS since a guy named Calvin.

To get votes on the "Conservative" side one has to be pro-life...everything is secondary to that.

Yeah, that whole supply side economics thing never happened under Reagan. You sure are smart...

Reagan ballooned the national debt, raised taxes on Social Security, signed off on allowing the federal government to blackmail the states out of their highway funding, signed off on EMTALA, and ratcheted up the failed War on Drugs. Reagan was a social conservative who catered to the religious right, but he was most certainly not a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination.

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