Why Hasn't Trump Been Impeached?

Yes, It is always annoying when people make shit up out of thin air and then pretend there is substance, It is a question of honesty..

Yes, like how tax cuts for the rich will "trickle down" on the rest of us, how deregulation is good for Wall Street, how Saddam had WMDs, how Obama was born in Kenya, how we'd have hyperinflation in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, how Obamacare would kill jobs, how letting the Bush Tax Cuts on the rich expire would create a recession, how the government is "bankrupt", how more guns make people safe, or how the planet is 6,000 years old, Jesus rode a triceratops, a man lived in a whale (!), and nothing we do on this planet will matter because we're all gonna get raptured up to Heaven.

Shit like that?

Deflecting is beneath you. Come up with some alternative theories which are supported by the same set of facts first.
Where did you hear that? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Oh, I see. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller, i.e. a Trumpie.

Tucker Carlson is an adult man who chooses to wear a bow tie.

He's probably so angry because he can't get laid. He doesn't have the money to fly to Russia to have hookers pee on him.

He's a younger version of Bill O'Reilly, willing to do and say anything to stay on the air.
Derp, you are a pathetic LIAR.

Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress and declared the ONLY crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE by the Obana administration / Obama hold-overs.

The FBI has stated 3 times now that they have found NO EVIDENCE to support the snowflake claim of Collusion.

Instead or running your damn mouth, throwing monkey poo at the walls, try posting any bit of EVIDENCE to support your BS. We both know - we ALL know - you can't though because there is NONE. The FBI and NSA have already and continue to say so.
Deflecting is beneath you. Come up with some alternative theories which support the same set of facts first.

How about you come up with some theories that do not prove a connection between Trump and Putin? Because all the evidence that has been publicly discussed is quite incriminating.

But the larger subject is people lying about stupid shit because there's no substance; which is exactly what Conservatism is.
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives? Trump's Russian-compromised "agents" were supposedly spilling their guts to the FBI to get plea deals to flip on Putin's puppet. Chuck Schumer chased a woman out of a restaurant screaming that Trump was a goner. Maxine Waters said the Articles of Impeachment were being prepared. Nancy Pelosi claimed the end of Trump was a foregone conclusion. And then......ffffffttttt.

Hasn't Trump only added to his own demise by failing to destroy every square inch of a Syrian airbase with cruise missiles? The MOAB he dropped on AQ in Afghanistan was an eco-disaster, (a lizard and a bird were incinerated along with 94 terrorists) and his chauffeur drove an aircraft carrier in the WRONG direction instead of starting WW3. Add to that the threat of a border wall has driven off 70% of new invaders and he still thinks we need a border wall. OUTRAGEOUS!

Is there a chance, even a tiny one, that the "impeach Trump" movement was a hoax, a dying party's last screeching moment of hatred for America? Isn't it time to admit you were PLAYED by the misfits and con artists who ran this country until last November. It's okay.....you're not very smart and easy to trick. We'd like to say we feel your pain but we don't, and are enjoying the different stages of grief you've been through in the last five months. Just admit that President Trump is your daddy and you're sorry for saying all those horrible things about him. It will make the next 7 1/2 years a little easier to handle. :eusa_angel:


It took two years to impeach Nixon, from 1972-74. Trump has only been staining America for 3 months. Just hold on and don't worry your purty little head.
Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress and declared the ONLY crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE by the Obana administration / Obama hold-overs.

No such testimony ever happened. This is a 100% bald-faced lie.

The FBI has stated 3 times now that they have found NO EVIDENCE to support the snowflake claim of Collusion.

No, they have not said that. You are not informed. The FBI is one of the many intelligence agencies that concluded Russia hacked our election. Those close to the investigations have said there is already enough evidence to bring to a Grand Jury. The NY State Attorney General is actually broadening his investigation into Trump's corrupt finances to include Russia...probably because Russia is the only place Trump can get a loan.
Why Hasn't Trump Been Impeached?

Because he hasn't done anything impeachable...
To impeach, all the Congress needs are the votes.
Um, EVIDENCE, which the snowflakes have none, would be nice.

Treasonous / seditious snowflakes have been calling for Impeachment before the oath of office was ever taken. They have also called for military coups and for Trump's assassination.

D-Howard Dean recently opined that 'Hate Speech' is not protected by the Constitution. Then neither is these acts of Sedition / treason by sore loser, butt hurt Democrsts!
Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress and declared the ONLY crimes that have been proven to have been committed are the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE by the Obana administration / Obama hold-overs.

No such testimony ever happened. This is a 100% bald-faced lie.

The FBI has stated 3 times now that they have found NO EVIDENCE to support the snowflake claim of Collusion.

No, they have not said that. You are not informed. The FBI is one of the many intelligence agencies that concluded Russia hacked our election. Those close to the investigations have said there is already enough evidence to bring to a Grand Jury. The NY State Attorney General is actually broadening his investigation into Trump's corrupt finances to include Russia...probably because Russia is the only place Trump can get a loan.
Americans watched it on tv. Multiple links to the testimony have been posted over and over.

Links to the articles on how the FBI gave declared 3 times now that no evidence has been found to support the false claims of collusion have repeately been posted.

- NY Times: FBI Found No Evidence of Trump-Russia Connection

- Full Clapper: 'No Evidence' of Collusion Between Trump and Russia

Begone, liar. You have no more credibility on this subject! Go take your DNC paycheck and your propaganda someplace else.
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Deflecting is beneath you. Come up with some alternative theories which support the same set of facts first.

How about you come up with some theories that do not prove a connection between Trump and Putin? Because all the evidence that has been publicly discussed is quite incriminating.

But the larger subject is people lying about stupid shit because there's no substance; which is exactly what Conservatism is.

An objective observer considers all possibilities. You seem to have what is referred to as 'tunnel vision'.

This is not uncommon, and frankly, is very human. Someone desires a certain solution or outcome or conclusion, and will shape empirical information to meet their desires. Happens all the time.
like 2020 when election time comes around? too fking funny. Not yet, but you wait you conservative fools. you wait. hahahahahahahhaa, fking nothing, you all got what I discharge daily squat juice. And you enjoy that juice so much, you double down on it daily.

It took a year to bring down Nixon...and he was just working with American operatives to break into the campaign headquarters of his political rival. Trump was working with Russian operatives to break into the servers of the DNC, his political rival. Nixon faced charges and resigned, only to be pardoned by Ford. Who is gonna pardon Trump?
I'll tell you what, I'll shut up about it if you post the evidence.
Because they are on the verge of catching someone-) In 2 weeks, you will know!

Personally, I think Flynn has already flipped and is giving investigators everything. He's not an honorable guy and not the type of person who would fall on his sword for anyone, let alone Donald Trump.

Well, maybe you are correct. If he flipped, then he might have made a deal to keep the transcripts out of the public eye. But what is the definition of flipped? Tell the truth?

If the truth is Trump colluded, he should be impeached. If he didn't, then a whole bunch of other people are going to be seen in court. I am open minded on the whole situation, but if I had to bet my life, I would say a whole bunch of people from the other side is going to be in court, and not Trump.


Because it takes more than Flynn, it would take most of his team and his children to collude with the Russians. Am I suppose to believe that all, or most of these people are in Russia's pocket? Now, if you had Putin talking to Trump, Ivanka, Sessions, or Flynn, I would say, ok, maybe.

What I think you have is Flynn talking about the sanctions.........maybe. But him or anyone else talking about messing with the election..............that is a real stretch.

Also--------->you know how all that info was pushed through the government? You know all of those leaks? You know how it has all gotten out? OK, so if the leakers are willing to leak this stuff, think if they had anything on Trump it would NOT have been leaked? We hear, Flynn, Flynn, Flynn, and we hear all about who he talked to. Now show me a leak that says Trump talked to anyone! Show me even Kelly Ann Conway talking to someone!

Remember what you are actually talking about with proof---------->that Flynn talked to a Russian ambassador, and he may have talked about sanctions. NOWHERE does it say anything about collusion as far as the election in any form. That is all hyperbole. It is a narrative with not one shred of basis in fact, even as far as the leaks go. This whole narrative arose because Trump suggested WikiLeaks find Clintons 33,000 e-mails in a campaign speech. The media then tied Assange in some manner, to Russia. Instantly, Trump, plus Assange, plus Russia, equals collusion, lolol!

Most intelligent people without more facts would say that is a bridge to far. Not that it can't be true, but rather it is more unlikely than likely. While many see Trump as a buffoon, it would take a real idiot to get up on stage and ask your secret, Marxist, partner to help you discover your adversaries e-mails that are missing in front of God, and everyone else. I am 100% confident, neither you, nor I, would do such an idiotic thing, and if he did, he shouldn't be President. NOBODY that stupid, should be President, lol. Therefore, I have confidence he didn't, because if you and I are that smart, I am sure he is at LEAST that intelligent too.
Obstructionist democrats are leaderless, angry and incoherent. They couldn't impeach a freaking dog catcher. The only thing they have left is fake news generated by the criminal conspiracy known as the MSM.
'If Trump Colluded'?

10+ months of multiple investigations resulting in Clapper, the FBI, and the NSA declaring NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION..

There was never even any SUGGESTION of a crime being committed. The Directors of the FBI and NSA testified that they made it clear to the Obama administration that the information collected in the initial 'incidental collections' revealed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and NO INTEL VALUE..

Obama ordered the invetigations after this. WHY? The FBI and NSA already told Barry 'nothing to see here'. Barry used the fact that there were legal communications as justification to start his own 'Watergate' during an election.
All it takes is a simple majority vote in the House. When they (dems) win the House, lets talk.......
All it takes is a simple majority vote in the House. When they (dems) win the House, lets talk.......
When snowflakes come up with the 1st piece of EVIDENCE let's talk, snowflake.

What, no indictments yet? No convictions? Isn't that the argument snowflakes were using while Barry and his criminal US AGs were keeping Hillary's ass out jail? :p
All it takes is a simple majority vote in the House. When they (dems) win the House, lets talk.......
first you have to get that.
1,000+ elections lost

Back-to-back historic losses

98% of Trump voters willing to vote for Trump again compared to only 85% of Hillary voters willing to vote for her again and the 2-time loser declaring she is considering a 2020 run.

Violence, arson, looting, destruction of property, terrorism, shutting down freedom of speech, calls for Impeachment / military coups / assassinations, obstructionosm for party gain, Felony Espionage by the former administration...

Yeah, good luck with that, snowflakes

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