Why Hasn't Trump Been Impeached?

You RWNJ fools aren't paying attention the investigation.

How many investigators worked on the investigations of Nixon and Reagan?

How long did it take to nail them?

There are seven very frightened people, working part time investigating the pussy grabber.

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Nearly 10 months, multiple investigations, and this is what has been revealed:

- NO EVIDENCE Russia 'hacked the election'

- NO EVIDENCE to support the false acvusation of Russian-Trump Collusion

- The FBI has declared 3 times so far there is no evidence to support snowflake claims of collusion

- EVIDENCE showing Obama and the DHS failed in their 14 attempts to gack US state election processes

- EVIDENCE of Obama administration FELONY ESPIONAGE, according to the Directors of the BSA and FBI, in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the bewly elected President / administration. (SEDITION / TREASON)

- EVIDENCE that the Clintons and Podestas received cash and un-reported stocks from AND worked for the KGB, the KGB Bank, the Russian Spy afency that hacked the DNC's e-mails, the Kremlin, and Putin.

Way to go, snowflakes.

After the CIA briefs you, are you going to let the rest of us know the real story?

I am only repeating that which the investigators have been allowed to share. And the CIA and FBI are verifying that many parts of that notorious dossier (the Russian pee-pee one) are turning out to be true.

In the end, what is going to bring down Trump is what usually brings down men like him; sex. Because ultimately that is what it is about. Trump doesn't want people to know that Putin is holding a pee-pee video over his head, so he is doing everything he can to distract from the connections he has with Putin by wagging the dog in Syria and lying about our fleet to gin up North Korea. The timeline of events seem to support this, as Trump usually takes these desperate actions not in response to anything Syria or NK did, but because of the investigations and illegitimacy of his Presidency at home.

Soo...you do not actually know anything more than what everyone else knows.

Just checking.
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives? Trump's Russian-compromised "agents" were supposedly spilling their guts to the FBI to get plea deals to flip on Putin's puppet. Chuck Schumer chased a woman out of a restaurant screaming that Trump was a goner. Maxine Waters said the Articles of Impeachment were being prepared. Nancy Pelosi claimed the end of Trump was a foregone conclusion. And then......ffffffttttt.

Hasn't Trump only added to his own demise by failing to destroy every square inch of a Syrian airbase with cruise missiles? The MOAB he dropped on AQ in Afghanistan was an eco-disaster, (a lizard and a bird were incinerated along with 94 terrorists) and his chauffeur drove an aircraft carrier in the WRONG direction instead of starting WW3. Add to that the threat of a border wall has driven off 70% of new invaders and he still thinks we need a border wall. OUTRAGEOUS!

Is there a chance, even a tiny one, that the "impeach Trump" movement was a hoax, a dying party's last screeching moment of hatred for America? Isn't it time to admit you were PLAYED by the misfits and con artists who ran this country until last November. It's okay.....you're not very smart and easy to trick. We'd like to say we feel your pain but we don't, and are enjoying the different stages of grief you've been through in the last five months. Just admit that President Trump is your daddy and you're sorry for saying all those horrible things about him. It will make the next 7 1/2 years a little easier to handle. :eusa_angel:

I guess we will just have to wait for the FBI investigation to be concluded
Personally, I think Flynn has already flipped and is giving investigators everything.
What is 'everything'?

You mean like Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, receiving thousands of shares of Russian stocks, failing to teport it, and 1/3rd of the board members of his company being prominent Russian businessmen who have intimate ties to the Kremlin / Putin?

You mean like his brother working for the KGB Bank and the Russians Spy Agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails?

You mean like Bill Clinton giving speeches for ex-KGB during the campaign?

Soo...you do not actually know anything more than what everyone else knows.

I never pretended I didn't. I merely am reciting the facts. And the facts that we have gotten from the investigators seem to indicate that Trump colluded with Russia. From there, it's not too difficult to get to the Russian influence on the GOP and in Conservative media.
What is 'everything'?

Communications, e-mails, info, intel...you name it. Flynn is not an honorable guy, and he comes from the Roger Stone school of scorched earth. Which means if Flynn even gets a whiff of jail, he will turn on Trump because these are the type of people who are petty assholes and have no problem taking everyone they can down with them. That's just the nature of them, of the Conservative ideology, and of the Republican Party.

You mean like Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, receiving thousands of shares of Russian stocks, failing to teport it, and 1/3rd of the board members of his company being prominent Russian businessmen who have intimate ties to the Kremlin / Putin?

Don't even know what you're talking about, but Podesta isn't President. Trump is. HRC lost the election. Whining about her to distract from Trump is desperation.

You mean like his brother working for the KGB Bank and the Russians Spy Agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails?

So Podesta compsired with his own brother in order to have his own e-mails hacked so his candidate would lose the election? That makes about as much sense as trickle-down.

You mean like Bill Clinton giving speeches for ex-KGB during the campaign?

Giving speeches for whom? When? Where?
Soo...you do not actually know anything more than what everyone else knows.

I never pretended I didn't. I merely am reciting the facts. And the facts that we have gotten from the investigators seem to indicate that Trump colluded with Russia. From there, it's not too difficult to get to the Russian influence on the GOP and in Conservative media.

Those pesky 'seem to indicate' clauses always tend to get in the way of the facts.

I think we should just make shit up out of thin air and admit it from the beginning. But that is just me.
When will Trump face impeachment?

January 21st 2025... I mean the same time Boosh and Mobama get impeached which will be the second Tuesday of the sixth week in the thirteenth month of never!
Those pesky 'seem to indicate' clauses always tend to get in the way of the facts.

Not really. That's me coming to my own conclusion. You can come to whatever conclusion you want....whether it is accurate remains to be seen, given the information we currently have.

But it sure seemed to have got a ton of sand in your vagina...so it must be striking a nerve.
yeah, not sure how you're getting to this conclusion, but our Intelligence Community has said with certainty that Russia hacked our election.
Pretty damn easy to get to that conclussian, unless you are a snowflake.

Russians hacked DNC e-mails. They NEVER hacked the election or the state election processes, AS OBAMA TRIED TO DO while attempting to seize control of all state elections, claiming it was for national security.

BE HONEST: Hillary should NEVER have had her name on the ballot on election day as she and the Clinton Foundation were under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes that include fraud, influence pedfling, and ESPIONAGE.

You know damn well if a GOP candidate was in a similar situation Democrats and their 'All-In' media would have forced the GOP candidate out of the race. Hypocritical Democrats who had to rig their primaries & cheat in debates to help Hillary beat Sanders to obtain the nomination, however, refused to do what they would have insisted the GOP do - pull and replace their candidate.

The Russians did not cost Hillary the election - HILLARY and the DNC did.
Those pesky 'seem to indicate' clauses always tend to get in the way of the facts.

Not really. That's me coming to my own conclusion. You can come to whatever conclusion you want....whether it is accurate remains to be seen, given the information we currently have.

But it sure seemed to have got a ton of sand in your vagina...so it must be striking a nerve.

Yes, It is always annoying when people make shit up out of thin air and then pretend there is substance, It is a question of honesty.

Got me there dude.
Pretty damn easy to get to that conclussian, unless you are a snowflake.

Thew snowflakes seem to be the ones flinging as much monkey poo as they can at the wall in the hopes we will just forget that the Republican President is a tool of Putin and broke the law to win an election. But please, whine a bit about how unfair it is that your "Southern Heritage" is mocked as racist bullshit.

Russians hacked DNC e-mails. They NEVER hacked the election or the state election processes, AS OBAMA TRIED TO DO while attempting to seize control of all state elections while claiming it was for national security.

Obama never tried to do that. And no one is saying they hacked the election in the sense that they hacked voting machines (though that's a possibility too). They're saying they hacked the DNC illegally and with the support of Trump in order to gin up misinformation to spread across the internet in an effort to get Trump and the Pro-Russian GOP elected.

BE HONEST: Hillary should NEVER have had her name on tje ballot on election day as she and the Clinton Foundation qere under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes that include fraud, influence pedfling, and ESPIONAGE.

Multiple FBI investigations that resulted in how many prosecutions? BTW - how much taxpayer money did you people waste investigating Hillary Clinton, and do you plan to reimburse the country for the expense since you found nothing?

Secondly, Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with Trump colluding with Russia to hack the DNC in order to win the election and keep his Russian pee-pee video off the internet.

The ethics of the DNC have no bearing on the collusion between Trump and Russia.
Personally, I think Flynn has already flipped and is giving investigators everything.
What is 'everything'?

You mean like Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, receiving thousands of shares of Russian stocks, failing to teport it, and 1/3rd of the board members of his company being prominent Russian businessmen who have intimate ties to the Kremlin / Putin?

You mean like his brother working for the KGB Bank and the Russians Spy Agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails?

You mean like Bill Clinton giving speeches for ex-KGB during the campaign?


Where did you hear that? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Oh, I see. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller, i.e. a Trumpie.
Yes, It is always annoying when people make shit up out of thin air and then pretend there is substance, It is a question of honesty..

Yes, like how tax cuts for the rich will "trickle down" on the rest of us, how deregulation is good for Wall Street, how Saddam had WMDs, how Obama was born in Kenya, how we'd have hyperinflation in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, how Obamacare would kill jobs, how letting the Bush Tax Cuts on the rich expire would create a recession, how the government is "bankrupt", how more guns make people safe, or how the planet is 6,000 years old, Jesus rode a triceratops, a man lived in a whale (!), and nothing we do on this planet will matter because we're all gonna get raptured up to Heaven.

Shit like that?
Where did you hear that? Alex Jones? Breitbart? Oh, I see. Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller, i.e. a Trumpie.

Tucker Carlson is an adult man who chooses to wear a bow tie.

He's probably so angry because he can't get laid. He doesn't have the money to fly to Russia to have hookers pee on him.

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