Why Hasn't Trump Been Impeached?


Maybe the Democrats in Congress are dumber than the Republicans.
Republicans are in power and are obstructing the investigation as much as possible

And we should resist them! We should ally ourselves with the stupidest people on the planet earth!
The Slavs?

No...the Slavs did not nominate Hillary. Although...they might have contracted people to fired sniper weapons in Sarajevo.

Maybe the Democrats in Congress are dumber than the Republicans.
Republicans are in power and are obstructing the investigation as much as possible

And we should resist them! We should ally ourselves with the stupidest people on the planet earth!
The Slavs?

No...the Slavs did not nominate Hillary. Although...they might have contracted people to fired sniper weapons in Sarajevo.
Hey, better Trump than Bernie :dunno:
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives?

It took a year for the Watergate Investigation to conclude. Something of this scope and scale will probably take longer. Apparently, there already is enough evidence to bring to a Grand Jury. The fact that they haven't yet would indicate the investigation is broadening out.
Do you actually believe Sessions will convene a grand jury to indict his boss? If so, you are truly delusional.

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Sessions' trial will begin the same week
Save the taxpayer time and money and try the whole bunch of these corrupt assholes at the same time.

Guaranteed, the orange one will still be hawking his, and his family's, foreign-made wares while on trial.
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives?

It took a year for the Watergate Investigation to conclude. Something of this scope and scale will probably take longer. Apparently, there already is enough evidence to bring to a Grand Jury. The fact that they haven't yet would indicate the investigation is broadening out.
like 2020 when election time comes around? too fking funny. Not yet, but you wait you conservative fools. you wait. hahahahahahahhaa, fking nothing, you all got what I discharge daily squat juice. And you enjoy that juice so much, you double down on it daily.

here from Tucker Carlson last night the idiocy that is the left. Hilarious stuff;

"something of this scope and scale"? :lmao:

Yes. Think about it. The Russians had been working Trump for years, they colluded with folks in his campaign (and possibly Trump himself), the Republican Party "worked closely" with the Trump campaign. So it stands to reason that the GOP is also implicated in this since Priebus is Trump's Chief-of-Staff and was RNC Chairman before joining the campaign. How deep does this conspiracy actually go? It's not out of the realm of possibility the GOP itself was working with Russia, or tacitly endorsing it by not doing anything. It is hard to believe that no one in the Republican Party, the one that nominated Trump, had no idea this Russia stuff was happening. As far as I'm concerned, every elected official in the GOP could be compromised, so until we know for sure, their Russian agenda should be shut down entirely until we can figure out what the hell is going on!
You RWNJ fools aren't paying attention the investigation.

How many investigators worked on the investigations of Nixon and Reagan?

How long did it take to nail them?

There are seven very frightened people, working part time investigating the pussy grabber.

No there aren't. You're waiting for an announcement and there isn't going to be one. The "investigations" went nowhere and are finished. -30-
the republican congressmen and Senators leading the intelligence committees investigation are STALLING and impeding the investigations....

it's going to have to go to a special prosecutor or in the least a special, independent, investigation due to the Republican interference for the President.... is the last I heard.

AS FAR AS the FBI's counter intelligence criminal investigation on the Russians and the possible coordination with the Trump campaign....

Comey just hired a 20 man FBI team a week ago, now dedicated solely to this Russian/Trump criminal investigation and brought them all together in to D.C.

it could take a year or two?? :dunno:
"something of this scope and scale"? :lmao:

Yes. Think about it. The Russians had been working Trump for years, they colluded with folks in his campaign (and possibly Trump himself), the Republican Party "worked closely" with the Trump campaign. So it stands to reason that the GOP is also implicated in this since Priebus is Trump's Chief-of-Staff and was RNC Chairman before joining the campaign. How deep does this conspiracy actually go? It's not out of the realm of possibility the GOP itself was working with Russia, or tacitly endorsing it by not doing anything. It is hard to believe that no one in the Republican Party, the one that nominated Trump, had no idea this Russia stuff was happening. As far as I'm concerned, every elected official in the GOP could be compromised, so until we know for sure, their Russian agenda should be shut down entirely until we can figure out what the hell is going on!

After the CIA briefs you, are you going to let the rest of us know the real story?
Comey just hired a 20 man FBI team a week ago, now dedicated solely to this Russian/Trump criminal investigation and brought them all together in to D.C.

it could take a year or two?? :dunno:

Comey isn't doing anything of the sort.....he's the one with egg on his face....one more publicity stunt and Trump will fire his sorry ass.
Trump may get impeached at some time if he really does do something wrong,

He did do something wrong, apparently there is enough evidence to go before a Grand Jury. Trump just blocked the release of Flynn documents. Why? If there is nothing to hide, why are they acting like they're hiding something?
Why haven't whiny left wing crybabies gotten over losing the 2016 election?
Why haven't whiny right wing crybabies gotten over winning the 2017 election?

All you drumph bootlickers do is bitch and moan.

It's the big, bad mainstream media's fault :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

It's the democrats' fault (even though pubes control both the House and the Senate along with the Presidency) :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

It's Obama's fault :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

It's the RINOs' faults :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Trump may get impeached at some time if he really does do something wrong,

He did do something wrong, apparently there is enough evidence to go before a Grand Jury. Trump just blocked the release of Flynn documents. Why? If there is nothing to hide, why are they acting like they're hiding something?

Because they are on the verge of catching someone-) In 2 weeks, you will know!
like 2020 when election time comes around? too fking funny. Not yet, but you wait you conservative fools. you wait. hahahahahahahhaa, fking nothing, you all got what I discharge daily squat juice. And you enjoy that juice so much, you double down on it daily.

It took a year to bring down Nixon...and he was just working with American operatives to break into the campaign headquarters of his political rival. Trump was working with Russian operatives to break into the servers of the DNC, his political rival. Nixon faced charges and resigned, only to be pardoned by Ford. Who is gonna pardon Trump?
Seems that was a certainty a couple weeks ago....so what gives? Trump's Russian-compromised "agents" were supposedly spilling their guts to the FBI to get plea deals to flip on Putin's puppet. Chuck Schumer chased a woman out of a restaurant screaming that Trump was a goner. Maxine Waters said the Articles of Impeachment were being prepared. Nancy Pelosi claimed the end of Trump was a foregone conclusion. And then......ffffffttttt.

Hasn't Trump only added to his own demise by failing to destroy every square inch of a Syrian airbase with cruise missiles? The MOAB he dropped on AQ in Afghanistan was an eco-disaster, (a lizard and a bird were incinerated along with 94 terrorists) and his chauffeur drove an aircraft carrier in the WRONG direction instead of starting WW3. Add to that the threat of a border wall has driven off 70% of new invaders and he still thinks we need a border wall. OUTRAGEOUS!

Is there a chance, even a tiny one, that the "impeach Trump" movement was a hoax, a dying party's last screeching moment of hatred for America? Isn't it time to admit you were PLAYED by the misfits and con artists who ran this country until last November. It's okay.....you're not very smart and easy to trick. We'd like to say we feel your pain but we don't, and are enjoying the different stages of grief you've been through in the last five months. Just admit that President Trump is your daddy and you're sorry for saying all those horrible things about him. It will make the next 7 1/2 years a little easier to handle. :eusa_angel:


It took two years to impeach Nixon, from 1972-74. Trump has only been staining America for 3 months. Just hold on and don't worry your purty little head.
like 2020 when election time comes around? too fking funny. Not yet, but you wait you conservative fools. you wait. hahahahahahahhaa, fking nothing, you all got what I discharge daily squat juice. And you enjoy that juice so much, you double down on it daily.

It took a year to bring down Nixon...and he was just working with American operatives to break into the campaign headquarters of his political rival. Trump was working with Russian operatives to break into the servers of the DNC, his political rival. Nixon faced charges and resigned, only to be pardoned by Ford. Who is gonna pardon Trump?

It's getting worse for them now, too. The prosecution of Michael Flynn is going to open a hornet's nest:
Key lawmakers say Michael Flynn could be prosecuted for failing to disclose Russia, Turkey payments
After the CIA briefs you, are you going to let the rest of us know the real story?

I am only repeating that which the investigators have been allowed to share. And the CIA and FBI are verifying that many parts of that notorious dossier (the Russian pee-pee one) are turning out to be true.

In the end, what is going to bring down Trump is what usually brings down men like him; sex. Because ultimately that is what it is about. Trump doesn't want people to know that Putin is holding a pee-pee video over his head, so he is doing everything he can to distract from the connections he has with Putin by wagging the dog in Syria and lying about our fleet to gin up North Korea. The timeline of events seem to support this, as Trump usually takes these desperate actions not in response to anything Syria or NK did, but because of the investigations and illegitimacy of his Presidency at home.
Another banned Sorosbot reappears.....pound sand, loser.

A one act play, written by The Derp, called The Flaming Asshole starring Tom Horn:

Tom Horn: Trump's done great things.

Normal person: Such as...?

Tom Horn: <various barnyard noises>

Normal person: So....nothing. OK.

Because they are on the verge of catching someone-) In 2 weeks, you will know!

Personally, I think Flynn has already flipped and is giving investigators everything. He's not an honorable guy and not the type of person who would fall on his sword for anyone, let alone Donald Trump.

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