Why have a standing Army Policy?


That would be a little extreme. I think we could cut Military Spending by 20-30% and that would make a huge dent in deficit spending. We need a sizable military, trained and ready, it just doesn't need to be the size it is in my opinion. Also Special forces are vitally important, as opposed to your National Guard/volunteer militia plan...

It's crazy to cut defense when you have troops in harms way. People are still dying and everyone is talking about cutting.

Cut elsewhere....where someone's life isn't at risk.

End the war and start cutting only then.

Best way to stop the killing is take the troops out of harms way, and bring them to American soil to be united with their families. Sound like a plan huh? Just cut the military because you don't need them right now. You have a National Guard and militia to watch your back. Be brave like the rest of the world is. Yes, troops home & then cut.

There's no way the National Guard and this imaginary "militia" that exists in your delusional mind, can handle prosecuting the wars against the perpetrators of 9/11 and other related terrorist orgs in Afghanistan and elsewhere, they're there for BACKUP, that's why they're being called now, BACKUP IS NEEDED. You want just the BACKUP for our national defense.

You're insane, and thankfully a crazy minority.

That would be a little extreme. I think we could cut Military Spending by 20-30% and that would make a huge dent in deficit spending. We need a sizable military, trained and ready, it just doesn't need to be the size it is in my opinion. Also Special forces are vitally important, as opposed to your National Guard/volunteer militia plan...

But that's what is outlined by the Constitution. That and a permanent navy.

Where are all the "Constitutionalists"??
I have my college degree in Psychology....
Did you earn it on-line, or old school - from a box of Cracker Jack?
Either way - you obviously didnt get your money's worth.

Still wondering if you figured out what SLOC is,

As I thought, you have a **** for brains. I am not wondering about anything, I sized you up and kicked your ass in this debate. You can't justify having a military, or one good reason why we need any troops deployed anywhere, or why the National Guard & our militia would not suffice to protect the Untied States.

Yup.....our enemies can't see a reason why the United States needs a standing Army.

That would be a little extreme. I think we could cut Military Spending by 20-30% and that would make a huge dent in deficit spending. We need a sizable military, trained and ready, it just doesn't need to be the size it is in my opinion. Also Special forces are vitally important, as opposed to your National Guard/volunteer militia plan...

It's crazy to cut defense when you have troops in harms way. People are still dying and everyone is talking about cutting.

Cut elsewhere....where someone's life isn't at risk.

End the war and start cutting only then.

Best way to stop the killing is take the troops out of harms way, and bring them to American soil to be united with their families. Sound like a plan huh? Just cut the military because you don't need them right now. You have a National Guard and militia to watch your back. Be brave like the rest of the world is. Yes, troops home & then cut.

You fucking idiot. Soldiers are in that business for a damned reason.

As to the rest of this diatribe...yeah just cut the standing military...so they will come to our shores.

Brilliant fucking plan...NOT
Did you earn it on-line, or old school - from a box of Cracker Jack?
Either way - you obviously didnt get your money's worth.

Still wondering if you figured out what SLOC is,

As I thought, you have a **** for brains. I am not wondering about anything, I sized you up and kicked your ass in this debate. You can't justify having a military, or one good reason why we need any troops deployed anywhere, or why the National Guard & our militia would not suffice to protect the Untied States.

Yup.....our enemies can't see a reason why the United States needs a standing Army.

The OP Shitdisturber has no clue.
My lack of education? LOL! I did my nam time.
Yes, your lack of edication - if you did time in Nam it's because you werent bright enough to get into college.
Figure out what SLOC is yet?

Bright enough? I was in Nam. My dad died when I was 16, we could not afford college.
I started trade school in electronics while working 40 hours a week or so. Studying electronics. Got drafted and the army (could not get into the gusrd like some) in it's wisdom put me in infantry.
Finished Tech school when I escaped Nam mostly alive. Worked ever since. Well up till about a year or so ago.

So did you get a house on the GI Bill?
Oh..so now the Constitution is not supposed to be "originalist" but "living and breathing"..


To funny!

This must be "ye olde", "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" Clause.

I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

How about first thing we do is kick the U.N. off American soil then we can talk.

I see no reason they should be here. They should be somewhere in a leading EuroUnion country or Russia.
I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

Hmm, I will reply my argument for this as best I can:

1. I do not see how the Defense Budget can account for 50-54% of the budget*, I do not know where that came from, I will try to find sources on it.
Hi Cain. The 2009 figure was prepared by the University of Berkeley, as well as the graph shown here.


2. To do that, would be to put thousands upon thousands out of a job, and I mean millions, all combined, their is around 1.4 million Active-Duty Service Members**. So, to do that would be, say the least, insane.

Military embraces all it's spending, so homeland security, cia/fbi, VA & disabled & retirements, etc. If you are using that argument, it is insane. Murdering humans to save jobs? LMAO!!! sorry.....

3. We are the most powerful nation in the world, we are a target. Many do not like us, some for no other reason then we have the greatest military strength in the world. Some do not like us for reasons, I could see as, valid. So, not having a military sounds like a bad idea there.

If we were the target, we would have already been hit. IMO. It takes more than a thought to justify 54% of the budget. And I left the militia & National Guard activated, so allowed -10% credit, and saying at 90% cut and more if possible. Further, the US has been cutting bases and military since George Bush Sr.. There is no way anyone could attack us by a major force, other than nuke, and they have that option now.

4. We always have members in coalitions for other nations, to not have a standing Army would be rather difficult to help others, and you can't simply "ignore" other nations, or become isolated. Their was a period in US History (several actually) where Isolationists wanted us to ignore the world, well, that is a TERRIBLE idea. Sure, the US could, in theory, ignore the world, but do you think the world would ignore us? Look at how large our trading is.
Guess you didn't understand that US Troops means US Troops on US Soil. Let the UN do their job, and stop playing policeman at great expense of tax payers & US Troops. Just stand on the side line, keep your nose out of others affairs, and yell Go Man Go! Whenever you see the military budget for a given year, know tht the figure only represents about 1/3 or so of what is needed. They are always back at the trough in 3-4 months for more, just milking away.

* Source: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/us.html & http://www.gpoaccess.gov/usbudget/fy11/pdf/budget/defense.pdf & Federal Budget Spending and the National Debt
** Source: DoD 101 An Introductory Overview of the Department of Defense - U.S. Department of Defense Official Website

Another part of this problem is most of the money is not spent in the United States, it goes to foreign corporations like Haliburton who deposit in Saudi Arabia banks, so their bankers can loan to Arab sheiks to build islands to stick houses on. When a welfare mama spends, it goes to a US store for food, etc., it circulates in the economy when the store uses the money to buy food, or goes into the bank so you can borrow it to build that pool in your back yard that put workers on the job. See the difference? Same when we hand out foreign aid, or corporate aid, etc. Corporations for instance run advertising in foreign countries at your expense, using foreigners, and not a dime is spent here. So that is why social programs for our own people is not as big a hit on us, and the money stays here. Take Obama stimulus that hires a worker for $20. an hour. He pays back in $7., so he actually only cost us $13. dollars. The overseas worker pays no US taxes, he pays Afghan taxes which doesn't stimulate anything at home.

This is the core reason, if we are going to make budget cuts, make it to items that are not benefitting the American people.
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so heres one..and all of the dod budget, by allaocation;
graph from-

Defense-related expenditure↓ 2011 Budget request & Mandatory spending[1][14]↓ Calculation[6][15]↓

Other defense-related expenditures

This does not include many military-related items that are outside of the Defense Department budget, such as nuclear weapons research, maintenance, cleanup, and production, which is in the Department of Energy budget, Veterans Affairs, the Treasury Department's payments in pensions to military retirees and widows and their families, interest on debt incurred in past wars, or State Department financing of foreign arms sales and militarily-related development assistance. Neither does it include defense spending that is not military in nature, such as the Department of Homeland Security, counter-terrorism spending by the FBI, and intelligence-gathering spending by NASA.

DOD spending $721.3 billion Base budget + "Overseas Contingency Operations"
FBI counter-terrorism $2.7 billion At least one-third FBI budget.
International Affairs $10.1–$54.2 billion At minimum, foreign arms sales. At most, entire State budget
Energy Department, defense-related $20.9 billion
Veterans Affairs $66.2 billion
Homeland Security $54.7 billion
NASA, satellites $3.4–$8.5 billion Between 20% and 50% of NASA's total budget
Veterans pensions $58.4 billion
Other defense-related mandatory spending $7.5 billion
Interest on debt incurred in past wars $114.8–$454.2 billion Between 23% and 91% of total interest

Total Spending $1.060–$1.449 trillion



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I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

its 23% of all fed spending as of close q4 2009.....
I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

Okay, I don't believe you are this stupid.

You libs say I troll? There is no way you could be THIS delusional that your scenario is even possible.

I think you are just being provocative to get conservatives upset.

Because if you are serious, there is no need to even bother debating you and no one should even waste their time.

You just are too far gone into unreality to even bother.


Yes, I can see this debate is over your head, and beyond your comprehension to intelligently respond, or see the logic behind the debate. People like you would be better to keep their mouth shut and just toodle down to the big ass category and talk about that great big pimple you have on your rearend.:lol::lol:
I think the best military policy for America right now is to bring all of our US troops home, and cut the Military budget by about 95%, just enough to keep the lights on and maintain equipment. The military represents over 50% of the budget (50-54%).

Then start depending on volunteer militia and National Guard from the states for any in country defense, and forget any outside country which is the jurisdiction of the UN.

It's crazy to cut defense when you have troops in harms way. People are still dying and everyone is talking about cutting.

Cut elsewhere....where someone's life isn't at risk.

End the war and start cutting only then.

Best way to stop the killing is take the troops out of harms way, and bring them to American soil to be united with their families. Sound like a plan huh? Just cut the military because you don't need them right now. You have a National Guard and militia to watch your back. Be brave like the rest of the world is. Yes, troops home & then cut.

There's no way the National Guard and this imaginary "militia" that exists in your delusional mind, can handle prosecuting the wars against the perpetrators of 9/11 and other related terrorist orgs in Afghanistan and elsewhere, they're there for BACKUP, that's why they're being called now, BACKUP IS NEEDED. You want just the BACKUP for our national defense.

You're insane, and thankfully a crazy minority.

You are an imbecile, and in a majority with the cons here, not to mention you don't read and comprehend the written word, so you run you mouth with bullshit about what you think I said, and not what I did say. Get a grip. :cuckoo::lol:
Did you earn it on-line, or old school - from a box of Cracker Jack?
Either way - you obviously didnt get your money's worth.

Still wondering if you figured out what SLOC is,

As I thought, you have a **** for brains. I am not wondering about anything, I sized you up and kicked your ass in this debate. You can't justify having a military, or one good reason why we need any troops deployed anywhere, or why the National Guard & our militia would not suffice to protect the Untied States.

Yup.....our enemies can't see a reason why the United States needs a standing Army.

What enemies? And why do you care what they think, you going to join this paranoid cognition your having?:eusa_angel: Let the UN do its job.

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