Why I Am Thankful for Islam – ( and It’s not What You Might Think)


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Let's face it, when it comes to religion, very little of what's said or written is ever going to change anybody's mind. You're either religious or not. If you are religious, your strong beliefs generally keep you from considering anything else to be valid. So it is with Islam. You are either a firm believer – or an infidel. There is no middle road.

It was clear to me from the start of this article that the blogger finds Islam cruel, bigoted, and sexist.

So, what is my purpose in posting it? To show my complete and utter approval of his comments and reasoning. You can read it for yourself @ Why I Am Thankful for Islam and It s not What You Might Think lonpalmer I know it's not possible but would like to see some reasons discussion about this.
Not according to this Ynet article, and also has that writer ever studied the OT?

The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews
Just that the bloggers opinion is not shared by all. If he really read the OT or Talmud he would see the Quran is not any worst.
I only read this part and that was enough:

Regarding Islam, I have done a lot of reading and spent a lot of time in thought. I read the Koran cover to cover and found it absolutely appalling. First of all, there is no meaningful order to it; neither chronological nor thematic, merely from longest book or surah to shortest. Secondly, it is filled with violence and intolerance. It seems that every few pages there are vivid descriptions of the eternal horrors to be inflicted on unbelievers, like molten metal being poured down their throats. It doesn’t even seem like a religion in its own right, more like a heretical sect of Judaism which, admittedly, has some pretty gruesome passages in its own holy book, but nothing to rival the Koran.
Penelope continues to INSIST on posting critiques of books she never read. She
admits----in sum and substance------I only need a few lines of someone else's subjective
vague impression of a huge body of writings----TO UNDERSTAND THE WHOLE THING
and --magically becomes qualified to critique the writings.
One of my brothers was really a lazy kid. In order to avoid going to the library----choosing a book and writing
a book report-----He simply invented a book-------author and all. He pulled "B"
in the 8th grade on that "book report"----
but ----REUSED it in the ninth grade and pulled a "A" . Not to worry----as a high school senior he won the state's JOURNALISM AWARD for his fine job as
editor of the school newspaper. ------
Penelope-----don't try it-----it could never work for you.
Let's face it, when it comes to religion, very little of what's said or written is ever going to change anybody's mind. You're either religious or not. If you are religious, your strong beliefs generally keep you from considering anything else to be valid. So it is with Islam. You are either a firm believer – or an infidel. There is no middle road.

It was clear to me from the start of this article that the blogger finds Islam cruel, bigoted, and sexist.

So, what is my purpose in posting it? To show my complete and utter approval of his comments and reasoning. You can read it for yourself @ Why I Am Thankful for Islam and It s not What You Might Think lonpalmer I know it's not possible but would like to see some reasons discussion about this.
Not true I'm open to other ideas contrary to my own.
from penelope
Just that the bloggers opinion is not shared by all. If he really read the OT or Talmud he would see the Quran is not any worst.
I only read this part and that was enough:

how do you know Penelope-???----you never read ANY of those books. The word 'worst'
is a superlative in the English language----not
a comparative
I guess I was wrong... The books themselves are just words on paper.

Shame on those who would use those words in the exploitation and manipulation of the gullible.

And shame on the gullible for being so fucking gullible.​

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