Why I am voting for Obama again

Where are you located in the states? I am coming back to my 40th reunion at USNA later this month, and then spending a week in NYC... if you're on the east coast, we could meet.

Trawl for anus some other place, nut sack.


you're the douchebag who needlessly insulted a navy veteran. ready to walk that back or are you ready to shut your piehole? You claim I didn't make O-5... I am willing to write you a check for ten thousand dollars if you are right.... if you are willing to write me a check for the same amount if you are wrong. Put up or shut the fuck up.
Of course you do. Liberalism has been exposed for what it actually is. And your side hates that.
Your pat response is " you right wingers( negative connotation code for conservative) mis characterize liberals". No...We have your number.
It is amusing how liberals will at the first sign of challenge will run from the label of "liberal".

I am proud to be a liberal. and I completely embrace personal responsibility, and individual achievement.

I love the latest uproar about the "debt" and how republicans claim that they are the party of fiscal responsibility and that democrats are the only ones who borrow any money. But every time I ask a republican which republican president's administration ever LOWERED the national debt, they are strangely silent. You have NEVER lowered the debt in over a half a century but you want Americans to trust you this time...cuz even though you promised to lower it during Dubya term, but didn't... and his daddy's term, but didn't... and Ronnie's term, but didn't... and Tricky Dick's term, but didn't... you promise you'll be good this time. Fiscal responsibility my ass. :lol:

I am proud to be a liberal. and I completely embrace personal responsibility, and individual achievement.

You're a confused liberal

sorry. I am not confused about anything. say...can YOU tell me what GOP president since WWII has ever lowered the national debt? just curious.
I am proud to be a liberal. and I completely embrace personal responsibility, and individual achievement.

I love the latest uproar about the "debt" and how republicans claim that they are the party of fiscal responsibility and that democrats are the only ones who borrow any money. But every time I ask a republican which republican president's administration ever LOWERED the national debt, they are strangely silent. You have NEVER lowered the debt in over a half a century but you want Americans to trust you this time...cuz even though you promised to lower it during Dubya term, but didn't... and his daddy's term, but didn't... and Ronnie's term, but didn't... and Tricky Dick's term, but didn't... you promise you'll be good this time. Fiscal responsibility my ass. :lol:

I am proud to be a liberal. and I completely embrace personal responsibility, and individual achievement.

You're a confused liberal

sorry. I am not confused about anything. say...can YOU tell me what GOP president since WWII has ever lowered the national debt? just curious.

If you believe in personal responsibility and individual achievement and claim to be a liberal you are confused or to stupid to understand what they mean.

Since 1946 Democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years.
You're a confused liberal

sorry. I am not confused about anything. say...can YOU tell me what GOP president since WWII has ever lowered the national debt? just curious.

If you believe in personal responsibility and individual achievement and claim to be a liberal you are confused or to stupid to understand what they mean.

Since 1946 Democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years.

so...what you are telling me is that Ike and Dick Nixon and Gerry Ford and Ronnie Reagan and Bush I and Dubya ALL vigorously vetoed any and every bill that increased the national debt by any amount and those vetoes were all overridden? They ALL submitted balanced budgets that did not raise the debt one penny and those nasty democrats filled their fiscally responsible debt reducing budgets with pork year after year, and, even though they vetoed them, the democrats still rammed them through? Is that your story? Is that the GOP's retelling of history to prove what a fiscally responsible party they have been.. and what fiscally responsible leaders they have sent to the White House? Have I got that about right?
sorry. I am not confused about anything. say...can YOU tell me what GOP president since WWII has ever lowered the national debt? just curious.

If you believe in personal responsibility and individual achievement and claim to be a liberal you are confused or to stupid to understand what they mean.

Since 1946 Democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years.

so...what you are telling me is that Ike and Dick Nixon and Gerry Ford and Ronnie Reagan and Bush I and Dubya ALL vigorously vetoed any and every bill that increased the national debt by any amount and those vetoes were all overridden? They ALL submitted balanced budgets that did not raise the debt one penny and those nasty democrats filled their fiscally responsible debt reducing budgets with pork year after year, and, even though they vetoed them, the democrats still rammed them through? Is that your story? Is that the GOP's retelling of history to prove what a fiscally responsible party they have been.. and what fiscally responsible leaders they have sent to the White House? Have I got that about right?
No I'm telling you that you're to stupid to see that you are confused, about being a proud liberal and what liberals stand for.
Hope , Change and Progress can be even more seductive the second time around..........Yes it Can children !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No I'm telling you that you're to stupid to see that you are confused, about being a proud liberal and what liberals stand for.

i think you're the one who has a bit of confusion in that regard.
Being part of the collective does not have anything to do with personal responsibility, and individual achievement
If you believe in personal responsibility and individual achievement and claim to be a liberal you are confused or to stupid to understand what they mean.

Since 1946 Democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years.

so...what you are telling me is that Ike and Dick Nixon and Gerry Ford and Ronnie Reagan and Bush I and Dubya ALL vigorously vetoed any and every bill that increased the national debt by any amount and those vetoes were all overridden? They ALL submitted balanced budgets that did not raise the debt one penny and those nasty democrats filled their fiscally responsible debt reducing budgets with pork year after year, and, even though they vetoed them, the democrats still rammed them through? Is that your story? Is that the GOP's retelling of history to prove what a fiscally responsible party they have been.. and what fiscally responsible leaders they have sent to the White House? Have I got that about right?
No I'm telling you that you're to stupid to see that you are confused, about being a proud liberal and what liberals stand for.

and again... I am not confused about a thing. Well... I AM confused about how you said - erroneously, by the way - that the democrats controlled all or part of the government for the last 60 years as a dodge to avoid answering the question: What republican president since WWII has NOT raised the national debt during his presidency? And if you want to claim that the congress did so against the president's wishes, show me the long line of overridden vetoes where fiscally responsible GOP presidents did all they could to keep the debt from rising. Can you answer that, or can you simply tapdance?
Where are you located in the states? I am coming back to my 40th reunion at USNA later this month, and then spending a week in NYC... if you're on the east coast, we could meet.

Trawl for anus some other place, nut sack.


you're the douchebag who needlessly insulted a navy veteran. ready to walk that back or are you ready to shut your piehole? You claim I didn't make O-5... I am willing to write you a check for ten thousand dollars if you are right.... if you are willing to write me a check for the same amount if you are wrong. Put up or shut the fuck up.

and the cowardly snake crawls back in his hole :lol: Why am I not surprised?
I cannot even imagine the sort of judges and lawyers a Ryan / Romney presidency would select. If you think Alito, Scalia, and Thomas are corporate ideologues, imagine corporate added to social ideologue. Actually let's not imagine, let's vote Obama / Biden. I have to update below.


"My claim is that it is people’s ideas, for instance about what they are owed, what matters, what it is worth fighting for, that determine who gets the food, land, guns, or money. The criticism and testing of those ideas is philosophy. It doesn’t have to be done by professionals calling themselves philosophers, but that is what it is. Practical people who think of themselves as ‘having no time for’ ideas are inevitably in the grip of all kinds of ideas, and if those are never brought out into the open, they can do untold damage. Just think of the ‘idea’ that greed is good, or that everybody is economically rational, and the damage it has done in the last forty years as deregulated free markets gradually went out of control." Simon Blackburn.
so...what you are telling me is that Ike and Dick Nixon and Gerry Ford and Ronnie Reagan and Bush I and Dubya ALL vigorously vetoed any and every bill that increased the national debt by any amount and those vetoes were all overridden? They ALL submitted balanced budgets that did not raise the debt one penny and those nasty democrats filled their fiscally responsible debt reducing budgets with pork year after year, and, even though they vetoed them, the democrats still rammed them through? Is that your story? Is that the GOP's retelling of history to prove what a fiscally responsible party they have been.. and what fiscally responsible leaders they have sent to the White House? Have I got that about right?
No I'm telling you that you're to stupid to see that you are confused, about being a proud liberal and what liberals stand for.

and again... I am not confused about a thing. Well... I AM confused about how you said - erroneously, by the way - that the democrats controlled all or part of the government for the last 60 years as a dodge to avoid answering the question: What republican president since WWII has NOT raised the national debt during his presidency? And if you want to claim that the congress did so against the president's wishes, show me the long line of overridden vetoes where fiscally responsible GOP presidents did all they could to keep the debt from rising. Can you answer that, or can you simply tapdance?
Being part of the collective would over shadow Individualism and personal responsibility. Liberal completely embrace collectivism
No the conversation turned to Mitt Romney so I as addressing his qualifications for the job and it'an I was simply pointing out that Mitt Romney has changed positions on just about every stance since his time as Gov. of Mass. and has surrounded himself with former members of President Bush's staff so thats a pretty good indication of how he will govern as President. Take that along with his clear indication to support the same economic positions that the former President supported and there is not much daylight there. As for the current President this does not excuse his responsibilty for the economic condition the nation is since his time in Office nor have I ever said otherwise. One can look at Mitt Romeny's time as Gov. all they wish and be hopeful that his more moderate positions that he held then and often times even positions to the left of some more radical Democrats are not the ones he holds now. So while I do believe that at his core Mitt Romney himself is more moderate than those around him , it remains to be seen how he will govern given his stances lately and those he surrounds himself with to help do that job. Now as for the President, I see him as a well meaning man but having said that in my humble opinion lacks the leadership skills to do the nations business and make tough choices needed to right this nations ship. I see this same issue with Mitt Romney as well, so again not much has changed.

I was simply pointing out that Mitt Romney has changed positions on just about every stance since his time as Gov. of Mass.
OK, could it be possible since Massachusetts is a more liberal state that Romney did what the state wanted him to do? Now he's moving in the direction of what the country would want him to do. Yes that's flip flopping but I do find it justifiable.

If that were the case then that is an indication of a man who adjusts his positions based on what he is running for rather than stating those of his own. Forgive me , but in my humble opinion thats not leadership, thats someone in a perpetual state of running for office. While it's true a person can and should be able grow in their beliefs over time , the fact that Mass. is a liberal state and the nation as a whole is a Center Right to Moderate nation should have no bearing on his beliefs at all.

For me, that describes Obama to a 'T', and everything in his background shows him to have not been honest with the American people about what his idealogies are and what he believes in. It's not the American consitution.
You oppose liberty, fiscal sanity, and basic human rights?

say that again while you're trying to interfere with my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

your idea of 'liberty, fiscal sanity and basic human rights" is perverse.

You're child is not your body. No one is stopping you from concieving or not concieving at your leisure, but when you have a child growing, that's a unique individual. They are entitled to the same right to life as anyone else.

Considering the right to life is the absolute foundation of human rights, I don't see how protecting innocent life is perverse. In fact, it seems completely fundamental.

And if you are soooo outraged about government exercising dominion over your body, i presume you oppose all government health care initiatives. Or does your body not really matter to you then?
No I'm telling you that you're to stupid to see that you are confused, about being a proud liberal and what liberals stand for.

and again... I am not confused about a thing. Well... I AM confused about how you said - erroneously, by the way - that the democrats controlled all or part of the government for the last 60 years as a dodge to avoid answering the question: What republican president since WWII has NOT raised the national debt during his presidency? And if you want to claim that the congress did so against the president's wishes, show me the long line of overridden vetoes where fiscally responsible GOP presidents did all they could to keep the debt from rising. Can you answer that, or can you simply tapdance?
Being part of the collective would over shadow Individualism and personal responsibility. Liberal completely embrace collectivism

nice tap dancing!

do you have a macro that spews that line about collectivism out so you don't have to keep retyping it over and over again? I, for one, do NOT completely embrace anything, unless perhaps when we discuss my family.

now... about that record of fiscally responsible GOP presidents.... any luck on that, or will the dance continue?
sorry. I am not confused about anything. say...can YOU tell me what GOP president since WWII has ever lowered the national debt? just curious.

If you believe in personal responsibility and individual achievement and claim to be a liberal you are confused or to stupid to understand what they mean.

Since 1946 Democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years.

so...what you are telling me is that Ike and Dick Nixon and Gerry Ford and Ronnie Reagan and Bush I and Dubya ALL vigorously vetoed any and every bill that increased the national debt by any amount and those vetoes were all overridden? They ALL submitted balanced budgets that did not raise the debt one penny and those nasty democrats filled their fiscally responsible debt reducing budgets with pork year after year, and, even though they vetoed them, the democrats still rammed them through? Is that your story? Is that the GOP's retelling of history to prove what a fiscally responsible party they have been.. and what fiscally responsible leaders they have sent to the White House? Have I got that about right?

You're talking about the national debt and supporting Obama in the same sentence??? :lol:
You oppose liberty, fiscal sanity, and basic human rights?

say that again while you're trying to interfere with my right to exercise dominion over my own body.

your idea of 'liberty, fiscal sanity and basic human rights" is perverse.

You're child is not your body. No one is stopping you from concieving or not concieving at your leisure, but when you have a child growing, that's a unique individual. They are entitled to the same right to life as anyone else.

Considering the right to life is the absolute foundation of human rights, I don't see how protecting innocent life is perverse. In fact, it seems completely fundamental.

And if you are soooo outraged about government exercising dominion over your body, i presume you oppose all government health care initiatives. Or does your body not really matter to you then?

When you introduce another person into the equation it no longer becomes and individual right
If you believe in personal responsibility and individual achievement and claim to be a liberal you are confused or to stupid to understand what they mean.

Since 1946 Democrats have controlled the government in part or whole for 60+ years.

so...what you are telling me is that Ike and Dick Nixon and Gerry Ford and Ronnie Reagan and Bush I and Dubya ALL vigorously vetoed any and every bill that increased the national debt by any amount and those vetoes were all overridden? They ALL submitted balanced budgets that did not raise the debt one penny and those nasty democrats filled their fiscally responsible debt reducing budgets with pork year after year, and, even though they vetoed them, the democrats still rammed them through? Is that your story? Is that the GOP's retelling of history to prove what a fiscally responsible party they have been.. and what fiscally responsible leaders they have sent to the White House? Have I got that about right?

You're talking about the national debt and supporting Obama in the same sentence??? :lol:
That's why I say he's confused.

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