Why I believe conservatives need to shut the government down


Dec 3, 2012
2013 Budget Showdown ? Why we need to shut the government down | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

I hear all over the internet from different Republicans why shutting the government down at the end of this month would be a bad thing. The biggest reason stated by most critics of this strategy is that all the blame would go to the Republicans.

Whether the blame for the shutdown would go to the Republicans or not is irrelevant. Doing what is right sometimes requires bravery and going against the polls. President Reagan went against the polls many times, George W. Bush did as well.

The Republicans need to reframe this argument – it must be clearly understood that it would be President Obama and the Democrats who would be shutting down the government. President Obama remarked today that some elements of the Republican party would shut down the government because they don’t get 100% of what they want.

Does anyone think that crossing off one item(Obama care) from a massive 3.7 trillion budget is getting 100% of what Conservatives want? Believe me Mr. President, we Conservatives would like to a cut a lot more than that. This is what we will compromise on or settle for.

President Obama said this right now speaking of the Tea Party conservatives leading this fight:

I can’t remember a time when one faction of one party promises chaos if it can’t get 100 percent of what it wants… that’s what happening right now,””

Amid hunt for Navy Yard shooters, Obama attacks Republicans on budget | The Daily Caller

May I remind the President and his liberal minions that their party back in 1990 did something very similar to George H. W. Bush? In fact his caving into them probably cost him the 1992 election to Bill Clinton with the rise of Ross Perot.
In 1990 a huge budget battle took place between Republicans and Democrats over spending cuts verses tax increases(the usual fight). The Democrats were insistent about getting their tax increases in and even allowed the government to be shutdown in order to do it. President Bush eventually caved and gave in to their tax increases and thus sealed his own political fate.

So it was a win-win for the democrats, they got their tax increase and they massively wounded the Republican President with his own base.

Again today President Obama spewed his tired old adage how he thinks we can fix the economy and get things moving again:

“The first order of business is to pass a sensible budget that replaces the sequester… [and] funds the investments in basic research and infrastructure that we need to grow”

The fix for the nation’s economy, he said, includes a tax increase. “It is the only way to do it,””

Amid hunt for Navy Yard shooters, Obama attacks Republicans on budget | The Daily Caller

Ok so translated - he is saying if the public sector(the government) takes away more from the private sector(businesses and consumers) and then the government takes that money and spends it the private economy will get better. This is the classic liberal Keynesian economic theory that big government makes for a good economy. Too bad it didn’t work for FDR(who actually prolonged the depression following this thinking) and it has never worked. The American economy has flourished in spite of Keynesian meddling, never because of it.

So today some 23 years later we have a similar battle going on, except this time it is between a Democratic President and a Republican House of Representatives. There are some differences though. President Obama is not up for reelection, so he has only his pride and legacy driving him. Also he has already granted all kinds of delays and waivers to his base because the implantation of Obama care as been so riddled with issues so far. Even his Union buddies are scared of it.

This is why I argue the Republican must continue this fight and allow Obama and the Democrats to shut down the government over their failed program – Obamacare. It may take a week, it make take several weeks, but eventually Obama will cave.

I predict that even if he does not cave, he will do something with Obamacare to appease Conservatives. He can just issue another one of his unconstitutional waivers, except this time give one to the entire country for the next two years. I think if we play our cards right we can take down Obamacare, but it won’t be in one battle, it will be a death by a thousand cuts.

I urge all my conservative friends or like minded Americans to go to Don't Fund Obamacare and sign the petition telling your representatives you want them to take a stand and fight for what is right.
You are ignoring the problems that would occur if the debt ceiling is not raised. A lot more would occur than just the republicans or Democrats being at fault. The debt ceiling needs to be raised to pay for bills that were made. The money has already been spent. If the debt ceiling is not raised the US will not be able to pay its debts. This would lower our credit rating in the world and lead to higher credit costs at home. Americans would see it as higher interest rates on cars and homes and on other items. As the US would be short on money Social Security as well as military wages could be cut. Think of it this way, suppose you use your credit card and charge $1500 dollars. But when the bills come in you only pay $1000. That $500 default would lead to you being charged at a higher rate for credit purposes since you would have a poor credit rating. Is that really what you want for the US?
2013 Budget Showdown ? Why we need to shut the government down | The Musings Of A Christian American Conservative

I hear all over the internet from different Republicans why shutting the government down at the end of this month would be a bad thing. The biggest reason stated by most critics of this strategy is that all the blame would go to the Republicans.

Whether the blame for the shutdown would go to the Republicans or not is irrelevant. Doing what is right sometimes requires bravery and going against the polls. President Reagan went against the polls many times, George W. Bush did as well.

The Republicans need to reframe this argument – it must be clearly understood that it would be President Obama and the Democrats who would be shutting down the government. President Obama remarked today that some elements of the Republican party would shut down the government because they don’t get 100% of what they want.

Does anyone think that crossing off one item(Obama care) from a massive 3.7 trillion budget is getting 100% of what Conservatives want? Believe me Mr. President, we Conservatives would like to a cut a lot more than that. This is what we will compromise on or settle for.

President Obama said this right now speaking of the Tea Party conservatives leading this fight:

I can’t remember a time when one faction of one party promises chaos if it can’t get 100 percent of what it wants… that’s what happening right now,””

Amid hunt for Navy Yard shooters, Obama attacks Republicans on budget | The Daily Caller

May I remind the President and his liberal minions that their party back in 1990 did something very similar to George H. W. Bush? In fact his caving into them probably cost him the 1992 election to Bill Clinton with the rise of Ross Perot.
In 1990 a huge budget battle took place between Republicans and Democrats over spending cuts verses tax increases(the usual fight). The Democrats were insistent about getting their tax increases in and even allowed the government to be shutdown in order to do it. President Bush eventually caved and gave in to their tax increases and thus sealed his own political fate.

So it was a win-win for the democrats, they got their tax increase and they massively wounded the Republican President with his own base.

Again today President Obama spewed his tired old adage how he thinks we can fix the economy and get things moving again:

“The first order of business is to pass a sensible budget that replaces the sequester… [and] funds the investments in basic research and infrastructure that we need to grow”

The fix for the nation’s economy, he said, includes a tax increase. “It is the only way to do it,””

Amid hunt for Navy Yard shooters, Obama attacks Republicans on budget | The Daily Caller

Ok so translated - he is saying if the public sector(the government) takes away more from the private sector(businesses and consumers) and then the government takes that money and spends it the private economy will get better. This is the classic liberal Keynesian economic theory that big government makes for a good economy. Too bad it didn’t work for FDR(who actually prolonged the depression following this thinking) and it has never worked. The American economy has flourished in spite of Keynesian meddling, never because of it.

So today some 23 years later we have a similar battle going on, except this time it is between a Democratic President and a Republican House of Representatives. There are some differences though. President Obama is not up for reelection, so he has only his pride and legacy driving him. Also he has already granted all kinds of delays and waivers to his base because the implantation of Obama care as been so riddled with issues so far. Even his Union buddies are scared of it.

This is why I argue the Republican must continue this fight and allow Obama and the Democrats to shut down the government over their failed program – Obamacare. It may take a week, it make take several weeks, but eventually Obama will cave.

I predict that even if he does not cave, he will do something with Obamacare to appease Conservatives. He can just issue another one of his unconstitutional waivers, except this time give one to the entire country for the next two years. I think if we play our cards right we can take down Obamacare, but it won’t be in one battle, it will be a death by a thousand cuts.

I urge all my conservative friends or like minded Americans to go to Don't Fund Obamacare and sign the petition telling your representatives you want them to take a stand and fight for what is right.

There was a time when I used to laugh when I read ignorant statements which were passed off as erudite analysis or enlightened thinking. But those were the days when nobody important seemed to give those ideas serious consideration regardless of how big a megaphone the speaker seemed to have.

But now things are different. People who SHOULD know better (and maybe they do) are following the lead of people who are fools, probably for little other reason than they think they can gain some kind of political advantage by doing so regardless of how much harm they do to the country in the process. People like that should never be allowed to have real power because they don't have the best interests of the nation in mind. Seemingly they don't seem to care who they hurt or how badly they hurt them if they can somehow turn events to their own personal advantage.

Now, you may think that's just fine with you as long as YOU are not directly impacted, although you'll likely be indirectly impacted. But ask yourself a question. If these people don't care about who they hurt to get what they want vis-a-vis acquiring more personal power or political advantage, can you ever be truly sure that they wouldn't do the very same thing to you if the right set of circumstances and situation presented itself?
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If you think Obama is going to cave or compromise on this issue, you live in a fantasy world.

What is the alternative? continue giving Obama everything he wants? Does he not have to compromise?
The debt ceiling has been raised dozens of times by presidents of BOTH parties. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF RAISING THE DEBT CEILING HAS EITHER PARTY TIED THEIR POLITICAL ADGENDA TO RAISING THE DEBT CEILING. The current republican party have done so for the first time in history to try to blackmail the president into getting their way. They are behaving like spoiled children who are willing to destroy the credit rating of this country to get their way. You don't compromise with spoiled children! President Obama needs to refuse to compromise on this issue or we will see the republicans pull this stupid trick over and over until they are made to stop. Paying a blackmailer does not make the blackmailer go away. It makes them come back again and again.
If you think Obama is going to cave or compromise on this issue, you live in a fantasy world.

What is the alternative? continue giving Obama everything he wants? Does he not have to compromise?

Yes, let's make blackmail a regular thing in American Politics. If a republican wins the president chair in 2016? who cares? just blackmail them with the democratic majority in the Senate.
If you think Obama is going to cave or compromise on this issue, you live in a fantasy world.

What is the alternative? continue giving Obama everything he wants? Does he not have to compromise?

All the democrats and Obama has been doing is bending over backwards for the GOP trash, who just throw temper tantrums that want everything their way or no way.

Obama needs to keep his middle fingers high to the right wing garbage.
dimocraps are in the process of committing suicide.

Why should we step in and prevent it?

Give the Stuttering Clusterfuck and ignorant, stupid dims what they want and let them explain why none of it works come election time.

I think the 'Blame Bush' meme has about run its course.

As to the rest? dimocraps, as usual don't know anything but what they want.

The Constitution gives the 'Power of The Purse' to the House of Representatives.


The idiot who said that Debt Ceiling votes have never been tied to other legislation really needs to get out of his mommy's basement more often. Or watch News For Gown-Ups.... Like FNC

Throughout History, Debt Limit Votes Have Been Used To Pass Other Legislation. On September 18, 2013, the Stuttering Clusterfuck remarked, “You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt.” However, yesterday The Washington Post detailed several times throughout history that the debt ceiling vote was used a vehicle for other legislative matters. According to a 1993 study conducted by Linda Kowalcky and Lance LeLoup, 25 non-relevant amendments had been attached to debt limit bills between 1978 and 1987 relating to items from school prayer to proposing a nuclear freeze. One of the more striking examples was in 1980 when Congress repealed a major part of President Carter’s energy policy.

Obama?s claim that non-budget items have ?never? been attached to the debt ceiling

The commie-leaning WaPo gave the Stuttering Clusterfuck Four (4) Pinocchios. Which essentially means, "You're a lying bitch"


Here's another link proving what a lying bitch the Stuttering Clusterfuck is.


dimocraps lie. What else is new?
If you think Obama is going to cave or compromise on this issue, you live in a fantasy world.

What is the alternative? continue giving Obama everything he wants? Does he not have to compromise?
The debt ceiling has been raised dozens of times by presidents of BOTH parties. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF RAISING THE DEBT CEILING HAS EITHER PARTY TIED THEIR POLITICAL ADGENDA TO RAISING THE DEBT CEILING. The current republican party have done so for the first time in history to try to blackmail the president into getting their way. They are behaving like spoiled children who are willing to destroy the credit rating of this country to get their way. You don't compromise with spoiled children! President Obama needs to refuse to compromise on this issue or we will see the republicans pull this stupid trick over and over until they are made to stop. Paying a blackmailer does not make the blackmailer go away. It makes them come back again and again.

Its the Dems who want to spend trillions more and raise our credit card limit to do so, instead of paying off the damned debt. That sounds a lot more like a spoiled child. The Republicans are being the ADULT and telling them NO, you must start paying off what you already owe first.

Only a stupid fucking progressive shitbag would possibly think raising the debt ceiling and spending trillions more is the responsible thing to do.
Only a stupid fucking progressive shitbag would possibly think raising the debt ceiling and spending trillions more is the responsible thing to do.

Right wing dream boy reagan raised the debt ceiling not once, not twice, but eighteen freakin' times. He also spent the nation into oblivion racking up trillions in debt.

The right wing trash seems to think spending like maniacs and sending the debt soaring is good fiscal policies :cuckoo:
Only a stupid fucking progressive shitbag would possibly think raising the debt ceiling and spending trillions more is the responsible thing to do.

Right wing dream boy reagan raised the debt ceiling not once, not twice, but eighteen freakin' times. He also spent the nation into oblivion racking up trillions in debt.

The right wing trash seems to think spending like maniacs and sending the debt soaring is good fiscal policies :cuckoo:

Where were you in 1980?

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