Why I believe in God and Jesus


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.
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What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Well that cartoon really convinced me!!!:uhoh3:
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Well that cartoon really convinced me!!!:uhoh3:

I'm sure it doesn't.

But, it's pretty obvious from your constant flame threads who makes you angry.

And it isn't (like I said) someone practicing crystalology. It's the guy singing hymns.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Dio is actually a Christian. Or at least he was.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Dio is actually a Christian. Or at least he was.

Singing for Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper?


Sorry, don't buy it.

Matthew 7:15-20 King James Version

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Well that cartoon really convinced me!!!:uhoh3:

I'm sure it doesn't.

But, it's pretty obvious from your constant flame threads who makes you angry.

And it isn't (like I said) someone practicing crystalology. It's the guy singing hymns.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

Let's ask atheists the amount of dander that goes up when they confide to Christians they are atheists.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Well that cartoon really convinced me!!!:uhoh3:

I'm sure it doesn't.

But, it's pretty obvious from your constant flame threads who makes you angry.

And it isn't (like I said) someone practicing crystalology. It's the guy singing hymns.
View attachment 35651

I really didn't get that she was tired of your anti-religious posts out of the OP, she didn't say that at all, but you often do have to make things up in order to post your nonsense, so no surprises there. lol
Wait a minute, isn't it the same reason you believe in the Devil too?
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Dio is actually a Christian. Or at least he was.

Singing for Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper?


Sorry, don't buy it.

Matthew 7:15-20 King James Version

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

I don't spend a lot of time worrying about whether people really are Christian...but I was just under the impression that he was. Maybe it was just a vicious rumor.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

I came to this conclusion in the 80s when I went into a record store and on the wall was a big poster for a heavy metal group which depicted a demon throwing a chained priest into a lake to drown.


You don't see posters killing muslims or buddists. But Christians! Oh yeah, you see that.

I noted who the enemy is. It's never atheism, buddism, islam, etc etc. It's ALWAYS either Judaism, or Christianity.

In short, the devil knows who his enemies are, and those he holds in his thrall know it as well.

Oh they may not know they are in the thrall of the devil, but they know who makes them angry. And it isn't your New Age guy worshiping crystals, it's the guy singing hymns at Church.

When I see how the world is aligned against one common enemy, I know the truth about this world.

Oh you can disagree. You can blast me with all kinds of names. But don't you see? You are just proving what I say to be true.

Well that cartoon really convinced me!!!:uhoh3:

I'm sure it doesn't.

But, it's pretty obvious from your constant flame threads who makes you angry.

And it isn't (like I said) someone practicing crystalology. It's the guy singing hymns.
View attachment 35651

I'm never said I'm tired of your anti-religious posts.

I'm saying they are why I know Jesus is real.

It's too bad you are too small of a person to get that.
What's my evidence? YOU!

Tell people you are a muslim, they are cool with you. An atheist? The same. Buddist?

Oh, some people criticize, but not much.

BUT YOU SAY YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN! And watch the dander go up.

Let's ask atheists the amount of dander that goes up when they confide to Christians they are atheists.

Yeah, the Christians storm into French magazine offices when they hear about it.

Oh wait, they don't!

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