Why I can never be a conservative

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Plain and simple! Not ONE single conservative can tell me what conservatives have ACTUALLY CONSERVED...

That's because those that claim to be conservative really aren't conservatives just like those that claim to be liberal really aren't liberal. Both sides have been invaded by some really sick people that are fringe and are really out to remake the US in what their sick minds think is their own image.
Hello Terri.

It boils down to leftism as a belief system (religion) which requires slavish adherence and discourages or even prohibits individual thought, while conservatism is a cognitive disposition that requires individual thought.

Well said. Thank you for that.

You do realize that what you said is the very reason that no Liberal here will understand your post. LOL

That's because those that claim to be conservative really aren't conservatives just like those that claim to be liberal really aren't liberal. Both sides have been invaded by some really sick people that are fringe and are really out to remake the US in what their sick minds think is their own image.

For the record, I was explaining why Conservatism itself is.
I am fully aware that there are many who profess to be conservatives but fall short. But that can be said for any group, religious, political or otherwise, right? Every group has its slackers.
Unless your name is 'Running Bear' ... you and your family are immigrants.

Deal with it.

Wrong. This land became ours when we conquered it.

Deal with it.

Dear satrebil fncceo
Yes and No. Where situations are like Hawaii, the MANAGEMENT of land and resources should still belong
to Natives who did not surrender willingly but were coerced. In Hawaii's case, the Natives made no violent
attacks but were defending themselves from military takeover that was unprovoked.

The issue preventing the US from handing back the land unconditionally is
NATIONAL SECURITY. Other countries such as Russia, China, Korea could attack and take over
Hawaii as a base and then start planting troops and bases there for closer range to attack.

So the solution could be to declare all the airspace, border and perimeter regions AROUND
Hawaii as US territory for national defense. And still include the STATE of Hawaii as having
representation in Congress to invoke Constitutional protections as the rest of the US.

But then allow the Kingdom of Hawaii to reclaim dominion WITHIN the US and govern
their own citizens and manage their own lands. While any US citizens there can still vote
and elect Congressional and other US reps as currently, while RENTING from Hawaii owners.

The tables would be turned, instead of Natives "renting space" at the mercy of outside landholders,
they would own the land and rent to US citizens and government holding space there to represent
the citizens while the surrounding perimeter AROUND Hawaii (all the borders and entry ways by land,
air or sea) would still be under US JURISDICTION FOR NATIONAL SECURITY.

We can do the same for other Indigenous tribes claiming land.
The reparations they are owed should include damages for environment
destruction to the native wilderness, ecosystems and wildlife based on
the cost to set up sustainable jobs and work-study internships to
restore and preserve natural resources to become stabilized again.

California needs this, and can create its own indigenous economy
and currency based on backing financing against the value of the
natural wilderness and wildlife as its economic base for job creation.

Dear Odium:
If you don't like the business ethics of exploitative companies,
don't work for them, don't buy from them.
Go start your own. Even BERNIE SANDERS is pushing for worker owned cooperatives.

Why don't the workers unions start asking and get more help from
CONSERVATIVE business investors and start training/mentoring
more workers and managers to SET UP THEIR OWN BUSINESSES.

The Progressives fed up with Democrats and their elitist politics for greed
could just as easily be "bought out" by offering more sustainable business support,
NOT BY HANDOUTS as Democrats try to sell them through govt,

Health care cooperatives offer this same incentive and solution
that liberates people from dependence on politics and govt.

If we quit relying on govt to fix things, and change where
we invest our own money, the ownership in this country
will shift and can't be bought out any more. Not if we don't let it!
And some more:


How come I keep coming back to Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote?
This area, near the mouth of the Fremont Canyon, is not its winter showing in which Roadrunners are never seen due to its negative Farenheit numbers any time after mid-October through May .....

Sounds inhospitable.

All you have to do is envision a spring snow that is 4-8 feet tall. Like this times twelve:

I'd rather picture this:


or this:

And some more:


How come I keep coming back to Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote?
This area, near the mouth of the Fremont Canyon, is not its winter showing in which Roadrunners are never seen due to its negative Farenheit numbers any time after mid-October through May .....

Sounds inhospitable.

All you have to do is envision a spring snow that is 4-8 feet tall. Like this times twelve:

I'd rather picture this:


or this:


Red Snapper and a Yellowtail?

Yellowtail snapper is the best eating fish on the planet.
How come I keep coming back to Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote?
This area, near the mouth of the Fremont Canyon, is not its winter showing in which Roadrunners are never seen due to its negative Farenheit numbers any time after mid-October through May .....

Sounds inhospitable.

All you have to do is envision a spring snow that is 4-8 feet tall. Like this times twelve:

I'd rather picture this:


or this:


Red Snapper and a Yellowtail?

Yellowtail snapper is the best eating fish on the planet.

It's my favorite. :)
Its done what I wanted it to do. Give those who are tired of the cuckservative bullshit a real reason to not claim to be conservatives. You have to actually conserve something before you can call yourself and NOTHING is more important to be conserved than our race that founded this country.
Its done what I wanted it to do. Give those who are tired of the cuckservative bullshit a real reason to not claim to be conservatives. You have to actually conserve something before you can call yourself and NOTHING is more important to be conserved than our race that founded this country.
Sir or ma'am, when you say "cuckservative bullshit" it tells me you have marginalized conservatives to the point of relegating us to sexual and scatological terms. That says nothing about conservative error, but it tells the world what kind of a person you have made of yourself in American society. Nothing deserves more pity than a person who gets off on marginalizing his or her fellow man. I hope you find other means of expressing your angst than terms so vulgar they leave the mark of vulgarity on you.

When I wrote the above "laugh," I was only trying to support your thread, even if as a very right of right conservative, I disagree with you. I still support your right of free speech. I was hoping people would get back on topic, which often leaves me friendless. But that's how I am. I prefer arguments that try to stay on topic, even when the OP has dealt from the bottom of the deck against people I know to be true-blue supporters of the United States Constitution, know how dangerous the world can be when you owe foreign governments and persons money rather than staying within the national budget, and still encourage good will, scientific improvement, and healthy adults into their senior years.

We know it is not an ideal world, that politicians can improve certain aspects of life for our America. We were enthusiastic about President Trump because he was about strengthening America in the marketplace, in military defense, so that we will be prepared for whatever foreign nations bring on, such as Pearl Harbor, the destruction of the World Trade Center, Nuclear testing closer to American shores than North Korean ones, and the total unfairness of trading with a partner who sold but never bought.

If you do not pay your bills, you could lose your electrical power, you could lose your home or be removed from your rental by the landlord, you could lose banking privileges, credit privileges, and you could even lose your job.

If we become a country that does not pay its bills, we can expect to get considerable grief from countries that used to like doing business with us until we decided not to pay up on schedule.

That's why I supported President Trump. And it seems to me he lives to make his promises good.
Its done what I wanted it to do. Give those who are tired of the cuckservative bullshit a real reason to not claim to be conservatives. You have to actually conserve something before you can call yourself and NOTHING is more important to be conserved than our race that founded this country.

NOBODY has ever accused you of being bright, have they?

  1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
View attachment 266027

Plain and simple! Not ONE single conservative can tell me what conservatives have ACTUALLY CONSERVED...

Great, perhaps you fricken loons could tell us what liberals have ACTUALLY LIBERATED.
Both sides are shit. Liberals are nothing more than marxists in disguise.
Its done what I wanted it to do. Give those who are tired of the cuckservative bullshit a real reason to not claim to be conservatives. You have to actually conserve something before you can call yourself and NOTHING is more important to be conserved than our race that founded this country.

NOBODY has ever accused you of being bright, have they?


    • holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
Oh boy! Holding on to traditional values and attitudes by REFUSING to preserve them from being erased....that'll show the cultural marxists!

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